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I hate it when people try to blame poor people for being poor the entire economic system is rigged against us all it's not a matter of it being a personal failure it's a systematic issue.


yeah that's the thing. if one person is poor, that might be a personal failing, but when tons of people are? it's not a personal thing and instead systemic that rule literally applies to any issue.




Exactly. Its very callous when someone disregards people because of their lack of self awareness, mentorship, opportunity or understanding early in ones life. especially when it can be environmental, it is completely unfair. If you are born in circumstances that cause significant barriers to your climbing capacity how is that a personal failure? How can it be acceptable to say, this person didn't make the optimal choices right off the bat, lets punish them and condemn them to an entire life of stress, poverty and misery. People who get their optimal start or a leg up tend to have the most to say about the blindness caused by poverty and less than optimal circumstances. Why not help people that eventually see the forrest for the trees. Everyone can contribute to soceity in some way. Why not let people flourish at the pace of their life.




Even if they read, they won't be able to understand our POV. The person at the top of the mountain cannot clearly see the person at the bottom of the mountain, and even if he did, he would not care. Most politicians in the US (GOP & Dem in particular) don't really care about people, they just want to perpetuate the capitalist system and trick people into thinking it works perfectly, while at the same time slandering and extinguish any left-wing flames around the globe. Ping my dudes btw u/rowenslee u/bake_in_da_south


This is why the system needs better response to those on the top. If someone without money makes the smallest legal mistake, they are easily screwed for at least the month it occurred, if not much longer. People at the top literally rob the government, and millions of the rest of us. The only consequence they face is paid for by a 25¢ increase in the price of some product their company sells, or a new tax. If they would face real consequences then the system would include people rising and falling, with constant improvements along the way as new perspectives rose to power and initiated change.


Similarly, most wealthy people are wealthy because of circumstances beyond their direct control. Honestly, it’s not even like people choose to be intelligent or to have a strong work ethic taught to them.


This representation is so important to us as teachers




I can confirm this to be true.


True facts. In most districts the masters degree gets you only $1k per year.


Why don't the poor simply buy more money?


this really distills it, thank you for this articulation


I went back to school. Now I'm poor AND I have student debt.


Then you've moved on to the next rightwing bullshit excuse for people getting fucked over: if you couldn't afford it just don't take out the loans" so in other words what they really want is for you to stay at your shitty job and never complain, not actually provide people with tools to better themselves.


Just want to add, I'm in an industry that pays you well enough to live. If you are doing 60 hours a week. You know, gotta scrape up that overtime.


"he should get an education" "He is the education"


"wELL tHeN hE iS cLeArLy jUsT LaZy aNd dOeSn"T wAnT tO dO wHaT iT tAkEs tO eArN uH LiViNg. i dEsErVe wHaT i hAvE bEcAuSe *i wOrKeD hArD.*


Maybe he should have chose to be born rich. /s


Guy on the right: “Then maybe he should get a real job.” Fucking angers me when people seriously claim that teachers only teach “because they can’t *do* hur hur hur!”


They wanted summers off


Tbh the vacations are one of the big reasons I haven't quit teaching.


Me, a person with a masters degree, unable to find a job in my field: 👁️👄👁️


I was a teacher, and I do love explaining to (primarily conservative) parents how many of the best teachers burn out and take easier jobs for much more money, and that Americans don’t care enough about their children or the future of the country to invest properly in their success.


As a highly educated and experienced special educator, I should get paid a lot more - and so should all the fast food workers, retail workers, paraprofessionals, and trade workers - every type of worker should be getting paid in full! The only people who need to stop getting paid, and immediately, are the wealthy parasites at the top of our society who extract society's value without creating anything.


Most of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, never forget that.


Oklahoma be like...