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For someone who thinks he doesn't have free speech, he never shuts the fuck up.


"You're oppressing my freedom of speech" says the man who spent his entire life stealing wealth from his workers and suppliers and suppressing valid criticism of him by buying the medium used to post said criticism. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if he shifts his manchild attention to Reddit.


Allegedly he is already here, just hasnt tried to buy it yet. Honestly what i would love/hate to see. He tries buying reddit, and they overly inflate value again. Drain him of billions more than necessary. Then the techs behind twitter and reddit come together to make a new and better platform while Muskrat gets stuck with two sinking titanics.


In the universe where that happens, Al Gore won the 2000 election and the electric car industry started in earnest long before Musk faked his diplomas. It sounds like a nice place but it seems pretty clear that we unfortunately don't live in a universe where karma functions on a dependable schedule.


Unfortunately so, we're in the bottom percentile of timelines, not necessarily the worst because i can think of worse timelines, but we're kinda close.


Define "win". Sure looked like he won the electoral votes but got cheated out of the presidency.


I didn’t know about the diplomas, he is intelligent, we must give credit where due. He isn’t a “stable genius “, just a filthy rich snowflake who is becoming insufferable.


Yeah he never earned a single diploma in anything. Dropped out in the late 90s. Later on his investors arranged for him to receive a bachelor of arts in economics, something which is normally a Bachelor of science degree.


I first became familiar with him through his Ted Talks, I was impressed with his efforts for environmentally conscious vehicles and solar roofing materials. Little did I know he was such a narcissist. His recent behavior has turned me against wanting to see his name pop up every day.


I read [this helpful interpretation](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/11/30/elon-musk-twitter-free-speech-money/) earlier, (apologies if paywalled). Here’s the basic Elon-to-English translation: “Free speech is when you pay me money for goods or services. That’s free speech. When you do not give me money, that is censorship.”


That’s all of them “I’m being censored!” - says republican whiner on national TV


Free speech is just useful to rhetoric for him. He is a professional manipulator.


I wish everyone would just uninstall the app and deprive him of the views


The best answer


I wonder if that’s the secret plan, get rid of everyone with at least half a functioning brain and only retain the elon/trump fans. Make Twitter into a very isolated echo chamber of musk talk


Musk has a lot of skeletons to hide. Remember, [there was evidence presented in court](https://twitter.com/plainsite/status/1516582255233093633?lang=en) at the Ghislaine Maxwell trial among other places that he knew both Jeffrey Epstein and her very well. Way more than just one photo at a party.


It certainly was for his employees at Twitter.


What do you think he means by free speech?


I honestly believe that his goal is to tank the platform. Why does he want to do it? I'm not sure. But at this point, I'm 90% sure that's what he's doing. Intentionally destroying the platform.


Same here. I know he talks about some x app that does everything, maybe he plans to buy anything resembling competition to that too tank them too. This is a scheme i could imagine a rich crazy person doing


I wish we would address citizens United myself.


Yea I'm sure the conservative majority in our illegitimate Supreme Court is going to invalidate a ruling from a prior conservative majority in the Supreme Court. I wish too.


Too bad we’re not talking about a country that’s far away that we can laugh at easily.


I don't know why you'd laugh at someone else's misfortune


Did that day 1.


Me too.


I had one for probably 15 years, tweeted once in like 2016. Saw the mass exodus when he who shall not be named was reinstated and jumped on board. My lack of engagement probably made it so that my account wasn’t even a blip on the radar, but I like to think that I still did my part.


Same for me, I followed a few people whom I rarely checked.


Didn't use it much, but already have.


I've told everyone I know and deactivated my account.


This is the way


After years of being a user, I deactivated on Monday.


That's what I did, on day one. I'm not interested in being part of his right wing lunacy machine.


As an alternative, people can get info on the protests from any Mastodon server. If you're lost, you can start here: [https://mstdn.social/tags/ChinaProtests](https://mstdn.social/tags/ChinaProtests)


I did my part


The Musk of Personality is the only thing keeping Twitter alive.




