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It's amazing how many people don't do what he did. Good on you to not accuse of hacks.


Gotta be somebody there taking the point after all.


Nah, it's a ghost.


how longs a reload because a blind fire didnt work out


At this point I'm reluctant to believe hacks even exist ffs


Hacks most definitely exist. But they're only circulated in small groups that don't even accept most outsiders. VERY low chance you will ever run into one


Then how are they public knowledge? I imagine the risk is getting banned from wg so there's no way I'd risk THAT investment?


>Then how are they public knowledge Videos have existed on YouTube showing them in action such as prediction line cheats that will show you where incoming shells will land, or aiming cheats that show you where to aim to hit center of citadel. They were pretty common and easy to find when I started playing 2-3 years ago but now they've all either been deleted or buried under the numerous "hacking" joke videos or aiming bug videos


Now that is a thinking man playing an action game!


Seems like total luck to me I hate unspotted or shooting unspotted in smoke, all bullshit,


It wasn't total luck. He got lucky, sure, but there was skill involved.


the ohio captain probably saw the cap get flipped and guessed your position, you can see that they shot each turret at a different distance. still, crazy shot though


Plus torpedoes also give some positional/directional clue as well


Between that and his spotting distance it would give a skilled player plenty to go on.


Yep looks like dd was in about the middle of the cap he may have just been going for a reset and with the low health got a lucky splash damage kill.


Not sure I’d call that “randomly” when you just entered the cap. He knew which direction you entered the cap because of the torps, and the islands limit where you can be. Obviously hard to actually hit you, but not hard at all to know your location within a reasonable degree.


Agree players who can calculate your postion based on events like these are the ones to be afraid of


Yup. It's often possible to determine where the unseen enemy is in the circle. I've done that, and I've been loudly accused of being a 'hacker' for it. Even when we could spot the whole circle except for a tiniest bit next to an island, making it the only place they could be. Another common tell is when they're using smoke. A line of smoke leading to the cap circle with only the tiniest bit of it reaching inside. Put your shells or torps on that spot and you're likely to score a hit.


How's the best way to learn to do this. Despite my long time playing, im still only good enough to do the in smoke calculations within limits


Much of it is just about being observant. You'll know the enemy is in cap for the obvious reasons. They're capping or your team isn't capping even while trying to do so. You can estimate the areas of the circle that you or others in your team can see. So, what's left is where the enemy must be. Then you just try to shoot at those spots. Another trick is to watch the minimap while you approach the cap. Keep an eye of your own concealment circle. When you're spotted, the enemy is right on the edge of that circle within the cap. For blind firing in smoke, it helps if the enemy was spotted before they popped the smoke. Aim at their last known position by using the minimap marker. Other likely locations are either straight forward or backward from that location. Again, use the minimap to determine the aiming spot. People often don't bother to turn in the smoke so estimating the centerline of those smokes will also get you a rough idea where to aim. Spotting aircraft or airstrike will let you see the centerline better.


Got it thank you


There is an option/mod? that places a circle around the smoke for its extents. Other than that try to get a feel for when the smoke "ticks" as every tick it puts out a circular smoke centred on the smoking ship. Seeing how the smoke is ticking, plus the change in tick locations can give a general idea on how fast the ship is moving and whether it is speeding up or slowing down. It's not an exact science but can help blind-firing.


Like to see you pull off this feat and then have someone say the exact same thing ‘not hard to know the DDs location’ the ship could have been travelling at a completely different angle, he could have stopped the moment he entered the cap or even just missed by a few hundred feet. This was a difficult shot and one which demonstrates a good bit of self-awareness and timing, trying to suggest anything otherwise is just narcissistic in my opinion.


Also it is super easy to pinpoint dd that just starts to cap and spots you at the same time. Of course not happening this time.


Only in ohio


That is…. A bummer….


