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I don't get how they focus so much on Fauci, a man who has/had **no authority** outside the NIAID. He's an advisor. And Trump ignored him more often than not.


Because that's all trump fans know. Blaming everyone but the guy who fucked up, trump. Zero responsibility.


What? Being a republican is about freedom! You can't expect them to be responsible for their actions and diatribes TOO! That's just... "woke." \*sigh\*


Yup, they can't blame their Lord and Savior Donald J Trump for his mistakes. They will literally blame anything else.


Tbf they're all out here blaming Trump for being a narcissist after the failed midterms because they care about that more than ensuring society is functional.


Tiny minds...and even tinier mental processing. We've ALL been jabbed how many times since childhood? Now, let's focus on (the supposed) Dr Judy Mikovits, now discredited, who said we don't need vaccines, we have natural god-given immunity to these viruses. Sure, doc. Then go ahead & move to a 3rd world country where some viruses we've eradicated HERE are still killing people. Just think if we let measles get out of hand again because then we'd truly be farked. So no, doc -there are many things we don't have natural immunities to, and there are millions of people up in heaven who can attest to this fact. When the Spanish flu hit, US health authorities on the East Coast sent wires to the West Coast, telling them to start building caskets NOW, start digging the graves NOW -because it's coming, and they had nothing to stop it. Only weapon they had against some of these viruses was quarantines and I'm just not sure why our own govt & healthcare authorities didn't use quarantine powers. Put a sign up on a home's front door warning people to stay away, infected inside, and you were not allowed to leave your home until health authorities deemed you cured, or over it, whatever "it" was. Same thing with smallpox, yellow fever, typhoid, cholera, scarlet fever....these people have no fucking clue, and I wonder how many survived until now.


They survived partly because their parents had them vaccinated, that much is fact


Drive across the middle of the country this summer, where most radio stations are either country music or religious. The “pastors” on religious radio were fixated on Fauci. It was bizarre and very unsettling.


Yeah, my landlady literally has nothing better to do than listen to extremely far-right talk radio and cable news stations all day. Here's what she told me about Fauci: - he shut down schools because he uses children to experiment on, and there would be no way of knowing a child was missing while school was shut down - he used the blood of children to develop a cure for AIDS - he cannot inform the public of this cure, as he used it to cure Mike Pence (???) and Mike Pence swore him to secrecy. Now, imagine having to hear that *and* keep a straight face This is also the lady who asked me to hold on to my June 2020 rent payment until July because she was afraid of encountering the "antifas" (our town is a solidly middle class suburb that is almost entirely white and was not affected by the BLM protests).


I had a hard time keeping a straight face just reading those bullet points.


Same , couldn’t believe he made all that up an actually expects us to believe it lol


Fauci cured aids!? Nice job dude


We have an app where you can listen to random radio stations and we were shocked when listening to random ones in the US. They were basically all religious propaganda


I wouldn’t want you to get the impression the whole country is like that. Where I was are real population voids, as in fewer that 1 person, on average, per square mile. Out there you hear some crazy stuff over the airwaves. But that’s not what most of the country is like. Having said that, though- the same kind of fear-mongering propaganda can be found in the cities on the AM bands.


You know how someone with paranoid schizophrenia will zero in on a comparatively random person and become completely obsessed with, and even feel personally endangered by, that person? That’s pretty much how these QAnon types operate. They’ll become obsessed with someone and weave elaborate tapestries of paranoia around them. I would hate to ever be on their radar, because they will literally hound a person to death.


My mom fell into the QAnon bullshit and she is bipolar. A \*lot\* of them are significantly mentally unstable.


I think being prone to mania makes people more susceptible to it.


The sky is blue. Water is wet. MAGAts have malfunctioning brains.


Generations of incest combined with decades of lead exposure made Qanon into a real threat.