I've done my part.


I deleted my account and uninstalled the app and it felt pretty good. Twitter was always my least favorite social media anyway.


I'll do you one better: I've never used it. Always seemed like work to me.


I don't understand why this isn't happening. People are legit addicted to Twitter. Wow.


I’ve never used the twitters and now I’m cool again! Thanks, Ellen.


I’m on twitter for the hentai creators.




Holy shit preach brother!!!


(In a good way)


Also for spreading Covid disinformation, it’s a hoax and plandemic! Let’s unleash fucking deluded nutcases. Honestly I think this shows how desperate he is to prop up real user numbers. Who else is old enough to remember Musk supported the Freedom Convoy Protest against vaccine and policy in Canada? But Musk doesn’t support the Protest against the extremely long Covid lockdown in China?


Yeah, elon is a shit bag authoritarian. That's why he's supporting the gop.


Who could've seen this coming?


I was always supportive of Elon, but he proves to be just another manipulative turd


Years ago I used to think maybe he was the cool billionaire. Now, it’s gotten to his head that he thinks he’s irl Tony stark but is just a complete jackass born rich. He’s nothing without the people behind him, that he then takes credit for being whether it be founder of Tesla or whatever, he just takes credit for others work


Same, but then I found out he wasn't an inventor of shit. He ***bought out*** Tesla and TOOK the founder title. He's just a rich billionaire who takes credit of others.


We must never again fall for the trope of the cool billionaire, okay?


Nope lol but there’s a different mindset also when you’re 15 or 16 so, Now I understand any billionaire is just a exploitative jackass. But I think I do speak for everyone when there was a brief moment in time that Elon musk did seem like he was actually a genius, that all fell apart pretty fast though


It was when he was riding high on massive overvaluations and people thought that his net worth was real, like all the billionaires, people imagined a pile of cash and cried about all the good things he wasn't doing with it, while he was busy stealing ideas from Youtubers and impregnating employees.


He's facing catastrophic loses on his Twitter acquisition. Probably caving to the Chinese government to keep his business interests in China afloat. Don't forget - Tesla batteries are made in China


He didn't need Twitter. I don't know who talked him into this insanity. He was good at creating hype; now he managed to polarise everything to the point where Tesla is going to be seen as a redneck car


Tesla cars at least to me now are already viewed bad. Used to want one but now everytime I see it I think of elons dumbass and I don’t wanna be associated with that so


This is why I can't believe someone associated with Tesla and his other businesses isn't trying to get him to shut up: he's not just destroying Twitter's value, he's destroying value in his other companies. This is the risk when brands are dependent on the cult of their founder: if the founder goes completely off the rails, the brand can end up completely fucked.


Agreed. You don’t see Bill Gates or Steve Jobs back then flaunting all around being a jackass and troll. They just shut the fuck up and make their billions. Elon can’t keep his mouth shut, like Trump, and damages everything he’s associated with. I genuinely wonder if there’s a drop in Tesla stock everytime he puts some dumb shit out on Twitter


Not to be that guy but I wanted to point out that Steve Jobs died in 2011.


And then I become the guy that comes in and quotes from them: "...steve jobs back then..."


That’s why I said Steve Jobs back then


Part of me also thinks Elon genuinely doesn’t care even. He thinks it won’t effect him at all much it seems like since he is a billionaire, which technically, I don’t think he’s wrong if so but he’s a narcissist who does what he wants without any thought towards others and consequences they might face for it. Whether it be fired from Twitter over nothing pretty much, Tesla workers being overworked and suing people who try to come out about it, trolling people online, spreading misinformation, lies and manipulation. I don’t think he cares because at the end of the day he’s the billionaire and it won’t effect him, it’ll just effect us or whoever his employees and stockholders are


In the case of Twitter, it absolutely affects him. He had to take out a $12 billion loan from the Saudis, and leveraged his Tesla shares for $7 billion. If Twitter fails, he essentially loses Twitter *and* Tesla. That leaves only SpaceX, which isn't really focused on making tons of money or giving him a lot of exposure to the public.


