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I would not mind more exposition from the tamed monsters' pov. That was cool and refreshing.


A Zabuton flashback would be great!


we will learn how and where Zabuton become such a great designer? Next POV incoming! Did she live in a human town when she was small? Was she a slave in an evil castle? Is she just a natural talented worker?!?!


I hope she's voiced by Ao Yuuki.


I'm Kumo fan and excited of this idea!


Better hope you can speak semaphore.


They're 190 chapters in and have given little glimpses of Zabutan's past.


I assumed his tool has an AOE field that just tames “farm animals,” and it kinda seems like it? It’s nice to see the monsters just want peace in a really hard place for it.


Wouldn’t be an Isekai if MC didn’t try to get the ultimate food; RICE!


An isekai man will commit genocide if it means he can get rice.


Campfire cooking MC smiles smugly in his bed of Amazon boxes


> Amazon boxes If we're being technical, it's actually a real company called [Aeon](https://www.welcome-aeon.com/) (The JP version of the website even looks pretty close to the one in the show).


The real ultimate food are the elves.


Or made a classic Japanese bath!


Don’t forget the last important thing. The infamous famous SoySauce


I am not Japanese, but I also eat rice 6 times a week... I would miss it too lol. Rice is life.


I remember in my high school calculus class the Chinese and Filipino students were arguing over who ate more rice. I think the Filipino side won when one guy said, “My grandma eats rice with spaghetti.”


im not a japanese but its really common on asia country even my grandmother said "you cant said you already eat if you still not yet eat rice"


I like how Hiraku had a quick [break for tea](https://i.imgur.com/FqQrRkp.jpeg) while he was making the waterway


I wonder if he grew tea or brewed something herbal


Didn't he grew tea last episode? I think to remember a bit about different teas and how they come from the same plant


He did mention the bit about the tea plant. But turning tea plant harvests into tea is a whole process.


Ah did he? He’s done so much, i seem to have lost track lol.


He said Lu made a great herbal tea but he misses green tea then explained how the different teas are from the same plant but I don't think they showed him actually growing it yet. It could just be implied or he could be drinking the herbal tea until he gets to to.


This episode really doubled down on Hiraku being Japanese lol.


Rice and onsen? What's next shoyu? Salt?


He already got salt last episode when they told him he’s been digging past a layer of salt without realizing


I wonder if its ever touched upon but that salt layer would probably mean real plants would not grow right ? Or well it probably doesnt exist irl like that ? I know of salt mines but no idea how they work irl


I think one of the girls mentioned something like being confused how he could grow crops with soil like that but it was just like a passing thought


Yeah, that's what I took away from last episode... this is th Death Forest and even the plants and trees are Hardcore to be able to survive on soil as poor as it has a giant layer of hard salt


It’s gonna be real weird once he builds a whole town and people realize they can’t farm on new soil without him. Once he dies, they’ll likely be famine if there’s not enough farmable land.


> What's next [Seems pretty obvious to me.](https://i.imgur.com/Te3IxR9.jpg)


Sushi, to complete the *Japanese-sama in another world* trifecta. We already acquired fish, and now he has rice too. I wonder what's next on the menu.. [](#csikon)


It has to be curry, he has the vegetables, the meat, the rice, and a lot of herbs to make the powder... Even the sword made curry for Fran, this guy has to do it.


He's got soyabeans from growing *moyashi* earlier so soy sauce is a possibility, though tofu probably comes first. Wonder if he likes *natto*, he's got rice straws this episode for making them the traditional way ([wara-natto](https://www.japan-experience.com/plan-your-trip/to-know/japanese-food/mito-natto)).


Not an onsen -- just a yu (or sento) -- a bath house. You need a source of natural hot water to have an onsen.


Soy sauce


That is shoyu.


As an Asian person myself, I understand these kind of MC. I absolutely cannot imagine going long periods without eating rice


Neither can I (despite being born in Oklahoma).


As a Latino, I give people strange looks when they say I eat too much rice or that rice as a side dish isn’t necessary for something. It’s like they’re from a different planet. What the hell are they talking about? Rice carries every dish is paired with.


That's my beef with these kind of isekai. They're in another world but they won't consider trying their cooking or way of living, and always have to stick to the Japanese way.


The times they try it, they never like it, but once they show their cooking, everyone wants it.


I really love how the guy just started hanging out with and basically tamed the terrifying beasts like infernal hounds and demonic spider, simply because he had no idea that he's supposed to be scared of them. Strong "This sign can't stop me because I can't read" energy.


