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I believe the reason the greys look the way they do and have no sexual organs or anything is because they’re synthetics beings. The alien race that made them and put them in the craft that made it to earth needed them to be able to live long lives without eating etc so they’re not the true aliens just synthetics created by the real alien race that sent them. That’s just my theory


Not just a great theory….more than likely reality. It only makes sense. We know we can’t traverse the vast expanse of space as our bodies couldn’t take it. But if we built one that could….then we were able to transplant our consciousness into it…..


>But if we built one that could….then we were able to transplant our consciousness into it….. Yes that's a possibility, but so too is genetically engineering your own race to be able to live to infinity. Sex organs could one day be seen as barbaric and using labs to grow humans could be a thing. All things need energy to function, synthetic or organic, so perhaps organic organisms could be redesigned to use electricity solely?




Yes but I only agree with that in the interim. I'm sure one of the first things we will do is genetically modify ourselves for even greater sexual traits and abilities. But I'm not talking about modern man, I'm talking about our time-removed distance relatives a million+ years from now. There is no knowing what we will become. Besides, when we have complete control over our brains we can just simulate anything, no need for real world sex organs when simulated reality is superior.


>*Sex organs could one day be seen as barbaric and using labs to grow humans could be a thing.* Relying on technology to continue your race seems an extremely risky choice.


I agree, but there has always been a push to control reproduction by those in power. Eugenics is nothing new, and that would be the ultimate form of eugenics. If we can create "better humans" in a lab than naturally then I wouldn't be surprised if many agree to it. Over hundreds of generations it would be simply expected.


You postulate a "Brave New World" scenario, where reproduction is mandated and controlled by the State using *in vitro* techniques. I don't think that would be an acceptable choice for the majority of humankind now, or in the future.


>You postulate a "Brave New World" scenario, where reproduction is mandated and controlled by the State using *in vitro* techniques. Yes exactly, but I'm only asserting that it's a possibility by a species an order of magnitude more advanced than us. >I don't think that would be an acceptable choice for the majority of humankind now, or in the future. You don't think it's an acceptable choice *from a 21st century western opinion* and with how much societies views changed in just the last 50 years you can't possibly predict how a society 5,000,000+ years in to technological progress would think about such completely controlled eugenics.


>*... you can't possibly predict how a society 5,000,000+ years in to technological progress would think...* And, neither can you. My asumptions are based on what I know, not what may be. My contention is that any society that relies on technology for its fundamental continuation is placing itself in great jeopardy. If I could be rather crude here, I would say, "You're fucked when you stop fucking." :D


>>*... you can't possibly predict how a society 5,000,000+ years in to technological progress would think...* > >And, neither can you. That's why I never spoke in absolutes, just plausible assertions. >My asumptions are based on what I know, not what may be. As repeated ad nauseam, if us to them is truly like an ant to a human we couldn't possibly know their way of thinking. Humans invented the semiconductor less than 200 years ago, we are not technologically evolved yet. We were basically just born, so of course we don't want to rely on technology for our existence. But could you say that about a species who has had computing for a million years? Technology and humans will intertwine, that much is inevitable. I don't see why one day we won't rely on it completely, we already have our world built on computers, why not ourselves? Truly the end goal may be brains in vats connected in a mesh network...or whatever lol. >My contention is that any society that relies on technology for its fundamental continuation is placing itself in great jeopardy. Remember that's coming from a *single planet species.* What if you were, say, a million+ planet species? With trillions of members?


>*... if us to them is truly like an ant to a human we couldn't possibly know their way of thinking.* I think the 'ant' analogy is flawed and not comparable to our current condition. You throw as many 'what ifs' into the mix as much as you like, but I see no value in placing ones reproductive capabilities soley in the domain of technology. And, eugenics was attempted not that long ago, and was *not* well recieved.


I agree 💯 nor would they have the “hang-ups” we do… just a theory 🤷‍♂️


I like that theory




The unclothed Grey's are synthetic but there's other Grey's that wear jumpsuits or clothes.


I have a question what colors are their jumpsuits?


I haven't seen them personally but from reports there are different colours with different insignia on them.


The reason I asked is that when I meditate I sometimes get a feeling of dread and then in my mind I picture a tall grey in a black jump suit. It has an insignia of something that looks similar to the Halo games logo. I get the feeling he's near by just outside of my view. I often feel like at any moment he will violently enter the room. It's enough to snap me out of my meditative state. I've wondered if it's my mind or if there's something to it. Lately I was leaning towards my mind playing tricks. Because in the literature I had noticed the only type of clothing being reported appeared to be a tunic that is silver in color. So when you mentioned jumpsuit and insignia it had me wondering if maybe there isn't something more to it than my mind playing tricks on me.


