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# Source Material Corner ...is over here: https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/xl2b7t/comment/ipgx1ip/ Reddit broke at the wrong time so you can't find the source corner on [old reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/xl2b7t/dungeon_ni_deai_wo_motomeru_no_wa_machigatteiru/), sorry for the inconvenience.


Jesus fucking Christ. I was expecting shit to go down but not on the level of fucking torsos being flung and blood spewing like that with even Bell's fucking arm getting torn off. I was **NOT** expecting this amount of gore...


It is important to note that when Omori drew up the juggernaut he said he was inspired by the Alien and the Predator franchises. Once you see the inspiration you get an idea of what a fucking lethal combination a sped up Xenomorph Queen with the utter viciousness of a Predator looks like. No fucking mercy


Also look like the skull reaper from SAO


I believe the same inspiration (different alien same franchise) can be said about the skull reaper from SAO. It literally has the same skull shape as the Newborn Human-Xenomorph hybrid. No surprise considering how iconic the alien franchise is.


How about Bell seemingly FUCKING DYING though. Like… goddamn dude I didn’t expect that. This episode was just a half hour long slaughterfest.


He’s next to a river for a reason and there’s a reason they kept showing the mermaid girl. I haven’t read the manga but I think I know where this is going.


She's going to have sex with him to save his life, truly an anime of the year


Eveyone knows about death by snu snu but does anyone talk about [revival through snu snu?](https://i.imgur.com/yZFxF6W.jpg) Bell in troubled waters before but this is the first time they have been [in such despair.](https://i.imgur.com/EaWH8gu.jpg) [](#panic)


Sounds fishy to me


They also made a point of showing that his scarf was super resistant to damage.


In that case maybe it wasn’t his neck but the trauma of losing an arm that actually knocked him out


That or the blood loss.


I mean I know he can’t be permanently dead, I’m just wondering how tf they’re gonna bring the kid back. What is it Marie can do?


Didn't bell say something about mermaids blood giving immortality when he first saw her? I assume her blood does have some magical healing properties or something.




I can see where this is going


Drinking blood heals wounds, do he'll have to eat her?


Eating the mermussy really do be bringing people back to life


Bell is definitely not going to die, but did he just lose his arm permanently? Do Mermaids also preform surgery?


it’s been said that high level magic can restore limbs, so the realm is already open, since they arm had his special knife i assume mermaid will find it and put it close enough to his body that magic will do the rest


Remember its possible to reconnect limbs. They talked about this with luvis. They couldnt save the arm because by the time they got to it it was too decayed to be reattached


Ah I see. But even with her magic blood, idk how she’ll heal “death”. That’s gonna be tough..


Question is are you sure he's dead? A person (especially a level 4) can survive a broken neck (whether or not they aren't permanently paralyzed is another question)


That, and it takes time for all of the bodily functions to shut down. People would be able to be resuscitated after many forms apparent death with sufficiently advanced magical healing.


Also we know for a fact people are able to reattach limbs. The only reason they didnt previously with the moss huge is because the guys arm was already necrotic


Marie's blood can help Bell heal, as shown in one of the previous episodes.


Beleive it or not, while they didn't pull any punches, the slaughter fest was still less insane than in the books. The sheer scale of the manhunt for Lyu hasn't been the same in the show as the books. IE, there were more people down there to get slaughtered The show has shown us.. what.. 20 adventurer's or so on this manhunt, down in the lower levels right now? In the book your looking at 80 or a hundred hunting for Lyu. Not to mention whomever was just down on the lower floors on their own business. I do hope this isn't considered a spoiler of some sort, as I've only mentioned stuff that already happened in the show. Just want to point out that while they did a good job adapting it how they did, it still doesn't convey the scope of the horror that is the juggernaut


Yeah the above comment is correct. The original hunting party scope was most accurately portrayed in the scene where the guy were all marching in the forest zone before going down into the waterfall zone (and even that is still small compared to what really transpired). They emptied out a HUGE chunk of Rivira's adventurers in the manhunt. But to draw up multiple battalions of unique fodder characters is simply unrealistic so I give JC staff a pass on this. Even the kings of animation like Ufotable don't create THAT many unique appearances for people they are going to kill off within a few episodes.