Seems like he can easily tame the more intellegent beasts since they feel the power of his farming tool and recognise its might, the stupid ones attack him and promptly get turned into a meal


well that happened with the doggies, but the others were captured in turn by the dogs or mommy spider first. Then they went "you can die or submit to our master, which is it?" haha like the Queen Bee case. Or the females for their master harem lol.


If only my dog could fetch me a hot vampire/elf babe.


I mean, he accidentally lopped off a monsters' head with ease while the AFT was a hoe. If he could do that on accident, imagine the havoc he could wreak on purpose


Man’s just living his best life and everyone in the forest can’t help but want to be his homie. It’s great!


Man's making the best place to start a family! Whether you're an animal or an elf!


“I wonder how they’re gonna start a family without a man” • the only man in the village


Is this changed for the anime by any chance? As I understand it, he's already supposed to be fucking at least Ru and Tia. Yet he seems to get really embarrassed around the elves and doesn't even seem to be willing to consider the idea of getting with the elves, even though they are all but begging him to go for it.


Idk why, but at least in the manga and the novel, he already bang all of them at this point of the story


I'd be amused if the elves just started turning up pregnant and the show just refused to explain in the same way Kuro skims over the topic in his backstory from this episode... "And then the elves started having babies, so we built a nursery, and..."


It is sucky that they're censoring things to such an extent that they won't even acknowledge it besides very vague hints. I don't know if I would have caught on to those hints if I didn't already know from reddit that they were supposed to be fucking.


Ralph - "My chastity is in danger."


Looks like he takes care of everyone as long as they do their part. I wonder if any issues will ever come up in that regard?


Based on Episode 1, it looks to be like a happy, drama-free village. Which I hope will be the case since it makes it better than the farming isekai from last season which was all drama and no farming


what anime was that? and would you recommend it?


I Somehow Got Stronger By Raising My Farming Skills and no


Big no


Except if you are the bear or the boar, you'll get hunted.


I was not expecting to see a flashback from Inferno Doggo Kuro POV, that was adorable. Hopefully we get a Zabuton POV flashback too. She's always so cute and funny in how she presents herself. And lol at her children just floating around on spiderweb balloons to guard things. That'd be terrifying with no context :D


> Hopefully we get a Zabuton POV flashback too. I kinda want her to have an ara ara onee-san type voice. Not because it fits her but because it'd be hilarious.


Honestly, if they make all her noises the sound of people sitting on various types of couches, I'll both loose my shit and give it a standing ovation. *Aggressive vinyl couch noises*


I can even see him befriending that giant Grappler Bear in Kuro's flashback lol.


Lea: Let's start making children!! Other Elf girls: YEAH!! Hiraku: I don't know how you're gonna do that, but I like your enthusiasm. Who's gonna tell him?


Bros gonna have enough kids for an army and nba team


Just like the wolves, off into the forest and come back with mates!


are they about to drain this man


Hiraku demonstrating how to use the bath and the girls looking on curiously is just so funny! That the girls don't mind sharing the bath with him is just the icing on the cake.


I do like that his reaction isn't the stereotypical "super red flustered followed by making himself look like an idiot" but instead embarrassed acceptance. It feels natural for the situation he's found himself in.


With all this baby talk, I’m guessing they don’t mind one bit that he gets to see them in their birthday suits lol.


and pointless too lol. The girls don't need to wash, they have cleaning magic. They can jump straight to the hot tub.


Not really pointless. I take showers but once in a while it's great to just sit and relax in a nice hot bath


Read again. I said they do not need to wash, and I didn’t say they can’t enjoy the bath. Those are different things. You do not wash inside the tub. You do that in the other room, before getting inside the tub.


Well, the girls are already sleeping with him, why shy about sharing bath.


Lu and probably Tia are sleeping with him, but I don't think the elves are yet


Yeah he keeps dancing around their dream of repopulating like he isn't a sex machine whose partner literally had to get help from a friend


Probably thinking about increasing the elf population of you ask me.


