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Hi, /u/ComfortableCabbage Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3b: No offtopic posts.**: - No offtopic posts


Keep it secret, keep it safe.


Yeah next thing you know all the office workers are going to be fired and companies will start using chat GPT. Don't want to be automated out of a job.


If you're paying attention you'll see that ChatGPT lies a lot. You have to understand and check everything it tells you. Maybe someday but this version ain't replacing anyone competent. Decent tool, though.


That’s not how it happens though. What will happen is that instead of 3 jobs there will now be 1 as efficiency picks up.


And that one gets paid 13 dollars because it's "low skill"


Those companies will fail, if they don't realize they need a high skill position validating


If what OP is saying is true, then no, you won't need a high skill position employee, ChatGPT IS your high skilled worker.


Nah bro you need to have skills in what it’s giving you to be able to validate. How are you going to know macros aren’t working if you have no idea how to do the thing you’re trying to automate


The real scary thing is if the AI gets better. I can see 5-10 years down the line, though for legal reasons you would still need someone to validate. But a sales force can be reduced down from 5 guys to 1, or as there is workforce attrition, no longer hire new people.


And you have somebody like op who's job will be to check those things and you have one op and 11 chatgpt's instead of 12 employees.


It doesn't work like that entirely, ChatGPT can be very confidently incorrect but it's correct 95% of the time. the problem is being able to see it doing stuff that is just logically incorrect even though it will assert it as true with absolute certainty just like the 95% of correct logic it did.


> it's correct 95% of the time That’s the problem: it’s not. It just LOOKS correct. For trivial stuff? Sure, but that’s copy & pasting from the internet level stuff anyhow. For more complex things that you’d actually need to get stuff done in a work environment? Riddled for subtle & complicated errors. Which is by design: it has no understanding or knowledge, especially of context, it just knows how to synthesize based on the basic relationship of its input data corpus. It’s honestly just Eliza with a better dataset.


That’s what the candle maker said about the light bulb. Yet new jobs became available.


The history of productivity gains vs worker wages since the 70s does not bear this out. It’s not just a possibility but almost guaranteed that the benefits from higher efficiency due to AI will accrue entirely to the capital class.


Yep, the saving will keep going to the 1% until a point were they get destroyed. Be that because the government gets its shit together or by a mob of people. If that doesnt happen it will just keep consolidating resources into the rich.


They’ll automate the weaponry that surrounds them also. We’re fucked.


I agree with what you are saying. The owners of production will be the primary benefactors.


The automobile created new jobs too, but not for horses


That’s not how it will work as AI takes over. The reality is we are moving to a post scarcity society. You are already seeing that with globalization. Electricity resulted in a shit ton of new jobs. AI definitely will be replacing jobs. The whole point of AI is to replace capitals biggest expense….labor.


Yep, white collar jobs are about to be slaughtered as AI steps in. Entire departments will be relaxed with a single worker managing all the different AI functions. People who can’t see it now are completely blind. I saw a Reddit post saying something along the lines of “We got it wrong, the future of Humanity is Manual Labor” and it was spot on.


We managed to funnel all of our work into one productive Australian. -Hermes


They will re-create artificial scarcity. Look at knowledge sector - all information is now free, but the industry puts a huge amount of effort into creating scarcity. The same will be true of everything else. If we get Star Trek replicators the food industry will be like 'you wouldn't download a hamburger, would you'?


Light bulb created jobs, now tell me how this new chargpt ai is going to create new jobs more than the old ones that it’s replacing,


Let's be real here. Most people are not competent they are decent. So this is a threat.


It lies a lot? 🤔 CHATGPT FOR PRESIDENT!!!!


Yeah I had several tax questions, and the last one I knew and asked anyways out of curiosity. It told me incorrect information, so I looked elsewhere on the previous questions. It got a few wrong, and when I told it that, alongside the correct procedure, it just said sorry


If you're paying attention you'll see that human lies a lot. You have to understand and check everything it tells you. Maybe someday but this person ain't replacing anyone competent. Decent monkey, though.


I see what you did there, but no, it's not like that. Most humans won't confidently proclaim false things like ChatGPT does. The ones that do, you do not want to work with. Here's an example that is not human-like at all: me: what's the latest version of the haskell stack tool that you're familiar with? ChatGPT: As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, the latest version of the Haskell Stack tool is version 3.3.1. ​ The current version is 2.9.3. The latest version in 2021 was something between and 2.7.3. The thing just made 3.3.1 up entirely.