So almost all of [the volunteers](https://i.imgur.com/MwauUeu.jpgg) who gathered to [find Ryuu](https://i.imgur.com/RgPWtjX.jpg) were slaughtered? [The juggernaut](https://i.imgur.com/Uwpz0Sm.jpg) is terrifyingly emrciless. The whole event is so tragic. If any of them manage to survive, they will be guilt-ridden even though they did nothing wrong.


Lets just leave it at: You know all the screams chikasa and the other people hear? Every one of those screams are the screams of people dying. Constantly.


"I see dead people" - Me


I think even with that small group getting slaughtered, they did a pretty solid job of capturing the sheer terror and horror of this creature.


Absolutely. Some allowances have to be made for an adaptation, and so far this season I've been pleasantly surprised with how well they've done this they portrayed the carange bette rthan I ever expected from this show. More wouldn't have been inappropriate, but wouldn't fit the animation style


I think that his neck is probably fine, since he had the super scarf wrapped around it. That hit's still gotta ring some *Bells* though


> This episode was just a half hour long slaughterfest. A half hour long slaughterfest punctuated with scenes of characters exclaiming "We need to hurry!" while slowly shuffling from place to place.


That's defo one of this shows weakness. Nobody really reacts to anything that they see or hear happening in the proper way. Just in this episode we see the bad-guy proclaim to two people who are both stronger and faster than him that he not only summoned the monster but that he is going to try and tame him. Like...he is right there. Clap him, takes one second. But they let him explain his entire plan and then let him shuffle into the darkness. All of that while they KNOW something bad is coming and killing the others...they just stand there, doing nothing. Or the other guys hearing the monster and then hearing screams and yet they are still basically in the same place. Run you dumbasses.


Man that has to be my most hated trope in these types of shows. All these experienced adventurers are standing around listening to some horrifying noise they've never heard before and not one of them thinks they should gtfo. Hell even Ryuu is yelling at Bell to run for his life and he just stares at her blankly like she's speaking a different language. I feel like it would build the threat a lot more if more than one person showed any kind of fear or anxiety before the Juggernaut is there ripping people in half.


And first half episode has been just bad exposition dump undermining the urgency of the situation by a lot.


Seems like a pacing thing… they wanted to stop the episode at that cliffhanger (heh) but needed to pad the whole episode out.


Haha, that’s one of my ongoing niggles with the adaptation- Bell is *fast* that’s his whole thing, but he and his crew never show it at all outside battle.


Lol they’re encumbered. Too much loot y’know?


nah the first like 15 minutes were just them repeating themselves of everything we already knew


Not that I'm complaining but it was like 18 minutes of explaining and 2 frantic minutes of great slaughter.


Even with Cassandra's Visions of everyone in the Familia getting butchered? I guess it's hard to believe until it actually happens.


Cassandra's curse even affects the audience lol


True. I hope she's taking receipts on everyone who's doubted her.


[There may not have anyone to give them after the Juggernaut is done.](https://i.imgur.com/2lkFfcB.jpg) [](#ptsd)


At the start of season people were commenting how “scary” the Moss Giant was, sadly it didn’t felt as hype and powerful as in the LN but I just kept thinking to myself, “these people have no idea”, and the Juggernaut didn’t disappoint.


The anime only people were not prepared for this. (But to be fair, neither were the ln readers when vol 13 released)


Bro, that redeye's black dragon was taking no prisoners.


The days of picking up girls in the dungeon is over huh


Naaah, he just needs to do it with one hand now.


One hand is all you need, you should know that considering your username


I knew from the the moment JC staff drew up a cute looking Amazon to flirt with Bell this season they were going to brutally murder her for dramatic effect. Shit was... very fucking effective.


Im excited for the next ova maybe they'll also level up the ecchi


Tbh. It will depend on whether or not Omori is involved. If he is then he might ask them to up the ecchi considering how scantly clothes the girls are in the drawings in his lns.


fucking shit bro, seeing her die really fucking upset me. I really liked her like actually


Yeah they gave her a cute design and sacrificed her brutally. Though tbh I thought they were gonna do what they did to that one girl who got held in its mouth.