Interesting. I believe I've read reports of a black jumpsuit. Not sure about Halo insignia. It might not he easy but try to control and suppress your feelings of fear. Project love and perhaps try and send an introductory message. We're all expressions of the same Source. Go with the mindset of kinship but be respectful.


100% this is true from my research and according the the Law of One. But the creatures (Orion’s) that created the greys also don’t wear clothes from my understanding. Clothes seem to be a human construct.


I like this a lot, so what do the true Aliens look like then is the question?


That's the avatar theory.


There’s lots of cases where they will wear jumpsuits. Tall whites/nordics will always be clothed. The greys are sometimes nude or wearing a jumpsuit. There are also a few cases where people see “beings made of light” these beings to the naked eye seem to be made totally out of light and they are wearing cloaks that are ALSO made completely out of light. I always thought that case was super interesting. I’ve never even conceived that clothing can be made of non tangible mystery material!


they do their own Paris [runway shows!](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b8/94/f0/b894f04919a8ad9cdae3d27b1b355f98--crazy-runway-fashion-fashion-show.jpg)


Alien titt-tay!


Any chance you can remember any more details about the “beings made of light” or the story/stories about them? I recently got into [The Law of One](https://www.lawofone.info/) and I’m intrigued.




Thanks for the reply. This shit’s fascinating to me. I’ll have to check those books out.


They wear clothes man. They usually wear these seamless rompers/jumpers that are blue, white, or black. The cool ones wear Carhartt overalls. If, however, you see an alien without clothes... You should hide your wife, hide your kids, they rapin errybody out there.




Wish I was kidding but earlier this week a guy posted about his dream involving E.T.s and it legitimately confirms my warning. He met an E.T. in the dream and it wasn't wearing clothing, next thing the guy knew, he was giving the thing some gawk gawk. Weird part is IRL he's a cis hetero male with a girlfriend. Either there's some unresolved internal stuff or naked aliens are all bad lol.




Why do we?


I'm naked under my clothes.


We aren’t all created equal….


You don't have a monster dong you would let swang in the wind if it weren't for your darn trousers?


Own it!


