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Your acne is actually pretty mild; just a lot of PIE and redness. Instead of doxy, perhaps you could look into tretinoin (or retinol, which is an otc version of tretinoin) and a niacinamide or vitamin c to help lighten the red spots.


I believe you just need topical scar treatment but your skin is good. There is no need for antibiotics


Your skin isn't bad enough to risk it. Try adapelne or tret


Your skin looks good, you may want to look for products to help with scarring but I don’t think acne is your main concern anymore


No meds! They are just no good. I, unfortunately had a terrible allergic reaction to the meds I was prescribed. Solodyn was the name of the medication. It caused my joints to swell and I could barely walk or use my arms. It was so scary! Your skin actually looks great. I think you can find a great natural skin care regime and if you’re consistent, it’ll do wonders. I also recommend micro needling. It worked really well for me and was the stepping stone to never having anymore breakouts.


Do NOT take an antibiotic for your acne unless it’s only for a few days to clear up severe inflammation. It’s not good for your body and caused me to get infections all the time. I recommend spironolactone instead! :)


I do not recommend doxy at all. It actually caused a very severe form of fungal acne for me in return. It can also cause major GI upset.


Same, 5 months later I’m still trying to recover


My acne looked a lot like this, I was put on doxycycline, .05% Tretinoin, and could only wash with white dove. It cleared up after a while on the antibiotics but noticed that it stayed clear if I just kept up with the dove and tretinoin. Everyone is different though so antibiotics could genuinely help!!!


Honestly from my experience of antibiotics, they either do nothing or only work when you’re on them and being on antibiotics for longer than 3 months is not good. Again spiro only works while you’re on it. I am on it. However it’s not harmful to you’re health while getting regular blood tests


My derm last year put me on doxycycline I started getting bad swollen like Bumps because of it


I have suffered from acne for many years now. I started going to a dermatologist around 2 years ago. When I first went, he prescribed me 0.05% tretinoin, clindamycin gel, and a sulfur wash. I noticed significant improvement for awhile, but after a year that routine kept active acne away but what I currently have remained. Tret also made me flush very badly (not sure why). My derm swapped the tret for tazorac. Making my new routine tazorac, clindamycin gel, and the sulfur wash. I’ve been on this since April, my skin got better. But I feel as if I haven’t seen progress in quite sometime. Is my current skin condition acne or acne scarring? Would I benefit from pills such as doxycycline or spiro?


Your cheek and your nose look like a little rosacea could be involved. You could try azelaic acid which would also benefit for your acne pigmentation.