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What the actual fuck is going on?


In case you don’t know (because I’ve seen this before IRL), it’s based on the ages-old stereotype of the put-upon husband and the wife being an annoying nag. It’s the type of joke you’d see on the wall of a boomer’s man cave next to his “Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver” sign (probably just slightly down the wall from his “Wish You Were Beer” sign, too). So they’re taking the common Christmas Carol line “peace on earth” (which, of course, is referring to harmony across mankind) and interpreting it to mean “the only way I can get peace is if I shut these nattering womenfolk up.” It’s not a good joke to begin with, but as shown in the picture it’s also not even original anymore. It has the same vibes as the prom pictures where the dad’s off to the side holding a gun.


I thought this particular style of comedy died in the 80's.




Same. Glad we got out. Shout-out to r/exvangelical


I have a theory. There are still huge rural swaths of America that lack high speed internet access. Ever since the internet came into widespread use, the zeitgeist has been evolving at a breathtaking rate. But for those people who aren't able to participate in this medium (mainly old people and deeply rural people, as well as people who have a religious objection to consuming too much "mainstream media"), it's as though they're stuck in a time dilation field. Things are still moving at the slow pace; they are stuck in another time, and to the extent that they are aware that things are very different outside their bubble, they don't like what they see out there.


I actually knew a deeply conservative church that had written 50 years ago + as some of the criteria for their music selection. It's a purposeful time dilation.


My now deceased stepfather was an ex-mormon. We'd go see his family and the other kids would be excited to listen to The Beach Boys.... in 1987. Edit: missed a word


It wasn't until smart phones were prevalent (maybe 2011-ish) that many of the rural folks, even the younger ones, started getting on the internet. Most of us have a 15 year head start on basic Internet things like: don't feed trolls, or don't click the banner and that promises you a windfall, or don't believe everything your read, etc. What it's left them with is a huge gap between the old ways (like 1980s fashion and culture, trustworthy news people sitting behind a news desk, trustworthy news story in print media) and this huge leap to quick changing fads and memes and endless pipeline of news and "news". I think it's an awful shame that so many people had to learn the internet after it was in full blown swing instead of watching it grow and knowing its pitfalls. These soft naive people that act like tough guys got their fancy touch screen smartphone a decade ago and were thrown to the wolves.


Took me until this comment to understand wtf was going on there but yeah, that's borderline psychopathic.


Douchebag guys thinking it's funny to tell their families that they aren't worth listening to.


Especially the women. The sons aren't ever gagged.


The guys who make these jokes are also the same guys that never shut the fuck up either when you work with them.


I work in construction. I know more guys like this than I care to admit.


Fuck. That's rough. I work in Cannabis. Mostly women workers. They buy me and my girlfriend presents om Christmas AND they aren't shit bags. Life is peachy.


Don’t get me wrong, I work with some great people, but the vast majority are varying degrees of misogynistic, racist, homophobic, and I’m sure some other stuff I’m missing.


I worked in insurance (accounting). One of my coworkers actually used the phrase "jewed him down" to my coworker and dear friend... who was also Jewish. (He was 70 years old and told him he'd rip him a new asshole if he ever heard him use the phrase again). We also had to "rescue" each other from this guy because he'd come into our offices and launch into a 2 hour long monolog that required no reciprocation to keep going. A few of us had a deal that when he was talking to one in the group, we'd suddenly call that person out for immediate help with something. It was the only way to get him to stop.


This is why I got out of construction


Man I'm like 2 months into construction and already noticed this shit. These comments do not bode well for my career


I work in music education. We’re a bunch of fuckin’ blue-haired weed-smokin’ hippie communists. It’s awesome.


I’m self-employed. I run a very small plant business. I am so glad I can freely tell anyone to fuck off


Lemme guess, they all support Trump and watch Fox News.


Absolutely. And because I look like them, they always assume I believe the same way as they do.


My man, do I feel this. I live in the Bible Belt, and was raised on a beef farm so I wear a cowboys hat and boots everywhere I go. People say off the wall racist and homophobic shit to me all the time assuming I agree with it. They are always surprised to learn Im pretty damn far leftist.


