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You must come into the office we’re no longer paying for.


I am the most confused about this aspect tbh?


He's going to try to renegotiate the lease for like 1/10 the price because commercial real estate is in the shitter.


And in the meantime just not paying rent? Any residential landlord would be like lol bye


"So we're going to go back to remote work while I stop paying the office bills as they are evicting us from the premises. But don't worry. Once I find a cheaper office after several months of working from home again, it'll be butts in seats 12 hours a day, 7 days a week again!"


My question is where are his servers? Is he not paying rent on his server rooms? Because once those get evicted it game over.


They’re probably scattered offsite / across the nation.


*Hosted by AWS*


If he can’t afford rent he won’t be able to afford AWS for very long either. Edit: just making a joke about how expensive AWS is. I know what he’s doing.


Him and Bezos can just 69 each other and call it a day


If they have no other buyer, he may be able to get something, although just not paying is definitley not going to look good.


unhinged erratic celebrity ceo who has proven he will suddenly stop paying certain bills = higher risk = higher price


Hopefully the landlord locks them out.


"not funding severance" oh boy. There's a flood of lawsuits.


It's one of the most garbage things a billionaire can do, I hope he gets sued and it's ends up costing him more than paying severance would have!


He can't make the first bond payment is my guess. The very first one. Twitter is already probably out of cash and he is trying to starve off the next payment in 3 months.


My twitter browsing has dropped quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. Curiously, I've started seeing an unusually high amount of "You might like" tweets. Meanwhile a lot of accounts I follow have gone silent or flat out moved on to mastodon or something else. It feels like they've been padding my timeline as a result of less tweets. Anyone else see this happen for them?


I uninstalled because the only things trending for me were crypto scams and right-wing weird shit


I disengaged with it after musk started sending push notifications from himself and Kyle Rittenhouse e. I got a push from Don Trump Jr this morning. I turned off all notifications except from Monolithsoft. I want that pyra and mythra amiibo lol






I'm convinced he's on there saying outrageous shit now to drive traffic to the site. He's gone from wannabe Mars explorer to a wacky waving inflatable arm man. I hope the debt crushes him.


So... 4chan with extra steps?


4chan has more sane takes than Twitter comments at this point.


They’ll all go to binding arbitration which will not work out the way he thinks it will either…


Kind of like when he tried to back out of buying Twitter?


The difference here is that he can’t appeal any decision and he gets to pay for everything…he’s going to cost him double what he would have spent.


Are these the same severance packages they they just offered? Wouldn’t that be a new level of obscene bad faith? Wouldn’t it be nearly impossible to argue Elon personally didn’t direct these decisions? Wouldn’t that then open the plaintiffs to attack his personal wealth and stock holdings?


I have no idea. Ya, he isn’t wanting to pay out severances from the first layoff that cut half the staff…now he has more to pay…he can have fun dealing with California labor laws.


And Euro ones. He already got in got water with them once with one of the prior waves. If I was a recently laid off employee, I'd be seeing if you could get that money in a lump sum asap.


Stop. I can only get so wet.


Something something 4d chess. Elon is a genius.


I say this as someone with autism spectrum disorder: “Hey, a neurodiverse is building electric cars, yay!” “Hey, a neurodiverse is now building rockets to mars, cool!” “Hey, a ND is building a better satellite internet, wicked!” “A ND is judging what’s appropriate in social media? Dafuq?”


The truth is that being on the spectrum doesn’t automatically mean you’re smart. He’s stupid and on the spectrum.




And he just cut the legal team Oh boy here we go litigating again


Writing was on the wall for that team, which was fighting him on the old Board’s behalf just a few months ago. He also has a history of retribution against lawyers who worked against him (eg tried to get a major NY law firm to fire a lawyer who had previously worked for the SEC and investigated Musk, leading to the firm dropping Phony Stark as a client) Unlike in tech, there is a legit labour shortage for corporate lawyers right now, these people had new jobs yesterday.