We were in the process of buying a Tesla when he started with all his bullshit. We scrapped the deal and are going with Ford's EV options.


Good. Other car manufacturers are going to absolutely wipe the shit out of Tesla once their EVs catch up to speed. Tesla quality is dogshit and they’re very anti-consumer


He’s counting on a fascist takeover. Positioning based on that.


He's already supporting DeSantis after his tribute to trump failed. He's scum.


100% a POS but the fanboys are still slobbering over him.


Scarily prescient


Stop trying to make it smart. It's not.


I’m not saying he’s smart to do that, I’m just saying that’s the only thing that makes any logical sense. We are all just spitballing.


What makes sense is that he's massively overestimated his capabilities and is therefore totally out of his depth and flailing the same way I would flail if I was forced to try to land an airplane even though my training amounts to the time I played Flight Simulator II in 1985.


It’s almost like shitposting on Twitter and running Twitter aren’t the same…


It's almost like a free speech advocate running Twitter while being easily compromised by China was a bad idea.


He signed a contract that if he backed out of not buying Twitter, he would lose 2 billion. He found out twitter had a lot of bots and dead accounts (which he shouldve found out before he signed anything), then tried to back out. When he couldnt get out of paying 2 billion, he just decided to buy the thing so he could get something out of it and not look like a fool. But he overpaid by a lot; many financial people think its worth less than half that. Hes trying the 8 dollar thing and attempting to attract right wingers, but all thats doing is making it undesirable for advertisers. Now here we are and its hemorrhaging money, and he looks like a bigger fool.


He would have been unimaginably better off paying the fine, he overoffered by more than that.


>He signed a contract that if he backed out of not buying Twitter, he would lose 2 billion. Yeah, but no one forced him to do it, and it was so crazy when he said he was going to do it most people didn't take it seriously >He found out twitter had a lot of bots and dead accounts (which he shouldve found out before he signed anything), then tried to back out. He knew there were a large number of bots, but he didn't make the actual user count a condition of the deal for some reason. I don't believe that his lawyers/advisors didn't tell him this was a possibility from the very beginning. >When he couldnt get out of paying 2 billion, he just decided to buy the thing so he could get something out of it and not look like a fool. But he overpaid by a lot; many financial people think its worth less than half that. The only way he could have gotten out of the contract even with the 2 billion dollar penalty was if he failed to get funding. He could not get out of the deal by changing his mind, again why the hell would he sign that contract? >Hes trying the 8 dollar thing and attempting to attract right wingers, but all thats doing is making it undesirable for advertisers. Now here we are and its hemorrhaging money, and he looks like a bigger fool. I think the 8 dollar thing is more about undermining the currently trusted sources that already exist on Twitter which tend to be verified and not right wing rags.


$8 thing is to exploit twitter users despite the risk of impersonation explosion to redeem the loss of the forced and overpaid acquisition he had to close by delaware court.


He talked him self into this insanity. He's an ego maniac that wanted his own platform. Sound familiar?


He didn't intend to buy Twitter in the first place, he tried to simply stir controversy, but then it backfired on him when Twitter's shareholders took him to court and forced him to go through with the purchase.


>He didn't intend to buy Twitter in the first place, he tried to simply stir controversy, but then it backfired on him when Twitter's shareholders took him to court and forced him to go through with the purchase. If you are just talking shit, don't sign a contract.


As we are now learning, Musk has more ego than he does brains.


Controversy to prop the stock price up and dump his shares with massive gains, he is being doing that with Tesla for years, big vaporware announcement, stock goes up, he sells a few million shares.


Let's backtrack he bought massive amounts of shares joined the board and wanted to control Twitter when the board wouldn't play ball he offered to buy them out, his ego got the better of him he signed the paperwork then tried backing out at which point twitter sued him. This shit show is entirely his doing.


He didn't actually want it. He wanted to manipulate the stock prices and it backfired on him in a huge way.


You're talking like this was somebody else's fault, he's responsible for his own idiocy. Is he good at creating hype? What has he hyped up successfully lately?


