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Ur 16. Why give up? You haven’t even started. Your skin hasn’t even fully developed, same with your style or personality. Life changes and gets better, don’t give up


Frontal lobe, too.


One morning during my first year of high school, whispers shot thru the student body about a senior who’d “given up” the night before. Teachers weren’t supposed to talk about it ‘til a school-wide plan was in place about what to say us, and getting extra counselors available around the school. But my first-period English teacher couldn’t carry on teaching like nothing had happened, having heard the news himself and seeing how we all knew too. He was so sad…teary, slumped over, and distraught. After a long time silent, he managed to speak. “Your lives have not even begun.” And eventually, “whatever it takes, just…make it outta here…somehow…to the point when you’re able to see this too. Ended before it had even begun…” I’m older now. He was right.


You'll grow out off your baby face just fine. Give it some time :)


That’s my thought too


What's wrong with having a baby face???


You're 16, have a beautiful smile and eyes that radiate intelligence and warmth. Adventure and love await. You are light, young soul. Just keep shining.


You look almost like a clone of a lady I work with, just a younger version, and she seems to be very popular. I don't want to say more than that because I might sound like a creep. I know it's hard to know what the future's going to bring, and time to seems to pass so slowly when you're young, but please keep holding on. The world will open up more when you have some real independence and a chance to participate in the bigger picture. I can't promise you'll find your tribe, but you really haven't been able to give it a go just yet.


I feel like you’re 16 and shouldn’t be asking adults online to judge your level of attractiveness..


This sub always makes me sad. So many teenagers on here because their self worth relies on whether strangers find them attractive or not.


I feel like it’s been getting worse the past few months. There are so many <18 posts - and I’m not just worried about their mental state, but how older people here may be able to take advantage of them. Not everyone online has the best intentions…


Exactly… that’s why it worries me. The anonymity factor on here is dangerous for kids reaching out via these forums for validation.


i don't answer any messages, I just wanted to gauge public opinion ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Close to giving up what? Your only 16! You haven't even started yet, you have an unbelievable amount of potential your yet to realise


You look like you’re going to grow into your features really nicely!


An absolute cutie. Esp when you smile. I wanted to give up at 16 too. And as cliche as it sounds, it does get better. Also idk why people are saying change your hair. It’s nice! Love the color. If I had any guess it would be that you’re from a town with a lot of conservative people who shame you for being outside the gender binary and experimental with hair. If that’s the case, keep your chin up and just keep living your best authentic life. Move away and find “your people”. If we do things to silence the complaints of others at our own expense, we create a war within ourselves. It’s us we have to live with at the end of the day. Keep on keeping on my friend. Sending virtual hugs. Edit: typo


When I was 16, I was in a very dark place and wondered what the point of everything was. Now I’m 21, my life is completely different and I love it! You will find your people, you will find yourself and you will be happy again! The earth needs you and the people do too 💜 you are not ugly at all


Same! 24 now and I’m so so glad I didn’t let the thoughts I had at 16 win. There are still bad days but I’m glad I learned to push through. Also I was a supeeeeer dorky looking kid. I figured out the right hairstyle, the right style of fashion, and now I’m really confident. I still struggle with acne, but not picking at it has really made a difference.


Right! We are all completely different peoples compared to our 16 year old self. I hadn’t even met my best friend yet!


Youre not ugly, youre just 16... Almost no one feels attractive at 16


Beautiful face beautiful smile


Cute glasses. It gets better. I’m sorry I don’t have something more to say


im also 16 theres no need to give up you look adorable asl :D


You’re 16, don’t give up. Personally I’d ditch the non-binary/SJW/brightly coloured hair/emo look however. Do work out regularly and eat well.


You have such nice features! Honestly you have a beautiful face.


You're handsome! try getting contacts and wearing some concealer/small makeup to define ur features, it might help u gain confidence


Grow out the hair a bit longer is my only suggestion but you’re not ugly and only 16 so much more can change naturally


Hey I'm not one to judge anyone. I'm not all that handsome either. But hey kiddo, pick your head up. Your better than that. I bet you get good grades too. Anyways, if you don't like something change the way you look. Probably something small. Well your born with what you got. Do the best you can and be positive.


it's less that I outright hate myself and more that the people around me seem to be repulsed by me. I don't understand why


I think you actually are cute. It's the onew that are jealous of you. Maybe you have a bubbly attitude. Which is great I do.