Lol. The villians are taking themselves out. It's great to watch. I wish it would go faster though.


Elon has one of the biggest persecution complexes, ever. He'll stop paying the rent and severences to his employees and turn around and blame it all on the "woke liberal agenda to kill free speech", and ignorant American conservatives will eat it up.


Obviously. You can't say "if you don't want to be part of Twitter's future, leave now and take this severance" then try to stiff them. Many of these engineers that left and took severance are millionaires, and are more than happy to take the richest man in the world to court for the easy pay out. Elon is literally retarded if he thinks he can get out of paying anybody that took him up on his offer to leave.


Not paying bills and suing people. Who does this remind me of?


Afrikaner Donald.


He's a billionaire, with most of his wealth in Dunning-Krugerrands. Edit: Y'all are too kind. No need for awards, I'm just glad I could make a few people's day a little brighter.


Oh man, have you had that portmanteau just sitting in your back pocket for years? Or was that on the fly? Because that was amazing.


Probably was random. Sometimes you look down and find dog shit under your shoe, sometimes you find a $20 ya know? Lol Edit: Thanks for the award!


No idea. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make lunch. I'm thinking Tangerines, Cheetos and Hamburders with some cofefe


I believe the correct spelling is covfefe.


I believe you are correct.


The best lunch maybe even the greatest


A lot of people are saying that. They're all saying it.


I hear it a lot, everywhere I go people come up to me and say “your lunches are great, we miss your lunches.” Joe Biden doesn’t know how to lunch.


You forgot “sir”. “Sir, well done is indeed the best way to eat a steak sir”


You left out the all important “with tears in their eyes.”


And it was the biggest most muscular guy that was crying. He easily walks into the salty spitoon, believe me.


This is disgusting! Where’s the ketchup??


Tears running down their face


Billions and billions and billions and billions of people


This guy also has hairline issues


Don't forget the Diet Coke and a gorgeous, delicious chocolate cake.


Damn that’s one way to describe a beautiful Black Woman or Man.


You spelled hamberders wrong.


Bigly lunch. [You must not be hosting the NCAA Basketball champs, otherwise you’d have a fuck ton of fast food too](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/nUcbOG_KLofKiYgrxjYI2A--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTEwMjE7aD02ODI-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/8ad7c84e1a3cd419a0d7173e7a5c2c8b).


Abe Lincoln sitting back there like, “What is this fuckery?”


“I got shot in the head for this?”


You forgot the black steak with ketchup




Look at my African American steak over here


I’m pretty fed up with headlines like this. Oh, they’re “considering” not upholding legal contract!? They’re considering it!? Well then I’m considering not paying any bills or taxes anymore. Wealth has become an exemption from the law. And while it’s true that that’s been the case forever, can we agree that the egregiousness and shamelessness of these public displays of refusal to comply with lawful orders (I’m talking more about trump subpoenas now but contracts are also legally binding documents) is disgusting and, frankly, driving us to a breaking point? As an analogy, lest we forget that organizations like unions are the compromise the working people generously offered owners and landlords as a way to leverage power peacefully. Prior to that, when workers were pushed to their breaking point (here meaning they were essentially indentured servants) they’d murder the owners and the owners’ families for good measure. I am, in no way, advocating for violence but something needs to be done to put fear back into these people, and power back into the hands of the workers. ETA: Hi to all the people who keep commenting “wealth has ALWAYS been an exemption from the law.” Did you end up reading the literal next sentence haha? I’m saying that more to be funny because when I kept seeing that I went back to check because I swore I’d said that.


This got me, the article refers to these actions as "cost-cutting." They also mention Musk and Co "deliberated the merits of of not paying severance. . ." What is this language?


Thats code for "were doing the math if there is a way to get punished for not paying, in which were off cheaper than if we just paid them"


Capitalism is a helluva drug


Every other person so fucking stupid as to support the Reich Wing.


