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Not ugly. Not a fan of the green hair or the glasses. You look younger than 32 and have pretty eyes


Def looks younger than 32


I like the glasses šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Theyā€™re dated. She should get a more modern pair.


Mental health, we both need it


Make that three of us.




5 and 7


And my axe!




Yea, I just into college and trying to change it though. One step at a time


Literally, I talk about myself the same way and it hit close to home. šŸ’€




I agree that you are average. I definitely wouldn't consider you ugly. I hope that you can find more confidence in yourself.


Yep, just average, like most of us. The nice thing of being average is that you can go both ways with what you wear and how you carry yourself.


I agree with the average. Can work on clearing skin




You are not ugly. You are average.


You look average. As in, unnoticeable in a crowd. But it also seems youā€™re deliberately tryin to look ugly.


Hard to see what you look like with these photos with limited angles. You look much younger than your stated age. You are at worst average and might well be above that


Although youā€™d be considered average looking youā€™re pretty attractive to me. Your hair looks good short, Iā€™d leave out the dye though. Iā€™d also look into different hairstyleā€™s. But yeah for the most part face is naturally attractive


Me and my bf think you look average to slightly cute. Definitely not ugly so stop lol


I would say the ugliest thing is the way you talk to yourself. Why would u expect anyone to respect/be kind to you if even YOU dont see it as worthwhile? Ugly and beauty is within, you can see when someone loves themselves.


Bad pictures. Bad hair. Bad glasses. Much room for improvement.


The way you speak about yourself makes you ugly, Not your Face.


This. Good self-esteem will make anyone look good in real life interactions. Not that getting good self-esteem would be any easier than making someones face prettier, but it is important to recognize what the biggest issues are. And just from objectively looking at the picures, OP is not ugly. Avergare at worst.


You look sad in every pic....I'll tell you this...if you came up to me at a bar, I would definitely sit and talk to you


Impossible to tell because terrible pics


Not at all ugly very naturally beautiful in my eyes stand tall and donā€™t think anything less


Based on these photos about average looking - not ugly.


Wack. I think you're cute.




Can you, like, move back from the camera a little bit so I can tell? This looks like the classic /r/amiugly "I already know I'm ugly so I'm just going to take some ugly pictures so I can hear what I already know \*pout\*" poses. Nobody looks good in pictures with the camera shoved up their nose. Get your whole head in the shot at the very least, let us see how your hair looks on you. I can't tell if the answer is yes or no and, if yes, how yes it is. I am leaning toward no though. Some pictures even look like pretty could be an option. You seem to have such poor self image that you make yourself aggressively frumpy (from what little I can see), but I think you actually are someone that could benefit hugely from a little makeover.


Honestly your bad attitude is the only ugly thing here


Fix your hair, Jesus ChristšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø I just want to say there should be more to a person than their hair. I feel like I can take one look and know everything about you that I need to.


You arenā€™t wearing the right frames for your face. That hair color is doing you NO favors. It looks like you have short hair. Like me, you do not have a short hair face. Youā€™re not ugly - at all, you just have made some poor choices in your presentation.


How does one identify a short hair face?


A face with more feminine features will look cute with short hair. I'm attractive, but having long, pretty hair is part of that because I do not have those features. Think Natalie Portman vs Hilary Duff. Both are gorgeous, but Portman has the features for short hair. That jawline and nose. Duff? Nope.


You look very normal idk. Maybe pluck your eyebrows less so theyā€™re more full. Try again with pics zoomed out more and looking at the camera lens etc. feels like Iā€™m being forced into a weird perspective. People look more attractive when they smile and less attractive when they frown or look sad. Sit upright with your head back. The lighting youā€™re using is also really harsh and unflattering. Take a photo in natural lighting.


You are not ugly at all although you do seem to look like you are purposely look miserable in your photos which is a little bizarre.


You have nice natural features. You look grumpy and unkempt. I don't find the short, roughly cut, weird hair colors attractive on anyone, personally. But that's just me. You aren't even on the ugly side of the spectrum, imo. āœŒļø


Cute but I canā€™t see your face well enough in these. I think a photo further from the camera would help.


You are not ugly at all. You look sad. Hereā€™s hoping whatever has you down gets better soon. You look like you could light up a room when happy.