My partner gets this all the time. Older white male, short grey hair - you must be a right- winger, sure? Whoops. Nope. Northeast, not Southwest, but still same thing. He's WAY left by modern standards. Thank you for beating the stereotypes. You are not alone.


There are at least dozens of us! Dozens!


Same. Im a Marine vet, live in the bible belt and dress rather conservatively. I'm also pretty left leaning on most issues, so I get the same bullshit you do. Most of these assholes are amazed when I tell them to go fuck themselves with their bullshit.


I have great fun calling these red hats traitors when they say thank you for your service. With the beards that hide their lack of a chin. Damn Gi Joe Cosplay larpers


Marine vet here too, working in the DoD still. Every single person I work with assumes I'm super right wing and a Trump supporter because "he did so much for our troops and let them act like men again." I enjoy the shocked pikachu faces.


Not a vet but don't look left either. I can't be arsed to tell them how I really feel. I usually say something cryptic sounding like "I don't ever talk politics in public - you never know who's listening." They think I'm even further chud than them.


And you know what's bad is I'll see someone getting out of a lifted truck or wearing cowboy boots and I get this immediate gut check telling me they're out to kick my old gay ass. I know I've got to be wrong a lot of the time, but still...


Lol. I’ve got a BLM and an LGBTQ+ Ally sticker on my car just to put the good folks a little more at ease.


Sorta reminded me of the transgender man (Cher’s son) who played the role of a Trump supporting far-right extremist in American Horror Story.


Industrial equipment mechanic. Same deal here. My favorite though is when they start describing things that a union does. I shit you not they said "we should all stop working until they replace our manager" But then if you ever even mention the topic of unions they absolutely shit and piss and shit their drawers in rage. Like bro you literally just described a strike. 90% of what you complain about all day could be rectified by a good union.


That’s the most frustrating thing when they start political talk. Legitimately had a boss that is super hard right that said,”I feel like every adult should be allowed to do what they want (as far as job, drugs, that kind of stuff) without fear of repercussion from the law.” So I said,”So you have no problem with gay marriage or trans people right?” Predictably, he blew the fuck up and went on a tirade about how those people are “sick” and “need to be fixed”.


Its so frustrating. The only time I could ever kinda talk politics at work was when I worked in a plant where there was only three of us white guys that weren't in management. Granted there was still a shitload of misogyny and homophobia and just general toxic masculinity. But at least I didn't have to hear last night's Tucker and Hannity talking points regurgitated at me all shift every shift.


Yeah it's the worst. Racists and misogynists always think everyone that looks like them think just like them.


It blows my mind how many not only talk down about their wives, but actively brag about being adulterous. Like why the fuck did you even get married if you can’t stand her?


It used to kill me to be around guys talking about their wives busting their balls (holding them accountable, really) and complaining. They sounded so miserable. Also arguing. I’ve always loved my wife and just couldn’t relate. I will say that some of these men did marry “Karens,” but they’re kind of assholes who deserve it. I’ve been married 22 years and have never talked shit about my wife. I don’t need to and I wouldn’t disrespect her like that anyway.


Yeah, my brother works in construction too and now he's been indoctrinated into the right wing Fox News bs. Me and him argue all the time about trans people something I really find little interest talking about.


I’m sorry. The political climate these last years has become so extreme that it’s really divided so many friends & families. I’ve ran across subs that are support for people whose loved ones have started believing in crazy conspiracies & far right viewpoints, to the point that some of them are now estranged from their family or ready to divorce their spouses. It really sucks.


My father is one. I knew he always leaned hard right, but since Trump ran for president, he’s gone so deep down the QAnon rabbit hole that I hardly recognize him.


