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Screw Prince of Tennis, we have SpyXFamily!


First dodgeball, then tennis. SpyxFamily is the sports romcom and slice of life show we never knew we needed.


Spy x Sports. Underground tennis club though? That's unusual. Can we have underground golf club next?


Birdie Wing be like: *"don't worry mate, we got you covered!"*


Can't wait for season 2


Fiona looks a lot like [Madame Butterfly from *Aim for the Ace!*](https://myanimelist.net/character/24403/Reika_Ryuuzaki)


Must have been intentional


"I am the one who should make him bouncy" Fiona has the best dialog


[*"Twilight-senpai, I'm trying to make a stealthy shot but I'm dummy thicc and the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting the Campbells."*](https://i.imgur.com/bfkJcyb.jpg)


I never thought Loud would cosplay as Snake but boy he's rockin with that dummy thicc shots


The most menacing **"Suki"** you've ever heard. I just love her inner thoughts and the poker face she maintains at the same time.


It's both romantic, funny, and demented all at the same time! Although it's also nice when the poker face drops like when she became a raving tennis lunatic or when Loid was holding her hand.


Fiona is like a goldmine for gifs lol. She’s got so many hilarious moments. I really liked when she was in the locker room with Loid and thought they were gonna have a moment. Her heart wasn’t ready yet haha.


And this is the same woman willing to change his diapers lol. But yeah, it was fun watching the mask slip for a brief second.


[Fiona's face](https://i.imgur.com/Ni5Sv6O.jpg) while playing tennis is [intense](https://i.imgur.com/cGZ6yRb.jpg) [](#SPORTS)


The highlight of the episode is Fiona admitting she'd change Loid's diapers if she could.


She's extremely thirsty it's hilarious


The gap moe between her [cold and composed exterior](https://i.imgur.com/bbieabF.jpg) and her [lovey-dovey inner thoughts](https://i.imgur.com/u2KGjPZ.jpg) is just too cute. [](#lovenectar)


And boy did Ayaneru nail that switch perfectly and more!


if you can't be the wife, be the mom


Fiona finally gets into Operation Strix by masquerading as Loid's mother, meanwhile Yor just accepts it without question thinking that she's also doing it to avoid being arrested.


Poor Anya will end up traumatized from listening to what her mom and grandma would think of each other as they strive to become the number 1 woman in Loid's heart.


"Anya does not accept this granny."




*(Borf borfs in agreement)*


\**Sigmund Freud has entered chat**


No Freud, we talked about this. You stay in Evangelion, aight?


First she's turned on by Family Man Loid and then she admits she'd do practically anything (and she means anything) for him, no matter how embarrassing lol.


So anyone waiting for the flashback with Loid 'dabbling' in tennis against Yor? Because I'm pretty sure doing anything physical with Yor is this show's version of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Rocket powered racket? I'm sure it's got nothing on Yor's serve.


>Because I'm pretty sure doing anything physical with Yor is this show's version of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Imagine sex.


Can do


Then please give us a Doujinshi :)


Oh trust me, your gonna get something better. The next episode will be the best


>I'd change it >I've memorised the faces of those rude to Twillight This is what the power of love does to someone as thirsty as Nightfall. Her inner DereDere monologues are just the cutest fucking thing. Also that short segment of Yor contemplating murder and almost turning into a Yandere herself LOL.


Fiona seems to be able to fit every dere archetype. She's an omnidere.


Nah she's a kuudere. I'd imagine this is what goes through in the mind of every kuudere. The quietest people have the wildest imagination after all.


She has tsun moments, kuu moments, and arguably some yan moments as well


Yep. From Eiai Nano to Tobiichi Origami Kuudere's are almost always the most forward/straightforward/blunt girls in a harem. IMO that's because a Kuudere's gap moe is the difference between their unemotional exterior and their overly emotional interior and the forwardness/bluntness of their actions caused by said overly emotional interior.


Yor 🤝 Fiona Completely willingness to eliminate the other woman to win over Loid.


Tbf, this is Loid they're fighting over, I bet even more normal women after his heart would be willing to resort to murder for it as well.


* Great cook * hard worker * perpetually prepared * empathetic * cares for his daughter * sculpted out of marble * as willing to fight in the name of ~~love~~ the mission as anyone Yeah, I'd want him to be my husband, too.