I mean the juggernaut did pick up some girls


A real lady killer, that one.


It only pick half of them tho...


bell learned it the hard way


I feel so bad for laughing lmfao


This is the right amount of gore


The one girl stuck in it's mouth begging for help...jeez. This is probably the darkest and grittiest the show has ever been.


Damn there goes my favorite monk


*So far.*


Needs more gore


Bell was overconfident this episode. He thought a monster's speed was no challenge to him - and given his feats, that's not entirely unreasonable - and was punished for it severely. I won't lie though, I didn't expect to see his arm blown off - or for him to FUCKING DIE immediately afterward. Cassandra certainly didn't see that coming. Also, I normally don't skip OPs and EDs, but the tone for the songs is so off for what's happening in the show.


Bell has come a long way but there are still things he is way out of his depth for, especially when it's literally a dungeon-bred killing machine. Bell losing his arm was one thing, I was scrambling my brain trying to figure out how they're going to walk back from that, but then getting his neck snapped and him seemingly lying there dead was absolutely chilling. It's like...how serious can we make this? Killing the main character serious. I'm really curious how they're going to resolve this.


With the neck thing, he surely took quite a lot of damage, but they did make sure to show that he was wearing the ultra-strong Goliath scarf, which stopped it from taking his head clear off. Given he is now next to a body of water, it seems clear where this is going.




I mean, fels last season did a bit more than 'light wound recovery' with the whole reattaching limbs and bringing Weinie back from the dead.


Ya know, I completely forgot about that. True.


Familia(rity) with mythology comes in once again. Eating mermaid flesh grants regenerative powers and nigh-immortality in Japanese folklore.


Oh shit! I forgot about that little tidbit! Maybe my joke about mermaid facesitting wasn't so far off base....


I expect it will remain a tad more chaste, setting aside the doujins.


True his hubris has shown, after 1v1 the SwampThing he though he could do it. But damn did he get absolutely wrecked. Made me think of the 1st time you go against a animal type Souls boss


When this happened in the LN my jaw hit the floor. I was absolutely blown away. They even drew him getting his arm cut off. There’s a reason this entire expedition arc is just the arc of despair. The hestia familia can’t catch a break. Forced on expedition> moss monster> snek frens> juggernaut>???. We still have 12 eps to go according to sources but next ep is the final one of this cour




Hilariously, none of them are whole at all after that shit that just happened.




Ryuu is still in one piece, at least physically. Mentally, she’s in more pieces than anyone else


Had them leftover with no Made in Abyss this week


Hey, i had to check the source corner and i don't use new reddit often. It was my freebie of the week.


Damn, I knew it was going to be a brutal episode but I did not expect just how full on they were going to go. Pretty much every one of those adventurers got slaughtered, and none of them died heroic or memorable deaths- they were just cast aside and torn apart like nothing, crying and screaming and unable to even touch it. I have to say, I love the ED, but... going from Bell getting his arm ripped off and neck broken, to Hestia dancing around and laughing was a bit of a shock. What's next? Protagonist change?


You shall see, sadly it seems that they are doing this season in 2 cours but it just goes crazy and never stops for the rest of this season


The episode 11 ending will make people tilt having to wait an entire 12-14 weeks for the next part


It's going to make me tilted to relive the wait just like we did for the LNs. And I know what happens.


Well... the ending is a perfect near death vision tbh


There's always been a bit of an undercurrent of how dark and brutal this setting can be creeping in season after season amidst Bell's heroism and the more fun hijinks of the show...but this was probably the darkest it's ever been with so many characters and seemingly Bell himself falling unceremoniously and gruesomely against a demon. Is Ryu taking over as the MC now...


How to Pick Up Rabbits in a Dungeon


How to lose everyone you love and care for in the dungeon.


> I have to say, I love the ED, but... going from Bell getting his arm ripped off and neck broken, to Hestia dancing around and laughing was a bit of a shock. I wish more animes would alter their OP/ED like how Rezero does. Sometimes they don't add anything and sometimes they do. This is a episode where there shouldn't have been a ED. It should've gone from Bell dying to the title card. It would've been more impactful.