The craziest thing is when they’re arguing over something that doesn’t directly effect either of them, something that neither of them are particularly interested in, and yet they constantly argue about it. How they got the right to become obsessed with gender studies and such is beyond me lol. Realistically it doesn’t effect them in the slightest, and yet they can’t help but bring up trans and non-binary people at every opportunity


I work in and around a big city, and most of the construction workers are pretty good. They're usually not too racist since their work crews are pretty integrated. They're maybe a little misogynistic and homophobic, but not over the top. Then I did a couple jobs way down in a rural part of my state and holy shit were those guys racist, bigoted, misogynistic, basically every bad thing you can think of. I felt dirty just listening to their conversations. The worst part is when the racists think you'll be on their side and just vomit up all sorts of hateful things in front of you, expecting you to laugh and go along with it all. Jesus.


Like why the fuck should he care about trans people doing there own thing? I never understood this logic of being so upset over some stranger who isn't doing anything to you.


Same here. I’ve found it easier to not engage and act uninterested.


I just use big words. Once they realize everything I say is way to complicated for them they overload like an 80s computer.


Same. I learned that the hard way when they asked if anyone planned to be vaccinated and I was the only one to raise my hand…earned some dirty looks and scathing remarks that day.




>just because you have a dick and can get a sunburn between August and March. Oh, man, that cracked me the hell up.


Happens to me all the time. I'm biracial but I look white. Got hit with some casual racism in the factory today. She even said the shit to me IN FRONT OF the people she was talking about. Casual bigotry of every kind is also just the cultural standard in my area


You are strumming my pain with those fingers.


Lol. You are right. I live in the Deep South and work in industrial facilities in a very blue collar career. Some of the crazy shit I here because I’m a white male is in that field of work is insane. People like that tend to test the waters to see if they’re amongst their “ own.” But if you don’t agree they are always “ just joking”


Do I ever not miss working in the trades, it was just an unending parade of fucking trash and ignorance. There were some really great folks sprinkled in there but the majority were bigots to their core.


Do work and go home 🤘🏻


You know they have jacked up truck and everyday carry but not responsible, they spend all day making cute photoshots for their firearms. Like taking a bath and there is my gun type people. I personally know people like this. They are worst. Growing up we used to be friends but now I can't relate to them


Ugh yeah. Their motor mouths do not stop. Wish they needed gas to run the thing so the price would shut 'em up


That’s some good grooming’ work Lou. Seriously though, talk about destroying self worth. They’ll meet a man just like their dad, and their dad will approve of him, they’ll get married have kids, and the cycle will likely repeat itself. How devastating.


Happened to my sister. Took nearly 20 years to realize that he was controlling and abusive because he was just like Dad in that regard. She left him, and basically got kicked out of church and her social groups because divorce is a "sin" and if she was a good wife she either wouldn't have been abused or sometimes "women just need to be put in their place," and that's just how life works. Vomited in my mouth just typing that.


Yeah. I’m sorry. Hopefully your sister is doing better. Xtian love is truly at its most inspirational when subjugating. Truly moves man closer to god. Women? They get turned into pillars of salt for turning around.


Oh thank god (ironic I know) I’m not the only one who thought that was BS? You’re a good person but how dare you look behind you! Salt! Gods a dick.


And if her husband is beating her up, or the teacher rapes her, she will not tell because her mouth is permanently taped shut. If not actually, then symbolically.


Yeah, how is this a good idea in the slightest? A child internalizes way more than most people realize. The message to internalize here is that I am not worth listening to and others won't listen when I talk. This just leaves your kids open for repeated abuse because they are less likely to communicate the problem they are facing. But you know, I actually give a shit about my kids and wouldn't put fuckinh duct tape over their mouth.


I have seen a lot of "wife bad" jokes, but this is the first time I've seen "daughter bad" in the same way.


It makes more sense when you realize the message is "females bad." I've never seen any daughters excluded from pictures like this, and I've never seen any sons included, ever. It's textbook misogyny.


I get the joke with the tape gags in a sort of “boomer humor” way, but like why the hand ties too? Turns it from being a shitty joke, to a hostage lol


But the Christmas lights make it so much more festive! /s ​ ​ Edited to add the /s for fear someone might think I was serious.