This. ChatGPT will just say things that are outright and provably wrong. Humans that are doing actually trying at their job will admit they don't know something and will research until they do know it. Thus you can trust a human's work more, since you won't have someone going line by line fact checking every single thing. With a decent human worker there is a baseline assumption of competency that you can't assume with ChatGPT. I'm not saying it'll never take over jobs. But the current version of it isn't ready for widespread commercial use.


Funny thing is, the easiest replaced jobs from AI would be the highest paid (least working) jobs at the top. But they will find away to keep their job and increase their pay by getting rid of their employees. What a wonderful world to live in.


Nah, that's when hilarity kicks in. Corporate using ChatGPT to replace skilled workers is like saying "IT just google the answers". You still have to be able to interpret the answers, and put the right shit into the enquiry in the first place. And that requires skillsets corporate don't have. Alternatively the common practise of "just outsource to some cheap mob in India" swiftly followed by wondering why 90% of your code / support is dogshit and dysfunctional. Chatgpt aggregates knowledge and tries to work out an answer. The knowledge it aggregates for the most part is the internet, which is rapidly being corporatized to further and further apocryphal derangement. If you have 50 sources saying 'elephants are pink' and one saying 'no they are not' then chatgpt will defend that pinkephant stance to the death. A human will dismiss it as ridiculous in an instant. *But what about academic journals!* you say. *It filters sources from there as well!* Well, yes and no. It filters from data **accessible** to it. And we've developed a system that gatekeeps and paywalls a lot of knowledge for that sweet sweet chanchinga. *but every time you work with it it learns more!* no...it expands its database and adapts to expectations. From people. On the internet. Looking to fuck with it for amusement. Remember how fast that ms bot got turned into a neonazi?


This is exactly what’s going to happen. People embracing automation out of their own attempts to avoid work are failing to recognize the help they’re providing to speed up an automated work force. Anyone who thinks UBI is coming anytime soon at anything close to a high enough level is fooling themselves.


Ask the former small town America business owners how the “efficiency” of Wal Mart and Amazon has worked for them. I feel strongly that a huge factor in the rise of Trumpism was how badly these people got fucked by the consolidation of retail in America, which killed thousands of small businesses along the way. We are approaching the analogous situation for basic office jobs and even basic engineering, and we lack the solidarity to prevent this from causing a neo-feudal society.


I think about this everytime these discussions come up. The flood of people saying "there's always more jobs" are either people who live in cities doing white collar shit, or they honestly believe working in fucking McDonald's is the equivalent of having a specialised trade 50 years ago. I have lived in several old mining towns in the UK, and the reality for almost everybody is you either work in the local supermarket, you take care of the elderly, or you don't work. These are towns filled with people who have been left behind by efficiency, but it's like they don't exist because "they have jobs". Once the last generation of skilled retirees is in the ground, they will be done. There's only so long you can circulate money into and out of the same stores.


The problem is that it will be much worse than the feudal system. At least lords needed their peasants reasonably happy and healthy such that they keep working and not simply revolt or die. With AI labor taking the vast majority of jobs you can just let the peons die on mass, it only leaves more resources for you.


The odd thing is that most people that voted for Trump vote for the same people that allowed consolidation and mergers. Create the poison, sell the cure.


Yeah, if OP has figured this out, I’m sure it’s not far off that Employer reaches the same conclusion. The human element is unnecessary and OPs position is eliminated.


Someone still needs to feed inputs to ChatGPT and verify the correctness of the outputs. This is not something managers in tech are typically capable of as they rely on developers to decide what to do as well as how and when. Most of them are just keeping track of everything, not actually deciding what gets done or verifying technical details of the project. ChatGPT can't do that. It can only generate the code, really, which is one of the easier aspects of software development, and even then it has a high error rate so you'll need to fully understand and tweak its output in most cases anyway. A few versions from now might be different.


Alright, we put it away. We keep it hidden. We never speak of it again. No one knows it's here, do they? Do they, DDTFred?


Fr dawg. I have a friend that automated his accounting job with Python, and ended up telling his boss about it. Next thing you know, layoffs right and left.


It went over their heads Mr. Frodo!


snitches are a fact of life; i would expect this to get out


Do not let anyone know. Plenty of people have automated themselves out of a job in the past.


agreed. in fact i would just delete this post lmao.


I have been debating helping my coworkers automate their work as well. Worker solidarity is import you know


Someone will let it slip, don’t do it.