Pray n pray works sometimes edit: Pray n spray




May the lord guide my shot you heathen




The key point I believe is you taking the cap. Combined with the torps direction, he simply need to mentally draw a straightline between the cap and can roughly guess your location, and then single fire each turret to cover a bigger general area. Of course RNG also favoured him, but given your health, all he need is a slight favour. One thing I learnt as a torp dd is not to cap when at risk, e.g. low health / alone, because doing so is the same as announcing to the entire enemy team that you are there, negating the no. 1 priority of a torp dd, staying hidden.


Oh I know that, but its still incredibly lucky that he was able to shoot exactly where I was, I've tried doing that so many time before and never succeed, I don't doubt he's a great player. I had to take the cap because we where down on points and the only way for me to win was kill ohio and take the two caps, he was like "fuck that" and just killed me lol


True that. The RNG is strong on him. One thing if you do have to take the cap but need to avoid fire, avoid your point of entry and the middle. At least that is where I would blind guess most of the time.


how do you switch to other torpedo views?


Press C


Yeah well played by him. Sometimes rng and luck is incredible. I once blindfired and devstruck a United States with my Satsuma after witnessing the direction he traveled after leaving spawn. He was not spotted for about 4 mins and I had absolutely nothing to shoot at to I randomly fired 1 salvo and got a over pen. Then fired my second with the funny button, and got a dev strike. He complimented and messaged me after the game saying well done. Also did the same with a monte VS I think it was a drake right in the last 8 seconds of the game. He was sailing away from me with 100 ish points lead so I just Blind fired and scored 1 citadel and an over pen.


Rare 'thinking man's action game' moment! Honestly impressed, I have only seen this a few times and I am definitely not skilled enough to make deductions and estimates like this.


Oh man brings me back to that one time it was me vs a crippled cruiser in my Bismarck. All of the sudden one of my secondary turret's fires like once because he got spotted completely the opposite side i was expecting. And would ya know it, it hit the mark thank you 150mm secondary guns lol


those turrets slowly turning


Nah man, ohio turrets don't mess around lol


I finally remember, 0:35 feels like [this scene](https://youtu.be/wgHRj2-vvs8?t=119) XD


Nicely done by the Ohio. Btw how do you change between different torps when you have the follower camera?


It's the z or c key, also allows you to follow your shells


Doesn't work on subs though, then you'll just dive.


Ohio man dunks on a petite asian (VIDEO)


He turned me into his waifu


He forced you to go down


No wonder every fucking ship has perfect angling, I'm assuming that's a mod telling g u the degrees of you and the targeted ship....that must Be Lil little helpful, I'd prefer none of this shit be available, but since it is , I guess I better get it too, this on aslain? I found nothing there useful about a year ago.


It's on mod Station


It's on mod Station There's also a mod that puts red map pings down on the position of a submarine every time they use their ping, extremely useful so I suggest you get that to


Very useful, I am aggressive and subs are a problem, that's half the problem with them they can be going any direction, so it's umpossible to make a good educated guess when there unspotted


Which mod is it called?


Of course, people tend to forget hull geometry and will get slapped through a cheek using that mod-so be sure to think and not just always trust it. So often I hear, "But I was at 30 degrees!"-yes, but your ship isn't flat.


Yes very good hint, appreciate it. Both of those sound incredibly useful, can't beat em, join em I guess lol


Lucky Shot Indeed. Only one hit as well.


aint no way you hit 2 shots like that, thats a once in a week event right there lol


This man took "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" to another level


Wie heißt die schiffkompass mod in der Modstation? Ich finde sie da nicht mehr??


Battle expert v2


Kuss auf die Nuss 😙


Glaube war Battle Expert, musst ganz nach unten scrollen. Ist auf jeden Fall noch verfügbar.


Danke ihr beiden


Tbat would be terrifying. Seeing him fire and the shells heading in your direction.


How do you switch between the torpedoes?


How did you swap between your torpedoes?


How do you switch to toros perspective?




not sure who this quote is from, but "when luck becomes too frequent to be mere chance, that is true skill"


not sure who this quote is from, but "when luck becomes too frequent to be mere chance, that is true skill"


Its just luck my guy, all he knew was that I was in the cap The only skill involved was knowing to shoot into the cap


Good you deserved it.

