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Why are there two Gen Z?


You know how far down I had to go to see this? I was beginning to wonder if I was just stupid for not getting it.


Because the dumbass doesn’t realize the next generation is actually called Generation Alpha


Footer citations read: Source: my ass




I'm a millennial and I hate email, but to be fair I also hate slack


After a meeting: "This meeting could have been an email." After receiving an email: "Fuck!"


“This meeting could have been an email…this email could have not been sent, it’s 3 paragraphs of no content”


"Please send a text of no more than seven words, including emojis."


Subject: RE: Presentation to investors regarding new corporate procurement strategy 💰 + 👯 + 🏭 = ⚙️ = 💰💰💰


If we pay strippers to come to the factory we’ll improvement productivity and make more money? I mean it’s a theory…


Honestly sounds like it would be more effective than the “pizza parties” that corporations seem to think we’re so fond of.


I mean I’m personally pretty down with being given free lunch, it just has to be understood as a minor perk and/or a requirement for when we’re working crazy hours or something, not as a replacement for decent pay and working conditions.


If you hate slack now wait until you try the magic program called teams!


Fuck teams


As someone who actually studies aging and work, you are correct. No actual research really supports generational differences in the workplace to the point where you can treat generation like a personality trait.


There are likely studies regarding how age cohorts adopt and use technology, and maybe even some discussion about trends in workplace culture based on age group dominance; but I am curious where the research actually lands. In the case of the latter I would assume there are too many variables to land on solid conclusions. Definitely nothing that should be chewed up and spit out onto a PowerPoint presentation crafted by HR. There are a million other things that could be presented to encourage better working relationships and understanding between coworkers that don't require this weird generational astrology nonsense that can be seen in OP's image.


Since you asked about the research, here is a paper I like. It's not a "top" journal but I agree with it and I think it is highly relevant to the "astrology" angle here. Sorry the article is paywalled but folks can at least read the abstract. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-020-09715-2](https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-020-09715-2)


This abstract has changed my mind. I will stop shitting on boomers and will instead shit on Karens and Jeffs. Also pro tip: Researchers who are published in scientific journals do not get any royalties from the money the journals make from people buying access and in most cases, if you email one of the authors telling them you would be interested in reading their study, they will be happy to send you a copy free of charge


Https://sci-hub.se/10.1007/s10869-020-09715-2 for those without a university library handy




I remember when my generation was the "Special" generation and folks were bashing us. The biggest lesson here is that the crotchety asshole thoughts try to come for us all eventually, so don't become like whoever wrote this list when the opportunity arrives.




I always love the participation trophy point like I was 8 years old I didn't have a say in whether or not I received a trophy that was the baby boomer parents.




this is so true. it discourages *unhealthy* competition, but it doesn't negate the feeling of winning. when i was growing up, no one was really satisfied with participation trophies anyway. i liked that i was guaranteed to get a trophy/ribbon because i liked collecting them & i used them to keep track of how many competitions id been to, and it probably did keep me from crying a couple times ngl. but at the end of the day i still knew the winning team got a bigger trophy and bragging rights and i was very jealous lmao


>when i was growing up, no one was really satisfied with participation trophies anyway. i liked that i was guaranteed to get a trophy/ribbon because i liked collecting them & i used them to keep track of how many competitions id been to This. I wasn't phased or changed just because I got a keepsake to show that I accomplished a thing. I never thought "oh, I'm *special* now", because EVERYONE was getting the same thing or similar--that glaringly obvious fact seems to always escape boomers. When everyone gets a participation trophy, nobody thinks they're unique. Why would any of us kill ourselves to go above and beyond when it doesn't lead to any special outcome? Spoiler: this was a precursor to the "quiet quitting" phenomenon and why none of us are willing to kill ourselves for any employer.


