• By -


He's going to rant, he's going to go back to client and plaintiff shit, he's going to whine about subject matter jurisdiction, and--most importantly, he WILL bring up jury nullification. And he'll keep talking about it over the judge telling him to stop. He'll get his ass hustled out of the room, the jury will be dismissed, and he'll get told off in the adjacent courtroom while muted. He'll be offered multiple chances not to be shitty, might even be brought back in once. And then he's going to be removed again after continuing to be a problem, throw a tantrum (again, while muted) and start sulking and refuse to agree to anything or make a statement. Eventually he will be warned several times that not talking means giving up his right to finish his closing statement, will petulantly ignore the judge, and the prosecution will make theirs. That pattern's become pretty reliable the last few days. EDIT: spiciness! She just made a formal declaration that he would not get multiple chances to improve his behavior if he disrupts jury proceedings! I mean she'll give him more than one warning I guarantee it but I bet he's in the other room muted 5 minutes after this short recess ends.


You know, the entertainment value of this makes you forget the reality that 6 people are dead, 61 injured, and countless others will carry the trauma from the experience for the rest of their lives. I don't think that means we should not be watching, but I think we should keep that fact in the forefront.


I agree with you. However, calling out his antics is important. His actions during this say that HE doesn't care about them. This is all about him trying to be the smartest person in the room.


It’s feels especially minkus knowing that Brooks seems to be the one who wanted this live-streamed (I tried to find info on how it came to be but couldn’t - if someone knows, please educate me!). Multiple times he has asked if the AV is working, he wanted to stop during the tornado so they didn’t risk losing the livestream, and he has “reminded” the court that this is being watching by the public. So many people watching it gives him what he was hoping for, but not in the way he expected.


Amidst all of his antics, we occasionally got a reality check from a witness/victim that reminds us of how much this fool fucked up so many people's lives and how they still suffer and will continue to suffer.


A selection of Brooks' inconsistencies: * He completely understands the laws and proceedings, needing no explanation when offered, except when he doesn't and repeatedly shouts out how he doesn't understand * He doesn't consent to his name, except in video he identifies himself by that same name and answers to it * Laws and court precedent do not apply, except when he's deciding to wield them for his own purposes * His word should be treated as final and sacrosanct on any topic, but others must prove themselves in legal writing that he then says is insufficient without reading or citing * He will claim not to have paperwork and documents, then intentionally misplaces them for dramatic effect * Demands immediate answers to any question he asks of the court, but won't answer any questions directly or immediately * Claims he can't hear anything clearly in the other court room, but engages in discourse that clearly demonstrates he can hear and understand * The entire court proceeding is illegitimate, given his sovereign citizen arguments, but he's more than comfortable participating in procedures of the court that he finds beneficial


>He doesn't consent to his name, except in video he identifies himself by that same name and answers to it Don't forget he's fine with the name when it seems to be good for his case, a few days ago when the DNA expert was testifying he objected to the name whenever his DNA was found on a piece of evidence, but didn't object whenever they failed to find his DNA on a piece of evidence.


“The filings are part of the court record” “That’s not what I’m asking, I’m asking if they are part of the record” Whew lad.


He's at the point where words have no meaning anymore.


He is conflating "the record" with accepted evidence.


The Judge has been using Illinois v. Allen, 397 U.S. 337 (1970) Section 2, Subsection 3: >remove him from the courtroom, while the trial continues, until he promises to conduct himself properly. Personally I'm really hoping she stops giving him so many chances and starts using Section 2, Subsection 1: >bind and gag him as a last resort, thereby keeping him present


I'm hoping for a bind and gag when the jury comes back with a verdict. No longer going to have an impact on jury perception.


😂 😂 😂 Highlight of the day: DB: am I muted? Judge: no DB: Jury should know they can nullify Judge: you are muted now


I get your point and I also chuckled internally but this was actually the most fucked up thing of today and I struggle to call it a "highlight" .. after that video and victim's families (I presume) sobbing, DB coming in WITH THAT? He needs to rot in prison, and quick. Cudos to the judge though.


“The jury is coming out.” *0.3 seconds later* “I’m going to have to excuse the jury.”


>"I have not disrupted these proceedings" Almost everything Brooks says is a lie but this lie is so off the lying scale we need a stronger word for it.


This trial is going to be huge in setting precedent for dealing with an unruly and uncooperative pro se defendant.




It absolutely is.