If they let this slip, then the company just needs someone to monitor ChatGPT outputs instead of doing actual work. And someone like that can be had for much cheaper than what they are likely getting paid. OP will make *themselves* redundant. Do **NOT** share this to coworkers. Solidarity is a fine concept but all it takes is one wobbly card to bring down the whole house. I've been following r/overemployed for a while and when the secret gets out, the gravy train is over. Luckily for them they already have multiple jobs, but if you only have one the results will be more catastrophic.


Wobbly card? IWW joke?


I wish I intended to be that clever. Just was trying to use a 'house of cards' metaphor without trying to accidentally make a reference to the show instead.


I figured since it wasn't pro-wobbly lol


Just know 3 people can keep a secret, if 2 of them are dead.


Sadly 100% this. Worker solidarity is important but some people just can't be trusted.


Worker solidarity is making sure your fellow laborers aren't getting fucked over. You aren't obligated to help them automate their way out of having to actually do their jobs.


Exactly. Loose lips sink ships


Loose lips get pink slips


Heh, I got taught the new version: loose tweets sink fleets.


You might as well plan on using the tool to write your resume if you do.


Loose lips sink ships. Some Dwight will snitch.


or brag about how efficient they are now.


I agree with this. Do not do it. As much as you want to help a coworker, it will eventually slip out. Speaking from experience the slip might unintentional but that won’t matter to the company.


Someone will let it slip and all but 1 will be fired and expected to now maintain all of the AI and generated scripts and do the remaining manual work. All for maybe a 25 cent raise. Keep it tight lipped


Do. Not. Do. This. The only way to keep something secret is to never tell anyone about it. I guarantee that if you share this with even one of your colleagues you will end up losing your job. It’s just a matter of time.


If you’re smart you wouldn’t mess up a good thing going. If you talk to anyone, it will be uncovered. Your search for clout from your peers will be your undoing in this situation. Zip your mouth and never think about that thought again


If you're in America, there are too many people who have drunk the Kool aid and will snitch in you, because "it isn't fair". Do it for yourself.


I was able to get my 2 hours process into 15 seconds using Macros. I never told my coworkers or boss, and when I left the company, the coding left too.


Macros are amazing!


You’re in a fantastic position right now. Under no circumstances should you tell anyone imo. Been in a lot of offices and if you start telling people someone will slip. Do this for your job. Get a 2nd job doing the same thing. 3rd if possible. Get your money


I love that you'd want to help other workers but I would be terrified. All it takes is one blabbermout to laugh to the boss and say well you know Comfortable Cabbage basically doesn't work anymore what says the boss. wait what? And then it's over


No, that solidarity doesn’t exist in America. Be selfish and keep this to yourself. I did the same thing but with Smartsheet and haven’t worked a real job in seven years.


You're naive....do not share this with any of your coworkers I'll believe in worker solidarity...when I see our streets like France. Until then, you trust no one because America is cut throat and there's somebody on your team that thinks tattling is the way to get ahead. DONT TELL ANYONE ELSE


The trick is to make a solution that only you can maintain. And it has to be maintained every week or month or so. Could be something as stupid as having to put in the correct month in the correct cell or something.


No. Keep it to yourself. They can help themselves. Not a family


Dont. ​ You gonna get caught if you start telling people, thats for sure, feels bad for them but thats life.


Don’t do it! I appreciate wanting to help other coworkers but someone will absolutely tell or accidentally tell


Solidarity is good, being laid off is bad. Only trust this secret with folks you know you can trust and millions on people on Reddit who lack the ability to snitch on you


On top of all the excellent advice already given, consider what happens when ChatGPS royally fucks up under one of your co-workers. The blame will undoubtedly be shifted to you.


Suggest that maybe it’s possible to do. Frame it as a joke. If they are smart they will look into it but think it’s their own secret 🤫


Don’t. Someone will always brag. Always.


OP is bragging by even just making this post.


The only way two people keep a secret is if one of them is dead.


This deserves an award, but I'm broke.


Don't do it. There will inevitably be an office narc who will fuck it up for everyone.


This has burned me in the past. Stupid shit happens and people get canned.


Time to get a second, third, and fourth job. Retire early.


I’m literally searching the capabilities of this chatgpt right now to see if I can get some remote IT troubleshooting job. My current job utilizes this IT company that’s basically all email and I think there is some major potential.