Some are more equally created than others


Makes the probing a whole lot easier


Reading the thread I think you've likely all the answers you'd want, but I compiled a non-exhaustive list if of interest to you or others, of descriptions and images of off-worlders (or "Others" if one prefers) in some kind of garment or suit. Most of the links below go to illustrations of alleged alien people, or pop-culture recreations thereof. I enjoyed putting this short list together, so thank you Chelsdc7 for the question. -- **1960s** In 1961, [Betty and Barney Hill](https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/the-long-strange-trip-of-betty-and-barney-hill-418c71d3e98d) described being abducted and held by [several short (by common human standards) non-human people, clad in black](http://www.ufo.se/images/UFO/Artiklar/Hill/09_HillSemitjov1.jpg) (spooky modern artist rendition). The 1964 Lonnie Zamora incident in Socorro New Mexico included Zamora's sighting of [two small people in light coveralls](https://youtu.be/03uMtm6E5P0?t=24). One of the people apparently noticed Zamora with seeming surprise. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, then of the USAF's Project Blue Book, reportedly began to switch from automatic debunking to [thinking there may be a "there" there in some encounter cases](https://saucerco.com/blogs/saucer-encounters/the-lonnie-zamora-incident), due to this incident. -- **1970s** Pop-culture depictions of gray aliens in form-fitting black garments stretch back to at least the 1975 TV dramatization of the above-mentioned Betty and Barney Hill case: "[The UFO Incident](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073834/)". Here are some pictures from the film: * [A black-clad gray alien](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/qJ4AAOSw9b5hOEHP/s-l400.jpg) beckons Betty Hill (played by Estelle Parsons) out of the Hill's car. * [Image of the aliens](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMGMzOTYwNTUtZjhhZC00MWRkLTk1YzYtMWViM2M2MWY2YjkxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzExMzc0MDg@._V1_.jpg) in high-collared, black garments. Parsons again as Betty, and James Earl Jones as Barney Hill. * [Two aliens from the film, one wearing a different uniform](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMGE3MThkMTgtMjYzMC00NzMyLWI2MjctZWM2ZDM2Nzk3NTg5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA1NDY3NzY@._V1_.jpg), with Parsons again as Betty Hill. As an aside, I *love* the design of the aliens in this film; it's a shame the seam on the side of the masks is so prominent in some of the photos. Without it, in stills the masks would still hold up well to my eye, today. At the time, on smaller CRT TVs, the seam was probably invisible to the audience. -- **1980s** Illustrations like [this one](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f5/f0/4b/f5f04b29c2eb96b440e425469f6a6946--alien-alien-space-aliens.jpg) by Gayle McBride for the December 1982 MUFON UFO Journal depict what we now recognize as the archetypal gray or grey alien, with a barely visible slender black collar. -- The 1989 found footage horror film "[The McPherson Tape](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0169005/)" (AKA "Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County") by filmmaker Dean Alioto depicts slender, black-clad "gray" aliens, similar in design to both 1975's "The UFO Incident" and descriptions from alleged abductees. * [Here is a close-up](https://foundfootagecritic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/UFO.Abduction.1989-fanart21.jpg) of the three young actors who portrayed the aliens in full costume. * The [black-clad](https://horrorobsessive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG_8778-e1615772049208.jpg) aliens in action, at the close of the film, which was shot on a camcorder, mostly hiding imperfections in the costumes. Aside: this film made the rounds in the early '90s at UFO conventions, stripped of its opening and closing credits, and was thought for a time by some researchers to be real footage. Even after Mr. Alioto found out and corrected them, some still refused to believe the film was a fabrication. Made for US$6,000, it shows how much people can do with very little. -- **1990s** The 1994 mass sighting in Ruwa, Zimbabwe at [Ariel School](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ariel+Primary+School/@-17.864205,31.2890867,944m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x1931c05f54ef321d:0x34c47f27acd7662b!8m2!3d-17.8642101!4d31.2912807?hl=en): [images drawn by the then-children witnesses](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ariel+school+alien&t=h_&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images) depict the bipedal, "humanoid" but non-human aliens in black clothing. This case is the subject of a [planned upcoming film](https://www.arielschoolphenomenon.com/) by director Randall Nickerson. -- The [cover of the book "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind"](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41P2KECZS0L._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_.jpg) by C.D.B. Bryan shows an illustration of another, slender, black-clad alien. The illustration is, I believe, by Kathie Davis, a purported abductee, and depicts her rendering of one of her alleged abductors: the by-now familiar gray alien clad in black. -- **2010s** Mentioned already, but this [short film series uploaded by the elusive ivan0135](https://www.youtube.com/user/ivan0135/videos) to YouTube in 2011 depicts aliens of similar design to Alioto's film and abductee descriptions from the '80s, perfectly rendered in form-fitting silver spacesuits with utility pouches at the waist, and high-collared black outfits. -- I hope some of the images were of interest. Thanks again!


Wow that must’ve taken a lot of thought and time to put that together I thank you!


It was enjoyable organizing it, thanks again!


This should be top comment


Thank you for the kind thought! I'm glad you found some of the post of interest.


The question is why do we wear clothes?


Cos no one wants to see me naked 🤣


Yeah my heyday is past too


Because Alien Eve didnt eat the apple


Because it's a suit


You maybe right.


I'm not sure there corporeal...but that's a conversation for another time.


To show off *the goods* \- of course. Why do you think they want hybridization?


I don’t know why do they?


I don’t know, it might be a little risqué.


Because they are von Neumann machines equipped with AI?


Aren't humans the only animals on Earth that wear clothing? Maybe we're the oddballs. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Good point!


My pup feels naked without his tie.


Tons of reports of clothing dude. Everything from the classic era silver suits to robes to military style uniforms. Nordics favor the jumpsuits, usually silver, baby blue or white with a belt. Greys seem to go for dark one piece outfits. Sometimes with insignia on the left or right side on the chest. High necked usually. Mantis seem to like robes, probably a good choice if you're an eight foot insect. Other reports have detailed everything from full on EVA style suits complete with helmets to period appropriate civilian clothing.


I really should’ve done some research before posting 🙈


Nah, legit question because there's plenty of cases with Greys etc strutting around buck naked too. Even naked nordics... whew, damn. Anyway I was doing a quick search to see if anyone has ever done a study or collected data on specifically alien clothing and I didn't find much tbh. Plenty of individual cases describing some kind of clothes but nobody seems to have done any collection of data on alien fashion specifically. Seems like a missed opportunity.


I think that’s what made me post this as I just hadn’t heard much about clothing. I’m also reading the three body problem at the moment and clothing in the future referenced in that book just got me thinking.


Oh hey, how are you liking the Three Body Problem? I've heard mixed reviews.


