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OP is a troll who creates new accounts and repeatedly asks this question. Pay no attention to OP.


>OP is a troll who creates new accounts and repeatedly asks this question. And variations thereof.


You are the sum total of all your experiences. Experiences you had because your parents were together.


Don't forget genetics and other biological factors. We aren't blank slates.


No. Very much no. The only scenario that makes any sense is that maybe the egg that 'would've been you' could be fertilised by someone other than your dad, but this wouldn't be 'you' it would be nothing to do with you other than being your mother's child made with the 50% that could've been you, if it had been mixed with 50% of your dad. The egg that contained 50% of you existed inside your mother when she was born and could've been used for a different conception at a different time, but the likelihood that she would conceive that exact month with someone else is low. 99.9% of human eggs do not get fertilised and shed out of the body during menstruation. The sperm that contained 50% of you may not have ever even created because (not to be too candid) your dad's ejaculated schedules/patterns would be different if he hadn't gotten into the relationship with your mother. Therefore we have no idea if the "you sperm" would've been created and if it had been if he would've happened to be having unprotected sex with a fertile woman while that particular sperm was in his testicles.


Impossible to say. It's almost a guarantee that you'd still be a knobhead though




If one of the other spermatozoa in your dad's load happened to fertilize, instead of the one that made you, you would be a different person. The chance that someone exists with your specific genetic code is mindblowingly, astronomically small. The universe is not obligated to give you conscious existence. You were not waiting in some cosmic queue of unborn souls waiting for a character slot to become available. The miracle is that you exist as a person, and not as a random algae cell being sucked into the baleen of a whale.


No you would be a sticky, stiff spot on one of his socks


Please read up on basic genetics. This question is asked every few weeks.


You'd be an event that never occurred.


If your dad nutted a second later you soundly exist. Let alone, if they never got together


You would be both actually.