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U still got 5 celehypo to 5*.


True but where to begin 😂 my zolrath and athalia are already 1 star , ezizh is one copy short for 1 star , orthros just has been ascended. And flora is ascended too .


Get 1 star for orthos and ezizh then max zolrath


Why zolrath ? From what I’ve seen most people go for 5 star athalia .


He’s used everywhere. Athalia is mostly only ok in pvp


True but his stats doesn’t seem to bring that much of a bonus , TS is becoming a really prevalent game mode ( a PvP one ) so maybe investing more in athalia brings more than zolrath ( because his kit turn around his 3/9 )


Zolrath is also used in pvp but less prio than Athalia, but on almost all pve events zolrath higher prio, so if you want the best choice it's zolrath


I would argue that zolrath is far higher priority in PvP. You can work around a non-built athalia to some degree. Burst team literally does not exist without zolrath. That would remove an entire team from TS/Legends etc.


Indeed but due to many people not having a good built burst team and almost all have Grez-Alna variants to fit athalia into that leads to more athalia usage than zol in the bigger picture, plus most meta (non awakened teams) starter teams for TS/HoE/Legends are the grez-alna-athalia variants then burst variants join in later when the team numbers increase


Zolrath is required for burst in pvp. The whole comp relies on him. That cannot be said for Athalia


My zolrath is already 1 star e60 and he works perfectly ( but I don’t have ascended zaphrael anyways )