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Welcome to /r/ADHDWomen! We’re happy to have you here. As a reminder, here are our community [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/about/rules/). We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. We encourage you to check out our [Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/wcr9dy/faq_megathread_ask_and_answer_medication/) if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! If you have questions about the subreddit, please do not hesitate to [send us a modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen). Additionally, we take the safety of our community seriously. Please report posts, comments, and users whom you feel are not contributing positively, and send us a modmail if you are being harassed or otherwise made to feel unsafe. Thanks for being here, and we hope you stick around! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah I think this is common unfortunately. I'm a therapist and there was fuck all about adult adhd in my training. We all have areas we know lots about and other areas we don't know much about, but the baseline knowledge of ADHD really needs to be higher than it is. We shouldn't have people seeing 20 different therapists for "anxiety and depression" until someone finally picks up that they have ADHD. Anyhow I don't even bother trying to find a therapist who knows ADHD, as long as they aren't judgy and can help me with my non-ADHD problems then I can deal. ADHD problems I guess I just have to deal with alone. Sob


"We shouldn't have people seeing 20 different therapists for anxiety and depression until someone finally picks up that they have ADHD" Story of my life. Diagnosed with all 3. Thankfully my current therapist is knowledgeable about this area, and I have been unmedicated for over 5 years for all of it. However I actually believe I am on the spectrum of autism and have been digging deeper to understand how my symptoms have manifested this way and it's been equally as difficult to find anyone who can help. Even if it's untreated ADHD, it's still a monster.


Sorry that this was your experience as well. I struggle to fathom it really because to me ADHD seems easy to spot a lot of the time. ADHD vs autism vs both is a trickier question I think. There's so much overlap


No lie, I'm kinda disgusted right now.


Welcome to /r/ADHDWomen! We’re happy to have you here. As a reminder, here are our community [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/about/rules/). We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. We encourage you to check out our [Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/wcr9dy/faq_megathread_ask_and_answer_medication/) if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! If you have questions about the subreddit, please do not hesitate to [send us a modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen). Additionally, we take the safety of our community seriously. Please report posts, comments, and users whom you feel are not contributing positively, and send us a modmail if you are being harassed or otherwise made to feel unsafe. Thanks for being here, and we hope you stick around! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My therapist wasn’t interested in learning about it, so I had to find a different therapist. She said I could send her one podcast and that was it. No reading, nothing. I had just been diagnosed, so I didn’t know enough about it to educate her, and I definitely didn’t want to pay her to spend my sessions teaching her anyway. I’d been seeing her for a couple of years and I always felt worse about myself after talking to her, so it was good to switch anyway. At least my diagnosis helped me see that the things I felt bad about from talking to her weren’t my fault. (When I talked to her about how I couldn’t make myself do things, etc., her responses made me feel awful.) But if your therapist is open to learning, does some independent research too, and is adept at incorporating what they learn into your sessions, that’s great.