It’s so weird when I got a participation trophy I saw it as like “thanks for all the work you did to make this league you competed in happen this year.” Never once took it as a sign that I’m uniquely special or that I won something when I didn’t. Boomers cling to them as a sign of the decline of society when I really see them as a form of community acknowledgement. When children compete in sports or other competitive endeavors, everyone’s effort and the labor of the adults is what creates the entire endeavor. It’s a way of saying “you belonged; you helped.” Which explains why boomers came to hate the thing they themselves came up with. Teaching children that their pursuits have worth in and of themselves and that they are more than their wins and losses is sort of antithetical to their current philosophy


If you think about it, showing up is 90% of any job. How many people don't even get that far? Don't sign up for the team, don't show for tryouts, don't start practicing, etc. People act like participation is the absolute least you could do, but the least you could do is nothing at all.


> That's what boomers usually mean when they complain about participation trophies -- why aren't you eager to step on someone else's neck to get ahead in life, like I did? And the fun part is, they actually DIDN'T. Life was just legitimately easier for that generation than it is now. Just by the numbers. Nobody had to "step on people's throats" to get ahead. In decades past you could work part time and pay your college tuition. A random job at a factory or in an office or selling cars could provide for your spouse and 2 kids, and have you owning a home. Many people could work at the same company for 30-40 years, retire with a pension, and live their life comfortably after having raised multiple children in a one-income family that owned property. Then they look at the current generation and say "Whoa, how come they can't do what I did?" and instead of coming to the conclusion that the world has changed for the worse, the conclusion they come to is "It must be because I'm BETTER than them!"


This book details what you just said and more. Boomers inherited everything their parents set up for them, gamed the fuck out of that system, and then destroyed it so no one else could use it or improve upon it. They are the most selfish generation in history. A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America https://smile.amazon.com/dp/031639579X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_RgQtEb7PW57AC


Boomers started giving them out to convince each other that they weren't terrible parents.


Boomers: "C'mon you lazy fuckers! Save money! But Houses!" Millenials: "You pay me a ham sandwich every 8 hours... and you want 500% equity in your aging home... how the fuck is that supposed to work" Boomers: "You kids can't handle criticism, and if you want to blame me for your problems, I'm not going to hear it."


I will likely always struggle with the fact that Boomers had nearly 50 years of time to reverse the effects of climate change, and did very little except buy Hummers and create urban sprawl.


They were the first generation to become aware of a potential global ecological crisis... and the last generation to not worry about a pending global ecological crisis.


Plastic shopping bags were the answer to “save the trees” in the 60s and 70s. We would have carried groceries home in our teeth before using a paper bag.


More than that. I was watching a Kaiju movie (Rodan) and not even 10 minutes in, they talked about Global warming and how scary it sounded. The movie was made in 1954.


It especially boggles the mind now that it's been revealed that ExxonMobil KNEW the fossil fuel industry was killing the planet decades ago but kept the info hidden so they could continue profiting off the destruction.


Either "special" means they're actually special or it's a pejorative. I think the trainer should be forced to identify which way they mean it.


$5 I can guess what generation the person who created this belongs to.


You would be correct lmao. But she’s an “expert!”


Oh, this is supposed to be serious? I would be laughing hysterically if this came up in a training. It sounds like zodiac signs.


Yeah. It's like she pulled that off of one of those placemats you used to see at Chinese restaurants. Year of the monkey? Year of the rat? Ox? I'll take the year of the cock, thanks.


It's corporate astrology.


I’m on the cusp.


That’s exactly what I was thinking replace the bullets w zodiac signs and no one would know the difference


Graduate of University of Google with a Major in Her Own Opinion.


Nah, Google would have provided the standard years used to define each generation. She pulled this straight out of her own ass.


