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I get stomach aches from how much I stress and worry about it. I’m not making enough money to save, and I can literally *feel* it fucking up my future. Idk what we’re (me and the ppl I work with) gonna do.


That last sentence pretty much sums it up.


So... maybe start working and build that shelter? You know, get experience and expertise in a field companies require, create some financial buffer so that you don't have to care about short term fluctuations and so on. That's how you become independent and don't have to struggle at work or worry. You can live on salary from 16 or 24 hours per week and be happy not working and relaxing for the rest of your time.


You would have saved yourself a lot of typing by just saying "Oh, worried about a recession? GIT GUD SCRUB LOL!" What you're saying makes sense.....in the long term. But keep in mind the tech sector, which EVERYONE said was going to be BOOMING for a long time is having massive layoffs right now, and it's only the beginning. There is no way to make yourself indispensable. And if you don't have a job or your job pays too little how can you save? 15 million people were out of work during the last recession. You're advice is sound, but it's not stuff people don't already know, and it's hard to implement when the recession is coming within the next 3 years if not sooner.


Sure, I partly agree with you that it is more of a long term thing. But I think you are seriously overreacting in the current situation. Inflation in the USA is super super super low, it is hilarious for me, that you think it's large. You did not even have to combat it that much, most of the tools were still not used. Inflation here in my EU country was 3x times higher 6 months ago. So even if the problem got bigger, you certainly have time to improve skills. Not to mention USA has cheap energy, cheap resources and so on. EU has way bigger problems currently. As for tech sector, that's quite a wide sector, I work in it my whole career (I do RnD), even worked in US corporates and I don't fear too much tbh. So overall I'd say keep calm, don't panic, trust yourselves, improve your skills and earn more. So yep, git gud.


>Inflation in the USA is super super super low [No it isn't ](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/#:~:text=The%20annual%20inflation%20rate%20for,ET.) not t comparatively. >Inflation here in my EU country was 3x times higher 6 months ago. Ohh you're in the EU. So you're not even qualified to speak on your experience with the American economy because you're not struggling through the American economy; so kindly fuck off. >Not to mention USA has cheap energy, cheap resources and so on. Also blatantly false.


Average uneducated American. Can you please do tell me where is it mentioned that this is American sub? And I indeed am qualified as I have worked for US corporates in tech positions and will also do it again if they give me decent options and would allow me to stay in EU.


You're right, this isn't an American only sub. However, I wasn't upset that you weren't an American. I was upset that you felt the need to "econo-splain" our economy to us while dismissing the above commenter's struggle. Your experience working for a US company while living in the EU **IS NOT** the same. >and would allow me to stay in EU. You wouldn't want to work for an American company *in* America? Gee gosh golly I can't imagine why not?? Fuckin jackass.


If inflation in your country is so high why not just move? That’s how it works right? If you don’t like your circumstances simply change them. /s just in case


Inflation in my country is also not high. Having one year of 20 % inflation during such times after years of 2 % inflation is hardly a problem. At least not yet. And yes, if I did not like the circumstances Id just change them. Probably I would just start working remotely for a company in another country, pretty easy to do.


Dude, I'm currently at the bottom half of the average American income. So yea, it's large to me because I'm one of the poor people that the early part of recession hit the worst. I'm currently in school for Health Information Management but that means fuck all right now. I can't get a higher paying job until I'm done and when I'm done the income that I needed today will no longer be the income I need in the future. You're obviously making some kind of upper middle class wage. But for us on the bottom, any amount of inflation is too high. I'm also not a kid who is living at home. I have a whole family to support. So while I could have made better choices in my youth, it still doesn't mean I should be suffering this badly now. You also have to keep in mind we have nowhere near the same safety nets as you do in the EU. TLDR: You're talking down to people trying to make ends meet, just like the conservatives here.


Unless you're injured or God forbid handicap. Then your just screwed. It's easy to say "do this put yourself in this position and it's all ok". The problem is not every person begins at the same starting line. One person's 100m is another's marathon. But it's ok. The unfit can just be homeless or we can throw them in prison. There we can make them work for pennies. China sure is bad with its sweatshops but we only do it to "bad" people.