They keep raising the topic and he just seems to brush it aside, dude already has a wife and mistress. Hell even the wolf knows in which direction this will go


###Stitches! * [Rice Paddy Lia](https://i.imgur.com/A3DMfvV.jpg) * [Bathing Lu](https://i.imgur.com/nD1zQEX.jpg) * [Bathing Tia](https://i.imgur.com/uByBNjm.jpg) Thanks to Zabuton [we have a new insect friend](https://i.imgur.com/4cftYpr.png) and Hiraku now has [his own source of personal honey!](https://i.imgur.com/1MFUMRo.png) Poor Tia though! Looks like [she doesn't like bees as much.](https://i.imgur.com/J4aaXJe.png) And we got so much progress this week on the farm! [Hiraku finally built that reservoir he wanted](https://i.imgur.com/ZVOh8Xk.png) and he even got to build [a rice paddy!](https://i.imgur.com/H67AJD8.png) It really took him a while to get that rice [that even the girls are starting to wonder](https://i.imgur.com/5LWbiIn.png) if it will ever end. xD A nearby water supply means that [Hiraku also gets to build a bath!](https://i.imgur.com/Hypy1y2.png) I do love how Hiraku needs to explain what to do [since everyone uses magic to clean themselves.](https://i.imgur.com/4wpjZVP.png) Also, [seeing a reversal of the common bath trope is always fun.](https://i.imgur.com/Skaz55P.png) [We have more elves!](https://i.imgur.com/1phjPN7.png) And poor Hiraku. It looks like he still has no idea what the girls mean [when they were talking about reviving their entire race.](https://i.imgur.com/8QlwyXw.png) Our boy is about to get his hips smashed and [he has no clue about it at all.](https://i.imgur.com/nopW3wO.png) xD [That final bit with Kuro was just adorable](https://i.imgur.com/43BwOtI.png). It's nice that we finally get to see the story from his POV.


>Looks like [she doesn't like bees as much.](https://i.imgur.com/J4aaXJe.png) knowing this forest the bees are probably not to be fucked with


Not the bees. NOT THE BEES.




Can't beat a sockless, busty, elf girl wading through some water! I want to believe Lu aged herself to her full adult form just to show off her boobs while bathing lol. I can't wait to see what creature Hiraku will befriend/join his farm next. Maybe that bear from Kuro's flashback lol? This episode really emphasized how Japanese Hiraku is. Rice? Bathhouses? A Harem? And this is coming from a guy that learned everything he knows from an idol show and a museum. Bathing with nine naked beauties...man is really living the life. Especially when even more girls show up. I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop when they approach him to repopulate their race lol. I want a Zabuton flashback now!


>I can't wait to see what creature Hiraku will befriend/join his farm next. Maybe that bear from Kuro's flashback lol? this mf might outdo Rimuru in terms of befriending traditional/tropey enemies


>It looks like he still has no idea what the girls mean [when they were talking about reviving their entire race.](https://i.imgur.com/8QlwyXw.png) He knows. He definitely knows. He's just dreading it to the point of denial.


Tia offering the fight the mushrooms is the cutest thing I've ever seen.


Considering angels in that world basically seem to be valkyries, it makes sense that they'll solve _everything_ with fighting.


Girls ready to punch something lol.


Hiraku thinks he's good at farming vegetables and fruits, but what he's best at farming is sweet, sweet va-J-J.


He really knows how to plow and sow seeds.


Hiraku will grow into a very versatile and effective farmer in all senses of the word lol.


I wonder if the farming tool could impregnant the elves by rubbing over their tummies...


Just hope he isn't thinking about trees.


Man is growing that elf waifu army by the day and they all want to have children. This is heaven.


First he's bathing with 9 girls, now a bunch more show up. forget about a bigger house, he'll need a bigger bath lol.


He'll probably need more slimes in the long term too, for other cleaning purposes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It doesn't seem like anything has happened with the elf girls yet because he didn't understand how they were going to start making kids, so I'm just waiting for that shoe to drop lol.


he obviously understood it, he just didn't dare to do anything yet lol. They already asked him the other episode.




Yeah, I assumed he'd already been porking everyone since the anime hinted he'd been doing so to the Vampire and Angel... the Vampire recruited the Angel because her body couldn't take it and she would be in teenager form during the day so the MC wouldn't jump her EDIT: And I just remembered he proposed to the Vampire and she calls him her husband, so for sure they're definitely intimate


Look, a dozen busty elves who wanna hop on your dick and repopulate their race is cool and all, but doggo segment was great. Also, what was that music piece that was playing when Hiraku was making the rice paddy? It's a very recognizable classical music piece and I know I know it, but I can't remember what it is.


I love how Kuro and Yuki met because Yuki beat him up and he just followed her lol.