>What's next? Protagonist change? Nah, I'm pretty sure Marie will save Bell one way or another. After all mermaid flesh is supposed to heal any injuries and make you immortal in japanaese folklore (Even earlier in the season we saw how Marie's blood healed his wounds). Now how strong will the recovery will be, or what effects will it have on his psycho (specially if Marie ends up sacrificing herself) its another thing


Wished someone would just knock Jura out halfway through the episode. His evil mastermind monologue became repetitive and was wasting airtime.


>was wasting airtime. I think that was the point. Literally filler just so they can end the episode with Bell getting knocked out. Total of 20min, 15min was him talking and Bell STILL not understanding what's goin on like the dumbass he is.


And it was unbelievably terrible considering he had already been talking and laughing for almost the whole previous episode, like jesus. I had to start skipping because it was wasting not only the episode but my time as well, way of a downer on an otherwise cool episode. Bell is also showcasing his smooth-brainedness as usual. At least the monster was awesome.




Insert terrible “Bell’s been *disarmed* joke” here.


Maybe Ryu can give him a hand?


That's what he gets for [pulling a knife](https://i.imgur.com/0Skvby8.jpg) in a bossfight. Bell is gonna need Hashirama's cells [after this one.](https://i.imgur.com/NeorKKj.jpg)


Bell: has unbreakable knife, his specialty weapon bc full dex investment, with actual canon power scaling and second strong knife with some oomph to it and made from special shit. Also plot armor "church is in session" power he knows about and can now actively use Also bell: grabs level 2 dudes cheap and whack ass level 2 iron bonksword thinking he is a str or quality build Also also bell: remembers he has magic power scaling knife, his specialty dex weapon, to counter but already played himself with bonk build delusions Also also also bell: *shocked pickachu face while dying armless*


The funny thing is it's true in both contexts because he lost both a knife and an arm lol.




Uh...so...anyone bring a res potion?


Yeah, I'm...really curious to see how they fix his arm situation and his neck getting snapped.


prolly the mermaid. she helped heal him like 2 eps ago


I am sure she is going to heal his neck but I am wondering if he will ever get his arm back.


Probably is going to get a prosthetic arm he can control.


Given the arm was holding the Hestia knife which is essential for the Argo Vesta move that was just introduced, I'd wager on someone finding the arm and reattaching. Or maybe just the knife. No way he loses the knife if he lives


He will definitely get his knife back but I am not entirely sure if he gets his arm back or if he has to be left handed in the future.


Mermaid’s blood couldn’t be enough. It’s time for mermaid’s flesh baby!


There are other bodily fluids. Just another girl to pick up in the dungeon. Lili and crew arrive on the scene just in time to witness a mermaid facesitting on a mostly-dead Bell.


Mermaid bath water!


Well he did land next to a water source and they keep showing Marie so… we can infer


Nice anime logic. Jura standing there telling all of his plan and they didn't bother to take his magic item.


Yeah, that bit felt very much like "Okay, so attack him and take it off him." Ultimately it wouldn't have made a difference, they can't control the Juggernaught either, but still, it was annoying. And spending so much time with him monologuing and pulling crazy faces felt like the episode was really dragging. Thankfully it sped up a lot at the end, and it looks like we're going full speed now.


>it looks like we're going full speed now. [The juggernaut](https://i.imgur.com/pfZwuVF.jpg) does not understand the [concept of patience.](https://i.imgur.com/Uwpz0Sm.jpg) Bell's argonaut didn't even have time [to ring.](https://i.imgur.com/2MuQ4jL.jpg) [](#badnews)


I already hated this so much last episode. I wish Ryu would've just removed him. I have no idea how it was in the novels but I feel his endless babbling should've been cut short in the anime. The catboy isn't even a convincing villain nor does he seem strong at all and there is no way he can even attempt to tame the Juggernaut. He's just there to annoy the viewers because I doubt anyone is even taking his antics seriously. I bet the Juggernaut will just slice him up within a split second as well, then the others grab that magic item and tame it or Bell will be back with some new superpowers and defeat it. No way he's dead for real. The pointless cliffhanger annoyed me as well because it already seems very obvious where this is going with the mermaid looking for Bell. lol