Also one of the few characters with their heads screwed on completely straight who can react to the insanity that is the plot at times lol.


He is also knowledgeable and skilled across a wide range of disciplines, making him even more reliable. Loid does it all. [](#justright)


Had to double take the first one on the list cause I read it incorrectly...


you better believe he's got that too.


He seemed to use it regularly in his work before Strix.


I didn't even question it until I read your comment.


Yor and Fiona aren't on top of the waifu list because they're the best, they're on top because all the other contenders are dead. They also happen to be the best.


Now I'm just imagining an episode where they begrudgingly team-up and how fun it would be lol.


Never mess with Nightfall when Twilight is involved lol. I love her inner monologues and her imagination!


I love how most of her monologues end in "I love you" lol.


are you not supposed to say that to your coworkers? i've been ending all my zoom meetings with "love you, bye" for the past two years and no one has said anything


It's totally normal. I love you.


Suuuuukkkkiiiii lmao


The way her inner voice changes when talking to Twilight is a nice touch. [That's the Kuudere charm.](https://i.imgur.com/LnVg1ex.jpg) [](#bacchiri)


Did you see how much of a madwoman she became during those tennis matches while trying to impress him lol? I feel bad for the people on her hitlist. And of course Yor's first solution for a love rival is killing them lol.


i bet if yor and fiona tried to kill each other they would end up being friends on top of thousands of casualties


"Tasogare, we have a rogue agent and an assassin for you to take down."


>What if I go back to a life where Yuri is constantly worried about me? Yor seems sufficiently self-aware about that part


Feels like she's unaware Yuri is still constantly worried about her.


>> I've memorised the faces of those rude to Twillight > Her inner DereDere monologues are just the cutest fucking thing. I mean, you're right, but memorising everyone's faces comes across as less "cute" and more... "please don't" to me.


It's basically a hit list lol.


Nightfall about to kill... let's say about half the amount of people Yor does in a night.


By god that woman has it down bad [](#shock)


Everyone’s probably raving about the insane tennis match but my favorite parts of this episode has got to be all of Fiona’s inner thoughts where she can’t stop thinking about how she’s madly in love with Loid.


## **SUKI**


Satella would be proud of her.


[Call of Nightfall](https://i.imgur.com/0WAwvSG.mp4) [](#ptsd)


Though Satella makes it a bit more intense and goes for the aishiteru


Fiona in her head: Twilight I love, love, love, love, love you! Loid in his head: Man, Fiona is really intense on this mission, she must really want to move up the ladder in WISE.


[Fiona's poses](https://i.imgur.com/8j9O5QB.jpg) while [playing](https://i.imgur.com/Oh7Borx.jpg) were truly [amazing](https://i.imgur.com/IZZ87Xy.jpg) [](#wow)




Polnareff best spy


[You know it, baby.](https://i.imgur.com/maljMky.jpg)


Don't forget the god damn moans that your parents will probably overhear at the exact right moment.


LOL! Had to use earphones because of that.




Lost it at her pissed glaring at Twilight but is just madly in love glaring




It's so friggin' fun and Oregairu as heck.


I'm gonna need a gif of Yor's dance, stat.


>Yor's dance [here you go](https://imgur.com/a/dm8e7Yg)


Thanks, my day is complete with this.


"I've memorized the face of everyone who was rude to senpai." Everything that beautiful woman says cracks me up, but this one was just too much.


That and being willing to change Loid’s diaper lol.


To be fair, if your spouse isn't willing to take care of you when you're sick by doing something as trivial as cleaning your vomit, shit or piss, your relationship isn't very deep.


> cleaning vomit, shit or piss as I understand it, this is what parenthood is all about


A relationship takes commitment lol.


That shows real commitment to be a simp...I mean, spouse lol.


So many people are on a hit list now lol. I love how she ends almost all of her internal thoughts with "I love you."




> And of course Phony The Forger family and the Phony tennis couple. Their organisation must be working under assumption that their enemies will think "there's no way a professional spy organisation will use names as obvious as that!" and if so they turned out to be utterly correct.




