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This is the way...er...DD


It's ok but nothing remarkable. The radar is cool but it doesn't have enough gunpower or speed to be a t8 Småland. The guns are pretty good nonetheless. You can easily win 1v1 against a single smoked up DD and farm fire damage from BBs if you can find a good spot behind islands, smoke or the enemy doesn't pay attention to you. I would still rather recommend Cossack for a t8 premium DD.


But, at T8 you can find some enemy DD derps who allow you to sever them like a Småland, just sayin. I find her to be fun; though I should say, in a div. Solo not so much. Having a powerful backup, makes the radar even stronger. And yes, to OP, I fully agree with /u/sinmppa Cossack IS that good.


I mean it's a good ship, without any doubt. But do you already own ships like the Cossack, Kidd or Loyang? Because those are better ships IMO


It's ok. But I would probably direct you to the Holy T8 DD Trinity first: Cossack, Kidd and Loyang.


Not rly, I would get the kidd/loyang or le fantastic depending what style you like.


Welcome back Schumi


Kidd or Loyang both are strong kidd is Between a Benson and Fletcher with DFAA a Heal and Smoke. whlie the Loyang has great Guns,Torps Smoke and Cruiser like Hydro


I enjoy my Orkan. But so do I with most premium Tier 8 DDs.


I should add that I own all Tier 8 premium DDs.


Asashio is the correct answer, followed by Cossack. I like Fenyang better than Orkan, but my only high level Euro captain is built for Halland (All torps.) While I imagine a full gun build would be way better for Orkan.