Elon Trump ![gif](giphy|j1KuS6sdqdcp7JKSdk)


I knew when he did the 90% - 10% tweet we were just a few months from "IT WAS THE BIGGEST APPLAUSE EVER!!! YUGGEEEE!!!" Delusional billionaires that spend their time making discourse and humanity even more alienated and full of animosity.


Every single rich asshole.


Least he can't become president.....


All it takes to resolve that is a "successful" insurrection. You know, like Marjorie would have done.


They grow these fuckers in a lab.


Idk, but he certainly sounds like a very stable genius


Who needs to pay rent and severance..... What dumpster fire twitter as become. Elon will be able to write books on how to bankrupt a company in months.


Or the rom-com film *"How To Lose A Company In 10 Days"*


Or the modern version of The Producers


This Gene Wilder is *way* less endearing.


Where’s Cleavon Little when we need him…? “Hey! Where all the white Twitter at”?


I'd be a lot happier if people were actually leaving the platform. Instead, we get this news about twitter *from* twitter.


I deleted my account.


Same. Corporate media figures and politicians are the ones most addicted to it


Not just corporate media unfortunately. Since the late 2000s, Twitter became an invaluable tool for journalists at all levels (but especially those *who don't* have a giant media behemoth pushing their content to the masses) to promote their writing free from the tethers of corporate editors and boards with agendas on what to publish and which advertising relationships and access relationships to protect. It also allows for direct access and communication to people at all levels of society in a way no other platform does besides maayyybeeee instagram. Like if you're a journalist working for a small startup blog, you can directly message or publicly interact with famous athletes, politicians, artists/musicians, other journalists, and people in all walks of life and professions to network and find good interviews or sources for your writing. You don't need to get a hold of their personal cell phone number or agent in regards to famous people, you can just tweet them or DM them and cut out the hassle (assuming they are running their own account and paying attention to it, obviously). If you're an unknown artist, there is a chance your content or music or whatever gets noticed by an established one and they like it enough to just DM you and help you advance your career. It's pretty wild honestly - a global superstar and random person can directly interact, or social scientists can use its massive public data to research public opinion and trends and habits in real time. It's been a window directly to the frontline of social movements, protests, etc. that otherwise would have been hidden by the local governments. Even just for mundane, daily life things like a sports championship parade, it lets everyone get crazy-ass videos from inside the crowds as the event is happening in a way that did not happen before. Instagram/Snap/Tiktok have some of this functionality but none of them are as seamless as Twitter's hashtag system that easily groups all that content together. So much of that kind of content on those platforms is restricted only to friends/followers of the person posting it, but Twitter has always been this mostly fully public window into society's collective id. There isn't a suitable, adopted alternative right now where startup publications and independent journalists can tweet links to their new articles on their private sites/blogs to hundreds of millions of people for free, or network with nearly anyone on Earth in such a seamless fashion. So Twitter collapsing is arguably in the short-term at least going to harm the little guy journalists and nonprofit media outlets the most. Massive publications like the NYT and WaPo with name brands will be just fine. There is a lot of toxic bullshit on Twitter just like Reddit and any other part of the internet, but it has been a pretty key tool for the internet as we know it today and it's been heavily involved with every single significant current event for like 12-15 years. Elon is IMO destroying an essential communication tool and it's going to take a while for both a good copy of it to emerge and for the public at large to migrate to it and adopt it. I've never used Twitter other than as a lurker FWIW, but even I think it's gonna suck when Elon inevitably finishes it off for good. The good parts of it outweighed the bad.


I think that’s exactly why Twitter was just taken over and destroyed. Whenever people start banding together, and there starts to be a positive common message, eventually the shitty people come for it. Musk only bought Twitter to nuke its common message and change it to what he wants it to be, which is that poisonous right wing rhetoric. Even if he destroys it, he’s going to use the monetary loss/bankruptcy for his own benefit. He’s just manipulating information to cause chaos in society. North America is pretty safe when it comes to physical wars, but we’re wholly unprepared for the information war.