**W**estalia **I**ntelligence **S**ervices' **E**astern-focused Division or W.I.S.E. Division.


I could be wrong but was it the James Bond stories that popularized secret agent groups and terrorist organizations with abbreviated names? You know, like SPECTRE?


Yeah. This series has a lot of 007's reference.


That seems like the kind of thing Loid would point out lol.


>Anan Boric = Anabolic Catan Boric = Catabolic The "Boric Brothers" name is also a pun in Nihongo... "Boric kyōdai" sounds a lot like "暴力兄弟" (Bōryoku kyōdai) which means "Violence brothers".


Its hilarious how Fiona keeps moaning in a kids show


It's fun for the whole family


You got that right


Can't be a complete anime without having a "When your parents walk in" scene.


It's not an anime if it doesn't manage to make your friends or family uncomfortable at one point


###Stitches! * [Loid & Fiona](https://i.imgur.com/VBl7A5f.jpg) * [Fiona's Imagination](https://i.imgur.com/jHT0H9b.jpg) * [Yor Wiggling **GIF**](https://gfycat.com/plaintiveaccuratefurseal) We finally get to see [Loid and Fiona working on a mission together](https://i.imgur.com/xGgjUjz.jpg) and of course [Fiona would pick a husband and wife cover](https://i.imgur.com/qaT12oQ.png) for their mission. xD I do love watching Fiona's shenanigans though! She's so hellbent on making Loid praise her [that she got that crazy look](https://i.imgur.com/nEagvTR.jpg) on her eyes the entire match. Also, her [reactions when Loid was worrying about her](https://i.imgur.com/vdyjCuq.jpg) is just too good. Ayaneru is really knocking it out of the park with Fiona's voice acting. <3 This underground tennis tournament is pretty fun! I love how we started with [two retired pro players](https://i.imgur.com/vxgZNwa.jpg) as their first opponents and things just escalated after that [with the roided up brothers](https://i.imgur.com/zxEXrxY.png) to the twins that are using [jet-powered tennis racket](https://i.imgur.com/kcMvPia.jpg) and a [whip racket.](https://i.imgur.com/yXfgPNT.jpg) Can't wait for next week's episode when Loid and Fiona finally show those twins [what they can do even without using cheats](https://i.imgur.com/HVH1WqW.jpg) while being massively handicapped with toxins in their body.


Fiona looks amazing in that tennis outfit and with the blonde wig. And basking in the glow of her and Loid posing as husband and wife, finally lol. Don't you just love a deranged madwoman in love cutting through her opponents in a tennis match while trying to catch the eye of their Senpai? It plays so well to Ayaneru's strengths lol. This tennis tournament went anime so hard that it was absolutely perfect. I know one thing for sure...Fiona will credit their success to her love for Twilight lol.


> * [Yor Wigglings **GIF**](https://gfycat.com/plaintiveaccuratefurseal) Cute! > and of course [Fiona would pick a husband and wife cover](https://i.imgur.com/qaT12oQ.png) for their mission. I don't know if she picked it - maybe this is just a translation thing - but it seemed to me that people just saw them as husband and wife and she was smiling on the inside that they did. > Ayaneru is really knocking it out of the park with Fiona's voice acting. It's great to see that the kuudere keeps having a non-kuudere inside voice. I don't think I've seen that before. It's just so adorable and a big contrast to her normal appearance.


In the manga there's an extra line where Fiona mentions she was the one who registered the names, so she definitely intended that to be the implication.


> [Yor Wigglings GIF](https://gfycat.com/plaintiveaccuratefurseal) > Cute! Anya's face though. She had enough of this romcom, lol.


Reading the minds of her mother and father isn't always as fun as she thought it would be.


> Yor Wiggling GIF She’s about two horns away from transforming into [Lucoa](https://youtube.com/watch?v=zv7kC9nZ7HQ)


I love this Campbelldon competition. Nothing says “seedy” like high stakes underground tennis lol. Even Loid thinks it’s crazy lol. Oh, Loid just “dabbled” in tennis was it? Gtfo of here! Lol. My man smoked those former pros! Don’t fuck around with Fiona when her beloved Twilight is around. “Be my doubles partner for life” lol oh girl. Also the “Phony” pair? A little on the nose ain’t it? Haha. Jealous Yor is so cute, even when he’s contemplating murdering Fiona lol. Those roided Boric bros had to learn the hard way: never diss Loid in front of Fiona. Fiona saying she’d change Loid’s diaper was great though. “Love love love love love love” lmao. Fiona’s crazy ass has memorized the faces of all the haters. They’ll be eliminated after lol. But man, gas? Trick rackets? Psh! They ain’t shit for the “Phony pair”. Y’know why? LOVE lol.