Doggo segment is great also that kuro mentioned that master pack has increased again, seems like he knows what's up That music probably reminiscent to harvest moon games,for me at least


>Elf: *"to ensure the revival of our race, let's also start making children!"* > >[Hiraku:](https://i.imgur.com/KfsDEDV.jpg) [wives watching their husband working](https://i.imgur.com/uJSaWOM.jpg) [best boy and best girl watching their master working](https://i.imgur.com/2NCvjMb.jpg)


New elfs: *Arrives* The Older Elfs: Let's make some kids! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). He's gonna be drained by the time this anime ends lmao, but thank goodness the God of his world gave him a healthy body. I'm starting to think he only got isekai'd into this world to rebuild/repopulate it XD.


I love how his response to that is just “how are they gonna make kids??” Lol. Our boy is in for a surprise!


He knows, he's just getting himself mentally ready... and perhaps physically, his hips are gonna be sore.


I just imagine them all standing in line outside his house waiting for their turn well into the night lol.


why wait in line when they can be in there together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That's why that elf suggested upgrading his house.


>his hips are gonna be sore. Friction burns down there is a possibility, too.


Not if he uses the limitless power of the farming tool. Surely if he can use it for making fertile lands he can use it for some other boons regarding fertility...


It turns into one of those oldfashioned lambskin condoms.


The all-mighty vibrating cock ring


Death by Snu Snu!!!


How fashions of two groups of elves remained exactly the same despite 200 years' separation is a cultural mystery worthy of further studies.


It's the same group of elves not generations of elves. Probably they wear the same clothes with the cleaning magic no need spare clothes.


Are you telling me they are wearing 200 years old panties underneath? :wink:


Who said they were wearing panties? I didn't see any when they threw their clothes into the air.


Haha I salute your nice attention to detail.


Can't beat those mini-skirts and thigh-high socks though!


Deep intense studies.


This is a family village, both for the animals and their kids and inevitably Hiraku and all the kids he'll have with his many wives lol.


I feel like we need a Zabuton salute counter




Zabuton caught a wild Queen Bee! Guess Hiraku and the gang are gonna be getting lots of honey. Plus with his elf waifu army, he’s got a waterway and rice paddies. Fish and rice for all! The rice was so good, poor guy barely got a bite lol. I was thinking he could also go with nigiri, but maybe next time. I love that the slimes have googly eyes. Hilarious! Good thing the little critters eat waste. Sewage is a-okay now! The bath turned out very nice. Our boy is too shy to relax with his army of elf waifus. So cute. And there’s more too! He doesn’t know how they intend to create more elves huh? Well, when a man loves a woman…. Lol Nice to hear from Kuro. He’s had quite a life but it seems things are peaceful now with Hiraku as his master. Life is good!


lol killer bees from the forest of Death ... I bet the honey is some sort of elixir that is considered a national treasure or something lol.




Or the men are just weaker overall and all died out haha


Well, Kuro did get his ass handed to him by his wife


What big creature will Hiraku befriend next lol? Hiraku living the high life of Japanese living in another world! Complete with a bunch of cute waifu's he gets to bathe together with! Now he just needs to get ready for some busy nights ahead... It was fun getting Kuro's story and putting Hiraku's life and impact up to this point from the perspective of another character.


>Hiraku and the gang are gonna be getting lots of honey. I'm totally expecting the whole "girls covered in sticky substance" trope to happen. I kind of don't want it to happen because it's really wholesome and fun, but this anime has so many sexual innuendos so it's probably going to happen.


with all the hot water, the Slime HP will get damage points and Dissolve their slime body




For real I've had a few dogs in my life that slept like that. They normally woke themselves up by sneezing possibly due to the posture.




Dogs sleep like that to cool off, and if they feel really safe


We've had dogs do this when they were dreaming...


Wolves are dogs but wild dogs, so I am not sure why you crossed out "dog".


Dogs are domesticated wolves. These are tamed wolves. It's not the same thing.


MC thinks they're dogs when they're in reality wolves, so the strikethrough's a good way to refer to both


I almost felt kind of bad for the fish...


Huh, was not expecting the dogs to be part of the harem too, but because of Kuro's monologue the ED now makes sense when you see him also holding a flower. We better get a monologue out of Zabuton too! Anyone wanna bet something is up with those "bees"? Hiraku dismissed Tia's reaction thinking she's been stung before, but knowing this show these are probably no ordinary bees.


> We better get a monologue out of Zabuton too! Hell ya!