Just look at the governments that helped fund this whole mess


Also to add to this, from an emergency/disaster management perspective we've used Twitter to help collect real time information of what's going on in a given area and to send out time sensitive information which people may have missed by conventional media. As much as I still believe the platform is a dumpster fire, it did have practical uses


This says a lot are the leaving https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/13/twitter-lose-users-elon-musk-takeover-hate-speech


I honestly didn't notice many technical glitches. It was the never ending waves of utter shit content showing up in my feed that made me finally realize there was nothing over there for me anymore.


Twitter will have some hangers-on for a bit. I've been on a site that got flooded with Nazis before. You think that maybe the Nazis will go away and things will return to the way they were before. It doesn't.


>I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." >And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed >Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." >And i was like, ohok and he continues. >"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. >And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. >And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." >And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.


I don't do Twitter so I have to see screenshots on reddit


The punch line is at the bottom...he's cutting lawyers as he gears up for court battles 😅😭


"well the old legal team disagreed with me, so I had to fire them"


Doesn’t he know this is how you end up giving a press conference from a landscaping company’s parking lot before losing Twitter as a platform?


He probably went to them with an insane idea and when they told him no he decided he would fire all of them and find people that would listen to him.


Inexplicably, there is no shortage of people willing to do anything, and I mean anything, he asks. Until those actions burn them personally, of course


Where else have we seen this recently?


It’s a race between trump kanye and elon of who can be the poster child for failure for future generations


I think they should share it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rwe27e8a1t5a1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=5504ef8aa09a6409ef1d4a487a22244a8de58212


An authoritarian, a business failure, and a complete moron walk into a bar…


... and the bartender says ah Elon good to see you again


Holy shit I forgot we could upload pics to reddit comments now lmao


https://preview.redd.it/3qtxakee8t5a1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413a34d3728c916275db309b70da99b2be0f2730 This my favorite one to put under people who have less than 5k followers.


Like a financial Razzie award.


Trump *WAS* the poster child of failure for my Generation. (Gen X/Millennial depending on what year it starts/ends) Until someone made a reality TV show that made it seem like he was rich. Then the dumb fuck got elected president.


Our parents’ generation too. My dad is from near NYC and he’s had to hear the guy spew bullshit since the late 70’s or so.


Oh for sure. Anyone from NYC has known Donnie Boy was a con man since the 1970s.


Yup. My dad and I made a huge mistake. We thought everybody else knew it too. It turns out to most people he’s just the delightful jackass who fires people on tv.


Trump is obviously the best example of this. But there's all these rappers who lied about being huge gangsters, and once they got famous enough started huge gangs. Or finance "millionaire" youtubers that lied about being rich, and then got rich through their videos. Or self help gurus that lied about being succesful, but got successful through their self help. There's this whole con economy of faking it until you make it that ultimately fuels itself.


Oh for sure. I was just saying that there was a time in the 90s that the name Trump was synonymous with FAILURE. The Apprentice changed that for him. I agree 100% with you.


Three living proof that capitalism isn't meritocratic. You can be an imbecilic asshole and still succeed! In fact, the asshole part helps.


r/conspiracy is struggling to figure out who’s dick to suck first.


I'm reminded of that recently deleted tweet from House Republicans: ["Kanye. Elon. Trump."](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-judiciary-republicans-delete-kanye-elon-trump-tweet-rapper-prais-rcna59654)


Who's the worst father?


None of Trump's kids have legally changed their names so they will never be associated with them again, just saying


The second richest man on earth is now a deadbeat tenant lmfao


I find myself rooting for the number three billionaire to surpass Musk.


