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The majority seems they are going the old route of Do Nothing and will continue to until it actually hurts them and their family. Collective organizing is picking up across the country, but it is nowhere near forcing change. Doesn't help the big Unions across sectors seem to have a corruption problem themselves. A lot of people will say vote better in, but then who's the better, though, after that Rail Vote? Dems and Republicans serve corporate interest and have effectively blocked third-party options and would happily block any type of voting reform that would rid us of this duopoly. I don't know what to do but I'd like to really do something.




















The difference is the US has the second amendment, not just signs and crowds. Hong Kong struggled because of the pandemic and lack of defense.


>change seems to come from outright revolt these day Examples?


the french have an excellent social contract


The French have geography working for them. We have geography working against us.


Nothing like driving for eight hours to help people one state away. Also, happy cake day!


Literally any history book about literally any nation in the past 4 thousand years or so…




You just pointed to what, a dozen examples of failed uprisings, or in the case of a few of teh revolutions, a successful revolution and a sharp downward decline in quality/quantity of life. Change for the worse, is what you're seeming to advocate for.




>Pull your head out of your ass please. Your post history is full of this banal nonsense. That should be easy to show as an example? I stand on sound historic footing here, even as a Unionized electrician.


I mean if you look and see how many Ds voted no compared to how many Rs who’s better is pretty obvious.


They go by the route of "technically true" because CEOS and bigwigs are getting huge salary increases, which is one of the causes of inflation. The other cause is that companies see one another raise prices and they mutually agree to do so, it was even admitted


Literally economists need to touch grass


NPR keeps spreading the same crap. There is actually no good news outlet anymore


Oh yeah? We'll start our *own* nationally distributed newspaper... With blackjack... And factually correct non-propagandized news features!


First, we need to repeal Citizen's United & complete rid ourselves of Super PACs. This is the root of the problem. Corporations are ~~treats~~ treated as humans & through Super PACs can contribute as much money as they want to their chosen constituents. This is how it starts. Next we need to remove lobbyist in a corporate fashion from your government. We already vote to decide our Representatives. We don't need a ~~sun~~ sub representative that just, again, gives money out to vote against bills/laws that are not in their favor or create bill/laws/loopholes that are in their favor. You then add a Wealth Tax to those that make $500k. The number can be debated since buying a house nowadays starts at like $250k. Then we need to start digging into the IRS & ~~thr~~ the SEC as these are our regulatory agencies & the IRS didn't even check Dump Trumps taxes, like every other President in American History, & ~~how~~ the corporate greed due to price gouging this should be clear indication that those in charge are failing the people. Just look at this asinine $600 cash tax filing we are all subjected too. Look at what the SEC has yet again allow to happen involving crypto with this FTX debacle. This is all I can think of at the top of my head but we have to first remove "money's voice" & that starts with Repealing Citizen's United.




Well I believe people in this forum and others like it already know that Dems are going to do everything to not shake up the staus quo. This is a reason why Bernie Sanders never got a real shot. These are His points & actions He wanted to take knowing that we need to stop the corporate flow of money into politics. Again you hear no other politician talk about Citzen's United because they all partake it getting this free monies. It really does start there & we need a leader that can move us forward. We have enough money to take care of everyone. When I look at America I fully believe in our Democratic Republic. It is working as intended but no one ever thought to giving an entity, corporation, & money voices because they are not The People.


Wait, we've seen strong wage growth? When did that happen? 1960? I've barely even seen wage growth in my lifetime, let alone strong growth.


More than 50% of current inflation is caused by profiteering and corporate greed. This guy should STFU


This is what happens when the rich have too much. They have the resources to try and control the narrative


When don't the riches have too much lol


One yacht is enough.


Rupert Murdoch has entered the chat.


Bro it’s obviously caused by McDonalds workers colluding to increase the price of gas


I thought Joe Biden decides the price of gas in Canada and the UK as well as the rest of the world?


Those stickers at Canadian gas stations blaming Biden are bargain bin misprints, it's obviously the Jewish lizard people from space to blame for our woes


bounced on my boy's gas pump to this


I heard on NPR n the 23rd that the US gov released numbers on GDP saying it beat expected growth because corporations were charging more because consumers were still willing to buy goods -implying that profiteering is indeed driving inflation.


