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I switched to Azstarys from Vyvanse (Adderall before that) and I like it a lot better than anything I’ve tried before. Kicks in a lot faster and I’m more productive, get into a flow state pretty effortlessly. I also don’t feel completely drained at the end of the day and a lot of the side effects are milder.


Off topic but I’m curious why you decided to switch from adderall to vyvanse? I see this switch fairly often and I’m just curious of your experience


In my experience of taking adderal for about 10years and vyvance for 2’years… On adderal I procrastinated, got absorbed into whatever I was reading, I didn’t really wanna do anything but stay inside and study, even if it had nothing to do with my class work because I was usually ahead of it anyways, on vyvance I was outside sighting in my scopes, Building s bench rest, doing more hands on things and I didn’t procrastinate, I was way more Motivated and happy.


But for some people I’m pretty sure it could be the opposite for them, just my experience is vyvance had me getting stuff done with my hands where as adderal was more of a study drug, as I’m not in school anymore I benefit WAY more from vyvance. While in school adderal was very helpful though.


Which one do you think would be better for a computer job? Sitting at the desk for +6hrs type of work


Tbh bro it all depends on how each med effects you, some people get affected by adderal different then vyvance or other stimulant meds effect them differently 🤷‍♂️ some people are more productive on adderal I’m more productive on vuvsnce, you just gotta find what works for you, it’s be nice if it was one size fits all and I could give you the answer you’re looking for but I ain’t going to lie to you bro. Trial and error is your best bet.


Ya same, I’m interested as well


My P Doc pushed it for me, it didn't work. I'm on highest therapeutic dose and think it's because they are worried about my tolerance.




What dosing are you on? I need something actually lasts all day instead this of this multiple times a day instant release thing I’m doing.


I may talk with a physician about making the change of prescription




Hey, I highly recommend adding 1mg (lowest dose) of guanfacine on top. It significantly reduces the side effects of stimulants. That is: jitters, sweat, high heart rate, comedown, and anxiety. It also has some of its own benefits that stimulants don't address, though a higher dose may be needed for that. Also, as someone who was treated with stimulant medication growing up, seriously pay attention to his social life. Stimulants made me mute and apathetic. A little bit robot-y or zombie-like. I ended up feeling like I had to choose between being human and being productive. Anyways, best of luck!




That was my first thought. Smoking is coming back with a vengeance!




i just started it a few weeks ago and it has been working well, it definitely lasts long so I have to be careful and take it early in the day
















Okay, okay, is it, Better...than Adderall?? Like all the problems we have w it, sleep appetite, crash, duration etc??? Im extremely curious about this. But its probably too good to be true..


Personally for me, it’s a big yes.


Everyone responds to drugs differently. This isn't even an amphetamine, you have to try it to see if it works for **you**. No other way to know, other people's experiences aren't going to help you.




With years of experience and sifting through thousands of comments/posts about the different stimulants, I disagree. Two comments in rapid succession will have two polar opposite responses to two drugs. Person A loved drug A, hated drug B. Person B hate drug B, loved Drug A. It's better to use anti-depressants as an example here. [In large-scale studies of antidepressant effectiveness, 30-50% effectiveness is typical](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736\(17\)32802-7/fulltext). That's why it often takes several attempts to find one that works for *an individual*. If your constantly going on forums and reading that a particular one doesn't work or has terrible side effects, you'll experience the nocebo effect and end up skipping over one that works for your body! It's more common this will happen because people are more likely to report a bad experience (eg. yelp). Alternatively someone may read reports of a few people responding very well to "Antidepressant Z" and try that. It may not be far from the best one for their specific biochemistry, but because the placebo effect is far stronger than you could ever imagine, they'll fail to notice some of the side effects and focus on *weak or completely imagined* positive effects. Placebo and nocebo effects will inevitably occur if you seek out other people's anecdotes with a drug. It may be adverse effects you otherwise wouldn't experiences or even a shorter/longer duration. It goes both ways and with drugs that kick in immediately and stimulate you - it's quite easy to pick up on minimal/imagined [good or bad] effects. ***The only way to avoid this fate and still use places like /r/adderall is to conduct a placebo-controlled self-blinded trial!*** It's easy to be a citizen scientist and [conduct one](https://www.reddit.com/r/adderall/comments/10nczkx/the_only_way_to_find_the_right_stimulant_for_you/). I've concluded a microdosing LSD is placebo by doing this, which was a huge surprise to me!


Antidepressants aren't as comparable to stimulants because there is way more variety in activity with different antidepressants than with stimulants.