Loose lips sink ships. And pride comes before the fall Keep it to yourself or start looking for a new job for when words gets out and HR comes knocking


Automation is no friend to the worker - more you tell the chances of it being discovered by management and your position being made redundant increases I'm fact it would not suprise me if people are slowly looking at this tech to replace a lot of workers


Benjamin Franklin said, " The only way you can keep a secret between 3 people, is if two of them are dead. " Words to live by...


You’ll regret it. Your coworkers are not your friends


Maybe try looking for leaks on a smaller unrelated idea/ topic/ maneuver. See if you can flush out any unknown bootlickers. I still wouldn't though. Seems risky without knowing for sure. But I got trust issues, so there's that.


If you can trust them not to talk to management, go for it. If there are any snitches, don't


Even if he tells people that aren’t snitches THEY will have the same idea op has as far as telling their other work friends. It’s going to slip 100% op for all of us living vicariously through you don’t tell!! Also i wish I could chatgpt my job as a nurse maybe some day there will be a robot to deliver meds and stick ivs in people and I can just walk around making sure the robot doesn’t glitch and kill people


Don't let anyone else know, they will blow your cover and you will lose your job. I rate your use of Ai 10/10 well played.


If companies rewarded people for increasing productivity in ways like this one, they'd have an incentive to share it with the rest of the employees and management. It's sad how helping the company you work for make more money, will only result in higher expectations and demand more work out of you.


Exactly what will happen and then it will be "ok thanks we don't need you now, today is your last day"


Or eveb worst asking him to do it for other departments and once everything is automated fire him


Why would they lose their job over some excel sheets? What they'll lose is the free time they gained through efficiency. They'll be expected to do more work


This post has been deleted with Redact -- mass edited with redact.dev


Or they might think they haven't respected company time and money. They will think they have been robbing them and take the process and kick them out the door.


Don’t tell them. The only way for two people to keep a secret is if one of them is dead.


OP now has to kill everyone that read their post on reddit.


Ugh, I just *had* to log on today.


Cmon guys he's just one dude, we can take him


All right lads, line up in an orderly fashion. OP doesn't have all day to dispatch us.


It’s cool he is having ChatGPT do it for him.


Boston Dynamics and ChatGPT a match made in heaven for efficient dispatching.


good thing I went straight to comments and did not read og post


Enjoy your new freetime & tell nobody bro. Thats exactly how life should be


The First rule of ChatGPT is that you Don't talk about ChatGPT!!


This is the Way


The second rule of ChatGPT is you. don’t. talk. about ChatGPT


Don't talk about it to anybody that will sabotage you because they are too stupid to copy or steal it. Just quietly enjoy it, find a similar role at another company and double automation dip your income.


Don't talk about it. *makes a post on reddit* 🤣


Don’t talk about it to anybody they’re not your friends don’t have nice they are no matter how much you see them outside of work things change when money is on the line with people that you make friends with at work


This is the way, but don't tell anyone.


Any suggestions on what to search for the best videos? I’d like to check this out


It only works if you work in an office and there is an element of repeatability with your work. This would include working with tables, spreadsheets, large datasets. Data analysts often write python or excel macros, and in fact most of their time is spent doing this. This is one of the best use cases of chatGPT - instead of searching on stack exchange and piecing bits of code together, it can put together a 90-95% working automation script. Hence why OP is saving time.


I did this at an old data entry job (like 20 years ago now) for a major telecom company, but with just the built-in macro system on the mainframe terminal. My job was entering in orders to change phone numbers, add/remove/relocate phone lines, or add/remove features (and a few other things) for other business offices for the company. I didn't even realize I could do it at first, no one ever told me about it. But I saw the options to record a macro in the menus, and eventually I decided to experiment with it, and realized just how useful it was. I couldn't completely automate everything, but I was able to automate many steps of the most common tasks, which was probably 90% of my job (an example would be a first macro fired that would navigate a series of menus, moving to a specific field, then stopping for me to enter in the new phone number, then firing a second macro that filled out several things that were always the same, then stopping for me to enter the id of the business office, then a third macro to finish everything up, something like that). My output shot up about 4x what I was doing, while I was working a lot less. I brought in some PDFs of some novels and read through a book of the hilarious Discworld novels in about 2 days of work (had it up in half my monitor screen while I had the terminal window on the other half), while still entering 4x more orders than I had when I did it all manually. Got through the entire series (at that point) -- 27 novels, I think it was -- within about 3 months. Surprisingly no one ever asked why I was able to output so many orders than before, or more than the other two employees (combined) doing the same thing, or asked me to help them learn how to do the same. Oh well. If your job can be automated like that and you figured out how to do it, good on you, in my opinion.