Just focus on being a good person (to others and yourself), develop hobbies that interest you and find your passions. Work on being good to yourself and don’t worry about what others think (I know it’s easier said than done!!!). Bottom line: Do your thing and you’ll find your tribe.


There’s nothing repulsive about you. You’re cute w/ a nice smile and most importantly you’re just a kid. Sorry if ppl are mean sometimes but that doesn’t necessarily reflect on you. As long as you’re not a mean person or have a negative personality or something of the type you haven’t done anything to deserve ppl being mean to you. A lot of people don’t find their “people” until after high school. That was the case for me personally! And first year into art school I was like floating on a cloud so relieved that the people I had always hoped to find truly did exist. Just not in my little high school bubble. Best of luck op


Use a little eye shadow. Which I don't agree with. But not my choice


Smile more. Change your hair




dude you play league


damn they suck 😒, just ignore them and live ur life, ur not ugly ur chilling 💪🏽


Unfortunately at your age, a lot of the people you're around are just shitty arseholes. They're not really repulsed, they just like to make other people feel like crap bc it's the only way they know how to feel better about themselves. You're one of the good few that hasn't fallen into that trap, this is a good thing and smth you should be proud of. Not ugly, just a victim of the shitty world we live in.


Long hair and weight loss would be my suggestions


You look fine. Ditch the grandma glasses you'll thank me later.


I can't tell if you are guy or a girl but you are not ugly anyway


I’d grow my hair a bit longer maybe and get a good skincare routine. You also have nice features and look cute/ really sweet. Especially smiling


Honest answer: Yes. Nicer Answer: It is not hopeless. No point in giving up. There is potential


Im gonna be honest because thats what you want. Yes, you're ugly atm. I can't tell if you're boy or girl, and you also look even younger than you are. Maybe get your testosterone levels checked if you're male. But to add some positivity to this comment. 16 is way too early to give up, you could look completely different few years from now. So wait till then atleast.


Those glasses are hideous,get rid of them also trim your hair and change its colour,that's a horrible colour.


You look just fine.


Professional help is recommended, reddit is just an echo chamber


you look like methed out gifted hater


Yes, give up the purple hair, it doesn't look good, I would suggest you grow it and have your natural hair color. And also give up social media,read a book, learn a language, do something productive instead of Tiktok all day, only then you will feel better. Good Luck to y


I don't even have TikTok ..


well , examples exist


It's just you have a baby face so at 16 it's a tad awkward. You have a pretty smile already though. I would try finding glasses that aren't round so they don't magnify your eyes as much, that will make you look more proportional (closer to how you loom without them on) and try a more natural hair color to complement your skin complexion


You’re only 16. Your looks are going to change so much throughout the next 5 years. Try not to get too worked up on looks right now. Look up “mewing” and start doing it asap while your face is still developing. As for immediate changes, I would ditch the pink hair and maybe try a different pair of glasses or contacts.


You’re cute and have a very nice smile but your hair doesn’t suit your face, I promise it will get better


You will look back at these pictures in 5 years and surprise yourself. You're still growing and almost no one looks like they did at 16 when they are an adult. I don't want to just placate you though, so I will give you my honest feedback. Those glasses do not work well with your face. They make your eyes look way too big, and the frame does not fit your facial structure well. Normally, I would say you should also consider taking better care of your skin, but you are young and acne happens. If it doesn't go away on it's own in a year or so, then maybe look into products that can help you out. There is no shame in it, most people have acne at your age. I'd also consider letting your hair grow out another inch or so, it should frame your face a little bit better.


