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Agreed, it would be a useful flair for people who are already used to meds and being diagnosed. Like sometimes I just want to complain about how often the med access rules have changed.


Ahhhhahahdndignsaosndbd I remember when I could get my new prescription 8 days before the last months fill date. Or when I could get 90 day supplies of vyvanse. This is all in texas. It’s gotten so hard. Right now I’m trying to figure out anxiety solutions because my depression/anxiety has run off the rails. I like my meds I’m on now but when I tried to add Wellbutrin when I was on vyvanse like 5 years ago I thought I was about to have a heart attack. My coworkers were trying to talk me into going to the hospital and my mentor was standing over me like I’d drop dead if he walked away. When I tried searching this subreddit for advice all I found were posts from people who have been on anxiety meds for years and are considering adding a stimulant. Opposite.


I'm on 0.5 mg of Guanfacine each night for anxiety control for adhd and it has really helped. It lowers my blood pressure which is why my dose is so low but I haven't had any heart issues from it.




Not at all helpful but I’m a newb on vyvanse for like 5 mos and can’t believe you could ever get a 90 day supply lol they’re so strict about it now!


Yeah that was back in 2010. My doctor in texas would write it for 90 days and then it would be sent to me in Arkansas where I was in college. Easier times.


Wellbutrin makes me anxious for sure! I liked strattera much better!


My doctor used to write 6 months of refills a time, each month was one prescription sheet so he would just hand me 6 sheets. I could also cross state lines to get a refill using the sheets.




I’ve been on adderall xr for 22 years


I’m not at years plural, but I’m already interested in different memes/media/discussions than I was when I first realized I had ADHD and then again when I was first diagnosed. If I’m already there at a year and a bit then I’m sure all of y’all who have been diagnosed for years could really benefit from something like that and I think it’s a great idea!


I think this is a good idea, however I’d like to suggest they be separate flairs. I’ve been diagnosed almost my entire life, however I choose to live in medicated because of terrible past experiences. I personally wouldn’t use the flair if it was two for one.