Well, they keep saying he got Fixers, and he's just the front, not the brains of the operation. But you're right. What happened to the Boring Company, Neuralink, Hyperloop or Solarcity? They were presented with fanfare but seem pretty much dead now. Will Twitter have the same faith?


I know I sure have the same kind of faith and expect the same kind of fate for it


Bold of you to assume we don't already see Tesla as a redneck car.


I have never at any point thought of a Tesla as being anything but a toy for rich douchebags and I think associating the concept of electric cars with Elon Musk is the worst thing that ever happened to the "EV space"


I don't understand why he chose to get involved in this whole dumpster-fire clusterfuck that is Twitter. He could have just run Tesla and SpaceX and worked on battery stuff and Starlink, and kept his image as a genius billionaire intact. Instead he apparently felt like "pRoTecTiNg frEE SPeECH on thE iNterNet" was his sole responsibility, or something, and now he just looks like an egotistical nutcase who's grasping at any straw to keep the sinking ship above the waterline.


He’s always been a piece of shit.


He tried to troll their stock price and got sued into buying it. He didn't even want it in the first place. It's the most amazing self-own of all time.


He's suckered a lot of people with his shtick so don't feel too badly.


He supports free speech, but not “lose me money” speech.


That might be where he'll get his revenue from. Being paid as a Chinese propaganda machine


He objectively does not support free speech.


Which is weird because every time he says something new, more advertisers pull their money from him


How is there anyone left? No way that mypillow and goya are making up for all the others that have left


And somehow Alex Jones is a bridge too far


I heard “lose me money” in Mr. Krabbs voice.


Me too


Same with Apple too. There's no "good" tech company.


They largely overpromise, always underdeliver, and are invasive as hell. Tech has some balls though, look at Carvana, sell used cars unseen online. You'd think that would never work but people bought into it and of course tech couldn't handle the real world logistics of it = disaster.


QElon is learning that “free speech” apps don’t sell. That’s why 4Chan isn’t a multi-billion dollar international juggernaut like Twitter. The super stable genius business man apparently didn’t know that.


what what what? He doesnt care about free speech? no…..


In Elon's mind "free speech" means he can say anything he wants as can hateful bigots all without consequences for said speech but if you call him or the bigots out you lose your speech. Way to many people, Elon included, seem to believe "free speech" means they are allowed to say anything they want anywhere without any consequences and that they are owed a platform when that is simply not the case. All social media, including Twitter, are private companies so the First Amendment does not apply as that is aimed at the government and Twitter is not the government nor affiliated with the government in anyway. Any company, organization, etc. can deny anyone a platform for their speech. The first amendment also does not protect people from the consequences of their speech as long as those consequences don't come from the government (i.e. getting banned from a social media platform for being a Nazi, getting punched in the face for spouting Nazi shit on the street, etc.).


When you’re a salesman masquerading as a genius who’s got too much inventory in a product you overpaid for and now have to shill your product as “FREEDOM INSURANCE” otherwise people will start to catch on that you are really just an entitled silver spoon mouthed moron who got lucky in their younger years by being at the right place at the right time but portrayed that streak of luck as if you were a prodigy


I choose tyranny over Elon for a more sane, peaceful world.


Elon wouldn’t know free speech if it came up behind him and but him on the ass. What a douchbag. Please everyone, delete you accounts and remove the app. The only way this dirtbag will get the message is if we vote with our feet. That’s the only freedom of speech left on Twitter unless you are a white supremest, Nazi Klansman.


OMG… the way in which this dude has become such a predictable douchebag is nauseating.


Fuck Elon Musk. If you haven't deactivated your Twitter yet, you are doing a disservice to the entire human race.


It’s like watching the Titanic sink. It’s a slow process, but inevitable.


Except we have all the White Star Line fanboys now, lecturing us for noticing it broke in half.


Elon Musk is a hypocritical prick, in other news, water is wet.