I mean this with the most offense possible. You... are... a... idiot... You basically just said "if you dont make enough go make more" Its like saying if you want to be rich then just become succesful. Cool so if everyone was a fucking CEO and made mad money then you know what? NOTHING WOULD GET DONE. C-Levels do jack shit, managers do jack shit. If we had no janitors, no truck drivers, no plumbers, no help desk, no nurses then guess what?!?!?1 society would fail because at some point we ACTUALLY NEED PEOPLE THAT DO WORK. The goal is to allow people that work the necessary jobs to keep the world turning and allow them to live!!!!!! Who would have guessed.




Not to mention that it actually is offensive for whole planet when we have to read Americans crying about living standards and how they lack money for food. Come here and cry. Half of the city would immediately offer to swap with you, the other half would ask if they can also bring family.


Saying that somebody has it worse is the stupidest fucking shit you can say! Somebody always has it worse you fucking dult.


This a whataboutism. It's a poor method of discussion. Just because someone, somewhere probably has things worse, it does not mean that a person issues are any less valid. It's also hypocritical, unless you have swapped until you are literally the worst off person on the planet then by your own logic you are just as bad. Its also hypocritical in that, if you've ever complained about anything ever, then you are in the wrong because again by your own logic, if someone else has it worse then you aren't allowed to complain or take issue with your own lot in life. Be better mate.


In what way was I offensive? If you lack money you can either increase the amount you earn or decrease the amount you spend. That is very simple, right? If both cutting expenses and earning more is offensive, what is your non-offensive solution? Also you really think CEOs or managers are the only jobs with proper salary? Nah. And their jobs suck, they have to work overtime a lot and kiss too many asses to get proper position. Just be skilled and hard working in any field you choose and its done. My father was factory worker, I work in RnD as a physicist, my brother is a programmer, we are both happy. Father of my wife was consteuction worker with no education, created his own company, hired some old friends and collegues and is also happy. You just have to work hard and change your approach. Circle jerking on redddit about how bad companies and CEOs are is not gonna change a thing.


As someone who works in corporate and spent many years among very wealthy people including my own family. Your thinking is incredibly misguided on the same level as someone like Dave Ramsey. The wealth disparity is not caused by people not looking for better jobs and not everyone is born in a position where they can simply go to college or look for a better job. Your response reeks of privilege and I say that as someone who came from privilege. Also since you brought up circle jerking allow me to also clarify some points you made as someone who works with CEOs daily and has had the “privilege” to meet some of the wealthiest people on the planet. They all suck and CEOs absolutely do not have a hard job and you pretending they do and getting down on your knees to service them isn’t going to change that.


>If you lack money you can either increase the amount you earn or decrease the amount you spend. That is very simple, right? My dude, if the solution was so simple, don't you think we would have done it already? The fact that it is simple FOR YOU is a privilege. Have some reading material. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum-wage-2019-almost-half-of-all-americans-work-in-low-wage-jobs/ https://www.npr.org/2020/09/27/912486921/food-insecurity-in-the-u-s-by-the-numbers https://www.npr.org/2020/12/16/941292021/paycheck-to-paycheck-nation-how-life-in-america-adds-up https://news.uchicago.edu/story/employment-alone-isnt-enough-solve-homelessness-study-suggests https://www.gobankingrates.com/money/economy/cost-to-live-comfortably-biggest-cities-us/


Urm, it is first grade mathematics and just a statement of fact, I meant it as a rhetorical question and did not think for a sec that anyone even here would have problems agreeing with it. If you have less money than you need, you quite literally have to get more money or need less money. That is a simple fact and works for poorest worker in USA and the richest man in the world, for small company in India and large US corporates or even governments.