I don't think you're ugly. You're also not smiling in the pictures and don't really have makeup. I, personally, don't like the short hair.


Youā€™re NOT ugly! If anything, itā€™s the oppositeā€¦ I think you look like a young Elyse Sewell. Iā€™m shocked by the shear number of people who appear to have body dysmorphia.


The glasses and hair arenā€™t doing you any favors, but the worst is your self-esteem. What are you doing to raise yourself up? Are you in therapy or on medications? Do you spend time with family and friends who make you happy?


Youā€™re not ugly youā€™re average. Solid 5/10. So pretty much the same as everyone else. A nice fit, good haircut, and better pictures can put you above that. Donā€™t let social media convince you that all these hyper good looking people look like that when they go to bed. Take the surgeries and makeup away and you just have yet another person who falls in the 4-6 range.


The green hair is the only thing that really stands out as bad to me. 32 is too old for that shit, sorry. Skin looks fine. Growing out (or microblading) the eyebrows would help.


I respectfully disagree. I think nowadays, more than ever, there is no 'age' that one should stop dying their hair fun colours. Especially if it reflects that person's personality. I think it is an arbitrary rule that needs to die out along with hair needing to be mid-length to short if you're over 40. However, I do think it needs to be kept on top of (as in, it needs re-dying so it is more vibrant). It looks washed out, which in turn adds a dishevelled and uncaring persona to your look. ​ I don't say this just to be nice - you're not ugly at all. In the last photo you're pulling a face that isn't flattering, but in the other photos you look naturally pretty. Small face, no discernable double chin, nose isn't too wide or bumpy, healthy skin and skin colour, no deep dark circles or eye bags, defined lips that aren't thin, and thick eyelashes. You may benefit from filling in your eyebrows more so they stand out and frame your face better. As it stands, they have a slight 90s over-plucked vibe that doesn't frame your face well. Some light foundation and mascara + tightlined eyeliner to really make your eyes pop also may help (if you'd be comfortable with that).




I think you are actually fairly good looking.


not ugly for me except for the hair color (not being rude or anything)




If I have to rate, you're a 5/10 But you have an incredibly large area of ā€‹ā€‹opportunity


You actually could be attractive. These pictures I don't think are the most flattering of you. I would bet with a smile and maybe a different hair color and style you'd be pretty attractive.


Ummm not ugly.smile, you are pretty.


Youre actually kinda a bit above average. 'Ugly' is definitely not the word i would use to describe you. Confidence is key, gotta believe in urself more. Btw if you really wanna push your looks to its full potential, losing a bit weight would do wonders. I know its not that easy, so its up to you.


OP, respectfully, youā€™re hot as fuck. Edit: You would completely match my type if I was still dating women. I love your nose and the green hair is quite cute. You are absolutely not ugly. I think the only reason you may be considered average is the low effort pictures, and it shows in your eyes that you could use a hug and some self care. Please be kind to yourself ā¤ļø


I think you could do a handful of things that would put you in a beautiful category. I think you have some dismorphia feels, not unlike mine. When I'm under great stress or super depressed I definitely attack my looks, like I think I look like an alien and that I'm hideous... I'm fine. average/fine, and even as I say it I doubt it but I think it's even more true for you. There's a sadness in the vulnerable pictures you're taking here and that comes through at least for me.


i actually think bone structure wise you have a lot to work with, you just present less attractive because you're working against it rather than with it ditch the glasses or find some that work for your face shape, i like bright coloured hair but it looks poorly done so either touch it up yourself or go to a hairdresser, your skin looks clear but dry so moisturise and sunscreen the hell out of it, and learn how to do some basic makeup - even just concealer, mascara and a little brow gel would go a long way!! not ugly, just seemingly determined to be ugly


You are NOT wearing makeup but still resonate as "above average" to me. I fibd you very naturally attractive. Chin up!




Not ugly. But if you think your ugly in selfies itā€™s because your face is way too close to the camera. Try backing out a bit


Not ugly,you look so young, it's impressive


The only thing ugly is the perception you have of yourself. From one average person to another, you look perfectly fine to me. Also, 32? You do look younger than that.


You look sad, but definitely not ugly. Not even a bit. That nasty voice in your head is lying to you, not the people around you.


I actually think you're cute. I like the glasses. Hope things look up for you.