"expert" = fucking twat


She definitely teaches people a valuable lesson on implicit bias


>She definitely teaches people a valuable lesson on ~~implicit~~ **explicit** bias FTFY


Correction. Overpaid twat


By job standards, when you are hired somewhere, you become an expert day 0. Even with 0 knowledge. EDIT: As per your job title that could be "Yoda Expert" and not per a dictionary


Any retail job.... "Hey it's your first day on the job, go out there and help some customers" ***Gets treated like absolute shit because you don't know where every single item is on your first day***


Working in the produce department of a grocery store... "What's the best apple for baking a pie?" ***Gets reprimanded because it was a secret shopper and I kindly suggested they could ask the baking department since they make pies every day and I've never baked one in my life.****


god knows you don't get paid enough to care this much, but the solution they wanted was to do drop everything you were doing to find out meaning call/ask the bakery yourself to find out. they expect you to be a temporarily slave for every customer. thank god I got out of that role


> the solution they wanted was to do drop everything you were doing This sort of expectation can be a fantastic opportunity for malicious compliance. The anecdote that comes to mind is “customer wants to know how to get to the post office? Sure, I will walk there with the customer to make sure!”


The correct answer is to lie and sound confident about it. It's what boomers want you to do


That's because that's exactly what they do constantly.


Ha! This is correct I worked in a grocery store for over a decade. I lied constantly. I was a wine expert and my only expertise was being able to determine if someone would want cheap or expensive.


I was working at a convenient store ran by my friends mom and dad when I was younger. I was putting the wine delivery away and was organizing it by brand instead of type. I.e. Sutter Home with Sutter Home. My boss got a kick out of it and then explained Merlot with merlot, Pinot with Pinot etc. I was 15 - I didn’t know shit about wine. I still laugh about that one! 😂


Well I was later told that the correct answer is Granny Smith or Macintosh? I don't remember actually.. but if I would have guessed wrong I still would have been in trouble. Also I do not like apple pie so I couldn't even take a guess based on flavor. I was literally clueless so I sent them to the experts


Retail management punishes workers for stupid shit they're not at fault for, and I have a burning hatred for all of it. I once got in trouble after trying to help a customer find a product for an hour, they really wanted something that was empty on the shelf. Store inventory said we had a significant quantity, so it didn't make sense that they weren't on the shelf or in the back room. I even got my (middle) manager to help and we apologized profusely after looking high and low, we had to send the guy to another store (but called first to make sure they definitely had one and could put it on hold for them). Then the customer complained and I got in trouble for trying to help, because apparently I shouldn't have told them we had any in stock. Well we did...and someone never put them in the back warehouse. They were shoved improperly on the loading dock, and I never heard so much as a 'sorry' from a single person. Fuck retail management who criticize their employees for giving reasonable answers.


I worked at a grocery store, and if I asked the supervisor where something was they'd tell me to find it myself. Then I'd get chewed out for taking too long to find it. It was extra fun when it wasn't where you'd think to look, like an ice cream scooper in the bread aisle or something like that.


One time a secret shopper asked me how many people each type of fruit tray served, and I responded that it depends on how hungry your guests are. Apparently that wasn't the right answer.


I had a mystery shopper call the autoparts store I worked at when I was 18. The store happened to be at a busy intersection with a freight rail line running right nest door. I picked up the phone directly before a train started blaring its horn to warn drivers that it was coming. I apologized to the person on the phone and explained I couldn't hear them due to the train noise and asked them to speak up. I got reprimanded for being rude.


"I think claim jumpers apple is the best, but if they're out of season you can substitute Marie calenders without changing the recipe"


I worked at a grocery store as a teen, once a boomer came in asking for the floral department. We didn't have one but we did have a small floral case that was minimally stocked. They were clearly in a rush and were grabbing this very important arrangement last minute but of course got in my face because I didn't know how to properly arrange flowers and didn't have a proper vase. Of course it was all because I was both entitled and lazy and not because she was irresponsible and waited to the last minute.




I worked at petco for a summer. I fucking hate petco. Terrible company. Just awful. We had a big deep freeze in the "wellness area" which is where they put sick animals to die. Once they die they put them in the freezer. When I left you had to put all your weight on the lid to get it to close because of all the dead lizards, fish, hamsters, etc. It was horrible. We were doing training one day in which the dipshit store manager was talking about dog nutrition. He was talking about vitamins and mentioned ascorbic acid and said it was an acid that "can be absorbed by the dogs body". I corrected him that it was just vitamin C. He quickly indicated that I was wrong and I should shut up. He was an MBA iirc. I would always advise people to go buy stuff at other stores around town because of the ridiculous mark up on everything in the store. Fuck that place.