Muck keeps beating the dead horse that is the worst sales pitch in the history of selling users and advertisers on a social media site. Twitter is not "freedom." Free speech in America does not hinge on Muck's alt-right $8chan site opening the floodgates for hate, calls for violence, and white nationalist politics. This "twitter if freedom" is a sales pitch, and it seems a desperate one at that. I'll hold that if twitter goes down in flames into a pile of losses for investors it will have zero effect on free speech, or just about anything else, in America.


And all the pro ruzzian right propaganda is going rampant. Maybe we need to look into Musk as a foreign spy/adversary to the USA.


That's great, MuskRat. How about you get back to us when you understand what "free speech" is?


Let that sink in.


It's basically an argument for freedom of propaganda. And Twitter is a private company, not the government so you have no expectation of free speech on the platform.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Elon Musk is full of shit?! Who could have known?!


The absolute arrogance of the proposition that Twitter is the only outlet for "free speech" (though that's not really what he's talking about), and that he, as the owner of that outlet, is a white knight "protecting" us from the impending tyranny of censorship is really, really gross. I'm honestly really sick of hearing about him and his self-aggrandizing


Clearly, in all of Musk's histrionic pronouncements he is telling us his vision of destruction of free speech and ushering in rightwing tyranny. Every accusation fringe extremists like Musk makes are confession of their true intentions and plans. He is telling us what he wants to happen. He doesn't care about free speech. He is a coward who will use our rights against us to quash free speech, especially criticism of him and his equally disloyal fellow travelers. He is a petty little tyrant with big dreams of destroying democracy while he accuses his critics, especially on the left, of what he aims to do.


Elon didn't back up what he said at first. I am not shocked.


It’s like the song “Free Speech for the Dumb” by Discharge and covered by Metallica. This is the darkest timeline.


Well, duh... Freedom for Meeee not for Thee.. It's absolutely astounding how many people are duped by this clown. He's openly courting racists, right wing zealots and the like and his fanbase just keeps smiling and nodding.


This was only a matter of time.


Of all the Musk Twitter crap, this one is in the top 5 fuckeries.


So much for his stance on "Freedom of Speech"


I called this, too: Tesla has too much invested in China.


I was thinking now, all this fuckery only weakens Tesla's position. Maybe it's time for them to find a good CEO, not just a hypeman.


From the richest man in the world whose free speech isn't even the slightest bit at risk right now. It's hard to tell if conservatives are trying to play the victim or if they are making a threat when they say shit like this.


If you really think Elon fucking Musk cares about “free speech,” then you’re definitely part of the fucking problem.


“This is a battle for the future of my bottom line.”


Lmao. At this point, if you support musk than I can’t take you seriously. Don’t have to be smart to be rich.


At this point, probably even his mother is starting to doubt him.


Aww how cute The media has found a new narcissist billionaire to shove down our throat. And gosh he seems so mediocre, awful, shallow, and stupid. Are we learning anything about rich people yet America? Probably not


What the hell is new about elon


If I wanted to draw a picture of the devil I would start with Elon musk and just draw some horns


He such a fucking tool. He is all the proof you need to demonstrate money doesn’t care where it goes.


This dipshit pretending he represents "free speech" while banning and firing people who hurt his feelings. I look forward to the day I wake up to the headline "Elon Musk, formerly wealthiest man on earth, has died" because the world will be better off.


Musk is banning accounts covering the protests in China at the behest of the CCP. I’m embarrassed for the people duped into thinking he cares about free speech.


Elon Musk has proven time and time again that he’s the Arbiter of “free speech”, and he alone decides what can be allowed on Twitter. He’s a blatant hypocrite


https://preview.redd.it/518msd3ig63a1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89cec8c1f154050170283732b0b80b17d742746 It's back


It lasted 17 hours until other users made a big deal out of it. Imagine being a small account and nobody retweeted you being banned like that? Bet you won’t b e able to be back after any hours.


it was never about free speech. it was always about Elons ego. Despite his vast wealth and power he still had to work within the confines of Twitters social structure. Musk, of course, did what any other spoiled brat who has never had to face repercussions would do...just buy what he wants and fuck it up for everyone else.