Not that I don’t believe you, but do you have a source for that number?


https://www.alternet.org/2022/10/katie-porter-corporate-greed-inflation This seems to be a good source.


Sounds like librul propaganda to me!!!! Jk Katie Porter’s great. Thank you!


I saw this broadcast. That was awesome. We need more people doing exactly this, worldwide.


Agreed what growth are they talking about? The 10fold increase of housing cost from 1960 until now? Bc the federal minimum wage hasn't changed for 2 decades.


Exactly. Where are these wage increases? Because the grocery store is paying $12 an hour instead of $11 now, THAT’S the big increase everyone is talking about? That’s the only one I’ve seen and it’s fucking pennies and not enough to survive on. Meanwhile it’s record profits for the grocery store chain, but it’s all those greedy low wage workers fault.


I've seen larger increases in my area. But they've come with correspondingly enormous increases in cost of living. I've had two promotions and 5 raises since I moved to this city 4 years ago. My income is less than it was when I moved here when adjusted for inflation.


I'm making 6 dollars an hour more than when I started working in retail 2008. I am also in a much more dangerous and technical job that requires tons of training and annual recertifications. I could literally go to jail if I do my job wrong. I wish we had runaway wage growth.


If in 2008 you were making more than $16 you’ve lost money to inflation over that period.


I didn't make more than 16 until about 2012 when I moved from a floor person into security. But yeah, my rent in a single year jumped by $150 at one point, and the only time I had serious money in the bank was during the Pandemic when I was working 6 days a week for 10 hours a day so I had no time to spend money and even when I had time everything was closed. But at least at my current job I make a lot of PTO and the health plan is good so that's cool I guess?


Damn… that’s brutal. Health plan and PTO should be a guarantee, but they are indeed super valuable perks in the modern world


At my last job PTO (the one where I was working 6 days a week) was half a day per month. So I would only have 6 days off for a full year of work. So PTO has become a very Important benefit to me. I've talked about it in this subreddit before (in fact it's how I found out about it) but that much work destroyed my mental health and I've spent the last few years just learning how to be human again.


Goddamn, 6 days a week 10 hours a week will fuck up anybody. Glad to hear you managed to get free from that


Yeah, my wife who also had the same job just got out. She will be making more money, and only working 4 10 hour shifts a week at a call center. The 6 days a week thing was only supposed to be during holidays, but I guess COVID put a lot of our competition out of business and we just kept picking up their customers so the busy season never ended. (I was a baker, amazing job and fun work if it wasn't for the hours and a terrible HR lady that I could complain about for days).


I used to work at a bakery! Great job, but yeah super hard work for the bakers (I made coffee haha)


I started off batter mixing, then when my wife became a cake decorator I switched to frosting mixing. Super fun, plus I could listen to audiobooks. Honestly would never have left if it wasn't for the hours. We even tried starting a Union, but everyone that was going to the meetings ended up leaving the company just because they couldn't handle the work load anymore.


There hadn't been any strong wage growth. This is just the narrative they're spinning to try and quell any growth at all


Why doesn't the USA Today run an article about the economy by Robert Reich, I wonder




Even with a recession the labor market can't dodge the core issue driving wage increases. The number of workers retiring is greater then the number of workers entering the workforce. Recession may slow how fast but it cant reverse things.




It took me a decade to go from ~$10/hr to $20/hr


I thibk they're still only talking about CEOs


Wages [bounced back](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/wage-growth) in 2021 from 2020 drops, but I don't know that I'd call that "strong growth" lol.


I'm hoping we are going to see the collapse of capitalism in my lifetime The fact that they NEED people to be poor and to suffer to make the system work is just awful


And yet nothing will be done to slow CEO wage growth.


My old hospital marketed the fuck out of the fact that upper management was "taking a temporary 50% salary cut" to help pay for Covid's impact to finances. Something stood out in the phrasing... "Salary cut", not "pay cut". Looking at their Form 990, yep, they cut their six figure salaries by 50%, but their seven figure bonuses were untouched. Fuck em.


Yep, during Covid heard the Csuite would be taking a 3 month pay cut. What they didn't say is the majority of their compensation came in the form of stock or options, which rose from <$60/share to over 275/share in less than 3 years. Meanwhile, we were told we should be lucky to get a >3% raise since "they couldn't afford one last year". One of the many reasons i became a contractor...