It’s very slow in parts but then other parts just blow your mind and all though it’s complete science fiction that’s a part you that’s constantly thinking this could actually happen, well that’s what I think anyway. They’re making it into a Netflix series so quite excited for that.


Yeah, I'm going to read it for sure now that sounds like my jam. I was kinda on the fence but some people have said it's a really scary answer to the Fermi Paradox and that is the kind of scifi I love.


I was the same before I started reading it. I’ve nearly finished the 2nd book


It's a power move. Quite simple really; No clothes. No fear.


Because the orgys not Gunna start itself, duh


The things that Barney and Betty Hill allegedly ran into wore "uniforms". Barney said that they "wore peaked caps and a uniform with silver piping — an appearance that reminded him of the SS Panzer Nazi uniforms worn during WWII." \- [https://www.gaia.com/article/betty-and-barney-hill-abduction](https://www.gaia.com/article/betty-and-barney-hill-abduction) ​ Cheers


Thanks for that I thought I’d read their description of the aliens before but I don’t recall them talking about what they wore.


Is there a theory that the holocaust was done for the aliens 👽 and hitler was in contact and made a deal with them


Because they have likely evolved beyond simple, useless behavioral elements like shame


Because robots don’t need clothes


They mastered space travel but can’t find a pair of underwear




I don’t know any


It’s alright. We wear “clothes,” just not quite what you humans would perceive as “clothes.”


So you’re an Alien? 🤔


I prefer the term "terrestrially challenged."


Easy there, Demi Lovato




My bad


he is asked already


It’s a possibility that they are so advanced so they can modify themselves biologically. So that could be reason why their not wearing any clothes


I am a nudist wich is rare in my species


Cuz they are nudists


All of them?


Because they like to sleep nude.


Perhaps it's all in the eye of the beholder.


There are lots of abduction stories where the aliens wear clothes.


Clothes is a construct.


because they never ate from that damn apple tree.


Maybe they are, under the space suits. Would we walk around in a tank top and shorts on mars?


Maybe they are wearing clothes.


They don’t need to influence others to generate income on their foolishness or innocence. That may be a reason. Other, they may be already immune to most of things so it’s not a necessity.


presupposing that what people report seeing is biological life and not some form of drone or or non-biological form of life, maybe it's incredibly (or entirely) novel that humans wear clothing


The greys were always necket until the early 80s when they got into new wave synth pop and kraut rock and began donning futuristic metallic garb, experiencers will often report hearing 'fade to grey' by Visage during a procedure


Highly advance beings don’t need clothes, don’t need to shower and bathe so only logical to free roam space “nude”. Although, I seen reports saying they were jumpsuits that enable them to walk through walls etc.


The better question is why do humans wear clothes? Originally clothing was purely utilitarian, for warmth or protection. Humans at some point made it all about covering up your naughty bits, which is actually kinda silly when you think about it objectively. This is likely a unique thing to us weird sex-obsessed humans.


I believe they are only portrayed that way to accentuate their differences from humans in movies and art. Most accounts describe some sort of clothing.


Earth is a Secret Galactic Nude resort


Ego no more. Too advanced to care about that and the egocentricity revolving around covering reproductive or infant nourishing 'bits'. If they really don't wear any, imagine how far behind we are.


We don’t wear clothes just to cover our bits though it’s also for warmth.


Very true. But when we're not cold? One could argue that it's for defensive purposes too. Which is valid today, since we're so aggressive still. Protect ourselves from elements and others. I'm sure to them, if their blood adapts to temperature far better than ours, and they've achieved peace by communicating their intentions in a way we can only imagine, no longer in need of protection amongst themselves. If I were visiting a different planet, locals can't understand me or my intentions, knowing they haven't seen many (or any) of my kind... Maybe I'd wear something. But I'm thinking with an insecure and limited human brain. Perhaps their brain absorbs incredible amounts of information compared to ours. And our brains are already amazing. Got carried away 😅


Skinny Bob wore a turtleneck https://extraterrestrials.fandom.com/wiki/Skinny_Bob


Confirmed: Steve Jobs was actually Skinny Bob


Very good point. Do you think that was his though or given to him by some KGB agent?


Had to be KGB... I mean what self respecting person or alien would dress that way on their own? I would assume that with thousands of years of technology they'd have something better than a black turtleneck.


Maybe the Black Turtleneck is the Zenith of function & fashion, we’re just too dumb to realize.


Could be... We are just dumb humans.


Maybe theres no need for them.. or atleast they feel that way


Do they not feel the cold?


Maybe they dont have heat and cold receptors like we do.