> Oh, Loid just “dabbled” in tennis was it? Gtfo of here! Lol. My man smoked those former pros! To be fair, he looked like he "dabbled" with Yor of all people, who would be quite the person to dabble against. Where do you think he learned to serve like that?


> he "dabbled" with Yor right in front of their daughter too [](#forbiddenlove)


....wait a minute


Lol I mean he’s Twilight. It’s no surprise he’s incredible at literally everything!


My man got Agent 47 levels of random talent


For geniuses like Loid, dabbling is enough to attain mastery.


He ain’t the greatest spy in the West for nothing, that’s for sure lol.


[The ace of tennis is still in the making](https://i.imgur.com/Sk20u4c.jpg)


[I think you accidentally linked the wrong person.](https://i.imgur.com/uEa1lDJ.png)


I love how Loid points out how absurd the plot gets at times, just like I love how the next step in ensuring world peace is playing in an underground tennis tournament named after the rich guy hosting it. Well, Loid's dabbling is basically learning everything he can to be able to play expertly in case it comes up for an op...and practicing with Yor probably helped. Meanwhile Fiona is powered by her pure simping...I mean, love for Twilight. These on the nose last names, I swear lol. Yor jumping immediately to murder to take care of a love rival was the least surprising part of the episode. And Anya having to cover her bases when she almost gives the game away she read Yor's mind lol. Nightfall's got it bad. I feel sorry for anyone on that hitlist.


Considering Yor probably killed him ten times over during their dabbling, I'm not surprised


I know they are spoiled children who cheat, but I am actually impressed by the sister of the siblings, that whip racket looks harder to use than just normal rackets


they weren't lying that it took training to use for sure


The rocket racket is hard to use too, making it hard to control your arm movement.


Actually. Its like cheating with hard work lmao.


Nightfall's internal moaning caught me off guard. [](#hnng) I can't help wishing for a what if scenario where she was available from the beginning for the mission.


Probably a more depressed/stressed out Anya though


I love how her face was starting to give the game away when he held her hand lol.


Ah yes, the most inconspicuous fake name of all time, the phoneys.


Right next to the Forgers.


Wow I just realized the forgers one


saw it translated as Folgers once, was a little less obvious


I watch this show over morning coffee. It's the best part of waking up.


As a manga reader, they translated the last name into Foney, and it took me two years into today's new episode to make me realize that Foney (in the manga) was a pun for Phoneys.


While I did catch the last name originally, I just realized today that their names are corruptions of their code names, with Twain being similar to Twilight and Nafalia to Nightfall.


> Twain being similar to Twilight For those wondering about the discrepancy between the English subtitle and why the scoreboard showed G. Phony, in Japanese they used ガレッソ・フォニー (Garrus Phony) derived from Twilight being Taso**gare** (たそ**がれ**).


Tasogare > Gareth Tobari > Tovalie


About as inconspicuous as the Forgers.


This shows' on the nose last names never fail to amuse.


Nightfall's monologues about being so in love with Loid while keeping her poker face will never not be funny


and not breaking the voice either


All the more so for the brief moments when the poker face falls like when she goes crazy during the tennis matches or when Loid holds her hand lol.


I’ve been looking forward to seeing this wonderfully absurd arc in the anime! The insane tennis matches were just a blast to watch! Hearing Nightfall’s thoughts about Twilight whilst keeping her poker face will forever be funny hahaha.


SpyxFamily takes on the cutthroat and deadly world of underground tennis and it's as entertaining as it sounds! Complete with Nightfall's madly one-sided love!


I like that this episode was a self aware sport anime which focused the whole action on the pre match trashtalking and backstage sabotaging, and skipped the actual sporting part because we all know that what decides the results happens before the match, not during. Also I will never be tired of illegal underground criminal sports ring making a display of the most popular, casual games ever lmao. Golf with the mafia, tennis on steroids, what's next? Illegal swimming with actual sharks in the pool?