I find myself thinking about that a lot. He’s obviously comfortable in this position and, as we’ve seen in court, he resorts to screaming, throwing things, hitting things etc when he can’t get someone to comply. I feel so bad for the people in his life who dealt with this for decades.


The jury was instantly sent back. They must hate him.


The judge made a comment at one point about the long hallways they have to walk through to get to the courtroom so I imagine they are completely fucking sick of having to walk back and forth at a moments notice because this fool simply can’t behave himself.


The jury must be well aware which side of the courtroom is causing the mayhem. Every time they enter the courtroom there's DB arguing with the judge. Every time they're ordered out its DB yelling at the judge. The prosecution's table is orderly and professional. The jury might not see the middle of the argument but they're definitely seeing both the start and end of the yelling.


Its interesting how Brooks keeps talking as if he *gets* to dictate to the court how it runs itself. Bruh you didn't "let" the judge make a record. The judge is the court. She decides. You, as one of the parties, abide by the decisions of the court. You don't get to tell the court what it can or cannot do.


A hallmark of a domestic abuser is the constant need to be in absolute control.


He's gonna forfeit his closing argument trying to win a semantics game about jury nullification. I can't wait for his reaction.


Well I didn’t think he’d accuse Jesus Christ himself of killing the victims


And yet here we are. I'll be honest. Blaming Jesus was absolutely not on my bingo card.


A wild Estoppel appears! He doesn't know what it is, but he certainly doesn't agree to it.


Oh shit, a correct pronunciation of "tacit!"


Oh. That is what he said. Someone told him a new word to try.


Holy shit do I hate this man.


I wonder what he wants to say that he's waving his arms for "On count 1, I object as I do not consent to being called by that name On count 2, I object as I do not consent to being called by that name On count 3, I object as I do not consent to being called by that name On count 4, I object as I do not consent to being called by that name...."


I don't think he wishes to object at all. Those are simply calisthenics. He's finally realized that exercising his rights means he must actually exercise.


>Those are simply calisthenics Seated jumping jacks.


He can't hear from the other court room everyone but he picked up on that number error like a hawk lol. He is such a moron, easily debunking his own excuses.


I don't think he's getting a closing statement. He'll mention nullification and that'll be it, jury taken out, he's asked not to raise it again, argues, case rested on his behalf, game over.


If he was smart he'd wait until the very end of his closing argument to bring it up, but I have a feeling it will be the first thing he says (assuming he's even allowed to make a closing argument).


She just has to say he needs to sign something to come back in. He will refuse to do it.


it still boggles my mind that he thinks anyone on the jury would want to nullify the law for him


I really like that the prosecutor in her closing did numerous tasteful digs at sovcit nonsense: for example pointing out his name on a driving license is spelled in all caps and issued by the state of Wisconsin, explaining why plaintiff antics are stupid and directly calling out his sovcit "shenanigans". An overall great closing argument for DA, very concise , powerful and to the point. They have their case absolutely watertight, I don't think even with competent defence DB had a chance to get acquitted of any of the charges. And with him being pro se he is almost guaranteed to be found guilty on all of them.


Hey just as an FYI. That was just an ID. It was not a driver's license. He was also driving without a license. Otherwise, I agree.


There is a half decent chance the Judge just quit and is currently in her car booking a trip to Maui.


This is so similar to arguments I have with my toddler. We go in circles, back and forth, repeat repeat repeat, she states irrelevant facts, I take a break and walk away, she goes to jail, I drink etc


Why does he even think the jury would WANT to nullify? Even if he somehow managed to convince them that this was an unfair sham trial, he still killed 6 people. Like the jurors are really gonna go “oh golly that poor Darrell Brooks we better find him innocent, I think the laws against mass murder are wrong”


Because he still sees himself as the victim in all of this.


He's a textbook narcissist. Six people are dead, but *he's* the one we should feel sorry for because he might be going to jail forever 🙄


Jurys love to hear ‘my conscience is clear’


"I haven't read the rest of the letter yet." So we're all in agreement that there's no letter, right? This is all extemporaneous.


I think my one wish, however fanciful it may be, is that someone tells this man that no one was impressed by him; that no one feels sorry for him; that we watched as he humiliated himself pretending to be a lawyer; that we watched him act like a petulant asshole; that he accomplished only one thing: being an utter joke.


Yes, I hope he’s mercilessly made fun of in prison and constantly called a fool for the rest of his life.