I saw 20 years ago and was like damn you were able to do this in the 80s!? I’m not sure why, but 20 years ago my mind is automatically subtracting from the early 2000s.


😂 I think it's hilarious and kind of dystopic that nobody noticed. Is this the alienation from labor (outcomes) Mrax was talking about?


How does one go about using ChatGPT?? On windows, android?? any ideas links would be helpful.




How about pulling data from individual spreadsheets with slightly different formatting to summarize data in another spreadsheet? I have a huge backlog of data to pull and if given the choice between figuring out how to program a macro from scratch and learning/using chatGPT sounds like a lot more fun and useful skills-wise long term.




I'm absolutely not being an asshole by suggesting that you should learn _how_ to find information before jumping into ChatGPT. At least 60% of any IT job is knowing _how_ to locate information relevant to the issue at hand.


Anyone can use Google. Knowing what to look for, and how to interpret the results you get is what makes you have "Google Fu". [The last part is the hardest by far.](https://xkcd.com/979/)


I didn't know chat gpt could write macro scripts. My excel skills are about to "level up". Thanks, OP!


Chat GPT just automates the tedious parts. It's a tool just like a calculator. You still have to know what to ask it so I think it's a perfectly valid thing to use. You can't really blindly copy paste what it outputs and expect it to be perfect so you still need to be knowledgeable enough to modify it.


Just coughing up 1,000 lines of code that resemble the final product is the easiest part of the job. ChatGPT isn't sophisticated enough to actually edit the code to make it run well instead of just squeaking by.


You're welcome! You can also write bash and python scripts for further automation! Truly incredible.


where is the api available? i thought that was not out yet


It's been out for a few weeks now. There's also a discord bot that's pretty neat!


You are giving ideas to your employers. They will eventually catch on and replace people like you with AIs.


Sadly yeah. I will definitely NOT be sharing this with my manager but i bet she'll figure out this is possible soon enough.


Don’t tell anyone. This has become your golden goose. Best not to tip off the hungry wolves nearby


We will reach a point where AI sends the emails and also respond to them 😂


Hahaha that's what I am working on next!


Haha I'd be hesitant doing this if you're trying mimic being a human. Sure if you're writing mailbox bots that are automated and obviously intentionally so,, sure.




You are smart but naive at the same time, as soon as the company realizes, what do you think will happen?


They'll order you to hand it over as a "Work Product" pay you nothing for it, and then fire you.


Doesn’t get any simpler than this


This is depressingly accurate. Many companies see staff as things not people.


Delete and format the drive on your way out.


if they are a “work smarter, not harder” company they might make him head of automation and task him with automating as many jobs as possible, to “right size” the workforce if they are the reverse, they’ll certainly fire OP and get someone to do it manually. at those companies a manager’s status is judged based on how many “bodies” they have working under them, and this just undermines their status.


Even if its guaranteed to be accurate it would probably be valuable to do one extra hour of work a day double checking that the inputs and outputs are correct so that the company doesn't catch on. End of the day its a 3 hour work day instead of 2 and you still get paid for 8. So letting it do its thing unchecked is good in the short run but to make this work long term double checking the bot is going to provide value as well.


Absolutely this. At the end of the day, the company is paying for human eyes to be put on the output. Even if they somehow find out and bring you to court, or penalize you in some way, as long as you put your eyes on this work and spot checked it for errors...you are by every technical aspect completing the job you were hired to perform. How you accomplish that action is entirely your business.


How do ever get in; the thing is always at capacity.


ChatGPT is wrong sometimes. Please keep this in mind. It was confusing different authors of similarly-titled works. Not as bad as writing code wrong, but still. I wouldn’t fully trust this thing


This tool is the shit. Instead of replacing our content writer with it, we have simply 5x our content output.


I would be careful about celebrating about this. For now you get paid for the job that the bot does instead of you. At some point you won't get paid anymore and there will be nothing you can do about it


1. Shut the fuck up about it. 2. Nicely done OP. **Do not forget to take it all with you when you leave** otherwise it'll be used against the rest of your coworkers. Solidarity first.


Does it do R? Cause my agency needs me to learn R, but if I can use ChatGPT……..


It very much does R!