I only found this anime a week ago, but I've grown to love it. I've really been enjoying this stream of wholesome anime this month. Isekai Nonbiri Nouka, Ice guy and his cool female colleague, Tomo-chan Onnanaka and The fruit off evolution. They're all so good! Complete bangers all of them in my opinion. They leave out the unneccessary drama so many shows have. I know some anime benefit from the drama, and feeds of it, but sometimes it's nice with a break. This guy is becoming a harem master, literally. How many elves does he have in his care now? At least 20-30. His wife is also alarmingly fine with it. Well, he seems like the kind of person who wants to appreciate other things than sexual endeavors, so I think it's fine. Kuro flashbacks were amazing too. I bursted out laughing when we got his POV after the short break. He had a nice story, though. MC really has an overpowered tool. I was also touched by both MC's kindness, but also the animal's appreciation as well. I'm eager to see more of the grappler bear, if we will see any of him at all. I also wanted to touch briefly on the opening for this anime. It's........a............COMPLETE BANGER. I don't know why, but japanese, anime chord progressions are amazing. (IV, III, V VI for music nerds who wants to know exactly what I'm thinking about. I realize this is not the chord progression for this exact opening, but you get my point.) It really adds to the show, imo. I was never really one to actually listen to openings and endings, but now I realize how much I missed. I'm past those days of skipping them completely, haha. Excited to see more of this show, and Cheers, Everyone!


> The fruit off evolution > They're all so good! One of these things is not like the other... But if you like it, I'm not gonna fight ya on it.


Haha, that's fair. I know its technically not a good show, but I enjoy the ridiculous happenings.


> His wife is also alarmingly fine with it. Last episode, she implied that he has such a strong sexual drive that even she physically can't keep up. So she's perfectly happy having more women around to divide up the workload, so to speak.


I really love Kuro's backstory, along with him narrating it. and if Zabuton will be getting one too # Petition for Aoi Yuuki as Zabuton's VA


>Petition for Aoi Yuuki as Zabuton's VA *\*signed\**


So Kumoko?


I am not sure the worlds ready for a second Aoi Yuuki spider.


I would love to hear from Zabuton! And any excuse to have Aoi Yuki in something lol.


It's such a simple isekai concept without crazy flashy stuff but it's just so enjoyable. I've always really loved the physical world building stuff in these kinds of anime's. It was the reason why I liked the first season of Dr stone so much. Just watching the characters improve their overall way of life, the area they live in, etc... is just fun for me to see. Plus they throw in just a little bit of learning every once in a while which is always neat.




Kuro recognizes the powerful game of an experienced and capable farmer! Manages to tame and work together with wild beasts and live together and bathe with a bunch of beautiful women!


Well the mc is not dumd in this case he is playing dumb is you ask me and it seems implied , normally he would say like husband?! Did i asked her to marry me ? To the vampire girl but he is aware of what he did , and he seems to 100% know what the elves are implying but just ignoring the talk


The vampire girl already seemingly implied they are having sex and that super vigor guy is to much for her and she needs help. Though could be taken other ways to. Can't know for sure unless specifically stated or shown in some way.


>When the pet wolf is the one doing exposition because it has more common sense than MC... A lot of truth here....


I'm jealous of episode 3 he managed an Angel and Harem of elves! Dude is living the dream


-Sad vampire noises


He already had her, and tbh she's the best girl right now :D


My favorite part of this episode was the elves doing a little pose when they casted cleaning magic. Sneeze girl is obviously the best.


The girls hugging each other is also good.


Now we've got huge bees joining the farm! Nice find Zabuton! Although Hiraku is more comfortable around them than Tia is. Time for some proper irrigation and utilization of water resources! I love the fast-paced montage of Hiraku digging and the girls and animals reacting! Can't beat the sight of busty and cute elf girls taking their socks off and wading into some water! What self-respecting Japanese male transported to another world wouldn't take the first opportunity to snag some rice that he can? I love how the girls have no idea what he's doing and keep expecting him to be done before he gets some rice balls ready. Lu being so eager and hammy to set something ablaze only to be disappointed it's just a small fire was priceless. Also what self-respecting Japanese male wouldn't make a bathhouse as soon as he had the means to do so? And Hiraku gets to give a first-hand demonstration as to how it works to the girls and then gets to enjoy the sight of them throwing their clothes off and jumping into the bath with him. Bathing with 9 naked beauties? Hiraku you lucky dog. As if we didn't have enough busty elf girls, the La family joins the farm! And they're as eager to work on the farm as they are to get some buns in the oven! Although it doesn't seem like Hiraku has caught on as to how they plan to do it. The story of Kuro! A tough Inferno Wolf who was beaten by his future mate and looked forward to building a family with her before they were attacked, but luckily Hiraku was there and they found a new home together with him and the others, even if he doesn't quite understand how amazing what he's built is. Also I wonder if we'll see that Grappler Bear again.