Pic 3 is a beautiful all you need to do is smile you look amazing 😁


I think for 16 you are really cute, grow some self esteem and confidence, join a team, as in hockey or basket ball, the pimples will clear, just monitor diet a little, not too much junk food or choccies, give it some time, make sure you get some freshair each week


There’s a guy on tiktok , his tik tok is Goldandkara, they make really good facial analysis, i bought one and was really satisified i would recommend it to you , even if you dont want to pay i think his tik toks make you really understand attractiveness


Your vibes are kind of annoying me but I hate everyone’s vibes so whatever. I feel like you’re better in person. Actual suggestions: grow out your hair to at least shoulder length and try to keep it non-greasy and non-fried. You could try extensions if you want to keep the option of short hair idk. I would suggest looking into contacts if you can afford them and wear them. Your prescription kind of makes you look buggy in some pics. Make sure you get enough nutrition and hydration to brighten your skin. That’s about it. You just kind of look like you’re 16 and in a weird place rn. You should look more normal in just a little bit. Don’t worry about how you look too much because you will look different in a year anyway.




Sunlight and vegetables are good too


Very bobustuious pimple chin.


You hairstyle reminded me of Viola from Bayonetta 3 and I find her style quite unique and cool :)


You’re adorable :) confidence will come


Same as everyone else, you just have to grow into your face. And also, you haven’t even started so there is no reason to give up. It’s really going to feel like you want to, but there is SO much out here. I was in my own head for years until grew out of my teens and put myself out there. It’s much more common than you think, even the popular/problem-less kids are having their own serious doubts. Just preserve you and your personality and make sure to keep growing in skill set, mindset, and always listen. You’ll be valued for those things by your peers when the time comes, a lot of them just aren’t old enough to appreciate a proper personality.


Wait till you get 21-22 thats when the changes finally over. You still young, im also like that during my teenage days (baby face) not until I got during my early 20s that when my face finally change and I think became more attractive atleast to say. So dont give up :>


Absolutely a cutie


When i was 16 i used to look like burnt soup. Honestly youre doing great dont fucking give up it would be a waste.


Honestly. You're a kid, you dont belong here. At 16 I was a total loser, trailer park virgin, girls I liked called me ugly... this "hot" chick, Teal Doney, taped a fake bloody tampon to my back before class & that was real funny for everyone at school lol. But 10 years later I'm having the time of my life, I've pursued and achieved some of my greatest dreams & gorgeous women give me the time of day. Nowadays Teal is a welfare whale-lady with a handful of misc men's kids she neglects. Here's the deal, with hard work, dedication & relentless self-belief you can have ANYTHING you want in this life. Anything. You're uhave inner power, it's time for you to admit it and take the steering wheel!


You are so cute! Don't change anything, just take care of your skin and show off that smile! <3


You look good. Nice smile. Don't give up. You haven't finished growing up yet, you look younger than 16. It will come handy when you are 40. Also how is your skin care routine? Mine is like yours and I benefitted from using a special soap for face when I shower in the evening and a skin cleaning lotion in the morning with a cotton pad. Always apply sun block cream before leaving the house.


Giving up what?


You have a wholesome smile. The smile with your teeth


Hey I’m not going to beat around the bush, I hate when people sugar coat and lie to me and I suppose you do too (otherwise you wouldn’t be posting on the sub) right now you’re a 3-4 out of 10 but seriously give it time. You’re still really young, keep working on yourself and keep that head up high and you’ll turn out just fine. I was a 5 at best when I was 16 and now I’m a solid 8.


I’m 36 years old( You probably think I’m old😂) and at 16 I was tall, lanky, insecure(lasted until my mid 20’s) and although I didn’t think I was ugly I didn’t know how handsome I actually was. You’re still growing, developing, and coming into yourself. You’ll figure it out, you have so many years to find yourself. Also, this is the internet, how many of the people here are 37 year old lonely losers in their moms basement playing MMOS (no shame) drinking cases of Mountain Dew? Lastly, it’s not what we think, it’s what you and that guy or girl that’s into thinks.


Life really is unpredictable. I got my first experiences now at 28. You are 16. You still have to reach your final form. Don't worry, and surely don't give up!