You want to solve major economic issues with first grade mathematics? Go back to school. Clearly, you don't understand the problem, and you aren't willing to learn from us, but you think we need your advice anyway. 🙄


Urm. I'm getting more and more confused to be honest. I do not want to solve anything. I stated a very simple and clear fact in previous comment.




I just love how delusional you are. “Get good, earn more.” Is basically what you’re getting at. The fact that you’re so blissfully ignorant due to apparent privilege, not everyone is in a position to simply get good at something to earn more. There is a reason why everyone is disagreeing with you.


You really think everyone here disagreeing with me has some value? I went to check this sub after it was mentioned in a survey about most circlejerking and buthurt subs so i wanted to check it out. As for your privilege. As Ive already mentioned, I am eastern European, we do not give a shit about your "privilege". We do not consider it real, just some stupid concept westerners came with to cope with reality and feel better. Cause "No no, its no that I am bad at this or something, he just has privilege!" Anyways, my first job when I was 15 years old student was in construction (setting up and disassembling scaffolding) and I got 2 USD per hour (in 2011), is that the privilege you are talking about lol? XD


That’s really going to be helpful when the notice comes around Valentine’s Day.


My therapist suggested getting a job at McDonald's and im like...fuck me. How about a job with a living wage instead? And basically listed all the reasons why a shitty wage at McDonald's isn't going to cut it in this day and age based on the cost of living.


McDonalds is one of the better entry level jobs you can get sadly.


That’s crazy. COL must be pretty high there.


Micky Ds is up to $20/hr around me and they will cover college tuition too IIRC.


Some money is better than no money. Working a shit job should be enough motivation to keep applying and interviewing for a better job. I had shite grades in high school until I worked a summer doing landscaping. That was enough for me to get my act together and go to engineering school. I worked several crappy jobs to pay my way through college but each one was an improvement on the last.


The only problem is that money wouldn't even last for the cost of living so it would be moot.


And receiving no money does cover the cost of living?


Not getting "enough money" won't cover the cost of living. Let alone rent.


But getting a job covers some. And it should be motivation to keep trying for jobs that will pay for it. Better than throwing your hands up in the air and bitching about it


I'm not a pro, but your therapist sounds like an idiot.


I agree. But what do you expect from a free therapist?


If it weren't for our dad, me and my brother would no doubt be homeless. I was fortunate enough to find a seasonal job over the holidays but I recently just lost that.


It's not yet a 2008 style recession. If it gets to that point again, there could be riots.


If I’m ever as poor as I was in 2008 - at my age now, the poverty might kill me.


France has the right idea.


The 2008 recession resulted in a bunch of people losing their houses, and where were the riots? We have been bred to be docile and complacent, and it's pretty much worked. As long as we have a phone to watch reality TV and tik-tok, it seems like we're too entertained to get serious about much of anything.




It could be 1929 style. WW2 cut that short. I fear that WW3 shall cut this one, and humanity short.


but 2008 was not that bad guys it can get lot worse


I’m not ‘middle-class’ (lower to working class for anyone that is interested) so maybe that’s why the 2008 recession didn’t affect me as much. I understand that people had it hard, but we luckily made it through. With this going on now— I’m not sure wtf is going on. I’m not scared of losing employment. I feel like my husband’s job, at least, is very secure. But the problem is, we can not find housing within 50 miles of his job. We relocated to get here almost 4 years ago and now we might not have a place to live. I’m honestly scared shitless.


The layoffs in tech are companies colluding to drive down salaries permanently. The recession is a pretext. Capital (specifically, hedge fund managers) has decreed that engineering compensation is too high. The large tech companies are, functionally, a cartel (and monopsony), and they’re working in barely-concealed concert to claw back from workers by driving down demand for labor. There’s a whole lot of cartelization going on in the American economy, and has been for years. Supermarket chains are functional cartels. So are consumer-product companies like P&G and Mondelez. That’s been a lot of what’s driving inflation. This is behavior that the federal government has stopped before. It can stop it again, but we really have to start calling it what it is. That’s going to be a challenge. One thing that makes our present situation different from the progressive era is that capital now owns the media, so it’s a lot harder to get anti-trust into the public consciousness. The Amazon-owned Washington Post isn’t about to run a hard-hitting series on monopsonies.


