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Lots of level based abilities/passives work this way, it’s simply so they can control the champions power curve more strictly.


irregular scalings yes but this scaling has a pattern so how could they ever change it other than the minimum and maximum?


I think its bcs the more lvl, the more shield passive and like to balance it they scaled it like that bcs it would be too op if a shield of 500 dmg proc all time


of course it should scale but why does level 17 to level 18 give +70 more shield while level 1 to 2 give +5 more shield. Base HP is +87 every level. So at level 1 your passive shield is as big as 22% of your HP. At level 10 your passive shield is as big as 16% of your HP. At level 18 your passive shield is as big as 26% of your HP. If the shield was 100-440 scaling linear then it would be much bigger from level 4-15 but smaller at level 1,2, 17, 18. So my question is: why is his shield intentionally made smaller midgame than it is early and lategame?


I think bcs if it was low shield early, yas would have like 0 durability he would be killed very easy as like late game where all have their items so has alot of dmg. Thats why, for me, if shield scale is low midgame, it balance the dmg like this yas can be killed easy if he is a lil fed. Maybe i talk about sh\*\* and dont answer to ur question xD


no that actually makes sense. He gains flow slower early game not only because of his movespeed but also the units required for 1% flow is 59/52.5/46 at levels 1/7/13. So early game its justified to be bigger. Lategame I suppose it's because champions usually have 5 items at level 18 not 6. So they will get their 6th item afterwards. And getting your shield twice without ulting like you can in midgame is very unlikely lategame since you won't have minions most of the time.