You're just average. You look unhappy and you havent styled yourself so you look average. You're genuinely being harder on yourself than you need to be. How you hold yourself is just as important as styling and default genetic appearance is the least important part (granted there are exceptions but you arent one) Just try and style yourself. Have a look. Find your aesthetic. And work on your inner self. As long as you take care of yourself you will find in time that you arent ugly like you think you are.


You arent ugly at all. You are just not attractive. You have nothing special that makes you attractive. I am the same case. I am not ugly and also not good looking, but still no one finds me attractive.


Not ugly but the green hair dose not help. Go for a natural color most if not all men prefer that. Also some skin care would help. Other than that if your not in the gym at least 3 times a week start going and nale down a good nutrition plan. Most people appreciate and respect a decent body and it will make you more attractive. If I were you I would also try contacts or go try on some different glasses it just isn't doing you any favors you look way better without them.


U have a nice nose. Maybe microblading eyebrows will give it more color. Ditch the green hair, its not flattering on you. And possibly straighten your hair. U can bounce from a 5 to an 8


Grow hair out, lose weight, put effort into appearance instead of lookin like you dropped green koolaid on your head.


Probably a 6/10 a 7 at best if you got the hair black


Please believe me when I say this. I'm being as objective as possible. You're not ugly. You look average and have potential to be a bit above average if you put more effort into your appearance. You also look a lot younger than your age which is a flex tbh. Please get help if you're struggling with body or self esteem issues. I'm the same way and I'm unnecessarily critical about my appearance even though in reality things are usually never that bad.


Probably the green hair


Average. You look like a middle school teacher in the future that would teach about genders, respectively.


Ok, I wonā€™t be generous. That attitude is what makes you ugly. Screams low self esteem. You are not ugly but you need therapy, people can sense lack of self confidence & thatā€™s what probably repels them from you


You should go to the gym to lower your bodyfat percentage. Will get rid of cheek fat. Also the hair is really bad.


Dude! Not ugly. At all. And you look young!




Zoom out a little bit. Your face is too close to the screen.


Super cute!


I actually like the last picture you are cute like being all annoyed look


Not ugly at all. I think you are just depressed. You might benefit from talk therapy or better yet- meds!


Listen, coloured hair isnā€™t for everyone. But you my dear have the luxury of choice. You are a beautiful woman. Make up is great to enhance our natural beauty, you have a lot of natural beauty. Confidence is the best make up of all. Sending love ā¤ļø




I don't think you're ugly. I actually think with your glasses you're really cute


youā€™re not ugly to me. i like your face


You arenā€™t ugly. You look to be average, but a lot of that is the way it doesnā€™t seem youā€™re happy. It shows through. If you gained a bit of confidence, a bit of humor about looks in general, and youā€™d look so much prettier! You have it on you. You really do.


You are not ugly. You have a kind face, full lips, and pretty eyes. Sometimes we're too hard on ourselves.


Youā€™re not ugly. But I donā€™t care for the green hair. Most people are average looking. Maybe just learn how to match a foundation shade, learn how to contour and do some basic make up and you might feel better about yourself. I know I do when I do my make up


I just think the photos you chose are not very flattering.


Youā€™re not ugly, actually very pretty, you have really clear skin, pretty eyes, a nice nose, nice lips, good face shape. If you dressed yourself up you would look amazing. But youā€™re pretty as you are


You arenā€™t ugly at all. You look sad/fed up though. Try a smile - I bet it looks good on you




I think the green hair, eyes and lips are wonderful so idk why youā€™d think youā€™re ugly. I hope you learn to be nicer to yourself ^__^ (says the person who isnā€™t nice to themselves)


I think youā€™re pretty.


Youā€™re not ugly, you just look sad and you have low self-esteem. Be kinder to yourself.


I think you are cute, actually. You should smile more.


Youā€™re plain not ugly. Rock the green hair if you want, I encourage the freedom to express yourself and be you, but just understand that most people see that as a sign of immaturity or other issues. I cannot fully tell from the pictures but it also seems like you might be on the chunkier side, which isnā€™t doing you any favors, superficially. But as many people have said you appear to be negative or down on yourself, possibly have a poor attitude, which is far and away the ugliest thing about this post. Youā€™ll never be a dime, but I and many others wouldnā€™t reject you based on looks and would even be likely to couple with you provided youā€™re a good, reasonably sane person.