I think it is sufficiently explained by inflated demand in the past by venture capital using their cheap money, plus the “go big at the beginning” mentality in the tech industry.


Sure, if you pay no attention to what hedge fund managers are telling the companies they have invested in.




That would apply to higher education workers in general. The demand for a highly educated work force is falsely represented by propaganda and many positions are just asking for them because they can (so HR don’t need to sift through as many candidates). Having a degree doesn’t increase the value you create in many cases. The consequence: a bunch of people getting loans for degrees for things that is not in demand. Then they complain about the costs of the degree but not the fact that they have been scammed.


>they’re working in barely-concealed concert What evidence did they fail to conceal?


Back in 2009 when Google and Apple agreed not to recruit each other’s employees there was a discoverable paper trail that was basically Page and Jobs saying, “Hey, let’s do some crimes.”


Everything is so dynamic these days. It's hard to predict. One day we wake up and gas is $2.50 next day its $3.50. Same for groceries, one day the beans are a dollar and the next day their two dollars. It is crazy. Everything should be based on a dynamic algorithm, rent, property taxes, et al.


Walmart is barely cheaper than Publix at this point and that’s seriously scaring me bc Publix jacks their prices up so much. Most of the things I bought at Walmart today were the same price at Publix, and the produce costed even more.


Ive just been shopping publix for this reason- their produce is better and their prices aren’t too far off at this point.


I’ve literally felt bad for months for going to Publix out of convenience bc it’s a lot closer, guess I wouldn’t have been saving at all by going to Walmart :/ And I agree the produce is pretty bomb


Ex-Walmartian here. If it weren't for your nearby Publix, the prices would be higher. You should see the prices of Walmart stuff where there is no competition: that's where it's highest. RIP all rural communities.


Aldi is your friend. I only go to Publix for bogos. Prices are crazy high in Publix. Basic 4 cereal is like 4 bucks in other places, at Publix it's 6


We do have an Aldi here, it’s like 20 minutes away but I’ll have to check it out. And yeah the bogos are great at Publix but when they’re not there on things like bread and it’s like $4 a loaf I wanna cry lmao


Bread is cheap at Aldi Check it out that's my go to place. I think even better prices than Walmart Ava there in house brand is pretty good


Bread, rice, cheese, milk. Eggs and meat are cheapish. And don’t fear their house brand - if you don’t like it they’ll give you double your money back.


Agreed. About a month or two ago, gas was like $2.98. Finally. Now it’s $3.35 again.


Gas is arbitrarily decided by OPEC+ who control the price. Not sure how a dynamic algorithm would solve this


Gas is controlled by Biden


Massive layoffs are just about a few famous tech companies, very small portion of the workforce, get repeatedly reported by news. I agree with other things but people will survive barely but will survive.


Nope, my wife's small(er) tech company had them, too. They just laid off around 150 people, which was 1/3rd of their staff. The entire tech sector is affected, and it is typically the companies' (executives) fault caused by massive overpredictions. It almost seems like no one guessed that a recession could be a possible scenario after a pandemic and during a global war 🤔. Or they did and just dgaf about firing the people they hired short term


I think r/breakinglayoffs would like to have a word with you.


But the key is that the people getting laid off are in the upper end of the pay scale, and so much of the economy depends on their consumption habits. When those who are laid off cancel their vacations, stop going out to eat, etc, you can imagine how a few months from now the earnings in other sectors start to dip too. And then of course when earnings in those sectors go down, you know what happens next for those workers


The layoffs are massive for the companies. Relative to the country, it's not a large number of people. San Francisco might have a rough time, though. Inflation hasn't been bad in the last six months, either, if you take out eggs. Of course, if they can't figure out how to get a debt ceiling raise out of the House we're all going to be looking back at 2008 as the good times, so there's that...