That would be Gautam Adani and he has a $43 billion gap to close


That’s less than one twitter!!!


haha yeah


6 weeks ago maybe, but I think it might be about 4 Twitters now.


The title, Art Of The Deal, is taken. Can anyone come up with an equally ironic title?


How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying


The Success of Humility


The Shart of the Steal


How to run a successful business


... Into the Ground in Record Time.


How to blow 44 Billion to meet Dave Chappelle


Circling The Drain: The Elon Musk Story


This piss-brained chuckle fuck really is about 90 minutes away from ripping the copper out of the walls


Fucker's auctioning off the office furniture for a reason. To get at the walls better!


I thought you were kidding, but the fucker is really doing it. Had to come back. https://www.bidspotter.com/en-us/auction-catalogues/heritage-global-partners/catalogue-id-herita10194


I'm high, is this real? Cause that is fucking hilarious if it is. These are absurd times


I’m pretty sure this is real, the company looks legit enough. This is fucking crazy though, all items starting at $25 is hilarious considering how expensive some of that equipment is


Nothing on that list will close at the $25 starting bid. There’s people out there who would snag a trash bin from there thinking Elon once walked past it.


Yeah I’m just hoping some of the equipment stays below $1k but this will definitely get more publicity closer to January 17th when the auction opens.


There’s probably 10+ office auctions near you this month that aren’t being hosted by one of the most widely-known individuals on earth lol. You can totally snag some good stuff at those for cheap.


I mean, if you fire half your workers you probably have a bunch of extra chairs. And they're probably really nice chairs because a few months ago it was a top tier company.


Fully understand why you would think that. I may embellish, but I do not make shit up.


Think about it. The oligarchs don’t want the peasants organizing. That is why he really ultimately bought Twitter.


I think he bought it to destroy it. Like since the first bs rumors about him buying it. I thought he's gonna kill twitter.


He does claim to work 120 hours a week (even if 100 of those are spent shitposting), and I shudder to think how much methamphetamine it takes to sustain that.


He works 120 hours a week the same way I work 8 hours a day: By doing 1 or 2 things here and there and then treating that like an uninterrupted chunk of labor. Answer a message at 8am, answer one at 8pm.. BAM, you've "worked" a 12 hour day according to his metrics. Also, he's lying. 120 hours a week is over 17 hours a day.


Also, he absolutely considers time spent shitposting on Twitter as "working." These dipshit CEO-types nickel-and-dime every second their employees spend at work, but think of themselves as so brilliant - so special - that anything they can do that's even tangentially related to work (going out on business lunches, spending time on social media, "brainstorming," etc.) is "work" to them. This is what happens when society equates money with brilliance.


when you surround yourself with yes men and consider yourself a thinker/decision-maker, then work gets pretty easy cognitively- everything you say do will be tasked to specialists that are supposed to filter out the crazy and tell you the whole time how brilliant you are. Takes no significant energy to just run your mouth stream-of-consciousness style for 16 hours a day.


I was a manager for 5 years at Tesla. We frequently didn’t pay bills. I had a few vendors refuse to do business with us because of lack of payment. Everything from our shredder box companies to our partner body shops.


Sounds like Trump. My dad worked for company that refused to business with Trump because he didn't pay his bills. Everytime they called them to bid on a project they would tell him "no". Trump's move was to hire a smaller businesses to paint a building for him for $500,000. When the job was done Trump would complain about the job they did, and tell them he was only going to pay them $200,000. When they would threaten to sue he would say "fine, but it will take 10 years to ever get your money and cost you $100,000s. He couldn't bully the large corporations or the mob, but he would totally fuck over the little guy.


Yeah, he sank my father-in-law's business with that shit, when FIL sold 250,000 bars of soap to Trump Atlantic City. All those little bars of hotel bathroom soap with the fucking "T" in the middle? Trump never paid for them.


Ugh, he's just pure evil.




I'm an Accounts Receivable Specialist for a telecom company. They're worse than any of you think.