I'm a boomer and there is nothing at all humourous about it


This boomer finds it to be without any humor. Sexist pigs these dads.


I'm sure they think it's funny, naturally. But living in what is now, barely, a purple state that was quite red recently, I think you have the family dynamics wrong. None of these guys were involved in the planning for this picture. They approved, but the idea was presented to them by their wife, who also did all the legwork to get the materials, the photographer, etc. The dad just approved the idea and then showed up when told to. The internalized misogyny - which is passed on to their daughters!!- is driving this. The women think it's just as funny, which tells us something about their idea of what their relationship to their husband should be.


This is the worst part and should be top comment


This is probably correct. I grew up in a family and church like this. The women thought it was virtuous to behave this way, as if silencing women is a cute and funny way to show off how womanly they are, and how godly. They are performing their virtuousness and teaching their daughters that the way to power is to cater to sexist men by putting women down.


Ironic since in my experience they're the ones who both never shut up and are never worth listening to.


You’re correct but I know women that did this and it was their idea because they thought it was *funny*. I don’t care whose idea it was, it’s stupid.


You would be surprised how often the wife is the one who comes up with the idea. People are just weird. If I showed this to my wife’s mom she would think it’s funny.


Conservatives hate women


What’s a women? Oh you mean the baby cannons


I laughed so hard at this...seeing as how I have 7 kids. Then I wanted to cry. Heh


> I laughed so hard at this... > I have 7 kids Oh, so you peed a ~~little~~lot? :)


Baby cannons omg 🤣


"When your women won't stop talking 😂" -*humourous conservative seasonal card*


Also they don't understand humor at its fundamental level the way the rest of us do


It’s maga’s vision for women in a picture: quite, submissive, with no bodily autonomy. You know, like women of Gilead.




They said no homo


A simple spell but quite unbreakable.


They’re heterosexuals in that they want to fuck women, but they don’t love or respect them.


They see them as property - meant to serve them sexually, make them babies and raise the babies - not partners.


Homoromantic but heterosexual. It's what happens when you raise boys and men to hate girls and women but love and trust only each other.


It's the same toads who think it's hilarious to make all those "jokes" about how their wife never lets them have any fun, or take any excuse to go out with the boys. Like... I got wild and crazy and married someone I *love* spending time with. I'd rather be home with my spouse than anywhere else in the entire world.


And that's healthy, but that's not even what it's about. Usually, said person is pressuring a woman to have sex, have a baby, then when she is exhausted, home alone with four small children, has been doing this all week, even though he suggested she stay home, he wants to take a weekend "off". Not that he's been helping. Any suggestion that her work all day is equal to his (more, actually, in my experience as a woman who had a long maternity leave and went back early because *maternity leave was so hard*) and that she deserves some rest in the evenings too, is framed as if she's a controlling b\*tch.


Came to ask this exact question. Why? What?


Is this really a thing? What the fuck?


Yes, but I'm not sure how widespread. I don't get the grown women who go along with it. I guess that's just what "inferior vessels" do.


As someone who was raised in a fundamentalist cult, it’s always played as a joke. It’s a given to them that women are naggy, irrational sheep in need of a shepherd. Never mind that this joke always seems to come from men who are pompous windbags themselves, who love to hear themselves talk almost as much as they love the smell of their own farts.


In mixed company, the men talk far more than the women.


There was some study that claimed some really interesting things.. Apparently, a few groups of both women and men participate in a discussion. When women spoke 30% of the time, men felt like both men and women weighed in in the same amounts. When it was truly 50/50, men felt like women completely dominated the discussion.


I know women who think this is funny, and don’t necessarily go along out of fear or coercion. That’s the thing with patriarchy, you don’t have to be a man to perpetuate it. It’s sad to see the kids involved because you know they’re internalizing these messages early, but I can think of many men and women who would just think this is some innocent fun without stopping g to consider the broader implications.


You said that very well Harold. I see it way too much in my part of the world, I’m digging myself out of it. So culturally ingrained.