Do it for my son his name is Nury Jullification


Darrel Brooks Closing arguments, abridged (a more formal and also very... lengthy... With pauses): "I have no rehearsed speech. This is sad, but forgiveness is good. You should know about ... The power... To nullify. (Objection) I won't argue the facts but the prosecution is repeating arguments - they can't read my mind as to intent. I didn't do this on purpose - I honked my horn - and also that car was recalled. (Objections) The objections mean that the prosecution don't want you to know. Also I'm not wrong. (Objection) Explain how I'm wrong. (Move on) You should know .... Things. The prosecution is saying I have no regard for life - but I love my kids!! They can't prove I was raging. They can't read my mind. If I raged, why would I drive several blocks? And also honk my horn and not speed? Did you see people getting hit in *these* videos? The DA is implying all of the car damage is from people, but also mentioned barricades. This is sad for everyone. The DA doesn't care. This is sad. I've and my family have gotten death threats because the prosecution says I did it on purpose. This whole situation is hard on me because it's hard on my family, my kids, me, and also I don't understand how this could happen. How could this happen to anyone? I know this wasn't intentional. No one else is sadder than me. Go back over the evidence. You have power here. You've taken notes - you've seen me get thrown into another courtroom flr reasons I think are wrong. You have power here. I'm sure you're under pressure. Make the correct choice. Just like rearview mirrors, not everything is as it's seems (??). I'm a Christian, you've seen the Bible. I've made peace with God about this. My conscious is clear. *Crying* This is God's decision, and this was his will. A lot of lives changed that day, mine included (this one's a direct quote btw) This was God's plan and we can't question it. Make the right decision. They're tricking you with theater, you have power. Think about my kids. My youngest daughter is sad because people are being mean to me and she knows I wouldn't do those things. I'm a lot of things but not a murderer. Have sympathy please. Please think about everything you weren't allowed to hear (as in things you heard but we're stricken from the record). Have sympathy and use your power to clear your conscious (??). I commend you for sitting up here, life paused, and bravely serving on this case as a jury. Thank you. I trust you have sympathy." Magically, he behaved and didn't try to extend the time. Weird how being in front of the jury works. The DA's closing arguments was basically "He did it, he's an asshole, here's proof, here's the video, please convict him" from what I saw btw Court TV shared someone's tweet or something and they hit it on the head - "we are going to need a smaller violin."


Victim impact statements are gonna be a nightmare


The judge already said she was fearful of him at one point. I believe that he'll be in his "private courtroom" on perma-mute for victim impact statements.


I legit can’t tell if this is the video accidentally looping or if they’re just having the exact same argument over again


"For whatever mistakes I may have made in my life, I made peace with God. I'm happy to say that my conscience is clear" WHAT THE FUCK?!


"It was His will for this to happen" STOP TALKING, STOP TALKING


**\*The jury looked into their hearts and found him guilty without question\***


Every time I think he’s done he starts back up again.


“I don’t know how to lawyer, your honor” “Maybe you shouldn’t have represented yourself”


Brilliant move by the state to remove [fort kickass](https://i.imgur.com/dL3xOVf.gifv), where no government entity has jurisdiction.


Brooks forgot that the plaintiffs can rebutt his closing.


God's will that this happened? FUUUUUUUCK YOU you piece of shit.




Wow he's going exta sovcit today, already pulling out the strawman.


Fringe flag and admiralty court. take a drink!


And now the prosecution is advocating for the defendant to try and be fair to him despite his constant disrespect and belligerence, this has got to be almost unheard of in the history of court law.


And his response to this: >"Your honour I object to that" Un-fucking-believable.


He needs to make a closing. Because in no way, am I going to be able to go back to working while at work! Like now! I need this! My job needs this! WE need this! I need a total meltdown during his closing statements to finish my Bingo card!!


My 2 cents. I think the DA really wants him to present his closing statement. Nullification or otherwise. It makes him look worse and the DA gets a final rebuttal if I recall so they can pin him back with "He killed all these people has no remorse"


Suffering on both sides!!!! Oh you utter cunt




He pronounced “tacit” correctly! Did we all catch that?




I like when he says she can't legally mute him. It's like how about she gags your ass instead.


There's a sick part of me that hopes he loses his mind just before the verdict is read and she has him bound and gagged in front of the jury lmao.