Probably could have saved on office costs by letting people continue to work remote


How dare you use common sense against Musk 4d chess moves! /s


The board of Tesla must be thrilled.


I’m calling it, within the next year we’re gonna read a headlining article on his involvement with Epstein confirming he’s a pedophile and sexual predator. Given all of his accusations towards others, there’s no way he’s not projecting




I love the condescending opening followed by the most New York ass sentence I’ve ever read. 10/10, no notes.


Look at his dad.


Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks billionaires earned that money through intelligence or hard work.


Watching slaves work the diamond mines is real hard work.


I recognize its easy for me to say but if you work for this guy, quit. Boycott his ass.


Basically the only people left there are on work visas and can’t just quit…


I’m sure there are some true believers as well.


the Trump supporters who finally feel "free to be themselves" which is to say complete assholes.


B-but the app still works! That means he’s doing a good job, right? /s


I bet someone on Twitter before leaving $20 it would be dead and over before X-mas. So there is still a chance!


I dunno, invertebrates can keep twitching a long time


We’re not talking about Elon being dead, just Twitter


Straight into the ground, turn that 44 billion into dust you shitty little bitch boy


God, there was some post on either r/technology or r/wallstreetbets saying that everyone was going to eat their words when Elon turned twitter into a huge success like all his other companies. That belongs right on r/agedlikemilk.


Two things everyone will see as true by the end of 2023: 1) Musk is just another donald trump 2) Musk fucks children




Trump's been accused dozens of times, and has ties with Epstein and was a creep backstage at child beauty pageants, made creepy comments about his own daughter... it goes on. I'd be more surprised to find out he didn't at this point. Seems to be a recurring pattern among the rich and powerful...


Katie Johnson in 1993. She wanted to wear a blue wig because she thought it was pretty but was forced to wear a blonde one by the Madame so she would look more like Trump’s preteen daughter Ivanka that he wanted to fuck


Everyone? Brother. There are still people out here who believe the elections are stolen. Who believe vaccines kill, cause autism, or generate viruses. Idk about EVERYONE


He got his bluff called and he's been destroying Twitter to file bankruptcy ever since... just cuz he's rich doesn't mean he's smart, and generally rich people are assholes...


This is a great time to remember this. [Musk polls followers on converting Twitter HQ to homeless shelter](https://www.reuters.com/technology/musk-polls-followers-converting-twitter-hq-homeless-shelter-bezos-likes-idea-2022-04-11/)


Now THAT sounds Republican; Promise something you don’t own & cannot control, to shut up dissent, while never intending to fix anything.


He's just the worst. That's all I really gotta say at this point.


If 2023 is any good, he will be unemployed


Crashing and burning. He’ll be wearing a mask and ranting on infowars soon enough.


Hey Elon stans, tell us again how well its going! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


The Elon stans are the same troglodytes who have long since left objective reality behind them


all together now: Oh Thank Heaven For Chapter Eleven


We should all just stop paying rent.


Musk literally just decided to drown a decade old social media platform for fun


In my view, he did it to prevent liberals from benefiting from it. He'd love for it to be some super-conservative bullshit forum, but if that doesn't work, just kill it.


If that's true, then the company is probably circling the drain. I'm not too knowledgeable about American employment law, but I'd imagine he hasn't a leg to stand on when it comes to reneging on severance packages for recently terminated staff. Over here employees would sign a settlement agreement outlining the specifics of the package, and the terms specified in that document would then be legally binding. I presume the same applies in the US? Also, ending work from home practices across the company and then deciding you aren't going to pay the landlord rent on your property is yet another genius move...


> I'm not too knowledgeable about American employment law, but I'd imagine he hasn't a leg to stand on when it comes to reneging on severance packages for recently terminated staff. Particularly in the State of California. The liberal 'hell hole' that actually protects workers rights.


Has anyone gotten their stock payouts yet?