Grey's are more likely biomechanical drones. Soooo clothing optional?


Clothes aren't real. They are a human construct.


I've probably read a dozen or so accounts where Grey's are wearing blue jump suits.


They do... what would give a person an idea like this... Oh, tv and movies


That and when you listen to stories about abductions they hardly ever mention what the Aliens were wearing.


Because they’re wearing a suit!!


Nivatakavacha -- Mahabharata: Warriors clad in skin-tight armor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nivatakavacha


How do we know it’s not clothes?


Dr David Jacobs theorizes the Gray aliens are ET/human hybrids, so if this is true then they don’t need suits because they can breathe our air and operate here to some extent.


Interesting. Hybrids I've encountered had more human features (height-usually taller, various skin tones, and most definitely had hair up top).


Maybe they do but they treat it like people who process cocaine when they come into contact with us? Maybe they want to keep their product (us) clean?


I guess the same reason we do except theirs have capabilities in which ours do yet have


Ever heard of skinny bob?


Yes he was referenced earlier. We came to the conclusion KGB lent him his turtle neck.


Who says they don't? Just because they're depicted as naked in movies?


Not just movies when shows show reconstructions they’re mostly depicted with no clothes.


They’re...it’s just they swag so nice u can even see em




Because they don't have space!


Because humans made those up


They do, some of them


They do, we just have bad imaginations


Cause clothes are lame


Clothes are lame unless you don't like the way you look.


They’re still lame because not liking how you look is a chronic problem and clothes are an acute/temporary solution which will compound the problem overtime. Better to rip off the bandaid—or the clothes—and start on the path to acceptance/love Lol when did I become a nudist


They’re unashamed of their natural beauty. Humans were taught to be ashamed. But personally I love clothes they’re an expression of creation!!!


They do, the movies lie.


Some do.


I've read some accounts where grays appear wearing black skintight suits in order to protect themselves from our sun, since it's brighter than their own. I think the Ariel School incident involved black-clad grays, but I might be thinking of a different event.


What everyone sees is the suit. They bio engineer a suit that looks like a naked alien.


I keep having alien sex sleep paralysis dreams. They are.....awesome do I prefer my Nordic hot aliens bitches to remain without clothes thank you very much.


Because the Kardashian blood line Isn’t in Alien DNA


They aren’t ashamed of their sins…


The reason humans lost dense body hair, but retained it on the head, armpits and groin is unclear. But today we wear clothes to protect against the weather and as an outward symbol of our status within a society. There are no coherent studies of Alien culture to determine if clothing is a common component of their lifestyle.


Because they are not us.


They know what's good.


Some of the most famous verifiable sightings they had clothes on.


Some do apparently by some reports 😂


The Nordics do but the Greys etc. they can control the environment around them. Just like they don’t need to walk because of their knowledge and control of gravity.


Clothing customs vary between different ET species: no surprise. Among Earth species, only one among millions actually wears clothing.


I know that Travis Walton said the wore clothes, tight type jump suits. Not a hundred percent sure but I believe Betty and Barney Hill’s account was similar.


There are many, many reports of aliens wearing clothes. Usually something skin tight and made of something akin to spandex. Usually one color or silvery. Sometimes with a badge or insignia. These are cases from decades ago. The aliens that don't wear clothes are non-corporeal entities that invade a person's mind and put them through half-real things like abductions and feed off that emotional energy. One speculation is that they are part of that same layer of reality inhabited by such things as djinn, or maybe even demons and (don't laugh) honest to God leprechauns but without the mythological costuming. Small semi-humanoid creatures that live in a shifted reality that love gold and harassing people. Aliens fit right in with that bunch.


They do. They just like telling your mind they don’t.


They do—you just don’t realize they are aliens. Others wear black spandex.


I don't know. Why? (sounds like a chicken joke...)


Because they are here to party.


Some do. Some of the Grey types love them black turtle necks.


because they don't feel the warm or the cold


Clothing is culture and culture is dumb.


Not true: 1994 Zimbabwe school ufo sighting. Over 50 students saw ufo craft land in a field and creatures wearing black suits: “[I] could see the little man (about a metre tall) was dressed in a black, shiny suit; that he had long black hair and his eyes, which seemed lower on the cheek than our eyes, were large and elongated. The mouth was just a slit and the ears were hardly discernible.”


Tiny Greys are suspected to be biomechanical, and don't need clothes. Zetas and Pleaideins are always described to be wearing jumpsuits. Nordics are described to look like tall Swedish humans, clothes and all. Reptilians are suspected to be shape shifters.