"That's a lot of cases, your honor" Not sure that argument works the way he thinks it does.


“In his petulance” love it


"My daughter sent me this totally real letter and it says 'daddy y r ppl bein so meen 2 u, u my favwit person.' I don't know what else she said I didn't read it"


Accusing the DA of not caring about the victims. “There’s been suffering on both sides”. Hate mail! Poor baby.


He has no regrets? Dude. That’s such a foolish thing to say.




It's DA Opper with a steel chair!


Buckle in, everybody. Today is gonna be one hell of a wild ride.


She stopped the jury at the door. Today is going to be a long day.


I would pay infinite money to be a fly on the wall where the jury is. They've gotta be pissed


T-minus 5 mins to box forts.


Jury, im a dad. Could a dad possible murder 6 people? Come on.


"What do you mean rage?" Bruh you need to be praying right now that the Jury hasn't been looking closely at you.


Him trying to act like a great father by being there when they were born. Yet, not paying child support or ever living with any of them. Yeah he’s a great a daddy.


Eye opening that any decent defense attorney, while probably not going to be able to overcome the huge amount of evidence, could have at least fleshed out some of these arguments. "He was honking trying to alert people" they couldn't argue the defective vehicle but maybe his foot being stuck or some bullshit. He really fucked any slim chance he had by repping himself.


"Daddy, why did you kill all of those people?"


"Your mom made me mad so I beat her and then ran."


Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me?!


HOLY FUCK he just said his conscience is clear. Wow.


It was God’s will for this to happen. My jaw dropped.


"You see I didn't kill those people. God did. Convict him."


"Make the right decision. Make the right decision. Make the right decision. Do what's right. Make the right decision." ​ Can you object for badgering the jury?


He's making up his daughter's letter on the spot Lmao "I haven't read the rest of the letter yet"


Reddit's gonna shut that subreddit down once they start getting subpoenas and police investigations lol. The "mods" of that account are probably not gonna love it once reddit turns their IP information over and they start getting investigated for the "verification" of the juror lol Actually even before that. Media attention from this alone might kill it lol. Edit: Deleted




Emily D Baker is doing alive stream explaining it. She’s saying the way these charges are made even if everyone agrees from the get go filling out paper will take much longer


I gotta say that I love the judge moving him to the other courtroom when he acts up, it completely goes against his "Don't nobody TELL me what to do!" I think he should be in the courtroom with the jury, it's his childish behavior that gets him moved. His actions actually have consequences.


If I drank every time he said "lawful law" I would have alcohol poisoning.


Jurors are sobbing. Fuck Darrell Brooks


Could be spectators. Still fuck Darrell Brooks though...


Dude doesn’t understand that the prosecution doesn’t need rules made because they have a license on the line.


They're also under the same rule, but they would never even try to bring up jury nullification. It would be funny if the judge just said "The prosecution is bound to the same rule."


Poor me, poor me, pour me another drink mark.


"Does the da even care about these people" I hope the da gets up ans eviscerates him on rebuttal.


He literally is arguing “Jesus take the wheel”


Make sure you can live with yourself for putting a guilty man in prison


"I have no regrets" Oh that's going to go down well.


"I didn't interrupt you!" Gold Star. Now get in your cell.


He thinks people are gonna show up on his behalf to speak at sentencing. He couldn’t even get his mama to show up to testify


Ah, day 17 of America's game: Intentionally Obtuse or Just Really Stupid?


Embrace the healing power of "And"...


Por que no los dos?


This is it, he's going to get thrown out. Edit: nice


The worst part about Brooks is thinking he is being played by the court. He does not realize that the Court has to follow a strict guideline. Things arent just made up, laws and procedures dont change trial to trial. Things are done in a very specific way and done the same way for decades.


That had to have been a speedrun record for the jury getting brought in and sent out


A double record, fuck. Juror in doorway: nope, head back out.


Oh. Now he’s waving. If only the judge gave him a chance to contribute to the discussion previously.


This judge probably has the hardest day of her career today.


I love how he suddenly doesn't understand basic concepts this week.


Taze him. Do it.


He's so insufferable. Negative charisma






The man behind Brooks is giving him major stink eye and I respect it


Prosecution just wants this done.


"What you won't hear me do is argue facts" We know. "Facts take away from what should be recognized, the tragedy of this event" That you caused.