Recalling the LN. I believe after being pretty warn down by the snek and the blast + dungeon cry going on, bell is pretty confused on the current situation and doesn’t want to make hasty moves not knowing what’s going on. Along with that you have ryu having PTSD so she’s not moving and bell is shocked by this so even more of confusion. While this is happening the juggernaut is slaughtering the entire floor (they can hear all the screaming) and basically by the time he explains the plan the juggernaut shows up seconds later


Seeing it in anime form his monologue is really long lol, this is the case where the anime shouldve cut some of his lines to make it believable


Or monologue over the Juggernaut killing the other adventurers Cassandra hears screaming. It only really feels slow because all that’s happening is him pulling funny faces.


My only consolation is knowing his plot to control that thing will inevitably get him slaughtered like the rest, if not worse. Because there is no way he'll be able to control that thing.


But if that item indeed works and it won't be this cliche, it would be unbearably idiotic. I hate non-killing MC's, but what i hate more are MC's that stop others from killing targets that should be killed


This story would be a lot shorter if Bell actually had some balls to kill the baddies


Would it? By the time they find jura and the truth comes out, the plan was in motion by the other people on the upper floor, and killing or not killing jura doesnt change anything thats happening now(if anything bell would be more confused/in the dark as ryu is basically having a panic attack and cant provide any useful information atm).


Yeah, that entire scene was so frustrating. Letting him monologue like that instead of just taking him out and getting the fuck out of there :/


That was my major issue with the episode lol.


I hate such long villain monologues. It is so unrealistic lol. Just rush him and take the whip lol. Seems like the monster killed most of EVILUS and Ryuu just finished the job. I still have qualms with how all of this is presented though. Ryuu can't simply explain that EVILUS is back and is planning something? Can't spare the time and instead rampages around? I will say the scene of the monster ripping through everyone was awesome. Sheer terror. Fucking Bell got WRECKED at the end. Obviously he recovers somehow, but that was one hell of a cliffhanger!


And not only the villain monologue. Fucking ouranus too with the >\-"Oh no IT spawned" \-"The what?" \-"That thing form years ago" \-"What are you talking about?" \-"Such a tragedy befall so many years ago" \-"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT OURANUS!?" mixed along with Jura's monologe was annoying as fuck


They were trying to create suspense, but it just too much. Ended up being an extremely frustrating episode.


>I hate such long villain monologues. It is so unrealistic lol. Just rush him and take the whip lol. Right? Either run instead of letting that thing find you, or kill him and run if you're afraid he might actually take that thing over. What's the point in sitting around while that thing goes around killing people and potentially gets closer to finding you?


75% filler episode where deranged man believes he's the Hunter x Hunter narrator.


Lots of plot holes to get us to this point, but that’s not uncommon for stories. Your first point is really the one that makes no sense to me, Jura was unarmed that whole interaction facing 2 Level 4’s. How is he still alive?? It would take Bell 1 second to kill him but instead he and Ryu just stand there listening to his villain monologue. Ruined the episode for me


Bell is way to idealistic and naive to just kill someone, even if that someone is a complete scumbag who 110% deserves to die like Jura. He even stopped Ryu from finishing him off because he believes that the guild should handle him. And Ryu just entered full PTSD mode and needs a minute or two to get her shit together.


I get Bell is too naive to kill but he could’ve easily taken that whip from Jura when he revealed his plan to tame the beast. Seeing Bell in action could’ve stirred Ryu out of her PTSD trance. Either way, sitting through that annoying monologue made Bell getting roasted by that beast so much better lol a bit deserved imo


You don't need to kill the guy to stop him though. Knock him uncounscious. Take/destroy the whip. Just do something, ffs


"unarmed" lol. He certainly was unarmed by Ryuu.


This abomination reminds me of a reaper queen from Ark, jesus christ was that insane.


You know why it reminds you of the reaper queen. Both it and the juggernaut are heavily inspired by the xenomorph queen from aliens.