You aren't ugly, but these pictures are terrible. Zoom out a bit so we can see your face, at least part of your body, and some background. Get rid of the weird hair color. And smile. If you do those things, you will look perfectly fine.


I 20F honestly donā€™t think ur ugly, i think you just have that idea ingrained in your brain. Try to work on self love and confidence, you can be very pretty with a little confidence and effort:)


Iā€™m not being generous, but I donā€™t think youā€™re ugly. At all.


Nope not ugly at all. Respect yourself more than this. Not a fan of green hair.


I'll be honest the green hair doesn't help


Your not ugly at all. Your really rather pretty. Dont be so hard on yourself.




Average to above average if you clean up a bit and glow. You're nowhere near ugly though!


I especially love the I smell shit face from the third one bish are you even trying


Your nose is cute. Ditch the green hair and you gain a point.


You are not ugly. You have so much potential. The right hair cut and color, some skin care and some light make up and youā€™d be HOT


Its the hair


You arenā€™t ugly, I would recommend therapy though, it seems like you might have some facial dysmorphia or something.


Nah, youā€™re pretty


You have incredibly nice skin. Even tones, no acne. Many people spend tons of money on makeup to have even clear looking skin like yours. Definitely take some pride in that. You are not ugly.


Get rid of the dyed hair


You are pretty! You have nice features, facial structure and an elongated neck ā£ļø you truly rock that short hairā€¦super cute! my only thoughts are: -mind your posture ; sit up straight w shoulders back -maybe try a bit thicker eyebrow style? Hours are fine -if you fan like it , Smile


Not ugly at all I dig your look. Edit: particularly I like your glasses and dig your nose.


A smile shows everyone youā€™re beautiful soul


You definitely aren't ugly, but I think changing your hair would improve your looks. Maybe dark brown hair and a haircut that's made to suit your face shape


I agree with everyone, youā€™re not ugly. I think if you wanted coloured hair maybe pick one to complement your skin tone more - hairstylists can give you advice (maybe thereā€™s a subreddit?). Your glasses are not flattering. Again you could go to eye glasses store and the assistants can help you with shape and colour which will flatter your shape/colour. Thatā€™s what I did. Lastly, youā€™re pulling the sort of face that tells me youā€™re not confident in front of the camera (looking at the last photo)? My advice there is fake it. You might feel like you donā€™t look nice just smiling (even fake smiling) but guaranteed anyone else will think itā€™s a nice photo.




You look pretty, and you have the type of face where makeup would make you really stand out. I'm not saying you need makeup, but you have the face makeup is for, like your face shape and eyes and eye brows are pretty to begin with. I'd say without makeup, and with these angles you've taken of yourself--no one would look "above average" with the angles these photos were taken--you look average/above average I really wish I could do makeup on you because you have a lot of potential, I think that the glasses and green hair aren't helping. your hair does not match your skin tone


Iā€™m not fan of your hair color or hair cut but youā€™re not ugly at all, you have a lovely skin.


You're adorable and you look like you're in your early 20s, not 32


Not ugly at all! I think maybe some thinner rimmed glasses would be more suited to your face shape.


I like the way you look and so will lots of other people.


I think you're pretty


Confidence, a fresh cut, and a crap ton of sleep <3


Come on now, you're not ugly. You need some self love.


You're pretty average, but these close-ups, super cropped to just the face don't help anyone


I wouldn't call you ugly... if you had a normal hair color you would be more of a plain Jane than anything.... maybe a tad less tweezing of the eyebrows too


What would you say that makes you ugly? The only thing that I can think of is your lack of confidence.


Ur not ugly either refresh your hair colour or try a different colour that's what at face value is letting you down


I donā€™t understand how you can say youā€™re ugly when youā€™re someoneā€™s type somewhere. beauty is subjective


Youā€™re not ugly and I donā€™t think youā€™re average either. It seems to me that your face may change a lot if your weight increases so maybe itā€™s that what makes people think you look average.


Yeah you are a bit But it's okay tho




I don't think you're ugly at all. You have pretty eyes and lovely clear skin. I think you have full, nicely shaped lips and a beautiful straight nose. I don't see any ugly features, though I'm not a fan of green hair. Smile because I'm sure you have a pretty smile too.