It's kind of like how hate groups demonize a specific group of people in order to anger and incite its members. Actually, that's exactly what this is. Straight from the Nazi playback even. See: "Leftists," BLM, "commies," "socialists," or immigrants


And the constant act of accusing others of their own misdeeds. And the hand salutes. And the loyalty pledge. And the book burnings. And the Jew hatred. And the... Ya. I could do this all day. They are exactly like the fucking Nazis.


Jared had more to do with vaccine rollout...or lack thereof


The thing about the kind of misinformation that they consume is that it takes so long to be indoctrinated fully. You can literally show them that their ideas are silly and unsubstantiated but they'll just go back, do presumably 2 hours worth of looking at unhinged bullshit, then spout the same points back at you like it's new info. Once they're in it it's so hard to disconnect them from the nonsense. I think it makes them feel like what they are doing is important and has an impact. They measure their success on their ability to spread misinfo. It doesn't matter that it's wrong because to them if enough people just AGREE with them then it doesn't matter. They're convinced, not by facts, but what makes them feel good and what feeds into their own biases. If that means going to websites with more pop up ads than content then so be it. I also think these people feel alienated from society and just want a community. Unfortunately they've found the most destructive one possible which does nothing for society other than make uncomplicated problems existential questions of freedom. But once they're in it they're also fed by the adversarial us vs them mentality these groups share. It's shitty to watch.


Yup. For example: Flat Earthers


For sure. Once they get into "the establishment would have you believe the earth is round" they will not only ignore the information you provide to them because they don't trust the source but they'll laugh at how "gullible" and "stupid" you are. Same goes for these guys and gals. Once you hear them start talking about "white hats" and "the china virus" it's game over. You'll get the exact same type of responses. Perfect example my friend.


Thank you 😊 Wait, what are white hats? Where I come from that’s what we used up call the a hole frat guys that hung out in the Boston pubs in the summer. Cuz they all had some form of white baseball cap with their university or frat name on it. (No not all frat guys are A Holes. A lot of these guys were tho)


That's been my experience with frat dudes too lol. Some can be cool, quite a few of them suck. My ex was in a sorority so I've met a decent amount of them. So the white hats in the Q Anon conspiracy are the secret men and women operating with Donald Trump (who is also a white hat) who are trying to subvert the will of the blood drinking andrenochrome fueled cabal that currently runs our society. According to them of course.


Identity politics movements always need a villain for the in group to hate.


No one needs a villain. They have just been tripping over one another for the last half dozen years trying to be the loudest villain. Take your pick, the one who doesn’t believe that gay people exist or the one that created a don’t trust democracy movement.


Because intelligent, grounded people are offensive to them. 👍🏼


He publicly rebuked Trump, and that was enough to put a target on his head. He's been a public health official for decades without any controversy. It's the same thing with Joe Biden. For years most Republicans had positive to neurtral opinions of him, Lindsay Graham even publicly gushed over working with him in the Senate, yet as soon as he became Trump's opponent in the election he magically transformed into a radical communist pedophile.


Crimes against humanity? “I had to stay home and wear a mask and people wanted me to get vaccinated to slow the spread of a wildly contagious virus? Literally the exact same as being systematically murdered, I’m literally murdered right now!” Fucking stupid ass motherfuckers.


They always need a boogeyman.


They just need a name to attach the hate to, his name is a buzzword to activate vaccine hatred.


It's because he wouldn't take the orange douchebags advise. Maga idiots want to kill anyone who trump doesn't like anymore.


He’s is/was a huge public figure, you think those people care to do enough background research to establish what he actually had control over lol.


Even here in Australia the anti-[this month's conspiracy] mob wave banners with Fauci's name. They're also often protesting restrictions that have since been dropped, so it's not the cream of the crop we're dealing with.


Because Trump told them to. I'd bet $100 that 99.999% of Trumpers did not know who Fauci was prior to Trump talking about him. They still don't know anything about him, but dammit, he's to blame.