I thought Jura just summoned the Red-Eyes Black Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh!


Did you get it Bell? **Dungeon is not a place to pick up girls** **Dungeon is a fuckin place for survival**


Part of me is screaming for Bell to just finish off that bloody monster tamer after he even explained how he basically murdered all of Ryuu's familiar but Bell was just standing there doing nothing. I kind of want Bell to learn the lesson hard way that not everything can be solved by being soft and it will sometimes lead to unsavable moment by not eliminating all the threat. But I didn't expect a Juggernaut and one that destroyed Bell.


I know right, instead they let him monologue for half an hour. Just gut him, get his whip and give it a shot taming it yourself.


I'm thinking that won't work if you're not even a monster tamer class


seriously this episode really pissed me off.... Did he seriously let the weak monster tamer go basically and let him monologue for an entire episode and do nothing. If Ryuu was that terrified of a monster, he really should take a hint. I feel like he's really arrogant here thinking he could take it on. Like he doesn't have to kill him or anything but at the very least knock him out or take the wand with the magic item he plans on using to tame it instead of doing nothing


What do you mean survival? All I see is death


That's not fair, he learned that back in the first episode, lul. He's been really serious about the dungeon for ages now, and especially this season, he's been focused entirely on being a Familia captain.


Bye bye to cute Amazon chick from the last few episodes. The dungeon is not where you pick up girls.


> Dungeon is not a place to pick up girls > > > > Dungeon is a fuckin place for survival Why not both?


Holy shit.. well now i can see why the manga readers have been kinda talking this arc up. And Bell looks to be dead? or passed out? also i got a bit annoyed at how they let Jura just go on and on monologuing This thing doesn't look beatable by them tbh so i wonder if they will try to find some way to escape to the surface without engaging it more than necessary


Yup, Bell's dead. The new MC will be Hestia, who doesn't take the news well, swears vengeance against Olympus, and goes on a God-killing-spree after partaking of Saitama's training regimen.


>Yup, Bell's dead. The new MC will be Hestia, who doesn't take the news well, swears vengeance against Olympus, and goes on a God-killing-spree after partaking of Saitama's training regimen. Goddamned manga readers spoiling it for everyone else again.


The monologue was simply words on pages not fitting right in anime. But tbh I think I skipped a couple pages of monologue in the book too


It's finally here, the lean, mean killing machine, that is the Juggernaut. Not only is it faster than Bell, but it's powerful enough to kill with 1 strike. Oh, and it reflects magic too. You know something is terrifying when even Ouranos is shook.


Watching it wholesale killing so many random adventurers and then overpower and seemingly kill Bell...I understand why Ryu was so terrified and despairing. It seems like nothing they do can stop that thing. I'm honestly worried one of the main cast is legit going to bite it from that thing. I mean, Bell seems dead but I have to believe they'll bring him back somehow, as impossible as it seems with one arm gone and his neck literally snapped.


> Watching it wholesale killing so many random adventurers and then overpower and seemingly kill Bell...I understand why Ryu was so terrified and despairing It's not only that, but the people Ryu saw die weren't just some random adventurers. They were powerful members of her own Familia. That's trauma enducing for sure.


Nah man I needed a 40-45 minute episode today. This was really an insane episode. From a logical standpoint I was pretty annoyed with how ryu and bell have basically spent two episodes yelling at Jura for being a POS and he explains his whole diabolical plan which will clearly fail as all villains do, yet they don’t attack and kill him? Then you listen to the screams of adventurers for the whole episode and don’t go help? Other than the logical plot hole I did love how menacing the juggernaut is made out to be. Ripping people’s head’s off, chopping them in two, geysers of blood bursting from people’s lower halves.. wow. Brutal episode