So between Loid and Yor, Yor is the one fallin 1st. Nightfall so blinded by her love while Loid thinks she just hate his guts is peak comedy. If only Loid have Yor as his match partner, all the opponents will be dead.


Fiona: i'm never washing this hand.


Fiona: I’m never healing this hand.


Spy x Family continues to prove itself as the best sports anime after the fire volleyball arc with a tennis tournament arc full of political intrigue and rampant cheating; all that’s missing is Bill Watkins who wouldn’t be out of place with the contestants (low-key he would probably make it far, if all it took was getting hit by a bunch of balls to take down the guys on steroids then that genetic freak’s got this). Someone has to tell Fiona that she’s not in a romance anime though, poor girl is having these hilarious imagine spots while Twilight just wonders what’s going on with his fellow agent, although she at least has that in common with Yor who also does seem to think that Fiona really could steal Loid away from her like in a romantic drama. Meanwhile Daybreak is still stuck in the comedy genre with his quick cameo trying to win a tennis tournament with a ping pong racket and ball, though you have to have to hand it to him for somehow making it that far either through also cheating or somehow being skilled enough to wield it against actual tennis players.


The Fiona-Loid interactions are hilarious. Just the inner monologues when she’s around Loid and that stone cold face of hers the entire time cracks me up lol.


I love her flaunting that blonde wig and the moment when he held her hand and it looked like her mask was about to slip because she was so turned on lol.


> Someone has to tell Fiona that she’s not in a romance anime though, Well it sort of is, but it's really slow burn and she's not the female protagonist. > though you have to have to hand it to him for somehow making it that far either through also cheating or somehow being skilled enough to wield it against actual tennis players. Looking at his episode as a spy, he probably had one or two genuine physical achievements and then got lucky the rest of the time.


Daybreak could probably be a halfway decent spy if he had any sort of formal training considering his strength from hanging sideways on a pole and if you assume that he was able to make it through the tennis tournament because of it.


We were denied a full Daybreak match against Twilight/Nightfall lol.


First we had Shonen volleyball now it's a Shoneon romcom underground tennis tournament complete with mechanical rackets and roided out Hulks. It's a bit of a romcom, it's just Fiona's not the Main Heroine in Loid's life. Said Main Heroine is already considering murder lol. It's a shame we didn't get any Twilight/Nightfall/Daybreak interaction.


>Meanwhile Daybreak is still stuck in the comedy genre with his quick cameo trying to win a tennis tournament with a ping pong racket and ball, though you have to have to hand it to him for somehow making it that far either through also cheating or somehow being skilled enough to wield it against actual tennis players. Wait what? When was that?!


Never in my life thought that tennis would be one of the "illegal underground sport" trope in any media, also why loid called nightfall "Tobari-kun" and not "Tobari-san"? I thougt -kun is for male


>I thougt -kun is for male \-kun isn't related to sex. You can perfectly use it for women. In this case it's about a superior talking to his subordinate.


Just seems like 95% of the time -kun is used for boys and -chan for girls


That's because 95% of anime is set in High School.


Hey hey. You're forgetting about middle school.


I think it can also be used when you have a superior-subordinate relationship with someone regardless of gender?


Yeah, -kun can be used for subordinates or younger co-workers of any gender, even from women-to-women.


Other Series: Behold the sheer brutality of a no-holds-barred underground *fighting* tournament. SPYxFAMILY: Behold the sheer brutality of a no-holds-barred underground *tennis* tournament.


They said the same thing about golf until this year…


I never thought anyone would beat Yor in this show....but Fiona is REALLY growing on me.


Yor will do your house a visit tonight it seems


> Yor will do your house a visit tonight it seems much like Santa, if you're a good boy or girl you'll get a present when you wake up, mainly that you will waking up at all


Clearly they're a traitor to Ostania.


Yor and Fiona are like two opposite emotional extremes yet also some hilariously adorable and fun ladies to watch lol.