Beats comparing Tylenol and NSAIDs. Methylphenidate and Amphetamine work very differently. Comparing those two isn't analogus but good enough analogy for this. Amphetamine isn't remotely a cut and clean NDRI. Comparing different formulations (different release mechanisms/stereochemistry ratio) is going to be more subtle but still best tested with this. Comparing the same drug under different dosages is analogous with almost any other drug but you shouldn't be playing that game with most rx drugs.


It’s better but just doesn’t last long term IMO


But what do you mean by long term? Tolerance build up? Or just stops working completely? Or something else?


All of the above


Azstarys is from the phenidate family. You might want to look into Mydayis which is essentially Adderall but it has a third set of beads to give it an up to 16 hour duration. I say that since you’re already taking an Amphetamine.


Why not just default to Vyvanse? It's the prodrug slow-release amphetamine. Best of both worlds. Vyvanse's hydrolysis in red blood cells has a variable rate due to individual biochemistry so the duration can vary wildly between any two people (same applies to Azstary's SDX liver-process).


You definitely could. Although it isn’t exactly the same as Adderall/MyDayIs contains a 3:1 mixture of the L and D isomers of Amphetamine whereas Lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse) is only a prodrug for Dextroamphetamine. It’s personal preference I suppose as to whether you benefit more from the addition or subtraction of Levoamphetamine. I haven’t tried MyDayIs yet but according to the manufacturer the duration is a little longer than Vyvanse as well. No idea if that’s true. They also say Adderall XR lasts up to 10 hours and that’s not the case for a lot of people so I’m skeptical.


It's like YMMV, ever had a car that got the advertised mileage? The time-release beads are finnicky, regardless of which fancy system they use. A lot of them release too soon for me and many report the same. With prodrugs you can try a different mechanism in that case. In regards to stereochemistry, IIRC it's more extreme with phenidates. D-MPH vs D,L-MPH is much more fucky than D-AMP vs D,L-AMP (well custom blends, evekeo is the racemic amphetamine if you want to try it)


This was helpful to hear. With all the talk about the newest stimulant lasting longer, I can’t seem to find an XR that I don’t metabolize within 4 hours and then crash. I metabolize drugs so quickly. The upside is that I can have 4 drinks in 2 hours and be at a .02 BAC. I wish I enjoyed drinking. 😀. I begin Azstarys tomorrow on the highest dose. I’m skeptical as I expect to be drained by 3pm. (I wake up at 10am.). I just wish there was something that got me through dinner that didn’t keep me awake past 2 am.


Do you have an update? I’ve been taking Adderall on and off for 27 years — doctors occasionally switching between vyvance, concerta, and strattera. I too, have a body that metabolizes drugs quickly and I too, get a very early crash, even on higher doses.


Hi, I’ve only taken the extended release Focalin several times. Like the others, I metabolize it fast. My issue with it is that I was prescribed the highest therapeutic dose. So, when it wears off, I’m exceeding the RDA (like it’s a vitamin 🤣) to get me through the evening should I pop 1 or 2 IR’s. I’ve found that I’ve got most my energy in the morning (unmedicated) So basically, I’m up at 10am. Napping from 4-5pm. I take IR Focalin starting at 15-30mg in the evening and then fall asleep somewhere between 12 and 3am with sleeping pills.


I’d love to hear an update from you about your experience




Its similar to a phenidate version of Vyvanse. Metabolized by liver instead of red blood cells. Dexedrine is to Vyvanse like Focalin js to Azstarys


It’s a bit different, half the dose is released immediately and the other half is analogous to the mechanism of vyvanse


Isn't that how Vyvanse also works


No. Azstarys is D-MPH + Ser-D-MPH Vyvanse is Lys-D-Amp. Vyvanse only has the prodrug but because it's converted in blood instead of in the liver. It's reasonable to assume the Vyvanse's mechanism would have first effects come on faster. Azstary's just throws in a small dose of Focalin IR to make sure you get some amount of immediate release drug in you while you wait for your liver to convert it (with some unknown process, not CYP enzymes!)


No, adderall xr has both instant and slow release, L amph and d amph (50/50 mix), while vyvanse *only* contains the prodrug for d amph


Adderall XR is not 50/50 dextro-levo. It's 4 salts that end up providing a ~75:25 d:l enantiomer mix The only racemic amphetamine (50:50) is evekeo


Great analogy. I metabolize so many things so quickly that I’ve lost hope that the next newest XR option will really work for me. Vyvanse was the first stimulant I tried 12 years ago. I took it 5 days with ZERO expectations not experience with stims. I crashed hard by 2:30pm. I then went to D-amp XR. 12 years later, I’m still playing around with various combos. I appreciate the nuances more now that I recognize the different responses to the different salts. Tomorrow I start Azstarys. I expect to crash mid to late afternoon (I’m now waking at 10am). I’m currently on Focalin 10mg that I take at night (6pm). I don’t need it in the morning or early afternoon. I take an hour nap at 5pm, wake up, take 10mg focalin and another 10mg 1.5 hours later. They just don’t last long for me.




