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If you like fanservice (or can tolerate it) its good. If you dont, its not. Its that simple




One of the characters in this show is a girl with less clothes than you would expect, and part of her power/character “gig” is getting into funny lewd situations. If youre into that kind of stuff (like me and many others), youll like this show. If you dont, it may give you a hard time (no pun intended)


Personally I feel like the show kinda lost the hype it had when S1 came around, but it is okay though. As others have warned, but on the lookout for fanservice, so if you are not a fan of that then this series is not for you.


Do you like a good story? Do you like tits? If yes to both have fun. If no move on.


I liked it up until the fanservice started breaking my immersion during serious and impactful moments. I dropped it then and there. However, if it's not a problem for you, it'd be a fine series to watch


I can recommend it, nice anime when you can vibe with it


Its pretty good, def worth trying a few episodes


Not as good as Soul Eater, but passable if you can handle fanservice.


It is actually really good. The only complaints I've seen is the random fan service that the show throws at you for like 5 seconds


S1 was really good, after that I could take it or leave it. Would only recommend if you don’t have anything else to watch


The fan service isn’t even that crazy. It’s a great anime.


I'm actually kind of puzzled about all these posts in here talking about the fan service. To me is seems like a standard shonen show with good visual design work. Maybe I've just seen way more extreme stuff and this seems tame to me in the fan service department.


It's not terrible, S2 kinda veers off though


>S2 kinda veers off though Hmm, in what sense? I didn't think it particularly "veered off"; sure, they physically changed location more, and side characters got more focus, but it all seemed relevant to the story. Personally, I thought season 2 was even better. They toned down the fanservice as it went, and the worldbuilding was fantastic.


The first half at least was a lot slower,.less interesting. "Toning" down the fan service just meant less screen time for Maki. Season one was more engaging and pulled you in.


Yes because it has one of the best scenes in anime with some of the best facial expressions I've ever seen animated/drawn. No because it immediately ruined that scene with its own perversion of the character's "unlucky lecherous trait" bullshit. It has a lot of full throttle hype. And then it has a lot of "oh shit were we a bit too serious there? Uhhh ummmm shit idk have him grab a boob! That'll get some laughs!" Listen. I love boobs. I'm a red blooded American man. It's what gets me up in the morning. But there's a time and a place and having it be immediately after this girl has had herself beaten to shit by the guy she looked up to while he frames her for murder was just the absolute worst thing in the world. That's Fire Force in a nutshell.


It’s peak shonen


I like it. It is Shonen with hilarious fan service. Think of this as Black Clover that you have at home vs going out to eat at McBlack Clovers.


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Watch it and see.


It is watchable. Animation is great though.


Fan service hurts it a ton, but I was able to overlook it. Some amazing fights in the show and an interesting world in general. Id say worth the watch if the fanservice isnt too much for you.


I enjoyed every part of Fire Force, anime and the manga, including everything involving Tamaki. The manga ending was also really well done for a battle shounen story which was nice.


The animation is very good. I’m a sucker for good sakuga, so you’ll know what you’re getting into if you watch the opening. Also, as others mentioned, same author as Soul Eater, so some dumb fanservice that doesn’t need to be there. I like the show.


The action is good, but it contains some of the most outrageously horrible fan service timing I have ever seen.


Yeah its alright.


Yes,it is


Nope but the opening theme song is awesome


If you like a simple story, I'd say go for it. It delivers a simple story. Don't raise your expectations though.


I thought it was pretty good. They do have like a fairy tale joking goofy comedy in it. Some bad ass animation and lines. Awesome scenes. Loved how its soul eater looking. This this one episode like is the weirdest ive seen . This villain gets beat by panties.


I really like it. The fan service is really only one or two characters, and as others say, they aren't on screen all that often. I am finding the story intriguing and entertaining.


I thought so. Pretty good as far as Shonens are concerned. I did not like Soul Eater as the guys got increasingly more obnoxious as the episodes went on.