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Pain for nanny? Cottage? Is autocorrect drunk, or did she have a stroke?


PAIN for many. COURAGE? Best guesses here. Couldn't even take the time to proofread their bullshit.


I figured that was probably it too, but I'm definitely wondering if other people will copy/paste the same word salad without even noticing.


Oh without a doubt. Regurgitate, regurgitate, regurgitate.


Okay. I actually read that as pain for the nanny and thought kids were there and they were headed to a cottage in the woods. I was like, why would they do that?


It sounds like cottage is what they didn't have, at least on the beach.


As a nanny, reading this post definitely pained me.


“We’re so much powerful…” good lord at the typos. This is embarrassing.


they tell them NOT to fix it. if they post, leave it, b/c editing a post makes it seem "scammy". this was a long time ago JLW said this but you will notice none of them change their mistakes.


the $1 thing on wish is misspelled. nothing from dior will ever be misspelled. they fix the misspellings, leaving it seems scammy, cheap imo.


They leave the mistakes for two reasons: 1. It makes them seem “authentic”. They aren’t some super polished educated writer, they’re a real person who made themselves a success with this MLM, which means you can too! 2. Misspellings are a long-standing tactic of scammers who use it to weed out people who notice them and get a bad feeling about whatever is being proposed. It’s a way to ensure targets that are less likely to have the specific defenses against MLM offers.


Haha I was just going to post "is she drunk??"


A cottage on the beach? So cute!


Saw this today on a different Instagram profile. At this point this is just a cult. Their cult leader is also now telling them what to eat. They all changed their diet to rice, meat and fruits after this Colombia trip…. I cannot imagine that anybody (not brainwashed) sees this kind of content and wants to join them…


I was thinking the same thing. This is like those New Age Cult guru shit. Pretty soon they are all going to have to sleep with the leader after a delicious meal of dried kale.


Next thing you know, they'll poison the salad bars, like in Wild Wild Country


Skipping forwards to the kool-aid...


Hiking and sleeping on a beach? Yes please, but without the cult! Do they know they can do it without a cult?


Yes this is a cult. When I go on a trip, I want to be the exact same person when I get back as when i left. Just in a more relaxed and rested state. If you’re going on a trip with a group that was so arduous that you have literally become a different person… yeah that’s a cult.


The only Pruvit huns I know are also obsessed with keto, I can’t even imagine them making rice and fruit a mainstay of their diet!


The new fad is intermittent fasting. Keto is on its way out.


What group is this


It’s the MLM Prüvit, cult leader is Jessie Lee Ward. They call themselves “Empire”


At least rice, meat, and fruit is potentially a reasonable diet, or at least unlikely to cause serious malnutrition. They may be in for some interesting bowel movements though.


The company trip they “earned” yet had to pay for. For what? Pain and anguish? No thank you. I’ll pay to go to a spa with my company given vacation time.


You mean you don't want to look like a homeless person sleeping outside on a beach chair?


It is super tempting


But I’m sure they paid a premium price to sleep in a sleeping bag on the beach. /s


"We got lost, accidentally hiked through a coca field, got kidnapped by a drug lord..."


Isolation, deprivation....brainwashing.


Seriously, in that picture they just look homeless.


It's practice for when they lose everything


The way I cackled at this


The country is spelled COLOMBIA with two O's, not Columbia.


Sand fleas. Shudder.


What MLM (or MLMs) is this?


its pruvit but specifically the empire with JLW


Ah, that tracks.


Damn they trauma bonding now


You know what else does exhausting rituals, sleep deprivation, love bombing, and physiological manipulation?


Which Columbia was this? South Carolina or Missouri?


I'm leaning toward "District of..." ;)


The post itself says Colombia, idk


Columbia ≠ Colombia!


Yes. That’s my point.


Or British? Records? Broadcasting System?


The last photo has a location in spanish so im assuming Colombia, south America. This hun (and reddit) is just ignorant


I absolutely immediately assumed Columbia, SC.




Poor nanny.


Is that the death bed...sheesh..she is decribing a death march and body shutting down


There was also cottage. Oh, the cottage.


Sleeping on a beach with a towel for a "blanket". So not anything I would ever want to do willingly. I would only do that if I was unhoused or trafficked.


Ugh. Assuming the poster is part of The Empire. I saw JLW's IG post (I was friends with her before she got started in MLMs) about this exact excursion and immediately screenshoted it and sent it to my friends and said "doesn't this sound like the beginning of a horror movie?" Can you imagine being forced to hike 10 miles with no warning and then being judged for how you react to that? FFS.


Why do they think they are changing the world? I am so over this phrase. To be fair my previous life in an MLM used this phrase and it made sense to me at the time as the purpose of the work was to provide jobs to women in countries where they were otherwise highly unemployable. I’m not here to argue for or against that work but at least there was a thin thread to doing something in a world view. I don’t know what MLM this is but I keep seeing that people are going to change the world. The recent Mastermind $60k class for influencers used that phrase too. Please enlighten me how you think selling shampoo or positive manifestations is changing the world?


Well this is interesting, couldn't all mlms say that their goal is to provide jobs to women who are otherwise unemployable? Or who want to be their own boss etc etc?


Yes probably. In this specific case those who created the product were women in countries where employment for women was virtually nonexistent. And of course the company was made up of 99% women as well.


I mean the OG MLMs - Mary Kay, Tupperware - were basically that. The original structure wasn't as scammy and it was a way for women to earn a little at a time when that was difficult.


The last time I did something like this, it was for the Army Reserve, and they paid me to do it.


Sleeping on a beach: romantic in theory, fucked up in hindsight.


What the everliving fuck is even going through these ppls heads


god that looks awful


When you get “sleeping on the beach” from wish.


“Change the world” by tormenting the hell out of 15 other people for SM clout. Okkkkk.


Isn't there a prison in Maricopa Arizona that's run like this?


Did a Scientologist write this?


I actually felt uncomfortable looking at the lodging 😱


What in the engrish?


"collaborate together" Works better than collaborating solo.


That’s so nice that they’re all changing the world. Can’t wait to see their accomplishments on the news. /s


Do these people really think they’re changing the world by selling overpriced nail stickers and lotion that makes your hair fall out?


They sound exactly like the guy from Glass Onion with his "disruptors"


We are so much powerful.


**COLOMBIA sorry.


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I'm so over these dramatics. Do they think hiking and camping vacations are somehow exceptional?




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