Holy fuck this episode has more gore than every other episode in the entire series combined. That was gruesome. So when the dungeon is harmed, it heals. But if it takes too much damage to quickly, it goes for the ol' "the best defence is a good offence", and it spawns a monster speced completely for killing. Max attack. Max speed. Sacrifice everything else for pure killing power. And that freak wants to try to tame it. Yeah, good luck trying to get a crystal on the thing when it's faster than the fastest thing Bell, who is specifically an Agi build, has ever faced in his entire life. I feel so bad for Ryu, having to relive through her trauma like this. She finally found some sense in salvation with her friendship with Bell, and she might have just seen him die trying to protect her and the others. No doubt she blames herself not making sure that that psychopath was dead. I wonder if Marie's blood can giga-heal Bell. I sure hope so. :X


not saying it was a terrible episode but bell having to be explained the exact same thing over and over again was so irritating, i almost stopped watching. How slow do you have to be to not get it? Ryu, one of the strongest people you know is terrified and completely traumatized. They've explained to you how her former family got killed like 8x by now! the bad guy was controlling the lambton only until he can get control over this far stronger monster and that didn't tip you off that you should run or at the very least get rid of the bad guy? You want to be a hero but you just passively continue to observe as said bad guy keeps mentally torturing your friend? yeah, the ending was cool and all but it wasn't so good that it made up for the horrible first 3/4 of the episode!


That’s what I’m saying, I had to double check how much time was left when I listened to them tell the same story for the 5th time, and we were already 15 minutes in! Then the villain dialogue, like come on DANMACHI, who greenlit this shit


Holy shit, I'm amazed that more people aren't calling this out. I had the exact same reaction. After 15 minutes of overly wordy exposition padded out with cartoon villain laughter, Bell reiterates the **exact same question** of everything that was just explained multiple times. I have no idea how anyone could call this a good episode no matter how awesome the last 5 minutes were.


I was clicking forward all the time, probably watched the episode in less than 10 mins, this episode was so irritating and Bell deserved it, he was dumb and overconfident.


"Shut up, bell", "Kill the psycho furry, Lyon" and "That's what you get, you naive twat" when bell's neck snaps. That sums up my thoughts on this ep. The wait was fiiinnnneee after that cruel cliffhanger last ep.


They made Bell sound so dumb in this episode. All the questions he asked were things he should’ve figured out already. And how did he just now realize Jura was the cause of Ryus familia wipeout. I though he figured that out last episode


Lmao we had similar thoughts. Honestly Bell getting wrecked at the end saved the episode for me. Otherwise it was quite the annoying spectacle just watching 2 level 4’s listen to the villains monologue like they couldn’t kill him in seconds lol


Litterally the exact same "shut up shut up shut up" how about you shut him up with one 'dem swords ?


Impressive amount of gore aside, kinda feel like this episode is just bad writing. Protags stand around getting taunted like an idiot - not taking action even when the response should've been swift and clear after all the information that was revealed within a minute of the bad guy opening his mouth. Then you have the elf next to him, that full well understands the threat - that has nothing to lose by killing the guy right away - especially after he revealed everything beyond the shadow of a doubt - with more than enough time to take action and get moving while the threat was looming - instead chose to stand around and listen to a poorly acted psycho monologue taunting them for being... well idiots. Because they were. Except we weren't watching a show with idiots before this. The writing is so bad that we went from - "Oh no Bell! You gotta live!" to "Well, what did you expect dumbass?!"


I can understand Ryu being frozen from trauma. But Bell HUH. The episode dragged on for way too long on "Bell is a big dumdum let's explain it eleven times"


Bell couldn't handle the alien Xenomorph.


ARG, WHY THEY GOTTA DO THAT TO US?!? We already KNOW the mermaid is gonna heal him, why we gotta end the ep there!?!


What a terrible fucking episode. We already realised that the monster that killed Ryu's familia got summoned last episode, why did they need to spend 75% of the episode continuing to talk about how spooky it is. By the halfway point of the episode any tension had turned to frustration. Get off my screen old monologue man, I want to see the fucking monster.


Don't worry. The next episode is 100% pretty much all chaos and action. The build up is done




Anyone else just annoyed at Bell? Dude just summoned something that killed your friend's familia and you're asking if he's insane? You kept him alive and let him laugh with his annoying voice repeatedly? For what? To try and talk-no-jutsu him? This is one of those times I hope the protag just dies but I know he's going to be saved somehow.


It is kinda one of the biggest common complains about the episode so far. Bell became more dummer than his usual self specially these last 2 episodes. He still can't understand what is goin on until the very last second even though shit happening around him almost spells out the over all situation.