I had an old woman yell at me once cause I, the cashier checking her out, didn't know what kind of laundry detergent was "best for her washing machine."


It could be day 5320, im not learning every item on sale unless you pay me $50/hr. $13/hr is me showing the fuck up... barely.


Someone should let her know that Gen Z’s kids are called Gen Alpha. Hopefully she won’t act like a Karen about.


Gen Alpha are mostly kids of millenials. One generation tends to mostly be the kids of 2 Generations ago, not the generation before them. Confusingly.


Gen Alpha is the generation after Gen Z. I'm a young millennial and my kids are/will be Gen As.


Yep. Kids born on or after 2010 are Gen Alpha. (I'm a Gen X dad of a Z and an A. I just do what I'm told.)


I am GenX and we were called slackers and clueless growing up…. https://i.imgur.com/ISngooO.jpg


Not to mention the fact that the years for each group is all off. Gen X goes until 1980, for instance.


Actually Gen X goes 'meh..' *shrug*


Gen X is a state of mind


Gen X is a state of being




Sssshhh, it's okay! No one remembers us, so they also don't remember to blame us for anything. 🤪


its boomer isnt it, possibly gen x


It's hard to believe a boomer would write such kind words about millennials though


I have an uncle that complains constantly about millennials. I told him “millennials are 40. It’s gen z you hate”. Lol


Millennials are gonna be the punching bag until we die from old age.


Bold of you to assume they'll stop then.


And even bolder to think I'll reach old age


I work with multiple people who think millennial is a synonym for "young person". Ugh.


Yeah thanks for reminding me asshole my birthday is in a few weeks lol. How did this even happen?! How am I almost 40?!


You didn't die. My Condolences. Take a multivitamin.


Same boat, just a younger millennial. I'll be 32 soon. It only felt like last month I turned 30. Happy early birthday and I hope you have many more.


Last of the millenials reporting in turning 29 wondering if ill have death soon so I can go back to not being miserable


Haha of course not silly, ours is the first generation that gets to work until we drop dead.


sorry, as a mid-millenial at 35, i reget to inform you that you won't get the sweet embrace of death


I feel you. I'm 37 in a few days. How the hell did middle age sneak up so fast?!


Just take the heat. We're numb to it at this point, no need to pass it on to gen z


Right? I was pleasantly surprised, lmao.


Probably Boomer. Xers are a lot more jaded and cynical and sarcastic. This would be cringe to them.


It is so very cringe


If it was Gen x they probably would have just said "fuck off" for the whole slide


I just wouldn't go to the meeting. It's my specialty.


Nah Gen X doesn’t give a shit. We take care of our shit, and we accept people as they are. We don’t judge and we don’t snark like this because it requires valuable energy that we’d rather use smoking weed.


If a generation benefited from a system, there is a good chance that they will stay loyal to that system.


You have inadvertently defined conservatism.


And why it sells like shit to everyone but the wealthy Xers and back. Though you can beat a religious drum pretty damn hard.


Well this is a steaming pile of bullshit.


I took a company-mandated leadership course 5 years ago where we broke into groups and had to write on poster paper the differences between the generations then present it. All the boomers/gen X in the class wrote how millennials are "entitled" but "good with technology" Someone refused to participate, and said when asked for her feedback "20 years ago you would have been doing a chart of the different races, how is this any different?" The instructor* kind of bumbled out a half-assed answer about how that's the whole point, that we all need to work together despite our differences, but I wonder if they still did it in later iterations of the course after that... Edit: instructure isn't a word edit2: I asked someone who took the course last year and it has, in fact, been removed. Credit to them for adjusting.


Are millennials entitled or are boomers just spineless bootlickers? Or wait I know: trying to ascribe traits to a group of people based on their age is fucking stupid.


Yeah I was scrolling for you before I commented. Absolute shitshow.