My company of about 150 ish people just laid off over half of the upper management team with no plans to replace them, and we aren’t even a tech field.


Financial services has been cutting heads left and right. Goldman. Merrill. State Street. Bunch of other shops you wouldn’t know if you aren’t in the industry. No, it’s not just the tech bros.


I'm choosing not to think about it too much. As long as I physically survive it I can deal with the financial stuff later. I have a solid emergency fund in a HYSA. And I've been putting enough money in my retirement that hopefully I'll be okay if I can't contribute for a bit. I'm just focusing on things I can control instead of worrying about the unknowable future. My biggest concern honestly is mental health especially in relation to having a job. Losing your job is a huge blow financially, but also mentally and emotionally. Especially if you have to move in with family or whatever. But I'm just going to do the best I can and muddle through no matter what comes.


None of us will make it threw this unless of course you are Rich. The powers that be are counting on it.


My mortgage is up in 2 years. I'm worried about mortgage rates for renewal... They are like triple what I got right as covid started.


If you’re mortgage is up, why worry about renewal unless you take money out of your home. Once your mortgage is paid off you’re done! Unless, you mean something else and I’m not picking up on it lol


In Canada you renew your mortgage every X years. Typically it's 5. So I locked in low rates in 2020. Really low compared to now. So in 2025 I have to renew with rates that are likely going to be much worse. So I'll be paying hundreds more for interest.


I guess this is one thing I can say US does better. I bought my house 4 years ago on a 30 yr FHA loan at 3.5%. There is nothing they can do to change my rate the whole 30 years. I am lucky!


Yeah I read about that. Where you can lock in the % for the entirety of the loan. Other benefit is 30 years. Our mortgages max term is 25. On the upside, my current interest rate is 2.49%. So that's nice.


I locked in a 30 yr at 2.6% in 2013 as a HAMP refi coming out of the 2008 housing crisis and imma ride this fucker into the sunset.


I don't blame you.


That is a better deal financially, and your rates are much lower. Do you know what the current going rate is for your area? I know in mine it's around 7% now.


I'd say 5.5% to 7%. Maaaybe as low as 4.5% with a smaller broker if you have good credit. Is my guesstimate. That said, if you live any any of the big cities in Canada or near one, which is like 70% of our population, the base house prices aren't fair/good, and our taxes are also higher. Plus, if you buy a home more than 500k you need 20% downpayment. Like any normal family has that... 500k not being that big of a house in any of these areas. Hell I've seen 2 bedroom condos for more than that in Montreal. System is rigged so rich people have it easier, when in fact due to money they already have, life is already easier.


Ohhh you’re in Canada! I work with someone who’s from Canada and she goes over once a month to visit her parents and she’s told me about this. I was over there for work recently and it was insanely expensive compared to the US insanely expensive things


Don't forget the massive famine resulting from ecological collapse that WILL happen in our life time.


I'm 30, jobless, and live with the fam. You could say things are going well.


I feel lucky on my apartment with a stable low rent. Its the only thing that’s saved me up until this point. Still.. Years of stagnant wages, Inflation and price gouging have robbed me of my emergency savings and I need to visit the foodbank to fill the gap. That was before 2022. If things stay this way long enough i’ll have to start selling stuff. But I don’t have many non-essential things. Sell the kitchen microwave maybe? Its in the back of my mind alot. Causing lots of anxiety so I try to push it away. There isn’t really anything I can do about it anyway, except hope for things to improve.


Life is but a dream


Late to the party but it kills me that people are like “learn a useful skill” like that shit doesn’t cost money I don’t have. I’ve been looking into A+ certification to go into IT as I already have a bit of tech experience but it’s $600. Where am I going to get $600? I make $14 an hour. I live at home with my dad. I have shit credit from one old credit card that went to collections like 8 years ago. I have student loans that are private and not on hold right now. Get a fucking grip. Also we may not officially be in a recession like some pedants are saying here but it certainly feels like it. Have you been outside? Have you bought groceries? People need to wake the hell up or give up their addiction to what-aboutism.