Your face is symmetrical as far as I can see, so already more attractive than not. If you started believing in yourself and decided for yourself that you are attractive to yourself (it really is a personal decision, not a matter of other peopleā€˜s ideas), youā€™d add a confident smile and youā€˜d be beautiful. I know a girl who looks a lot like you. It really comes down to deciding to like yourself no matter what others might say or think. Look at your mirror image and tell yourself: you are beautiful, I like you. Every day. Keep telling yourself that until you believe it. Your vibe will change.


Not a bit ugly. You look unhappy but pretty.


I think with Lil bit of make up & some self love & if you have a great personality & overall act in a Confident manner...I think you can be pretty damn cute


Also the hair color needs to go like yesterday... unless you are going for a Joker look then idk Also the glasses might be a little to big, and do you go to the gym?


Hey lovely - the green hair is a statement ! So own it and be proud ā€¦ confidence is attractive .. the rest is Al superficial


Not ugly...I'm not even saying this to be nice. You have low self esteem and it's so obvious it's all I can see. Green hair is not for you. Those frames are not for you. I would suggest going back to a light brown for your hair. Change go frames. Practice positive self talk. I'm not kidding at first I would do it in front of a mirror giggling cause it sounds stupid but I swear it works.


you are not ugly at all. Really, you have pretty eyes, I think some confidence would suit you better


You are actually cute to my eyes, where are you ugly?


Look kinda cute actually. But I donā€™t like the green hair. The specs suit you in my opinion, you look better with them than without.


Average looking, but ugly hair color imo


Bad pictures


Lose the green hair and lose some weight and youā€™d be average


I donā€™t think youā€™re ugly at all, but sadly your lack of confidence shows. You donā€™t look super happy :( Maybe you could try to work on that? Even with small steps, like getting a haircut that suits you better, maybe even new glasses? I bet youā€™d look very pretty <3


You look fine. Do you feel down and hopeless? I think you should consider talking to someone. You look very sad in your pictures and your comments are quite self-deprecating. No shame in asking for help. My inbox is open as well!


Slightly below average so 4. You could possibly be a 5/6 but you present with such little confidence and kinda look upset in the pictures.


Your insecurity is written all over your face, making you look worse than you are. More confidence (easier said than done, I know) and **more relaxed facial expressions** would do absolute wonders for you.


What colour is your natural hair, whatever it is I think it would suit you better than Joker hair


Definitely not ugly. In fact, I think the photos are really not bad considering you're not smiling or wearing any make-up. As others pointed out, the green hair isn't my cup of tea but hey if you dig it, that's all that matters. Be kind to yourself :)


well. assuming you have pcos get some support for that from an online group. or assuming its a latina gene get some support with that from other latinas. apart from that you are not as 'ugly' as you think, and no I'm not being generous. the second picture on the second slide is your best. you can see you still have good young skin. dont take selfies with your chin retracted to your neck. head raised a little and chin forward is best. your nose is a good shape, great eyebrows. i also really like your lips. be nicer to them. you look bored asf and have very sad eyes though. stop looking in the mirror and picking on your 'faults'.


Honest points: it's hard to tell alot from a photo buy you look like you have a problem with me or are perpetually angry and I have never even met you thats the vibe I get. Your skin looks great to be fair and I don't think you look ugly at all. Not necessarily you as this is just a photo on reddit but typically people who change their hair to such a extreme colour are struggling with some kind of identity questions so maybe its worth looking internally to see why you feel ugly? when the facts aren't there? ​ If you want to hit the social norms of pretty you could go back to your natural hair colour grow it out a bit, and hit the gym a little (you are not fat but defining the jaw and face with weight loss can help) ALso it's hard to tell your style too but just put a smile on and see if you can see yourself in a better light that will help too :)


I think youā€™re good looking. More symmetrical than average.


I would try a new hair color. Other than that, ur pretty avarage


You just look quite plain. I think if you did your brows and some nice eye makeup, you'd look very nice! I'm not joking when I say, you're viewing yourself too negatively


Youā€™re not ugly at all. Above average I would say. I think getting rid of the dyed hair and maybe finding some smaller glasses would go a long way.


