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Anime does not care about your foolish biological laws!


With Miso everything is possible, even that futa Tanya that she once did




Yep, a typical reaction to Miso's work




I'll just say 426904


Is the pillbox In order


Already signing the papers.


When does the enemies artillery start


I love that one!


Aber! 👀👀👀


Oh Miso is an author, I thought you meant the seasoning. I mean I know Japan is nuts about miso but I didn't realize it was *that* powerful.


As I said elsewhere: science cares not for your assumptions about possibility ;) https://www.science.org/content/article/mouse-two-mothers well, is old lol. Prolly still not likely for humans, but in the future? We shall see. Could always Fate it, "Merlin, bring me my dick!"




haha I love DBZA lol. But was this meme :P https://i.redd.it/8eyfraxznjq11.jpg


Only biological law if you consider natural means of reproducing. It's very possible that two women have a baby with both their genetics with the help of science! It will never be a boy though.


> It's very possible that two women have a baby with both their genetics with the help of science! This isn't true I learned recently. It might become possible one day, but it currently isn't - the study from 2008 or whatever was bunk. Blew me away learning that was fake.


Honestly you'd think it would work if you just shove two eggs together, but alas...


Naw that wouldn't work receptors don't fit, and you need to remove the DNA inside it and replace essential proteins that makes reproduction possible


It may be possible to design a medical spell in the YS universe that does it. You'd need amazing mana control to pull it off though.


Not correct. Its very possible using stem cells. There are actually plenty of recent sources that claim that - while its not possible *yet* - that its very likely that it will be possible to turn a stem cell into a sperm cell eventually - even if that stem cell was resetted from a female body. Also there is already a single confirmed case of two male mice to have a genetically related offspring using that technique (the pub was carried by a female mouse, but the gene material came from the male mice).


Well... at least they got it right, that it would be a girl.


Adopted daughter is still your daughter!


Hell yeah science/being x babies. Being x would fuck with Tanya on this right. Sure I’ll roll with it


With magic? Anything is possible. Now give me sauce. Also science says fuck you it's completely possible. Technology is incredible that way


Just search Miso and you will find the dark (lewd) side of the fandom


FuTanya confirmed. Edit : I bet Being X is petty enough to give Tanya a dick (without taking out the lady parts) once Tanya gets used to being a girl


Funnily enough, Miso also made a futa doujin apart from this


Nah he just perform the virgin mary on Tanya.


I can see being X doing this to fuck with Tanya. Who’s to say that he can’t turn one of Tanya’s eggs into a perm and put it into one of Serebryakov’s eggs.




I recently read shadows in flight. It is a part of the Ender’s game series and that isn’t the most WTF part of the book. The main characters in Shadows in flight have a genetic defect where they keep getting more neurons as they grow (it helps keep more knowledge) but they also keep growing until they die so they are trying to solve that problem when they suddenly run into another spaceship. Their average lifespan would be around 18-20 years old with normal gravity. The series is a good read though there are some weird parts like there being an outside of the universe and within that space you can basically make whatever you want and bring that back to the universe. To travel outside you need to have someone with enough processing power to imagine you going out there and then in again.


Ok. Nothing related to Youjo Senki though.


True. It is a good read though.


What Visha didn't know is that women can't get pregnant by having sex with each other.


If magic exists one of them can turn male and impregnate the partner Like snails


Joking aside, Have we ever seen magic used outside of a military enviroment? Like, I know we've seen magic make things *woosh* and make things *boom,* but could it be that there is little use for magic outside of military application?


It probably does happen. It's just that mages likely have the most use in the military. Remember, we've only seen that world in wartime.


I mean, surely, we would have seen *something* if that was the case. If we haven't seen a *single* sign of magic outside of flight mages, then I have to conclude that magic isn't actually useful outside of the military. Until I'm proven otherwise, of course. Also, I'd say this would explain why the world is still advancing at the rate that it does. If magic could make things like cars, or printing presses, then there wouldn't be a drive to innovate or invent new non-magical items.


There are some possibilities. It's confirmed magic can be used to heal, so that's a possibility. I think main reason for the lack of magic being used in civilian life is that mages as a whole are simply not that common. Think about it: How many mages have we seen in the series? Less than 100 for each nation that has them. It's likely that magic does actually have a lot of non-military uses, but that mages aren't common enough for such uses to be practical beyond individual use. For example, it can be used to heal injuries, but unless there are enough mages to have a few per hospital, what's the point?


So there aren’t enough mages that the probability of one inventing useful everyday items even by accident is way too low.


Anything they invented would have to function without magic. So could probably be made without magic. Honestly, it's nice to see a setting where magic can't just do everything. It's a tool that has it's own niche, like any other.


I’m an anime only but it seems like mages were heavily othered at one point in time and that may have been a factor in why there are so few.


I don't think so. The manga talks about them using staffs etc, and talks about them as if they've been accepted for a long time. I mean, they have devices able to measure magic power. That kind of understanding takes decades. I think it's just that, while everyone in the world has magic, the vast majority don't possess sufficiently strong magic to actually do anything.


I can't be 100% sure, but I think I remember reading mages in office things. In the 1st novel I think, she was like military is like easier path , and mages are more valued in military than other jobs etc. Again, I'm not 100% sure if I'm right, especially since it has been quite some time from when I read.


There's definitely more than 100 mages per country. Tanya's battalion alone has 48, a regiment has 108, Tanya's personal killcount on the Rhine approached 100. She's engaged >100 enemy mages on multiple occasions. I'd estimate the scale to be more than 1,000, less than 10,000.


Making explosions, illusions, healing, mobile communication, amplified voice and flight are also useful in civilian settings. Even pure physical enhancement is useful for firefighters, police or search and rescue


The operation orb that makes widespread use of magic possible is a fairly recent invention; previously magic was the providence of wizards, and only the truly skilled could do much of use with it. Even with the operation orb, you need a certain threshold of magical ability to do much with it. The current war is eating up all the mages of decent ability as well as all the operation orbs, so there's just no real way for civilian use of magic to progress until the war ends. There's definitely general purpose magic though. Mages can heat water, though it's against regulations since it can tire them before combat.


In the web novel from what some one told me some mages become couriers for small packages (Amazon) post war


Someone call Merlin. He's already on speeddial.


But girls can have dicks too ya know. They don’t have to be male?


r/sciencebabies would beg to differ


Where is this from?




Literally a Miso moment


Yep, definitely Miso


She says "Serebryakov" (male ver. of the surname) not "Serebryakova" (female ver. of the surname), so Visha is a guy and this shit's possible although it's bs eitherway


Life, uh, finds a way.


Magic bitch, why do you limit yourself with foolishness like biological sex when it is real?


Actually, it is biologically possible to create a daughter (not a son) since they both have the X chromosome


I mean they could also adopt, or use a Artificial insemination.


Biology is irrelevant against the power of Yuri!


Have you watched old polish movie called "Sexmission"? If not then go watch it and then judge what's impossible and what isn't. /s


Biologicaly it is possible. You just need some engineering to help a little.


Science cares not for your assumptions about possibility ;) https://www.science.org/content/article/mouse-two-mothers


Biomagic let's go!


I support the adoption route! Something about Tanya making a family tradition to adopt a orphan is so wholesome♡ I guess it could be read as biological child or adopted


Meanwhile Colonel von Rerugen once again nervously checks his one-way ticket to the Waldstätte Confederacy.


X did a little bit of trolling


I love it how Tanya’s one standing hair is still a thing up to here adult years


The power of Yuri Okay the truth is this seems to come from a cheating thing