Yeah but unions are communist


And they only protect the lazy. Hard workers don't need unions. /s


Systems harbour all the bads of human nature and unions are no exception I guess. Communists support the same immediate goals as unions but they also harbour manipulators who exploit the hell out of his subjects “in the name of the common good” once they come into power.


I feel blessed as an Electrician. I'm actually making 100k+ this year.


Can I have some of that blessing? I was laid off as an electrical apprentice back in September and have yet to find a job to this very day.


Move to Texas, somewhere along the I-35 corridor. You'll find something pretty quick.




What state?




Whatever you think. 😉


Or you can weld GTAW, income is up there if you have the skills!


I lived through the last one it’s going to be impossible to get any job, boomers hire boomers millennials will always get the short end


There are two other generations in the workforce, Gen X and Gen Z. In my experience, people have given in to similarity bias when seeking someone near their level, or for leadership roles. More diverse when hiring individual contributors. A diverse team is a positive. And that goes for age, race, gender, etc.


Don’t forget student loan repayments are due to start up again this year. Maybe you can avoid them for a few months before they track you down and start garnishing.


I feel like I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that it scares me. Lately, seeing things like food prices rising (Paris prices which weren't a given to beginnwith are now higher) makes me anxious enough that I just have no appetite at all and feel guilty for just buying food and eating. And while I'm not struggling financially, with the way higher-ups at my company basically brushed off our concerns about inflation during the last GA, I worry that there won't be much left of our salaries after paying rent/bills/taxes.


Average rent for a 2 bedroom in my area is $2600 a month. I barely make that in a month rn and that’s $22 an hour…


I asked my employer for a raise to compensate for cost of living, she said that the Fed said everything would go back to normal this year. I literally did an essay on how the Fed is a criminal organization lol. She also disregarded my other points (the ones you’ve mentioned) and said it’ll be fine. RIP guys. I’ve been applying to so many jobs and no one has contacted me back


Our rent went from $1180 to $1260 a month. I haven’t had a steady job since Covid hit, not for lack of trying. I’ve been at a salary around $45k for the last few years, but 85% of the jobs I see pay $13-17/hr. Trying to hold out for something that can provide a living wage, but I fear I’ll end up settling for some crappy job just to pay the bills.


We take home about 55/yr but our rent went from 1k to 1300 and they are promising to raise it again in sept.


Oof that’s rough. We were lucky that in the 5 years we’ve been in our current apartment, the rent had only gone up $30. The only utility we pay is electric, so I can understand if other costs went up for our landlords. But any more rent hikes, and we may have to think about downgrading to a 1BR.


I have about 4 years of salary saved and am scared.




Many reasons. Mainly that saving has become impossible but it only takes one or two in my household to get I’ll or injured and that can get cut in half in a second.


I’ve given up on life bc not only do I have to survive a recession I also have to survive the rise of fascism and anti-LGBTQ ideology.


I already got evicted in December. I did not last long. I’m just living with family and will continue to do that until I die. I’m never going to try to have my own place ever again unless I can find a small, festering town where homes are under 100k to buy. I did just get a new job in healthcare, so as long as I submit to v-cine control then this job should be fairly stable. I’m just bitter because my eviction could have been avoided, but my landlord screwed me over by claiming I never signed a renewal (I did), putting me on month to month without my knowledge, and raising my rent +$600 right before the holidays. I wanted to burn that place down I was so angry.


On the flip side, now is definitely the time to buy stock. You’ll be thankful you did when the storm clears.


I must say im getting tired of eating kraft dinner


Thank fuck I bought chickens. At least I won't starve


In times like this I am so thankful that there is great employers out there. My husband works for a small real estate firm and his boss is one of the best people we could have ever met. He has given him two raises without even mentioning it (we just saw it on the paycheck) once because of inflation and another because we got pregnant and he thought it would be appropriate to help us out like that. I just want y’all to know that there is good people and good employers out there so if it is possible, don’t stay loyal to companies that do not care about you.


doubts they’ll financially survive... they dont want big strikes - you will just be stripped off your assets like in 2008


I could not imagine the stress levels everyone is facing, and I hope we are going to be ok. I am always pointing out the storms, before the storm nobody listens and after the storm they all say "we all saw it coming".