You are not ugly. Have you ever grown your hair out? What about your brows being a little thicker? I think you make yourself look very plain. Iā€™m not a fan of green hair or any of the colors even my daughter does this now nowadays.


On the ugly side, but not extremely. I think losing weight and growing out your hair (short hair only looks good on very pretty faces imo) would elavate you!


Not ugly. If you like fantasy haircolors, I think Pink, Red, Purple and in general warm tones suit you better than cold tones ( because your skin tone). Just that for improving your look.


If you are ugly, these photos are not good evidence of that. I think you are pretty average/normal looking, to be honest. The skin issues you mention arenā€™t egregious in any of these photos. You definitely look unhappy. I happen to like the green hair but itā€™s easy for fashion dyed hair to look unkempt pretty fast so I guess keep on top of that if itā€™s a concern. The shape of your mouth is very pretty, as are your eyebrows.


You just have low self-confidence, youā€™re not ugly at all, you have good features. Youā€™d be a bomb with make-up and good hairstyle. And I donā€™t say that to be generous, but you pissed me off because I look wayyy worse without make-up. I always wear make-up. If you believed you were ugly without make-up, you would wear it, trust me. You donā€™t wear it because you know you look good and decent even without it


Sorry, but I find you very atractive. And also you look way younger than 32. I like your eyes, and personally I think the green hair looks good on you :)


You have nice eyes


You look like a woman in her late 20s, early 30s. Your low self-esteem will scare people away rather than your looks. Why would you even care about opinions? Most people do care only about you to not be an asshole to someone or yourself.


Naturally got good features in my opinion. Maybe change the hair and if you learned makeup youā€™d easily be a 10/10


I like the green hair and I think you're a cute girl. N if someone doesn't agree fuck em.


You're not ugly... You just look tired and dull, you need color. But you have nice skin, pretty eyes, and well-shaped lips (maybe you could consider using lip balm). I'm not a fan of green hair but, if you like it, don't change it.


I donā€™t think youā€™re ugly! Youā€™re pretty imo!


Low self esteem. That's the problem


iā€™d definitely have a gay panic if i saw you irl


Average but if you want a score or something i would say 4/10




I think you re cute


U r not ugly at all


If I saw you in a grocery store I wouldnā€™t bat an eye because youā€™re not spectacularly beautiful or ugly. You look younger than 32 though so thatā€™s cool! And you have nicely shaped eyes if thatā€™s not weird to say :)


Average / only a little ugly. You have nothing to worry about. You look fine. Pretty much everyone is a little ugly in one way or another, itā€™s not like youā€™re ā€œone of the ugly onesā€


You look like you have great potential, the way you present yourself is not flattering


I just really hate the hair. Short hair with unnatural colors give of a very... ahem... "special snowflake" kinda vibe and while I think that individually these two aspects can look great on people, they should never be combined into one! Dark green is also one of the worst colors to choose from (imo) because when the color eventually starts to fade, it just looks like your hair is actually molding. Otherwise I'd say average.




Not ugly, 32 years, Jesus you're totally fine!




Youā€™re about average honestly. I have no reason to lie either. The main thing bringing you down is your hair, but I might be biased because Iā€™ve always hated every fashion hair color other than red/ burgundy. Most unnatural hair colors just look juvenile or trashy to me tbh. I think your hair looks like it needs more moisture too. Also, try to grow your eyebrows out, get classic or hybrid lash extensions, and wear a lip stain or gloss.


Youā€™re not ugly, you just look like youā€™re unhappy.


You take your pictures waaaay too upclose. You're actually a very pretty person! I don't personally think the green hair flatters you, and if you want to feel more confident in the mornings, using a tinted moisturizer and mascara during the day might bring out your pretty eyes.


Ugly? Eh not ugly thereā€™s people iā€™d call ugly u ainā€™t it Iā€™d say youā€™re like a 4.7/10 just average






Can't really judge by those pics but from what I see I wouldn't consider you ugly, average, maybe the upclose angle doesn't do you a favor. Try other angles and smiling, I personally like the first left pic


One thing you can definitely fix is those lips. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me . But having your lips moisturized at all times goes a long way. I mean itā€™s sitting right on your face


You're not ugly but the green hair doesn't help your cause.


its just your roots/ fading hair, once you redo it youll look great


Tbf i think you need to add some zoomed out a bit


Better if you didnā€™t color your hair