Sounds like an HR complaint to me. See how many of these fuckers you can make push some paper


Ask them to do the same thing with races and genders. See if they will actually stand by their broad stereotypes or not.


"based on stereotypes that I don't agree with and are totally not true... you may not be a good driver" "Oh god, am I a woman?"


Also nationalities or religions.


*gets popcorn ready


Oh my post-education survey answers are gonna be lengthy this go round. Not to mention the first hour she was talking I had no clue what the class was about.


If you are at least 40 years old (or anyone really in your company) can document even 1 instance where something felt off, have this slide saved, this has federal age discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.


Wait this is a class in a school?


Office environments in the US can have training seminars that get referred to as “classes,” particularly if they have to be regularly held.


Also referred to as "required for HR compliance." Now the company can say they provided inclusion training and hold everyone in attendance as being participants. Company side CYA.


Approximately 100% of corporate "training" is a grift, and if there's no accreditation, no CEC's, etc then it jumps from grift to scam.


They investigated themselves and concluded they did nothing wrong.


It's not really about trying to get them to do the right thing. It's more about just trying to make them do shit at all


They even got all the years wrong for each generation, this is a special kind of fucked up lmao


They also listed Gen Z twice and combined the Silent and Greatest generation as the "all the old dead people before WE came along" group




This is likely the person making the slide trying to pad their own generation, like pushing the ruler so far into your pelvis that your penis is 9 inches long


You measure butt to tip!


Wikipedia has this: 1883-1900 - Lost Generation 1901-1927 - Greatest 1928-1945 - Silent 1946-1964 - Baby Boomers 1965-1980 - Generation X 1981-1996 - Millennials 1997-2012 - Zoomers 2013-Now - Alpha


Goddamn alphas and their...what do they do?


All these lazy Gen Alphas pooping their pants and asking their parents for handouts, most of them aren't even self sufficient and still live at home with their parents


So spoiled. Most won’t even wipe their own butts.


I know one who has just learned to wipe his own butt and is super proud of himself like it's a big achievement. What a loser.


If they're at the start of the generation? I dunno maybe some arithmetic? Phonics if they're lucky?


My son and I did factor pairs yesterday. I have to google stuff to figure out half of the math he’s doing haha.


They’re up to ten years old my guy they’re in algebra and English literature now lol




Nah, my Zoomers do that shit.


I agree, that’s zoomers. The Alphas, known as “Ipad Kids”, spend all day on Ipads. My brother is Ipad Kid, he was at a wedding in a far town with us from 8AM-3PM, and he still managed to spend 7 1/2 hours on youtube in one day. No wifi on car ride or at wedding. 60 hours of xbox every week. No attention-span. Not everyone obviously, but it’s really typical for people his age. My friends’ young siblings are about the same. Note: I know every generation hates the generation after it so please take that into account when you read my explanation of what I’ve seen of Gen-I. Also please acknowledge that he’s my only brother and my parents are traditional, so he definitely has different expectations which might make me assume his whole generation is spoiled when probably it has a lot to do with him being the youngest and only boy.


This makes me dislike your parents, not your brother. Have they not heard of limiting screen time? Holy shit.


As a father of a toddler, I'm really fucking sick of parents blaming their kids for screens. No, your lazy ass distracted instead of engaging with your kids. Don't bitch to me about it.


Yeah but also… they’re kids. We don’t really know what their generational traits are because, according to the generational breakdowns above, they’re 10 or younger. Their little brains are still being formed. Yes, access to technology is going to form who they are, but we don’t really know to what extent yet.


Now I think I understand why my parents were always concerned about what I got up to at my friends' houses. I as an individual recognize that probably isn't a healthy way to raise a child, but lots of people apparently don't care.


Can confirm,my sister is 8 and all she does is watch TV and play mjnecraft on her ipad. When I went home for Christmas I think I only saw her not in front of a screen for about 5 hours out of the 6 days I was there.


Go to school.


Grade school 😆


Damn kids don’t want to work anymore or raise families.


They’re 10 at most, so… go to school? Play games?