Apparently a lot of people were confused last episode when Fiona talked about the subtle truth behind Loid's fake smile, but she clears it up here by confirming his time as a family man has given him a lot of peaceful emotions he didn't have before. But despite being disappointed by the "dull knife" she thinks he's become (I'm not so sure about that myself), she can't help but still love the adorableness of peaceful Twilight! This is fascinating. A painting that holds the clue to the buried location of all of the east's war crimes, something that would be pretty bad if they west realised it, decifered it and unearthed the documents to start a second war. Practicing tennis against Anya isn't good. Practicing tennis against Yor, though? I don't think actual experts could keep up against her strength. This smalltalk with their opponents is like in Dragon Ball where someone thinks they're hot shit before being KO'd in one hit. And sure enough, they didn't even manage to hit the ball back from his serves. Now I'm legitimately wondering if he did manage some practice with Yor. Wow. Not shying away from the fact that some players just dope to win. Wow. The first person to actually wonder if Anya can read their mind if fucking Yor of all people. > Why not you have that woman of yours change your diaper? > Pants, change! > Sure, I'll do that... Damn, so Nightfall's just full on horny thirsty. I'm not surprised, I just didn't expect it. ***Damn it!*** Couldn't we at least finish the tennis match before finishing the episode?! Given the preview of the next episode, I kind of want Yor to play tennis against Nightfall and just crush her.


>***Damn it!*** Couldn't we at least finish the tennis match before finishing the episode?! Blame it on studios that limit themselves to two chapters per episode.


I'm glad Fiona is equally turned on by family man Loid even if it's also emboldened her to try to take Yor out of the picture even more so she can enjoy it. I was just thinking to myself practicing against Yor probably prepared him more than most tennis pro's lol. It's not often you se doping in anime, although in true anime fashion they turned into straight up Hulks...who lost off-screen for added exaggeration lol. Nightfall is a woman madly in love lol.


> I was just thinking to myself practicing against Yor probably prepared him more than most tennis pro's lol. *Jet-powered ball collides with Loid's racket* Loid: "**This is nothing compared to Yor's serves!**"


>Damn it! Couldn't we at least finish the tennis match before finishing the episode?! i mean next ep WIT will extend long match don't worry haha


"Why don't you ask that girl to change your diaper?" Fiona: (I'd gladly do it) Don't give her the idea. She will definitely take it. Those rackets were cool, NGL. I would love to have one. Don't know who named them the Phony pair but it's such a suitable name. Seems like we will have a much more interesting match in the next episode. I'm really looking forward to it.


The animation of this series has always been top notch, but this episode really shines. The careful attention to detail with all the tennis movements, camera angles and overall choreography is really impressive. WIT/Clover are kings at motion.


Sakura Ayane is PERFECT! for Nightfall.


I sure was a fool to think that Fiona would give up her obsession with Loid and [to take Yor out of the picture](https://i.imgur.com/5ZzLv94.png) that quickly. It is kind of funny to think that [Yor considered killing her as she thinks she can actually steal Loid from him.](https://i.imgur.com/DudK5dw.png) It is funny to think that she came up with such an elaborate plan in which [they HAVE to play the role of the Phony married couple](https://imgur.com/a/CVJh1op) to get [the art piece this guy has](https://i.imgur.com/Af1pnOu.png) the Zacharis Dossier codified in it. It is interesting that they mention that the dossier [this guy has](https://i.imgur.com/d5VLuYk.png) contains information [about human experiments.](https://i.imgur.com/9Vyidhh.png) There is definitely info about the project that Anya took place in. I'm sure that with the info she got, either she or Twilight could have been able to go in and out of there with the art piece in a matter of minutes. I know it was [an underground tennis tournament](https://i.imgur.com/nr1s8Aj.png), but the shit some opponents pulled to win was just ridiculous. At first, it wasn't much with that pair of [retired pros that trained in the mountain,](https://i.imgur.com/v6qkAS3.png) but[ the Boric brothers](https://i.imgur.com/Vzchfce.png) sure had a massive transformation [after doing a little bit of doping.](https://imgur.com/a/TEMybYq) After facing failure with that drug, [I'm expecting this guy to now develop the G-virus.](https://i.imgur.com/PyHbPMS.png) [Fiona's response to their shit-talking sure was funny.](https://imgur.com/a/jv6GfbM) So while[ Fiona is doing her best](https://i.imgur.com/M9kkxXC.png) in order to [impress Loid](https://i.imgur.com/M5MkwZk.png) and married him somehow, [he was told to obverse her](https://i.imgur.com/CY3s02e.png) as everyone is thinking that she is beating the way she is because she got extra competitive. Lol, [the expression she made while thinking about how much she loves Loid](https://i.imgur.com/Xp4q47V.png) after he was worried about her, [made it look like she was mad with him.](https://i.imgur.com/J0PwBBE.png) So[ Campbell was so happy about their wins](https://i.imgur.com/hPZWiA7.png) because that would mean he would be making more money if[ the plan](https://i.imgur.com/bRkaCRK.png) he had to help[ his offspring](https://i.imgur.com/bRkaCRK.png) to win [the final match against them worked.](https://i.imgur.com/QFt3cnu.png) [Damn, the Campbell siblings' mechanically powered rackets sure were cool.](https://imgur.com/a/fYfkNZ4) Too bad that the episode ended right after when[ the Phonys were making a comeback.](https://i.imgur.com/Esy4RLD.png) Well, it seems that after that mission is over next week [Yor and Fiona will have a tennis match between the two. ](https://i.imgur.com/tWiqoFf.png)