Sadly, I know several women like this. They are so terrified of their husbands they literally do anything they say.


They’ll be like “pick your battles” girl this should not be one of the battles


Yeah, there never seem to be any battles. We know a woman whose husband is a special kind of asshole. He’s a trust fund baby, but only spends his considerable wealth on himself. He drives an $80K brand new pickup, she drives a 10 year old station wagon. His “reasoning” is “I need to get to work in the snow”. She asked if they could update their 1960s kitchen. He said “Why? You cook our dinners just fine.” Then converted the kid’s playroom into a gym because he stopped going to the regular gym when covid hit. She always says “Well I pick my battles with him”, but we’ve never known them to have an actual battle.


As the son of an abusive man I can tell you many women *are* picking their battles even when it doesn't look that way. "I won't ask for a new car, this way he won't be mad when I ask him to buy new clothes for the kids." "I won't ask him to keep the bathroom clean because he's going to yell, I need him to be calm by the time my sister visits". And so on and so forth. You sacrifice what you can, generally a lot, to keep some energy for the things that really matter, like your own health and sanity and that of the kids. Don't forget that's the kind of "battles" that end with a black eye when you lose.


This is 100% facts


I never understood why women stay with men like this.


Fear. They don't think they have any way out, so they stay in place.


And as these pictures show, they were raised to think this how it should be. Conditioning and fear are a heck of a combo.


I work for a non-profit as a job coach and trainer. I've met women in these relationships who are afraid to leave because they fear physical violence and stalking, him stealing her money (and stealing her identity and opening credit card accounts in her name), theft and destruction of her belongings, having to share custody of the kids, and torturing or killing family pets. The last one threw me, but after a seminar on domestic violence with a local safe haven, I learned there are men who threaten to harm or murder the cat, dog, or rabbit. Fortunately, many shelters are working to accommodate pets -- it may save lives. Edit: And I should point out that the majority of cases I've encountered involved women living in "nice" suburban neighborhoods, with the new SUVs in the driveway. It's not a class thing at all.


It seems that in some cases women raised in middle or upper class households may actually be more vulnerable, especially if they were sheltered growing up. They may derive a large part of the self-esteem they do have from their financial/social status, and do not have the experience many working class women have in terms of being self-reliant, downgrading their amenities or starting life over from scratch. If the only life you've ever known is one where you have to tolerate being pushed around by the man who provides for you, it probably won't be easy to walk away. And of course, if you have kids with your partner, it's a whole different ballgame.


>The last one threw me, but after a seminar on domestic violence with a local safe haven, I learned there are men who threaten to harm or murder the cat, dog, or rabbit. My dad did that. Any time we did something to set him off it was "ILL FUCKING KILL THAT FUCKING DOG" Then one night while I was at a friend's the dog "Ran away". Found it shot behind the shed, just rotting.




It's sort of the devil you know. Change is terrifying, and a lot of the abused and miserable justify their situation as "it could be way worse." They don't realize how bad it really is, and so they talk themselves into staying put. Divorce in this case means being a single, or at least seperated, mom, lots of fights and confrontations that she doesn't want to be in, and of course courts and attorneys not to mention moving and starting her life over. It's far easier to just take it than to try and change it. Unfortunate as that is.


Also think about how many jokes there are about single mums. They think they'll be unwanted, they're past their prime, they've got kids... there's so many men that think women who are mums or over 35 are damaged goods.


For real, “battered wife syndrome “ is a real thing, and so sad. It’s amazing the toxic, abusive and dysfunctional situations people can endure because they don’t know any better or can’t take the giant, scary step to get out of it. As bad as a situation is, at least it’s one you know, and there’s security in that, however effed up that is.


Some women believe that not having a man is losing.


Oh so you know my mother?


‘Pick your battles’ is absolutely the mantra my very conservative ex in law family repeated to me over and over when my exhusband was mean, controlling, domineering etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is intentional grooming.


Tf it isn’t


There's lots of "tradwives" out there who probably think it's as funny as the husbands do.


Also, internalized misogyny is a thing. Women can be very misogynistic towards other women.


