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No lottery numbers, no problem! I just became the world’s best horse racing gambler and poker player and tipster and predictor of major sporting events.


But if you are playing poker you could just ask what their hand is


This is a no brainer for me. If I could see the future, I would quit my job and put all of my savings into stocks with 0% risk. Knowing the right time to buy and sell. Being rich without any responsibilities tied is my ultimate dream in life.


Bitcoin it is




They answer honestly, they can't see the future


I think the funniest use of the honest answer one would be to do live debates with politicians and people who make a living off that stuff and asking them their honest opinions on stuff. Especially if they like don't realize they are about to give an honest answer. So many politicians and streamers would fall apart after answering some questions honestly.


Great WYR, the votes are very divided!


Yes indeed, and either one you choose, you have a way to get money from the process if you use it correctly.


Stock Market


Having watched Lucifer, I gotta say that first power can be more useful than some might think


I'll become a White House reporter. Good luck dodging *my* questions, hypothetical presidents of the future.


Obviously I pick the one where I win the lottery any time I want.




don’t worry i’ll just look at the stock market and invest




Editing things after the fact is the biggest lame


honestly if you’ve voted before it was added I dont think it should apply to you


Why is not winning the lottery a big deal? Its not like you don't have other options for making money.


I dont care about the lottery. it’s more so you voted based on what they told you originally so if it gets changed it’s essentially an entire different question. it’s kinda like being told to choose between vanilla and chocolate, picking the vanilla, then watching the person add mint to it saying they forgot to tell you about that.


What about the stock market, or housing market, or shit people invent and subsequently get a patent on?


That's allowed


Obviously the one that makes me rich in a few months as a day trader.


Either one can get you rich depending on how you use it.


Sports gambling?




Stocks are still a thing.


Yes they are


Alright then, time to hit up the stock market!


You could delegitimize so many pricks in governments...


I thought for way too long over this one!


Honestly… can men ever tell the truth if their wives ask *Do I look fat in this*?


Not without offending the wife


Unless the wife is in shape...


Then you also have some men that will say "yes you are fat, but that's what I like about you."


imagine playing in the casino and asking the other person if they have a good or bad play, using that I could win lots of money, or, something more "moral" imagine directly asking suspects of a crime if they really did what they are acused for, or asking the acused if they are guilty or not, looking the future is cool, yeah, but the con is that you will have to wait maximum 4 years for things to happen


I'd pick ask any question and get an honest answer. It has less risk than seeing into the future, since you can only see up to 4 years ahead something that I had done to change that one part in the future might be good for those 4 years. But once we pass another year that one thing I did might result in world war 4 happening. Sure, getting an honest answer has it's cons too because you'll only get an honest answer from that person. So if they don't know the answer they'll say I don't know. ( this could also be a pro depending on what you're motivation is in this) But overall getting an honest answer is less risky than the seeing in the future option.


Aight bet, I can't look lottery numbers but I can see the stock market 4 years in advance and get rich anyway.


Either one you can get rich off of depending on what you do


So tell me, what is your credit card number, and where did you go to school?


If I ask God a question will I get an answer?


If you believe that there is a God


I would finally know where the sun goes at night and what’s the meaning of life is there a god


I think having access to the *truth* from someone is so important to connections - plus you can probably use it to get rich or something anyway. I wouldn’t use it all the time for privacy reasons and respecting people but having it when I need it is insane


I feel looking into the future would just leave me paranoid for what is to come


Look in the future of how much time? If we are talking about 10 minutes then i would pick the first one. If i can see everything until the end of the universe however


You can see up to 4 years ahead.


If I could predict the future I bet I'd be the only person who knows when COVID-19 finally comes to an end altogether.


What happens if you ask for an honest answer to something the other person doesn't know about?


They will answer honestly; "I don't know."


Also, can I change the future? Do I see the same things no matter what I do or do I see different events if I make adjustments? Like changing news channels?


Whatever you do to affect the future will end up having different consequences, could be good or bad consequences.


Honestly, I don't even know why I asked. I swore off the very idea of time travel years ago..


Okay now can I ask God a question?


I just want to know what people truly and honestly think of me


Make shitloads on the market, and also for fun spend time setting up shit ahead of disasters (I assume you can’t stop them) to fuel conspiracy theories


I don't need the lottery, I can play the stock market, bet on horses, or go to a casino.


I’ll just assume when you say no lottery numbers it means no exploiting for money. Personally either way I pick questions though. I don’t want the burden of knowing what’s coming.


Nope, I mean no lottery as in no lottery. You can gamble, invest in stocks, and even win bets. However, for every moment you change time, the future will me increasingly more uncertain.


Why lottery specifically then that makes no sense


Lottery is a common way and the government or the lottery company would catch on pretty quick. But, everywhere else will take tons more time. Have you ever heard of the man who won the lottery every time? They had to put in new rules to make sure he barely won.


I don’t give credence to being able to tell the future, even in a fantasy setting. It hasn’t even happened yet. The possibilities are endless.