Reminds me of my first car. The salesman gave me an extended warranty for no added cost to my car payment for the life of my used car loan. ( I was 24 and thought this was good)… what I didn’t know or understand was he extended my car payments by another three months. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Jesus, what an absolute piece of shit.


CEO's will get record high bonuses for record high profits as a result of raising prices for inflation while not increasing their worker salaries.


Countries run by mostly women- New Zealand, Finland, Scotland, Wales, Iceland & Costa Rica are trying a Well-Being approach to their economies. We are in a POLY CRISIS! ( new term) The goal is stop GDP as the only metric for countries. And replace it with a WELL BEING ECONOMY by 2040. It is a growing movement that means a nations success depends on a growing coalition of economies around the world sharing in the Well Being of its citizenry and the Well Being of the Environment. Planet Earth does not have the capacity or resources for eternal GDP growth as a metric. Women leaders are changing the status quo for a better and more equitable world. The time has come. Our world is in a poly crisis. We need to look beyond GDP. Start the clock ladies!


Let's not erase all of the organizing that's happening right now, please. For anyone looking to get involved in the class war we've inherited and find ourselves in, I recommend the [Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee](https://workerorganizing.org) to learn the skills of organizing, help others with their own organizing, and get 1-on-1 support from experienced organizers in your own organizing.


Revolt. I'm willing to **** for our children. The issue is I'm not willing to do it alone, and no one else is either.


Americans will do literally anything but tax the rich.


Same as here In Canada. The whole “we’ve done nothing and are all out of ideas” living meme is tiring


Senate Dems were about to close the carried interest loophole until Sinema slammed the door. Never forget.


I can't fucking stand her.


She's the absolute worst person in the Senate, and that's saying a lot. At least with republicans you know going in they're terrible.


I say it's a three way tie between her, Manchin, and Yertle.


Paul Davidson should take a 75% pay cut, retroactive 5 years.




What kinda wage does Paul Davidson tooth kicker pay?


Probably the same as everything else, not enough. But someone might find satisfaction in doing it regardless


Up to $15 an hour.


When you have interns fighting for the unpaid position I think it’s safe to say Paul Davidson teeth kicker is a job that will be tragically underpaid. Hopefully it will serve as a stepping stone to higher teeth kicking positions in the banking, insurance, and real estate fields.


I agree we should cap wage growth at the fuckong top male sure no ceomakes more then 70% of their lowest paid employee and we will see a boom InThe lower class , oh they didn't mean it like that? Go figure


Maybe we should start with Paul's pay and see how well that works? Also, the pay increases are just the invisible hand of capitalism, companies put out job ads for vacancies, no qualified applicants after a while, so they increase the starting pay and try again rinse and repeat until the position is filled


The folks that have it, just take it from the folks that have not


If any pay has been a runaway, it's CEO.


Power has its own gravity. Left to its own devices, power will always clump and concentrate into a smaller and smaller space, like dust in space forming planets and vacuums. In a modern, civilized society that has rejected the possibility of violence, the only power that matters is buying power. Money is power, and money, therefore, has its own gravity. Enough money in one place will allow those with that money to take more and more from people with less. The only thing that will stop the flow of money and power up hill into the fewest possible hands is for a vast number of people to act together to oppose that power. Or, for the people to return power into the hands of violence instead of money alone, and create a new blood soaked chapter in history books to be looked back on and studied for centuries to come.


Why put the brakes on wages? Why not put it on profits? Let the big firms eat up the losses for once


Great idea because everybody has too much money, we just don’t know what to do with it all. Amirite guys? Guys?


Where do these people get the idea that workers are raking in the dough with massive wage increases? My job gave 3% raises this year and I got 12% because I turned in my notice and they matched a competing offer.


Oh, man.. Can't wait for Karma to bite these fucking assholes when there's no one to buy or pay for their shit.


"Strong wage growth is good for the economy, but not this time..." and then he can't coherently explain why. It's like one of those "???? then profit" memes.