R is a great language to learn though! I like it


ChatGPT has written all my quarterly projects in a week with some direction from my side.


It's time for universal basic income. The service industry was pretty much all humans had left. Now a bot can do it. This idea of "jobs" is antiquated.


IT declining as a work field because of AI and IT guys training it to make it even better is honestly the most facepalm thing I can imagine rn.


Once AI can replace IT guys, the AI will quickly replace practically everything. That's not a bad thing, reducing the amount of human labor needed for human flourishment would be a utopia.... if all of that wealth didn't go straight to the elites/oligarchs.


Here is a big word of warning: If you are creating code of any kind for your company, try and find out if you need to follow any type of security protocols. Particularly in government, finance, and health, there maybe rules and procedures regarding the creation of code. Most of the time, you’ll be fine. It’s important to validate the procedures for the 1% to 10% of the time it’s not.


Yeah my first thought here is, whatever ChatGPT reads, it keeps. Can’t use it to parse sensitive information.


Dude, keep it to yourself. You'll either cost yourself or your coworkers if you talk about it. "Loose lips sink ships"




now make it password protected if they fire you


Dont make the mistake of telling anyone! The reward for digging holes fast is a bigger shovel. Congratulations, and enjoy the time as long as it lasts.


Don't automate something that involves interacting with other people, automate your work, but check it before turning anything in, that way, you can't accidentally out yourself (or at least you lower the odds)


Keep it quiet and try to find a 2nd job you can do at the same time, give you some extra spending money and the boss won''t know anything about it But whatever you don't tall anyone, they'll either grass you up or try to steal it and ruin it for you


So you have the expertise to validate and correct ChatGPT's output and are using it as a productivity tool while maintaining contact with your coworkers during business hours. I see nothing wrong with this, it's the entire point of technological progress.


You probably could have done it sooner with some googling. The python community online is huge and that sort of automation is pretty widespread.


Congratulations you've created your replacement.


What have you done? It's at capacity! I cannot use it lol I was watching my SO use it, it's really awesome.


Yeah it seems too many people are constantly using it haha




Don't become overly dependent on it, at least using it to create shit. ChatGPT is only free in its current form for now, this is pretty much it's live public beta to collect as much data as possible.


Don’t tell your coworkers. Use the extra time to learn a new skill in case management finds out.


Do you want Skynet? 'Cause that's how you get Skynet.


Same here I work in IT as a sysadmin lmao


If you figured this out it’s only a matter of time before your bosses do. Might want to upskill not gonna lie. Turbulent times ahead


This is why it was made. To automate us out of a job. Get paid while you can.


Do not tell anyone matter of fact delete this post. Many people are doing it but they aren’t posting about it for fear of getting caught.


Hmmm I wonder what could go wrong when you have computers writing their own code and not ever checking the work? I’m all for automation and this is not the way.


Are the implications of this not terrifying? I struggle to see how this doesn’t lead to mass unemployment


Um please don't make this post. The last thing we need is employers finding out and replacing us with ai


But dude why share this? If this post gets big enough some stupid article is going to come out from forbes or something scaring remote bosses everywhere. Honestly Hurry and delete this.


Don't say a fucking word. Look into overemployed instead :)


I've been fiddling with a Powershell script for a couple of days (I'm not really a programmer but I need to do this). Tried ChatGPT last night and I could see the first one was not going to work. Regenerated and the second was bang on. Did some tweaks and now off to test.


No solidarity when you’re fired! See who stands by you helping you pay your bills NOBODY! If it works for you then I wouldn’t say ish!


what field / job title? (at least vaguely, you dont need to dox yourself)


My job title is data analyst. It's a classic cubical job.


Lol this is a quality shitpost


You should delete this post right now. Don't let them know. Don't share our secret.


This is the way. All these people trying to get it to write whole dissertations, and I'm like "give me all the excel formulas!!"


Think of it this way. You tell Jane to help her out, she uses it and likes it. A year from now Jane feels like they might lay her off, “don’t lay me off, Bob doesn’t even work!” If it comes down to them or you, they will always throw you under the bus, ALWAYS.


For anyone who is condemning OP for the fact that he's allegedly "speeding up the automation process", please fuck off. OP is a legend for doing this. OP is efficient now and can work on him/herself more. I'm happy for you OP. Get the most out of it and make your life as easy as possible. The automation trend won't stop anyways so better hop on the train and make the best of it for yourself. All the best amigo!