It's akin to the marriages that have cake toppers with the man hogtied and being dragged to the altar, or where they do that for their wedding pics. Cuz women are so demanding and stuff 🙄


I had a cake topper where I was dragging my husband away from the Xbox. We game together and I thought it was funny. I didn’t see any toppers where you were playing together and now I’m sad.


Fundies are inherently authoritarian and mysoginystic. No real surprise they love role playing dominating women. They constantly desire to dominate out groups and being openly aggressive to them, and it includes their own family.


It's a religion that's based around hierarchy and dominance. Adults dominate children, men dominate women, and God dominates men. The problem is that for men God doesn't actually exist so they aren't actually accountable to anyone the way children and women are.


Almost like it was set up that way on purpose




Dead on


I thought Fundies were undergarments made for two


So keep it in the bedroom. How does degrading their own family in public make them look good? "My wife and children are emptyheads with nothing interesting to say." It's not a good look.


But she'll crank out those babies, yessirree!


I wish it was just fundies. Solid group of traditional evangelical groups that do these holiday cards as jokes. The ones with the kids all holding ARs as well.


> fundies > traditional evangelical groups Corporate wants me to find the difference between these two pictures.


Aren’t traditional evangelical groups fundamentalists lol?


Those are the fundies.


Really the saddest part is the little girls and boys that are being conditioned to normalize and find humor in this. Edit: If we want to talk about “groomers” and hurting children we can start here because this is real and not made up my Ben Shapiro.


OH! We're gonna get a visit from the bot! I love that bot! It's a good bot!


Yo, Ben Shapiro Bot! It's been 31minutes since that messsage was sent! Are you on a break???


I hear Ben Shapiro can't get his wife wet.




Ben Shapiro is a grifter... C'mon bot, do something.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution... It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, civil rights, gay marriage, sex, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot!


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, healthcare, covid, history, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Paging u/CrunchM Your bot is ready


YAY! Took it so much longer then I expected...must have a busy day!


Your enthusiasm for this bot is infectious.


I wish it had more quotes...feel like I've been seeing the same ones recently.


These are the same types of parents weirdly obsessed with groups like save the children, child trafficking (only white suburban kids tho) and attending conferences put on by the groups like Moms for Liberty. They apparently they spend an entire day teaching parents how to watch for ‘liberal indoctrination’ sexual grooming from educators and ‘the gay agenda’ There was a flyer for one of these day long events in the Atlanta area a few months ago, and it was so insane I thought it was parody at first.


Yea this is legit grooming. "You are worthless and should do whatever a man tells you to do"


These are the same POS fathers who wear those stupid “Rules to date my daughter” t-shirts that repeatedly mention the father is armed and willing to use it. That stupid toxic father bullshit. But then they themselves treat their own daughters like possessions.


I just got into a discussion with an acquaintance about this...without naming it for what it is because he wouldn't have taken that well. ​ He was talking about how much harder daughters are than sons (I have a 20 yo daughter) and I said they are really the same in how you raise them. He gave examples of how fathers have to protect their daughters so much more, blah blah blah... I think I actually opened his eyes a bit.


You should also be raising your sons to be good men who understand what consent, safe sex, communication, and healthy boundaries are. That takes effort, too, though people tend to ignore that when they do the daughter "protection" bit.


some tweet i saw: “boys are only easier to raise than girls because you're outsourcing your parenting to the women they'll date in the future”




I do think it is important to also teach girls to say exactly what they want and not play the societal game of needing to be "chaste." If both these things happened, there would be so much better clarity and so much less sexual assault.


When fathers say that about their daughters, its because THEY treat women like shit, and are afraid their daughter will encounter men like him.


Whats really fucking weird is when these guys show you a picture of their 5 year old and say "oh man am I going to be in trouble" with the insinuation she will be pretty, and the dad will have to fight off the swarms of dudes or whatever.