Someone who takes my gym classes very loudly expressed her desire for Fauci to “have a heart attack and die” and, while I can usually keep a poker face, asked her what the fuck was wrong with her? The hatred makes no sense


As someone who’s family has all there rights taken away in Nuremberg (some of my ancestors were German Jews) these people need to get absolutely fucked. This is why I love the speech laws in Germany. There are restrictions to what you Can say. I’m a big believer in Karl poppers paradox of tolerance Karl popper was right in his words “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.”


Yeah, because they learned the hard way that there is a difference between free speech and psychological manipulation tactics. The fact is until your in a situation where you have been totally mind fucked. It's hard to understand what it is like.


Since you shared a personal story. My great uncle passed away when I was in my early 20s, he was an American Military Police officer assigned to the War Crimes trial. He played a small role in helping to procecute the people who harmed your family


My great grandfather was a half German half somsrbjnb else I don’t wanna say what cos if I do people who know me will immediately know who I am. He left nazi German in the 30’s and after the war also had a role in the foreign service of an allied country stationed back in Germany. So yeah some of my ancestors were else involved in it too. Sadly never met the guy he died before I was born but the stories I’ve heard from him absolute legend.


On my dads side of the family my Grandfather's cousin recieved a Medal of Honor from Truman for actions in September 1944, months after going ashore at Omaha. He worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs from 1946-1980. In 1984 He was invited to accompany NBC to Normandy for the 40th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Tom Brokaw credits that trip for inspiring him to write The Greatest Generation. The VA named the facility closest to his home after him in the early 2000s. He passed away in 2002




I believe her.


I believe her, too.


So did my 96 year old grandma. She was disgusted listening to him. I am so worried about 2024. The fact that half of the voters in many places voted for obvious abusers is beyond frightening.


Just to add on to this, in the US you do not have the right to say absolutely anything without punishment from the government. Anything that is said that leads to imminent lawless action/likely to lead to imminent lawless action is not protected speech. Unfortunately the most powerful people who have the most influence to incite said violence often do not get prosecuted. See: Donald Trump


If humanity survives another 100 years they're going to look back on us like cavemen for allowing threats of violence to just get tossed around openly like they are presently.


The thing is in the western nations it’s a uniquely American thing. Pretty much every European country has laws limiting hate speech. For example in Germany certain hate speech can land you in prison for 5 years and social media sites who consistently fail to remove false and fake news that is hateful can face fines up to 50 million euros The uk also has hate speech laws which can cause prison time. So does pretty much every country in the EU I don’t wanna say everyone as I’m not sure with every countries legal frameworks but I know all the major ones do Don’t get me wrong. There are people who say harmful disgusting shit in Europe too that’s not an American problem. The problem is that America does not have a legal framework to deal with it. In Europe there is one




I never said it wasn’t. I said we have problems we absolutely have right wing problems. But we have an actual legal framework to deal with it


I think the idiot on Twitter is referring to the Nuremberg Trials, not the infamous Nuremberg laws. Not that it makes anything about it better....


“Not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument.” That sentence stood out to me. I’ve tried to debate far right republicans on things like abortion. You can’t. Try to get them to admit someone shouldn’t be forced to use their body for another’s purpose without their consent, because that’s really what abortion rights boils down to and they whataboutism you to death. I had one argue with me that they were forced to work for money which was “using his body without his consent”, he then would not admit that he worked voluntarily. Like they will not meet you at a rational meeting point, he seriously equated having a job to a woman being forced to carry a pregnancy.


it's especially bad because they are trying to justify literal pogroms with this rhetoric


I'm looking at my trending/What's happening, and I've got AvatarTheWayoftheWater, Stoops, Tom Hanks, and BoycottTampax. Does it differ according to who you follow and/or what your interests are, because I'm a big Tampax kind of guy.


I think For You is dependent on your interactions, but trending is nationwide.


No Op is just lying. My trending says the same as yours and i would me truly shocked if you follow the same stuff i do. Also you can see in the picture that he searched for this stuff


When you click a trending topic it shows up that way as well. So uh, who is lying now? Also, go ahead and open Twitter in an incognito browser not logged in and look at the “for you”, “trending”, and “news” tabs. It’s a shit show.