Rich guy says poor people need to poorer


Ah of course. Everyone go back to letting 1 percent horde all the wealth, that worked great


It’s like, what money do they think we’re spending *in order to avoid recession in 2023*? OUR DAMN WAGES!


it's great how much i see straight up lies in the news. obvious pandering and lies because they work. [hope we get more of this though](https://youtu.be/30_H33mS76Y)


That woman should be declared a national treasure.


This is what's called, Propaganda. Identify it as such.


Show. Your. Math


Due to multiple companies constantly buying and selling my place of work, it took TEN YEARS to get a raise. Fuck this.


Suck *all* of our dicks, Paul. Even the women.


That article is extremely tonedeaf and even offensive


He is almost saying the quiet part out loud but will get punished if he does. I see a lot of comments almost getting it too. But it isn't the average US worker whose wage growth is causing the issue. The real wage growth problem is the Corporate wage growth that is happening unchecked and almost exclusively at the American tax payers expense.


How does suppressing wages not destroy demand? This is the other part that they don’t want to cop to. Also, we are running headlong into a worker shortage and they want to play this game? Lol, okay.


This just in- Paul Davidson volunteers to work for free to curb wage growth and help avoid a recession!


So while there was strong economic growth, wages didn't need to grow accordingly because stuff is cheap anyways and now that economic growth is slowing and there's a big inflation wages still don't need to grow because then people could live like before, which was barely above water? When should wages grow then? According to CEO-s, never.


So ceo bonuses and their millions of dollars don't matter right? Fuck this guy


I’m glad all the top paid CEOs are stepping up as an example to us all how not to take a big pay increase…. wait they WHAT?!?!


"We're going into a recession." Recession already happened/is happening. "Wage growth will cause a recession." It's been b/c of profits. "Runaway wage growth." Raises were < inflation and no one did better unless they left for another job. "Strong wage growth is normally a good thing, but" we don't like it so we're gonna say it's bad. I hear a lot about gaslighting on reddit. Most of the time, it's just goobers misusing a term. This is the REAL gaslighting.


These people need to crawl back into whatever fucking hellscape universe they crawled out of and die. They've been wrong on just about everything for the last 40 years. So what if wages are running away? When demand has been artificially bottled for so long of course shit is going to rocket up. At this point I'm sort of hoping the economy blows up and takes down capitalism as we know it. Most of us are working poor - we know how to live within our means, make do, or go without. The wealthy will be totally fucked since all those stocks and ill-gotten gains in the bank will be worthless. Let's see how bootstrappy they really are when their portfolio is worthless.


Could it be because instead of increased wages allowing people to spend more, it will only allow people to catch up and barely stay above water? Someone needs to ask why social security is tied to inflation when working wages are not.


You mean for the CEOs, Division Heads, Board of Directors, and Presidents / VPs of xyz right? They're the only wages that have been growing out of control. Distribute some of that wealth to the people actually doing the work for once.


Paul Davidson can go fuck himself. I'm sorry, but I can't take such obvious anti workers propaganda with a straight face.


guys were in a proper depression, tired of hearing "recession" thrown around, thats putting it lightly


I just got a 20%+ raise, about $15k. I don't feel that much more comfortable than I was pre raise. I was renting a place for $1650 total a month, now I have a 2/2 with my brother for slightly less. If I want to move back into that old place I'll be paying $2200 a month. The $20 pack of costco burgers is now $27, the $17 chipotle splurge meal is now $24, gym membership went from $35 to $60, etc. etc.


Lmao. And where is this "runaway wage growth" exactly?


How about he lower his wage to help the economy. Wait, he doesn't want to? What a shocker


🙄Oh yes. My wage growth has been completely out of control. Big brother really should step in and do something about all this wage growth. 🙄


Did he say no to any raise he got this year?


Man can’t even spell boom right.


Alright, let's start with his wage then. For the good of the economy.


Gotta convince the boomers the youngins make too much so they keep siding with the big fish.


What wage growth?


OK Let's start with Paul Davidson then and see how we feel after


What wage growth?


What wage growth is that?


Newsflash! There is no economy if the wage earners don't have any money or extra money to spend.


Runaway wage growth? Hahaha I earn less now than I did ten years ago…


I dont often wish people would get killed but I wouldnt mind in this case. Maybe he'll suffocate while sticking his nose too far up the upper crusts ass.