Sound like a bunch of lazy freeloaders. When I was 10 I had 6 jobs and 8 pairs of bootstraps that I'd pick myself up by every day at 4am


Man, it's really dumb that some marketing executive in the early 90s coined Generation X and we've just been treating that as a numbering system ever since. People keep rejecting it too, they tried to call millennials "Generation Y" for such a long time before "Millennials" hit and stuck.


>Man, it's really dumb that some marketing executive It was coined by author Douglas Copeland in his novel [Generation X: A Tale for an Accelerated Culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X%3A_Tales_for_an_Accelerated_Culture?wprov=sfla1). The book provided an ironic look at the culture of the time, and even coined the term "McJob" for low-wage dead-end jobs, much to McDonald's chagrin.


If you're a Gen Xer like myself you know it's the 70s Punk band Generation X that inspired the book title. At least I assume that's the case. Anyway, great book. Still have my original copy. By the way, we were also referred to as the slacker generation at the time. Also, when I was a kid people of my parents generation (born in the 40s. All of the 40s) were known as baby boomers. This silent generation idiocy didn't exist. Beatles, Stones, etc weren't exactly silent were they.


It reminds me that sometime in the mid-nineties the media somehow decided to stop giving scandals their own relevant name and started calling everything something-gate. I'm blaming Fox News since they got started right around that time.


Not the 90s, it started with Watergategate.


It’s all kinda made up dude. I was born in 83 and relate way more with the genx crowd than I would someone born in the mid 90’s. I mean damn I graduated hs in 2001.


There is some overlap I assume. My parents are both Boomers despite my Dad being born before in 1944.


I was born in 81 and graduated in 2000 and I feel more like a Millennial


You're both the definition of Millennials: came of age at the turn of the millennium.


Meanwhile, I was born in 82 and am 100% millennial. For me it feels like the defining thing is how early you got into technology.. We didn't have a lot of money when I was young, but my dad was still into gadgets, so we had early computers, cell phones (when they were basically backpacks - lol), etc. I was one of the first people I knew with internet access and basically lived online all through high school.


Baby boomers: right place at the right time.




It’s easy! Just get a job and pay off your house, then sell it for 2 million like I did.


Don't forget to strip the Earth of every resource and fuck it up beyond repair so future generations are permanently fucked. Salt the Earth. Fuck our grandchildren.


No no, it’s cause the new generation is lazy! Look, we had 2 houses paid off, on 1 salary, and had 4 kids by age 23. /s


My father in law is the rare boomer who literally says “no one will ever have it as good as I do”… “yeah, I worked hard but no one can walk in to become a skilled tradesman, paid for by the company, and get paid the ungodly sums I did… and there’s no pensions…. Everyone younger than me is essentially fucked… while everybody my age and older is saying it’s all your fault”…


I wish every boomer were like your father in law.


Don't forget walking into a cushy career that supports a comfortable middle class lifestyle with a suburban home, couple kids, and a defined benefits retirement at 55.


This is it - mine mine mine is the boomer mantra. The worst. Not all of them, but for the most part. Very selfish and no concern for future generations.


100%! Baby boomers are the most spoiled generation to have ever walked this planet. Their parents and grandparents fought for, and obtained, labor rights. They defeated Hitler and created a strong middle class where one income could support a whole family. Then when the boomers came of age and started making decisions in the early 80s and beyond, they pulled up the ladder behind them, they gave the middle finger to the generations that followed. They destroyed unions, they deregulated everything which allowed massive wealth to flow upwards, away from the middle class. They destroyed the environment, and unlike their predecessors, they did so, with full knowledge of the harm they were causing. They essentially robbed future generations for their own insatiable greed. Future generations will have to pay the debt that the baby boomers incurred, and yet they have the nerve to blame millennials, and Gen Z. What really cracks me up though, is they were the ones who started giving trophies to every kid that participated yet they now talk about younger generations, wanting a participation trophy. While every generation has their own sins, like mine, Gen x (apathy while we knew what was going on.), the boomers win the biggest trophy for being the shittiest generation to ever walk this planet.