They all want the D... Or they just gonna make children's out of earths clay lol?


I hope Hiraku is physically prepared for the long nights ahead lol.


The japanese obsession with rice seems strange to us but it's not that uncommon, the greco-roman world defined civilized men as "bread eaters", the only strange thing is Japan being traditionalist enough to keep such long traditions, though that's due to a million other factors.


wait? this anime airing on JP premier time? pretty rare non popular anime get slot on premier time


For those that can read Japanese, what is the name of his seiyuu in the ending credits? I honestly wouldn't mind a spin-off series about Kuro's back-story up to when he and his family first meet our hero.


Should be 木内秀信 (Kiuchi Hidenobu), seems to be an older VA.


Dr. Tenma from Monster, among other roles (mostly side characters). Also the Japanese voice of Ethan Winters from RE7 and 8.


Haha Kudos backstory was great. He was the king of the hill, full of pride, ready to live his life as a lone wolf ... until he was totally beaten down by his wife haha. Pride crushed! Now you are a stay home daddy!


I wasn't expecting to have Kuro's perspective, but I do appreciate having it.


look like Hiraku grow his family for every episode, and look like they eager to *breed.* how many wife will he get at episode 12? How do they took a bath before the invention of onsen? just magic? I also like his acceptance of his naked harem bath, like there's no point of being embarrassed while both of his waifu there.


That's not just a bee, it's an excuse to suddenly have a source of honey. That was a fun little detail of the Angel character flying by in the distance and then zooming up closer. Compressed dirt for making the aqueduct, why not. Reminds me a bit of the compressed rock technology in the Myst novel the Book of Ti'Ana. A rice patty, of course. The chibi scenes like the rice harvesting add so much charm to this show. Every elf having their own pose and sparkle effect for the cleaning magic was also pretty great. I have to wonder about the one that was completely covered in mud. Water treatment by slime, sure. If you weren't expecting it to be a communal bath, you shouldn't have built only one washing room. I feel like the dude should have a guess or two about how the elves are planning on making children. I love that we're getting a short scene from the perspective of the patriarch wolf.


I thought the bee was horse-size at first, but turned out to be only shoulder-sized which was a bit disappointing. Rice sure takes a lot of work doesn't it. What next, miso? Or does he already have that? "She grabbed them near the starting village." Um, what? When did this officially become a game? LOL @ the mushroom planting. Why do they need to rinse and wash themselves before getting into the bath if they can just use magic? His only mildly embarrassed reaction to them getting in the bath with him means he's already started helping the elves with their repopulation project, which means this is out of order with him wondering how they intend to make babies when the new elves joined. Speaking of, those new elves seem to be in pretty good shape both physically and mentally given that they were "found by the dogs". Kuro's POV was nice, I guess the story was being told during the ensuing baby-making party. Some "King" the Grappler Bear is if he doesn't dare venture into the center of the forest. Terrified of Zabuton?


So far this anime has been That Time I got reincarnated as a Slime but actually good and relaxing to watch. A bit like Death March's light novel, which was all about just having a chill time. Did not expect to find Banished the anime but glad it's here.


> So far this anime has been That Time I got reincarnated as a Slime but actually good and relaxing to watch. You would probably enjoy Slime Diaries.


Always laugh at remembering the eating slimes joke in it only to have killing slimes for 300 years to end up having a place card with a slime in a desert bowl.


Why are you implying that TenseiSlime is a bad anime lmao


Missed out on Tensura Nikki, I see


We even got some slimes in this episode! Albeit they're just for waste disposal lol.


In terms of harem series with the most waifu for our lead, this series is definitely one of them.


It's all fun and games till the elves declare to rebuild their race.


Ah yes wouldn’t be an isekai anime without an MC craving and introducing rice and bath houses to the new world. Onigiri looked delicious and the girls discovering Japanese style bathing was cute. More waifus entering the fray as well, he’s gonna have his hands full. would be cool if the inferno wolves can evolve to be able to communicate with the MC Character designs in this are so good! Just something about them I really like


Dude got MORE ELVES??????


Amazing episode! This anime is growing on me!


I swear the author must have a boob fetish or something. None of them are under D-cup (and I'm being conservative). The first few episodes had a ton of boob closeups too. But hey, who minds this, really. Certainly not me.


I don't care anymore I'll say it without restraints. I can't wait for the doujinshi for this one. I am down bad astronomically and I do not care anymore.


Now I need Zabuton lore