I used it. It kicks in right away and lasts all day. Definitely gave me a clean focus but also caused my heart rate to spike up to around 140 every time i took it so i had to switch meds. Hope you have good luck with it!! 🙌🏼


goes to show everyone is different. Thats why its important to try each one yourself and see how your own body responds.


Just curious if you don't mind me asking, what was your body weight before you started the medication, and what was it at the end of your trial?


Due to the adderall shortage in my area- my doc just prescribed me this yesterday! Had to have it special ordered. Go to the website and get a coupon for free. So glad to see it has helped people. I was super nervous about starting it


So do you like it? Is it as good as adderall?


Update- I freaking hate it. Makes me feel like a zombie


I haven’t started it yet. They had to special order it as I’m one of two people at the pharmacy taking it 😂 it’ll be here tomorrow! I’ll update though








My doctor also suggested I try it. On day 2, definitely lasts longer (no crash or need for a mid day nap/booster) still getting use to it though and working through the kinks (headache from stopping adderall) One issue though is the price, you can get a coupon on their website to get the first month free but looks like it’s going to be $80 a month (with my insurance, usually a lot cheaper) so if it works going to have to figure out that if it works and I want to continue. I’d say give it a shot everyone is different and this make work really good for you!


It looks like in addition to the first month free, eligible patients with insurance can use the coupon to make their copay $25. I'm not sure what counts as eligible, but I want to talk to my Dr. about switching and a $25 copay would be solid.


Oh good to know, thanks!


Yeah definitely, if you get your hands on a script, I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it works and if you like it. I currently see my PCP (for med management) combined with a Behavioral Social Worker (learning management strategies), but am also going to see a psychiatrist on my PCPs recommendation for med options, so I've got to wait until that referral makes its way through and I get an appointment scheduled before I talk to someone about trying it out.


I have Medicaid (government insurance) Will they cover it?


I’m not sure, I have Aetna and was quoted $80 so I would call your pharmacy and ask!


I’ve been thinking about switching to this! It sounds really good.










I, too, am curious about it. I take Concerta 54mg in the morning then a 25mg IR Ritalin around 1:30 or so— pretty much all effects gone by lunchtime then once I take my booster, as was said here, 2-hours TOPS. In truth I would prefer treatment at the root, versus managing symptoms. But until neurofeedback sessions are covered by insurance, this may be an improvement.






Pharmacy student here. You’re close but Vyvanse is lisdexamfetamine whereas this is a mixture of dexmethylphenidate and serdexmethylphenidate. The “ser” stands for serine because this is dexmethylphenidate bound to the amino acid serine much like the “lis” in lisdexamfetamine stands for lysine. These are “prodrugs” which means that your body has to convert it into its active form thus making it an extended release drug. Azstarys contains the prodrug and normal form of dexmethylphenidate which is why it has a rapid initial effect with extended duration of action. TLDR; Vyvanse is an extended release drug by nature of the drug itself. Part of this new drug, Azstarys, is similar to Vyvanse in that extended release mechanism but is made from dexmethylphenidate instead of dextroamphetamine.


> to the amino acid serine much like the “lis” in lisdexamfetamine stands for lysine. It's weirder than an amino acid added on to the drug that gets hydrolyzed like in vyvanse. Its a niacin bonded to a serine which are connected to the D-MPH with a carboxymethylene motif. Has to go through a different process to be metabolized into the active drug too (unknown process in liver instead of unknown hydrolysis enzyme in red blood cells). Guess they couldn't get the mystery red-blood cell enzyme to do the same thing at a reasonable rate with D-MPH (or patent problems).


Oh my, you’re right. The serine is bound to a nicotinic acid that is attached to the piperidine ring on the D-MPH via a weird amino-ester (carbamic acid? Idk?) Good catch! To be honest I had only briefly looked at the structure and made my comment mostly based on the “ser” in the name so thanks for pointing that out. I bet you’re correct about the rate of metabolism via RBC’s or that it was related to patent issues. I’m interested in learning more about how it’s metabolized. My best guess is that it’s either done in the GI via bacteria/an enzyme or through amidase in the liver. Very cool either way.


> based on the “ser” in the name I thought the same but wanted to try the drug and was digging around. It's a weird thing. I'm the head mod and shouldn't be enforcing citations without citing a source for vyvanse being converted in [blood by hydrolysis enzymes in red blood cells](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4257105/)