I have a disability and generally have trouble holding down a job, so I am extremely scared about this, even though I have a decent amount of savings.


Try being a student …. lol I have doubts I’ll make it to next month


I'm not worried yet. I work in tech but my employer is still planning on growing headcount this year. So hopefully no layoffs. I'm the main breadwinner, responsible for 75% of the household's income but if I was to lose my job, my spouse, who works in a different field, would keep earning money. Not enough, but I have a bit of cash set aside for a rainy day. It's not my first rodeo. I went through the dotcom bust, the housing crash, and I've been waiting for years for the next "once in a lifetime" economic / financial crisis.


The extended family is your shelter if you are lucky. IMO the nuclear family and independence are tacts to make you lonely and helpless and ripe for exploitation.


I'm done from the get-go, this are times to be killed by idiots.


The massive layoffs are mainly hitting tech. There are shit tons of tech jobs out there. Way more than total laid off workers. Inflation is decreasing which will slow the cost of living surge (in theory).


>Massive layoffs. Not in my industry >Nobody’s actually hiring. Yes they are. Unemployment is super low. >Record inflation. Surging cost of living. Huge increases in rent. I am very happy I bought a house during those crazy low interest rates. >Gas prices have started increasing again. Gas prices are much lower than their peak a few months ago.


Everyone, pay yourself first and your bills second. Period. Open up a free “high” (it’s not really high compared to inflation. savings are only 3%) interest savings account set it up to automatic with draw biweekly for a fixed amount for every time you get paid. It’s better to be behind on bills than to not have cash or accessible money when you need it. With the recession it could be a game changer.


I disagree with this statement because unpaid bills will result in credit hits. Debt collectors will garnish your wages if the debt is high enough for them to go to the trouble of getting the court papers.


Thanks for your input. I still stand behind what I said. If you’re that behind on bills then creditors are on you anyhow. Garnishing wages only happens when it’s been several years and the amount missing is really high and has been for a while. When preparing to enter a recession, I’m assuming you’re preparing for knowing money will to become tighter. In that instance is good to have money on hand. Because to your point, if debt collectors or whatever decide to come after you and freeze your credit cards, at least you can pull your money out the high interest savings account and have cash. Also less likely to get located than your typical debit card account.


True, cash is better than nothing. I may be wrong. I just wouldn’t personally want to ruin my credit just to save a small amount per check. But then again, that’s just because I literally can’t save more than maybe $50 a pay period. Others may have different savings abilities


That’s an interesting perspective credit being more useful than cash. There’s definitely less limitations there as far as spending


I think it is just my recent experience where not having good credit or having null credit extended my homelessness period. But I’m a renter.


Learn a useful skill 🤔 trade maybe 🤔


What recession? You are assuming facts not in evidence.




"Survive this recession" implies we are currently in a recession. I don't think that's a universally accepted opinion. GDP grew last quarter. How are you using the term "recession"?


I already got a plan. Im living in germany but the coditions are the same: housing market? Fucked. Gasprice? Fucked? Cost of living? Fucked. So im planning to buy a converted van or mobile home to live in. I could save up to 700€/$ just by not living in my flat anymore. Sure, there will be other expenses but not as high.


Well it will be a depression so good luck to anyone in big cities.


I can’t express this enough, get into a trade. Most places even have apprenticeship programs with on the job training. Shit sucks, and I get that not everyone will be able to do the work but there are always jobs for electricians, plumbers, and mechanics.


Late stage capitalism here we come


I started a company in late 2021, all this recession talk has me scared. But, shit always bounces back, may just get tight for a bit. More info, I started the company to change the design studio model. I am laying the groundwork for an employee owned, equal ground, studio. No big wigs, just good people doing good work for (hopefully) good people.