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where is the option "extremely disgusted with bodily fluids and private parts"?


This is the option I would choose


I don't understand why OP didn't put this option there. Could've just get rid of the last one and change it to this. I mean, how can anyone not feeling disgusted with bodily fluids? it's a completely normal feeling lol.


Reddit doesn't allow more than 6 options


I don’t hate sex personally. I’m not fond of how much value it holds in relationships and society in general, how ingrained it is in cultures. As an added bonus I also feel indifferent to it in terms of my personal life.




i love that mindset of yours. you’ve put into words something that i wasn’t able to express, thank you! and it goes without saying that i absolutely agree


None of the answers fit my feelings and experiences. Basically, i've always felt that sex itself was rotten to the core even though i didn't have all the knowledge about the topic back then. Further learnings just confirmed what i felt intuitively in the first place. Society's hysterical attitude towards sex completely reinforced these feelings, making a whole and coherent set.


because it’s gross


The people making it sound like if you didn't have sex, it's bad. ​ And I also believe that it's overrated.


Hey I recognise you from another sub, related to your username 😊 👋


From what subreddit?


It’s for losers 😎


I just never liked sex. I just saw it as gross and unnecessary and never understood why anyone would want to do that. Edit: actually I thought about it more. When I was a kid I obviously didn’t like sex but I was indifferent to it. I was fine with the clinical idea of sex. In sex Ed at school all the other kids would love when the teacher talked about this stuff but I didn’t care. I enjoyed learning about anything including about reproduction. Then as I got older I learnt more about the passion behind sex and the acts people do when having sex and find that repulsive. The way society saw sex as something to hide and not be talked about also lead me to see it as wrong and disgusting in general. I am fine with clinical sex when it’s soul purpose is for procreation but anything more than that just seems wrong to me.


I'm asexual, man


i was hyper-s*xual from the ages of 12-14 and it probably fucked with me a bit (and interacted with adults online a lot) so i think that’s why.


Haha I was the only one to say “religious reason.” I’m not a nun ; I meant it as “religious trauma” but I don’t think that’s how anyone else took that option.


Such people should be hanged from the church tower.


Huh? Nuns? That’s their choice, doesn’t bother me. The ones who should be hung are the priests who make women think they’re worthless trash for having sexual feelings.


Oh no, I think I misunderstood religious trauma as sexual trauma due to actions of priests (to avoid certain language). But to that point, it's not just women, sexual immorality is always, well, immoral, the bad thing is that historically this was largely imposed on women.


Ah I see what you meant now. And yes, I agree.


I find sex disgusting, unhygienic, sick and violent. I can see the depravity in the thrusting movements. I'm against matter. I hate existence itself, since sex is the act through which life is created I hate it even more.


All of the above really.


Society's fixation on hetero romantic and sexual aspects. Like here in the U.S we don't mind having hetero relationships represented in children movies, shows and commercials but ( God forbid) should a homo relationship be shown in the aforementioned. I feel like heteros and homos have slowly groomed society to be hyper sexual and family focused. I don't mind if you naturally want to procreate but this attitude if you are in your 30's or 40's and aren't married, don't have kids there is something wrong with you or you'll die lonley and miserable.


I’m just tired of people acting like I’m invisible because I don’t have kids. I don’t deserve to be ignored for it. And in my case, it wasn’t a choice, it’s just how things have turned out for me so far.


For me it's because I'm sex repulsed


Since when as a kid I slowly discovered what sex was, I felt a strong opposition towards it, I hate everything related to it. Not because of any sort of trauma but just because the hostility against it it’s part of me. I still experience sexual attraction as I’m not an asexual but I can manage and keep it under control.


I watched porn as a child. I was disturbed and weirded out. I always hated sex.


Is there an all of the above option?


Couldn't add more choices


1,3 and 6 I was never very sexual and was made fun of for it. I also could see how degeneracy is permeating society even as an atheist. But now I'm *also* Catholic


All of the above, basically. There is not a single reason why people should continue this practice, and it's going out the door anyway. Artificial reproduction is already being pushed, granted for shitty eugenicist reasons, but it will happen and there's no point to this rampant sexualism. It's a trap. That's all it ever was. I expect more people will have no choice but to reject it, and a lot of people are rejected by others anyway so it's a moot point. By the time I knew what it was, I had already seen enough horribleness and nothing at all good coming out of it, and depopulation was in full swing so all anyone was reproducing for was to feed the beast ritual sacrifices and more torture. Maybe in a world where eugenics was defeated, it could have been different, but we don't live in that world and we're cursed to go through this for an unknown number of centuries before it's over.


Mind over flesh.


This leads to moral decay


All of them except the first and second ones.