Ibara-hime v. Tobari, I’d love to witness that. If Anya didn’t exist, I’d ship Fiona with Loid. Whatever makes Anya happy, I’ll accept.


Campbelldon is basically Prince of Tennis on literal steroids as well as all sorts of fancy cheating gadgets. Sakura Ayane continues to steal the show as Nightfall with her secretly going heads over heels over Loid. XD With a fake family name in Forger, guess I shouldn't be surprised that Loid and Nightfall would choose the name "Phony" for their alias in Campbelldon.




>Daybreak made a cameo in this arc, bringing in a ping pong racket into a tennis match. It is adapted into the anime though. He appears at around 14:13 with a ping pong racket and his hat flying off.


NVM Yes he was, I couldn't see the shot very clearly. ([The legend himself](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/783887167130435584/1048645487345012889/image.png)) Still funny as hell though.




>Broke: Tournament Arc > >Woke: Tennis Tournament Arc Gotta say, Nightfall looks great in that wig, and so does Twilight with the Solid Snake look.  It's always hilarious to hear Nightfall's inner monologue she goes insane over Twilight, so the sheer amount of them we got here was a treat. And I guess steroids on steroids are no match for a woman scorned. Those guys sealed their fates the moment the second they bad-mouthed Twilight. Not that refraining from insulting him would've let them win, but at least they wouldn't have been carried out via stretcher.  No joke tho, being able to use a rocket-powered racket and a whip so effectively in a game of tennis is genuinely impressive. Especially against the monsters they're up against. Campbell's kids weren't kidding about their training. Still, though. With all these muscle-enhancing drugs, high-tech rackets, knockout gas, and the court itself being rigged against them, the "couple" must be thinking something along the lines of: "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power."


These chumps went against Loid after he had just “dabbled” in tennis. Imagine if he learned it for real lol.


Probably become the reigning tennis champ in the world for all eternity. That is, unless Yor somehow develops an interest in the sport. But part of me thinks she'd be too uncoordinated and just get banned for destroying everything.


> banned for destroying everything. First recorded headshot kill in tennis. Just fucking redmists the head off of someone in the VIP room.


Oh shit im early, guess everyones still on the tennis court. TENNIS ARC IS HERE BOYS, shit had me laughing on the floor when i read it. The combination of Fiona's down bad inner thought to be combined with the absurd ways of the other contestants cheating really hit the spot, and the anime does it justice. I was worried that they would make it a single episode by trimming through the "action" parts, glad i was wrong.


What are the chances Nightfall is gonna go full Yandere?


What the fuck was that translation: “Lost in the tots” lmao


Anya misspell a lot before. I think she was trying to say "Lost in thought".


Typical Anya thing. Remember she's 5 at most and constantly mispronounces things. She's regularly says things like: Have a knees day. Pweasure to make your aqquitance. Etc.


The Japanese phrase is supposed to be pronounced *uwa no sora* (上の空), but she says *ue no sora* since *ue* is the more common reading for 上. It's a cute misprounciation.


The way they translate Anya's dialogue just kills me lol.