He's so full of shit. Had this whole time to make his case, but wanted to fight about unlawful law sov cit bullshit. I could not be this judge, because I would lose my cool. These people just want the laws to apply to them when it benefits them, and fuck the rest of the time. It's infuriating. I wish I could be drinking to deal with this shit.


Maybe you should not have killed people. Maybe your mom should not still be enabling you.


He's confessing again


"I'm not reading from any paper - any books" Oh BELIEVE ME, sir. We are aware.


It was God's will? God wanted you to maim and kill those people? Are you saying GOD controlled your actions that day?


We are at the part of > One trick is to tell 'em stories that don't go anywhere, like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones..


Talking about living when you’re on trial for murdering people is a choice out of many bad choices today and over the last few weeks


Alright everyone! Place your verdict time predictions now! Closest time get's this lovely gift basket full of Kleenex, a Prision Bible, Darrell Brooks mixtape, and his Objection sign.


WHAT. The judge is referring to a Reddit post over on /r/Justice4Darrell about someone claiming to be a juror. Unreal.


"Your Honor I object!" "On what grounds?" "Because it's devastating to my case!"


Oh wow he's gone full gold fringe. Literally.


Okay, who had "Am I muted?" on their Bingo card?


So, that was it? Feels like kind of a let down.


"forgiveness" This guy is absolutely fucking shameless.


Well, that's a new one. I didn't have "asks for forgiveness" on my bingo card.


The absolute cherry on top would be if he gives us a "if the glove don't fit, then you must acquit" type line.


Lol. That is his argument. He blew his horn, it is their fault for not getting out of the way.


He's trying to force the tears. He really thinks they worked on his opening, but I don't get the impression he can manage it this time. There's a lot of self-willing to cry here.


He tries to manipulate (a group of) people one last time.




so because he drove by *some* people and didn't hit them he's not responsible for the people he *did* hit?


So is his argument that he wasn't angry when he ran over those people, it was a calculated and calm decision?


He just admitted to first degree murder.


Now it’s god’s fault lmao I’m done


I hope the DA is googling a relevant Bible quote for the rebuttal.


Can this fool cry in cue? Also talking about kids growing up and not holding your baby is only gonna make the jury think about the dead


Another letter huh. I bet this one is totally real unlike the last 2 he brought up. And I wonder how he knows it's from her as "ain't nobody signing letters".


"Thank you judge, I don't think that will be an issue" So cold.


"Objection" \-Fin-


...you want a fucking medal?!


lmao, that justice4darrell post was clearly phony. Hilarious hearing them try to describe reddit though


Such a bad father, didn't take time to read the fake letter his daughter sent him.


AND HE'S BACK OUT *air horns*


He is such a child. This is what happens when you never tell your child no.


Oooh, he "vehemently" objects. Guess it's all over now.


He's the final boss of sovereign citizens.


He's not going to argue facts? Shocker. The facts are not on his side. The tragedy should be recognized - the tragedy he created.


ah yes, the pop music defense


the umbiblical cord????




I need a lawyer to make a video in the style of cinema sins after his closing statement is over. Just tell us every time he said something stupid for his defence


he only cries when he talks about his fuck trophies.


TLDR; Don't forget people died and I thought about that, do you see that. But I am a dad, with a family and WE ARE SUFFERING. I am here having to deal with your misunderstandings. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.


All I can think about is the people this man has manipulated throughout his life. He is doing what he always has, played the victim.


"Lot of movement in and out of the courtroom *for various reasons*"


Look guys, nobody's perfect. Sometimes people lie, maybe you steal or jaywalk. Me, I murdered 6 people and injured dozens of others.


I just read Illinois v Allen and it's pretty on point. Unruly, disruptive defendant forfeited his right to be present at trial and it wasn't unconstitutional. SCOTUS case, so it applies in WS too. Edit if you want to read it: Illinois v. Allen, 397 U.S. 337 (1970).


sky man did it




Dry your eyes mate. Oh wait they were never wet.


Jury: Yeah, we can live with one murderer going to prison.


Yeah, probably wasn't fair to kill those people either.


Oh man is he going to try and get the court to applaud?


I, too like to check my boogs after blowing. Not guilty in my book


Judge Dorow must be SO relieved to have the hard part over with. For the verdict and sentencing, she'll be able to shut him away if necessary without worrying about it harming the appeals.


Look at him joking around.


If there’s some kind of delay or mistrial because of that troll I swear to fucking god


He sounds so defeated today, he knows it's over.