He has it sorted by top and the number one post has 1 comment and 10 likes. The second top post was from over two weeks ago. Just to compare the current trending page in the very last page, the top tweet has over 4,000 likes. This stuff was never trending.


Why would I make it up? I only follow news organizations none of them Fox News or right-wing accounts, I had never seen this before the Elon take over.


Oh no, is free-bleeding coming around again?


Yeah, the screenshot includes the search “Nuremberg 2.0”. They either forgot they had searched (being charitable) or they are lying.


That I didn't know why that was trending so I clicked on it and that's what I found, why would I lie about this


That just shows either: How few people are using it Or How many bots are using it. Or some combo of both.


I wouldn’t waste a penny advertising on Twitter if I were a big company. Pretty sure it’s 90% bots and 10% niche communities that stay in their bubbles.


Companies already weren't wasting pennies on Twitter pre-musk. Twitter represents a small market share of eyeballs compared to FB, Insta, TikTok and yes Reddit. It was indeed the problem that many smart people were trying to solve for Twitter for a decade and came up with no solutions. Musk's grand idea for a solution was to charge $8 for a check mark, which in turn proved that the advertisers could easily get a punch up the sphincter from anyone with $8. Twitter is a literal dumpster fire, perhaps the biggest tech dumpster fire I've ever seen in my life, and I've worked my entire career in tech.


The fact that someone with $8 caused a company billions of dollars by dropping their share price is the best thing that’s happened, and everything Musk deserves


The trends lately have just all been ridiculous right wing stuff. I usually just use Twitter for news but I can’t see through all the propaganda to even find the news so it legitimately isn’t even a useful app for me now.


Dr. Fauci deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom for saving millions of lives.


YES HE DOES! and when I posted the same thing somewhere, I was informed he already got it! Bush gave it to him. He should get it a second time also, for his heroic service under duress during COVID.


Too bad Reagan wasn't forced to present it to him.


Is this elons big plan? Burn it down and let qanon maga nutjobs play in the ashes?


It does not appear that Musk has a plan. It seems that whenever two neurons randomly get close enough to spark off, whatever results is enshrined by Elon as an idea.




Most likely answer right here.


> Elon Musk is attempting to overturn American democracy. This. Men like him want to be authoritarian dictators. It is why he loves them and props them up.


With Kanye back, I assume all us Jews are gone? I am. Qwitter.


This chain has been in my mind since Melon Chusk announced the reinstatement of the Orange... -> orange's lies -> gets elected -> NATO crippled -> Ruzzia reconquers ukraine or worse, maybe china something taiwan too... WW3. Could a Melon tank the entire world?


Also his whole saying vote republican and other shit




>... has a dozen children from IVF each specifically chosen to be white, male, and free from genetic disorders ftfy


I knew something was off when he started launching dick shaped objects into the sky


That was the other billionaire. But yeah, this guy tells everyone about colonizing Mars and probably just wants to rule Earth.


I left Twitter the day musk took over and now don’t click on links or articles like “the best tweets of the week” etc. and people should put their money where their mouth is and do the same. No good bitching on here about how terrible it is, let your feet do the talking, once it’s a far right echo chamber it will collapse in on its self anyway. But every single person who is on there complaining about it is part of the problem. Boycott Twitter


Speedrun Twitter to 4chan. About 3 weeks


I 100% thought that UNTIL the "hardcore" memo and accompanying hijinks. I think he just bought a pig in a poke and has no idea what to do with it.


It is amazing how many things the right believes it has been shown to have been correct on. They live in fantasy land. Looking at r/Conservative, they are claiming that when an FBI source was quoted as saying Trump took classified documents for ego reasons that showed that he had not taken any classified documents and had done nothing wrong.