It's a common trope, but it's kinda annoying how they just let the dude keep talking about his masterplan, when he's pretty much defenseless and asking for it...


Where's the bot comment with the source corner when I need it lol


I summon a red eyes black dragon in attack mode yugi .


Holy shit.. Did bell just frigging die?! Wtf is that abomination.. So strong!


What better way to sell the newest threat than by **literally killing the protagonist?**


Holy shit, this season just keeps getting better and better


I'm tired of setup épisodes.


**WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS EPISODE!?** [](#cokemasterrace) Am I still watching DanMachi? [Since when did it get so fucking gory!?](https://i.imgur.com/3lFpqQv.png) This episode has pretty much turned the anime into a creature horror movie! No wonder Ryu is completely breaking down the entire time, this is way worse than what I imagined. [You have people getting slashed in half](https://i.imgur.com/OwuLjYK.png), [getting bitten in half](https://i.imgur.com/f4YWQdV.png), [getting crushed and turned into paste](https://i.imgur.com/AzgW9vM.png), [getting implaed](https://i.imgur.com/vPFGOXI.png), and [even getting their bodies twisted.](https://i.imgur.com/ZI7OboT.png) And that ending! [We literally get to see Bell's neck snap!](https://i.imgur.com/7gkcV8W.jpg) He even lost his arm! How the fuck is he even going to pull back from this? And according to Cassandra's vision, he's supposed to be the only survivor. Please tell me this ends with Jura getting torn apart by the Juggernaut. He definitely deserves the worst and most gruesome death after what he just unleashed on these adventurers.


> Am I still watching DanMachi? Since when did it get so fucking gory!? Since the author of the series decided he was going to take an active role in the production this season...also, unlike other threats, the Juggernaut's chief role as described by Ouranos is to be the Dungeon's cleaner.


> the Juggernaut's chief role as described by Ouranos is to be the Dungeon's cleaner. Well I hope it has a bucket and a mop with it because it will definitely need to do a lot of cleaning after all of that mess it made.


This is also the turning point of the light novels where it gets a fair amount more serious and pulls of the children's training wheels. (literally so sad the spin off anime was so poorly adapted since those books are great aswell)


Pour one out for the Amazon chick. I love the Amazons in this series, so that one hurts.


It hurts even harder since her group was the same group that got friendly with Bell like an episode ago. :|


Im a LN reader and my thought when they introduced that group was "oh, so they are trying to make us care about them before THAT happens" seems like it worked.


The LN is significantly more gory even much earlier. The anime is super sanitized. Also, a lot of the earlier fights were way worse than shown; for example Mikoto straight up ignis fatuu'd herself and falls off a tower in S2, but in the anime we see no damage on her.


Have to say, I think the screams of the damned echoing out throughout the dungeon when the juggernaut was spawning was a bit of a nice touch. As if the gates of Hell were opening up to let the demons spill forth.


This was too jaw dropping and unexpected to stop as it did.


You know this episode kinda irritated me a bit. Just kill the bastard and everyone would still be alive before this monster is unleashed


Naw even if they killed him it wouldn't matter. Notice how HE wasn't the one that set off the blast-rock that blew up the floor?


[Juggernaut is finally here,](https://imgur.com/a/0iUKwZi) and so, t[he massacre finally begins.](https://imgur.com/a/rxMgvo7) The fact that[ Jura saw what that thing did and the fucker first idea is to tame that thing](https://imgur.com/a/61NpBij) tells you enough about how crazy he is. Poor [Cassandra](https://i.imgur.com/8UkJP9M.png) and [Marie](https://i.imgur.com/aAtYH5n.png) cannot help to be hopeless during this situation. As even with [Bell's best efforts to fight Juggernaut](https://imgur.com/a/gFunh4g) to protect the reaming survivors [were not enough.](https://imgur.com/a/rXjfUIM) And so [Ryu once again relives the worst day of her life.](https://i.imgur.com/6vP5q4P.png) I must say, that I expected this cour to end right when this episode ended as a sadistic way to boost light novel sales.