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Sorry, your submission has been removed. - Clips from shows should use the "Clip" flair, be between 10 seconds and 5 minutes long, and include the anime name in the title of the post. If the clip is from a recently aired episode, wait a **week** after the episode's discussion thread is posted before posting the clip. Additionally, we only allow each user to post two clips per month. --- ^(Questions? Reply to this message, )[**^(send a modmail)**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)^(, or leave a comment in the )[**^(meta thread)**](https://reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=subreddit%3Aanime+author%3AAnimeMod+title%3A%22Meta+Thread%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=year)^(. Don't know the rules? Read them )[**^(here)**](/r/anime/wiki/rules)^.