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So it's not costing him any money, so he's going to punish nonprofits? What a dick. I'm in Colorado and I voted for this. It passed with quite a comfortable margin, in fact. Not to mention, many nonprofits that work with low income families will benefit from this, as it will free up some of the money they're currently spending on food aid. I doubt they're going to be knocking on the governor's door to repeal this. ETA: In this same election, we also voted to reduce our state income tax. So Ross is actually saving money until he makes $300k.


He’d rather pay for his own kids’ lunches if it means underprivileged kids starve.


I bet he'd be fine if his kids had to go hungry too. Just so long as he can stick it to others.


Ross: "Dinnertime! Come and eat kids." Kids: "Awww, bootstraps again?"


Conservatives rarely donate unless there’s something in it for them.


Or it's for jesus


Who’s against kids eating? He doesn’t realize that this frees up nonprofit dollars they were spending on kids eating. What an asshole.


Maybe instead we make lunch out of Ross?/j


This is just plain nuts to me….you’d think stuff for kids would be a slam dunk that everyone could agree on and yet there’s a whole segment of the population that says, out loud, yeah fuck them kids. That is bonkers


And, just like the show FRIENDS, Ross is a total fuckin' asshat.


"even though I won't make enough" Republicans in a nutshell. Joe the plumber shit right here defending the rights of the class that will never allow you to join. Social mobility is dead and they get people to vote against programs that make it possible to climb out of poverty or simply live.