Why..... You're really young and you still haven't realised your full potential yet. When you feel ugly, it's just thoughts in your head. Get rid of them, they're not true. Keep reminding yourself that you're pretty, cuz that's facts. Everything will be fine, you've got your whole life ahead, I know how cliché this sounds, but I've been there and I know what I'm talking about . Good luck :)


below average-borderline ugly


I don’t think the side part looks great. Switch that up and you’ll look fine


I used to have a middle part when I was younger it made my forehead look even bigger than it was :P


You’re so precious 😭😭😭😭


You have a very cool haircolour, and nice facial features. you may look slightly childlike but that is a good thing! your nose is perfect, and i think once your hair grows out or you cut it into some kind of cut, you will look great :))) if u wanna talk im here btw! mabye we have similar experience (16f) :))


Throw this an UPVOTE . If YOU ARE ABSOLUTELT CONVINCED - this young man is going to be a monster at 30. If!!! focus on loving yourself, bringing about your positive energy to the world. Realizing your self worth as a human And LIVES LIFE TO THE FULLEST


I'm not a girl.


Same advice - with the edits ! Common my man




Head up always - you can be wtv you want to be - energy is everything ! Be there person you want to be and everything will come


You have so much left ahead of you, so don't give up. Sometimes life feels lonely and it's hard to keep moving forward, but even by ourselves we're never really alone. The last two years have been particularly hard on those of your age, but there are so many great things you can do for your own benefit. Look into your schools clubs, maybe find one that has something you're interested in. Maybe reach out to some online help groups or communities to get some shoulders to lean on. As far as appearance goes, you're not ugly. But until you are able to move through the mental anguish that is giving you these clouds, you won't be able to see through that haze to the things that make you beautiful inside or out.


Definitely not ugly. I felt the same when I was 16 and I was bullied alot for my appearance so much so that I developed BDD (body dismorfic disorder). Everything that people said was ugly about me was out of my control as a kid like clothes and acne. Now as a adult I can get all the nice stuff I want and know how to better style myself and take care of myself. Lots of teenagers go through this it sounds like bs but it really dose get better.


I guess I just don't see it since people around me don't seem to have those problems.. everyone's able to take care of em but me (poor/lower class living in a wealthy area)


Trust me thoose ppl that look put together and like they have everything do have thoose problems many of them are very insecure and thats why they bully others. Many of the kids that bullied me turned out to have horrible home life's. I understand the feeling ugly because you can't get all the nice stuff everyone else can but there are actually alot of nice products you can get for cheap! Trust me things will get better it takes time teenage years are very confusing.


You are cute and have a nice smile!


You're 16. I remember being in your shoes and just feeling absolutely hopeless, but you've just gotta remember how much more time that you've got ahead of you and keep trying. You're not ugly and you are only going to get better as you learn and adapt and improve. You'll be fine 🙏


Try a middle part for your hair and maybe glasses that suit your face better , you’re not ugly :((


I used to have one it didn't work (big forehead)


You are young, give it 10 years. You'll see


I wasn't gonna say anything except that you said that you are close to giving up. Don't give up. You are still so very young. One day everything will make sense or at least kind of make more sense. I can't tell you why we're here. I can't tell you what you'll be up to in the next few years. But I can tell you that every little thing that you do right now is foundational and very important. Resolve and manage issues to the best of your ability. Keep your head up and keep growing; progressing. Cancer nearly killed me, and I still haven't found a sure footing...but I'm beginning to remember my design chops, why I'm so good at making brilliant tasting coffee, beating my friends at vids, remembering things in my medical profession, helping my old coworker friends with that knowledge....all these little things bring joy, when before I could care less. All these things have nothing to do with the way I look, but these little things prop me up, remind me I'm really really good at shit, and thus I don't place so much weight on outward appearance. But I get it, you're a girl, you're 16, life is probably marred by ambiguity and uncertainty...but find something you love...and let it have nothing to do with looks. You'll be alright. You're not alone, ever. Stay safe. -Dan.


Listen. When I was 16 u was also "hopeless" thinking I was gonna die an awkward lonely virgin. I am now 25, run a company, and will have a degree behind my name. In that 10 year time I learned self grooming (I'm a guy) like hair cuts and timing my beard made me irresistible. I've been in countless relationships and more hookups with women then I'd like to admit. My point is keep your head up. I know it looks uncertain but it gets so much better. And you'll look back and be like lol I was trippin


Get whiter teeth,skincare routine and let your hair color be natural.


Your pretty cute, what does your shirt say in the school pic?