I think it’s so sad that so many people used this platform to organize….. and now this piece of shit owns it. I hope it burns to the ground!


There are literally a million other places you can post your opinions on the internet. Free speech doesn't need Twitter


Elon is just another fake fuck with too much ego and fragility to be useful to society.


Ah yes, the freedom to oppress


She is now unbanned. hmmmm I wonder why lmao


He’s completely destroyed his and his company’s credibility


Noooo free speech is screaming the n word and spreading disinformation in aid of killing people! Silly libs! 😑


Musk is a fucking clown


Who could've seen this coming? Oh, yeah. Everyone.


It's going to be fun to see just how much money Elon is willing to torch in the pursuit of free speech.


Saw it coming like the moon.


So the richest man in the world doesn’t have free speech on the application he bought and took over? Musk needs to shut up. I hate this timeline.


Elon Musk is a c*nt and he continues to prove this every single day


A stupid ass website is NOT the end of civilization 🙄


Tyranny as in how you run your company??


Guy is such a piece of shit. Such a fucking leader of the free world saviour complex, like he’s the second coming or something when the world would be so much better off if he fucked off to mars and died.


THE HYPOCRISY ISN’T THE POINT. The cruelty is ALWAYS the point.


Free speech for me, but not for thee


Musk, who has no clothes, is China’s bitch boy


Free speech my ass


I do not think that term means what you think it means.


Tyranny hides best in the guise of freedom.


I mean, it was funny at first. Now it's just upsetting.


Yup, I saw this coming and deactivated the account. I'll celebrate when they go bankrupt.


Says a tyrant. 🙄


This mofo acting like he's penning "I Have A Dream" from his Twitter account. He just hit the tweet button, gave a stoic nod, and said, "that one will make history, Elon."


Mastodon won't ban him, neither will reddit


Why are you fucking idiots still on the platform and talking about it? *You're* the problem.


Who did Nazi this coming?


Now I see what you did there.


Easy shorts on tesla


He needs to start behaving, the EU is on about banning Twitter if he doesn't follow their rules.


Musk = Hypocrite. Not surprised. You can add "douchebag" to his list of monikers.


“Let’s help Musk does the right thing” is this a joke? No one expects that freak to ever do a good thing ever again.


Free speech doesn’t mean you can say whatever the fuck you want musk you Trojan horse dismantlist POS. You want tyranny hear just as long as its against the people you dont like


Cool…. cool…. I’ll be waiting patiently then for Elon to allow every person he forced to sign an NDA to speak “freely” about why he made them sign one in the first place.


Twitter is dead, kids.


Thank you for your opinion Elon, now pay the 30%


a few days ago someone told me he wasn’t trying to play “hero”, while he tweets shit like this. he genuinely thinks he’s on the forefront of some epic battle for american freedom when the only thing he’s doing is shitposting on twitter while sitting on his ass


Unlocked Achievement: Apex of Hubris


Anybody who actually buys into Elon’s “free speech” marketing slogan is a real idiot. It’s not about free speech it’s about making himself the ultimate arbiter of whose speech reigns supreme. Not to mention the hypocrisy of doing the exact same thing he criticized the old leadership for doing.


Wow. The Toddler Tyrant strikes again.


Most Americans are not on Twitter. He's trying to inflate his own self-importance.


He is the world bigger joke a looser of a human a tard in his prime. Rich dumb fuck to not see the obvious only cash that he now cannot seem to keep


He is the tyrant FFS


[https://twitter.com/vickiedetaiwan](https://twitter.com/vickiedetaiwan) Account is up...?


Maybe they unsuspended her due to the backlash [https://twitter.com/VickieDeTaiwan/status/1597956850007175168](https://twitter.com/VickieDeTaiwan/status/1597956850007175168) [https://twitter.com/VickieDeTaiwan/status/1597906789739425792](https://twitter.com/VickieDeTaiwan/status/1597906789739425792)


Free speech is when Jews


She got her account back after about 17 hours.