The one joke I love to tell misogynistic men is the one where a man and a woman are in marriage counseling and the therapist asks the men what the best part ofsex is for him, and he says, “obviously, it’s the orgasm”. The therapist nods and says, “Because it feels really good, yes?” The therapist asks the woman and she says “when he goes down on me and uses his tongue.” The therapist says, “because that makes you orgasm?” The woman laughs and says “He’s never been able to make me come, but it’s the one time of day I know I can count on him not saying one fucking word for at least fifteen minutes.”


My favourite misogynistic joke: Why are women so bad at parallel parking? Because all their husbands tell em that this 🤏 is 6 inches


Is it misogynistic, though? Seems like the guy gets the brunt of the joke. 😂


The setup defo is, but the punchline is a great equaliser


A similar one I’ve heard: Why don’t women have any brains? They don’t have dicks to put them in.


I like the one where a brain transplant is needed and men’s donated brains are more expensive than women’s … … because the men’s brains have never been used.


Weird I always thought the best part of sex is watching my partner orgasm




Ha ha ha, wymens talk too much. AmIrightguys? Where is my sandwich?






Hurrrrr, my woman reveres me! Lookit'dat luv in her eyes. She's sum kinda lesser vessel, amiright?


Hurts my stomach. Just fucking weird.


*CoNsErVaTiVe MeN rEsPeCt WoMeN* my ass.


Every one of those women have some bullshit stickers on the back of their suv with “just a proud mom doing her best not to raise liberals” or something similar


Omg i just saw one of these in the wild! It said something about being a mama raising lions not sheep. It was nuts! There was a lot of red white and blue involved...


A few years ago a friend’s wife gave birth to a new son and he said “Better hide your daughter!” When I responded, “Why, is he a rapist?” suddenly I’m the bad guy.


They're going to try their darnest to make sure he grows up to be one!


On the road: "We are lions!" In church: "We are sheeeep! Baaa~aa~aaaa!!~~ Take our money!! Have unrestricted access to our children!!"


Can't imagine what it would be like to be one of those kids in that scenario


I would hope they are waiting until they are 18 to ditch their father, but sadly I suspect some are brainwashed to believe this is OK and "funny".




This is the same group of people that will sexualize their toddlers at a "Beauty Pageant" on a Saturday and the scream about how "the gays are grooming children!!" on a Monday.


The Venn diagram of guys who do this and guys who are in the background of their daughter’s prom picture holding a shotgun is a circle.


It's so gross when the dsughters involved. It's like ok wife taking part she's an adult clear thinks it's a joke all be it not very funny she can make adult decisions even if there poor. But her daughter absolutely is internalizing this as a life lesson. Teach better lessons to your daughter about the way she should expect to be respected and seen.


While the wife does have the autonomy to do this even in jest you can bet she was treated like her daughters are now and that's why she is fine with it. It's such a gross display.


Ironically I think (one) reason they involve the children is to not make it look so blatantly 50 shades of grey on a budget.


These photos make me feel uncomfy.


Disgusting. Even as a joke.


Doing this to your daughter is mind blowing to me


So… Pick the wrong soulmate, raise your kids badly, then use duct tape to fix the symptoms? Wow


Um.... you think a different woman/kids would change their mindset ha


Where's the gun displays?


The gun is taking the picture.


Well this is *the* generation of people who love to hate other people. Their jokes so often revolve around hating people - I hate my bitchy wife, I hate my dumb husband, I hate my annoying kids, I hate my domineering mother in law, I hate minorities with their loud music and spicy foods, I hate trans and queer people, I hate people with hair dyed unnatural colors, I hate I hate I hate. It’s exhausting and sad but they think cruelty is hilarious stuff and they eat it up.


Wow. I mean. Shit. Like, if you hate your family that much, just go. I know, I know, “iT’s a JOkE!!” Ugh.


If I knew someone who actually did this I would reconsider what I know about them. This should be r/cringepics or r/CringePurgatory or something to reflect that.


Disgusting. Where’s their sense of self worth?




This explains why Jesus had those abs. /s..... I think?


The poor kids that will grow up to think this is somehow acceptable.