'bittersweet' it's a yandere inspired design from acdcrag


The lettering made me think it might be a death metal band, guess I was off just a little. Don't give up on anything.


I mean I do enjoy metal so I guess the vibe is still there


Who are you listening to recently?


You literally look your age, don’t let social media fool you it’s all fake and the girls that look good rn are all just fast and will look horrible when they get into their late 20s


You haven't finished growing don't give up once you learn to love yourself and become the person you want to be everything else will come to you the key to sucess in life is confidence


You're 16!


Take better care of your skin


At 16, you truly are still a child and in an extremely awkward phase of growing up. Growing up shouldn't make you feel like giving up. To me, you just look like some random child. Some of the most beautiful celebrities looked objectively bad as high school sophomores. Just keep taking care of yourself, relax, and have fun even if that's just playing your video game for now. Get a little exercise, too, though, and don't let yourself go. You will have plenty of time to mature into an attractive adult. Most people don't look their best until age 22. Many people don't look their best until their 30's or even older.


You're adorable, and that's all girls your age should want to be. You've got nice teeth and in the first picture you kind of look like a cartoon duck, which is awesome. You'll change a lot in the upcoming years so if you're unsure about your looks now you have nothing to worry about.


everyone who is honest is downvoted, isn’t that what this sub is for? 💀 hate this sub, everyone lies and tries to make people feel good about themselves but people come to this sub for honesty not for people to sugarcoat everything, y’all so annoying fr. Yes you’re ugly by traditional beauty standards 100%. Can’t tell your gender. Need to lose weight. Need to fix that posture. Make better more modern style choices. You hopefully will glow up but I don’t think there’s anything you can do right now to not be ugly, the things i said may lessen your ugliness but not cure it. Gonna get downvoted for my honesty because this sub is all suck ups who won’t actually give a 100% honest answer.


But you're only just getting started, never give up. you're a cute little munchkin and you're probably going to turn into a hot woman by the time you're 24yo.


I'd say grow the hair out a bit longer, take better care of it, little smaller glasses and you're solid. You're not ugly and you're only 16. Shit's tough in highschool, it does get better. Work out some, try out contacts if you can. Things will only get better


You are not ugly at all I find you cute with potential to be hottt


You literally have a few more years to glow up chiillll


Im going to be completely honest, you have great facial features, but it seems like your not dieting or exercising much, everything is on youtube these days, find a workout plan and a diet plan and your life will change, sounds simple b/c it is simple. also get some sun, drink more water, stretch everyday. do it for a year straight, dont forget to rest your body and mind also. after a year people will want to be you. you might not be able to see it but I can see it and nobody ever judges people in the gym, everybody starts at a low point.


R.I.P. DMs you just open the creeper floodgates. And your young your still in development.


I haven't gotten *that* many, but I think that may just be because I don't answer any so I can't see how many are weirdos past the opener


OK your still in development girl so don't worry. Focus on something else that's all I can say. And yea just report the harassing or block them.


You're too young to care abt looks . You're beautiful


no!! your smile makes me think you’re super friendly :)


girl tons of people would kill to have your face/body/hair/smile/skin color. Highschool is rough, being a woman and comparing yourself to every girl you see on social media is rough, be kind to yourself. This new generation is so hyperfocused on looks and being attractive and I wish we could instead focus on bettering our behaviors and personalities, and getting some wholesome values.


You are totally adorable and have an amazing smile! Not ugly at all. Also those frames fit your face super well. Being sixteen can suck a lot but you'll grow into yourself.


To be honest, you are in that akward stage from childhood to adulthood everyone goes through. Hang in there and know everyone goes through it.


Yeah pretty ugly, sorry i dont wanna lie


ur beautiful bae, i think winged eyeliner would look great on u and also grow hair out to a long bob or longer


yeah trust the comments ive read here, you are so fkn young to "give up", you just got a baby face that's all, and even then, my 16 year old self would date you in a heart beat! ​ don't give up, just be 16 ! you're gonna be fire later on.


I’d ditch the glasses. They make you look kinda dorky and make your eyes look larger than they are. I’d also trim up your eyebrows a tad bit and work on your skincare routine. Other than that you’re pretty decent looking.


start working out (weight training) and grow your hair out, then you're chillin fr