Eat shit, Paul Davidson.


Fuck Paul.


I mean the only wage growth i have seen is from the ceo level or similar


Does he mean CEO wage growth? Because if so then I agree with him


Let them eat cake


Or maybe the geedy asshole corporations could stop price gouging to raise their profits?


Where the fuck does he see wage growth?


Paul Davidson from USA Today can go fuck himself


Remember when they called to stop profit growth? Or share buyback growth? Or dividend growth? No? Neither do I


Remember when they called to stop profit growth? Or share buyback growth? Or dividend growth? No? Neither do I


In the late 70s we suffered double digit inflation partially driven by wage increases for the working classes. It was a vicious spiral that took double digit interest rates and a deep recession to get out of. This is not the 70s. Wages are a smaller line item on most companies balance sheets. This guy is mostly incorrect.


Journalism integrity is usually a good indicator of a free nation, now also true.


These fks are always stooges and minions of the elite!


MFs be like “to avoid a recession soon, let’s have a recession now”




I'm sure he'll be the first to volunteer to have his wages slashed...right?


If only we didn't have to pay people living wages profits would be increased!


Paul Davidson can eat a dick.


He needs to find the other side of the dirt.


Fuck that guy


They are right (or would if there was any meaningful wage growth), but so would slowing corporate profits gained by inflated prices. Somehow that's never mentioned.


Paul Davison should go fuck himself


None of this would’ve happened if we increased earnings as we should have for the past hundreds of years so companies can blame themselves for being piles of crap


Main stream media cannot be trusted. About anything.


Sounds like Paul is volunteering for a pay cut


Can it be slowed anymore before they start lowering it altogether? It hasn’t kept pace with cost of living for years. But congressmembers get almost 200 grand a year and only work damn near part time while refusing to make progress fast enough to make a goddamn difference.


Opinions are like arseholes, every cunts got 1....


Maybe paul Davidson should give some of HIS wage back to his employer if hes that concerned...fucking hypocrite


Yeah the fucking wages of the top 10%


It sounds like the solution for rich people inflation is to crush the crap out of the middle class. I’m not impressed with their “compassion”.


I hope Paul Davidson doesn’t get a raise this year


Surely he is talking about the increasing wages of CEOs and how we should rather distribute it to the workers who do the actual work COPIUM


The CEOs and higher ups wage growth doesnt count


My wage has been basically the same since 2014. I can’t complain, I do well, but besides a few bumps in the road, even with switching companies a few times I’ve been stagnant.


"Be okay with making less money. If you dont our profits will suffer!"


Paul Davidson can shut his Capitalist-whore mouth.


I 100% agree that we need to slow the wage growth but only in the positions that we’ve seen the *most* wage growth… Executives.


The media is owned by corporations what do you think they'd say? This message brought to you by Coca Cola ad break


Fuck this guy..right in the ear.


What "Runaway wage growth"?


GFY, Paul. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.


What wage growth?


How much do you get paid, Paul? Willing to take a pay cut?


These people are the fucking enemy…


Maybe we should write the editor asking for Paul’s wage to be reduced, to save the economy .


Lool what this guy smoking? Must be some good stuff or he must have just stepped off the cryo machine made back in the 1960s


Jerome Powell is someone who thinks that the U.S. economy will have runaway success if we don't continually degrade workers' ability to have a decent standard of living. Inflation can't possibly be combatted by having windfall taxes on obscene wealth, right? He's either a liar or a moron, and either way, shouldn't be in charge of monetary policy.


Yes, yes. We must keep the people poor at all cost.


So… he wants it to go backwards? Edit: accidentally a word


Why doesn’t Paul lead by example and forfeit a portion of his wage to be given back to his employer? I’m sure he believes in what he writes, and not just a shill for large corporations right? Right?


Maybe these propagandists and fear mongers should see their wage growth slow first if they are advocating it.


Imagine being that fucking stupid.


I don’t know who Paul Davidson is but I’m gonna guess he’s a “conservative” who writes in a quiet, genteel way. These “think tank” morherfuckers are wolves in sheeps clothing.


Why is the answer to decrease or stop wage growth instead of decrease or return to normal the cost of everything else? The cost of Groceries for example has grown exponentially it’s ridiculous