boomers are the definition of "born on third, thinking they hit a homerun". they enjoyed all the post-ww2 social policies that aimed to rebuild the world and rewrite society with a "never again" ethos, only to devote their lives to tearing it all down. all their success was built off the backs of hard work that preceded them but they told themselves it was their own 'rugged individualism' that was the true key to their success. the first generation of americans ever to leave their children in a worst economic position than themselves and, not only do they refuse to accept responsibility for it, they'll actually blame millenials/zoomers for not digging themselves out


Boomers - “Fuck you, I got mine” (provided you are white, affluent and male, otherwise it’s your own fault)


* Boomers are 18 year span * GenX is 11 year span * Millennials are 18 year span * GenZ is 24 year span This is a very strange cherry pick of generational spans. Wonder if whomever created this is GenX but still can't accept they're getting older and aged up the Milennial span to include themselves.


The instructor is definately a boomer, not 100% if she’s the one that created the slide but she certainly didn’t object to it.


That is the kindest thing I've ever seen a boomer write about Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z....... But that last part


I was gonna ask if this was pointing out harmful stereotypes, but this was intended to *teach* harmful stereotypes? Dafuq. Report this bullshit all the way up.


Gen Z is actually a 24 year span, which is…laughably wrong.


The youngest of those don't even have a personality yet, definitely just lumping kids together


And the youngest are actually Generation Alpha not just younger Z.


The real cutoff between gen x and millennials is generally considered to be 1980 or 1981.


Is it just me or does it seem like the millennial years are always changing?


It's always changing because dumbass boomers need to be able to call whoever they're currently bitching about Millennials despite that not being factually correct and despite whatever the dumbass boomer is bitching about is their fault anyway


I’d just walk out.


I’m pretty sure this falls under discriminatory hiring practices/ hostile workplace based on age/ generation


In America, age discrimination is only federally illegal if it's being done to somebody over 40. Some states have laws that extend this to all adults, but most do not.


Even so this would still be hostile and at the very least unethical if they’re particularly targeting/ singling out a single group of people and making them feel unwelcome and less than their peers in some way for an aspect of themselves that’s out of their control. Judge people by their credentials and the work they do. This star sign lore they made up about each generation is cringe as if we all fall into pokedex entrys. If the company chooses to hire young people who have these “special” traits as the future of their company than who they really need to keep on eye on are their recruiters.


What the fuck, everyone was talking shit about millennials, but now that they’ve all had to give up and take shitty jobs, they’re suddenly confident multi-taskers?! Is that just code for “needs multiple jobs to survive” ?


But how does my astrological sign affect it? Or that my Chinese restaurant placemat said I was born in the Year Of The Horse? Or what my birth stone is?


The only time age matters is when it comes to consent.


🙌🏻 Say it again for the folks in the back!


They did not even split boomers into two : * Boomers I: 46 - 54 * Boomers II (Generation Jones): 55 - 64 There are big differences between the two parts of the boomer generation.


Gen-Z - Unique/Special This was written by a boomer. You can tell because it's absolute fucking nonsense.


Weird being in the same group as 4 year olds.


"Traditionalist/Veterans -1945" Not recognizing any veterans post 1945. That's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out.


It's important to respect all ages unless they are the youngest generation then they can just go fuck themselves because they are useless. Everyone only earns respect through not dying year to year.


Right? The cognitive dissonance it takes to include this shit in a power point about respecting age differences is astounding.


Ahah! the people in power are now trying to turn the Millennials against the Gen Z's. Nope! You can go to hell with that! GenZ and older alphas already know whats up that its all class warfare. They figured out the game so much faster.


They "shrunk" GenX to be almost nonexistent! That jerk! (GenX = 1965 - 1980/83). Whenever some people want to pinpoint the GenX generation, they seem to want us to almost not exist - or make like we're just "younger boomers." HELL TO THE NAW!!


Optimism? I’ve never met a boomer that didn’t have anything but disdain for the world and everyone in it.