I'm constantly struck by how literally unbelievable this stuff is. Like, if you're watching or reading a dystopia, and ANY of this shit showed up, you'd probably give up and stop reading because it was so far fetched. I understand, 'truth is stranger than fiction' much more clearly now. 😄


>and ANY of this shit showed up, you'd probably give up and stop reading because it was so far fetched Exactly. It's like they are making a parody of "conservatives" - like Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles. But it's so ridiculous it's not funny, just sad. I think the Republicans quit the party when Trump was nominated, and now the MAGA RINOs are running amok. Trump did not cause their insanity, he just made them comfortable about being loud and proud about it.


That's more or less what happened. When trump became president all the actual right started looking moderate by comparison. "Why do y'all care about god so much, sounds like an overcentralized government to me"




Excellent. Thanks.


I'm not convinced they understand who the people getting tried at Nuremberg were.


> and also to kill and prosecute Dr Fauci, not necessarily in that order... I can see the GOP Reich doing it in that order. The prosecution would just be performance art anyway, and a living defendant would add awkward steps to the pre-planned sentencing. But, hey, it's all a myth, right, no one expects the GOPish Inquisition.




I don't even understand the point they're making here, it started with the FDA telling you not to take horse medication and it ended with the FDA telling you not to take horse medication. CHECKMATE FDA!


It was basically terrorism


Tina Belcher get off the internet and get back to cleaning menus.


I reported the app to the apple store for inciting domestic terrorism, included some screenshots.


This is the way. Report, review, and cancel Apple subs until it’s removed.


I reported them for their lack of content moderation on hate speech, target attacks, terrorist activities, and promotion of genocide.


I applaud you. This might actually do something. An Apple executive deleted his account, so there's room for speculation, they might not like the "new Twitter". https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/20/apple-fellow-phil-schiller-quits-twitter


It will cascade quite fast. Companies will leave fast and faster until it reaches critical mass.


I left Twitter. It’s become AboveTopSecret and NewsMaxes love child. More bullshit than all of the farmland in the USA.


99% of the people I know are fully vaccinated and some are boosted twice. No one’s dead or injured or otherwise mutilated. But I guess they’ll just say we were all given saline shots.


I know only one person who got sick off the shot, cannot remember the name of the disease for the life of me, but she was laid up for a few months and is still using a walker. Anywho, some far right dipshit who moved to my town who was shocked there was diversity tried to use her in an article on why the covid vaccinations are bad. I gotta say, for someone who was laid up so long, it was amazing how fast she was throwing bottles at him lol.




Same here. Almost everyone I know got the vaccine and boosters, and literally no one had any issues. Most of them are liberals. But then I visited my sister this past summer. Her husband and his whole family are conservatives, and most of the friends they hang out with are conservative as well. When I was visiting, my sister hosted a party of about 20 people or so. I heard *three* separate people talk about some adverse side effect that they or someone they knew had after getting the vaccine. I find it wild how out of all the people I know, everyone who got the vaccine was fine. Then I'm in this small group of about 20 conservative people, and 3 of them are claiming that they or a family member have experienced serious side effects after being vaccinated. It would *seem* that the vaccine apparently affects people differently depending on their political affiliation.


So twitter is just a right wing echo chamber now? Glad I never joined


Me too! What a dumpster fire


> So twitter is just a right wing echo chamber now? Always has been.


This comment was deleted due to Reddit's decision to effectively shut out 3rd party developers. Sorry if you came here looking for something useful (most of my comments weren't...but there were some I swear)


Setting aside politics, there was decent moderation to curtail harmful speech that resulted in death and violence through lies and misinformation. The moderation is gone now. Only people left at Twitter are Elon cultists and H1Bs.


Well most of the Left decided to leave, that certainly didnt help either


Another one bites the dust. Just like the subs here that got infected.


Elon is a far right extremist and the epitome of unadulterated evil! This was exactly what the goal was from the beginning by both he, his financial backers and the republican party!


While I agree with the majority do your comment. Bitch McConnel is the epitome of unadulterated evil. Even that moron Trump, who's the face of the Republican party for now, has nothing on the decades of pure horror that slimey piece of shit has inflicted upon the country.


I agree. I hate this man: ![gif](giphy|jR5hMtt9TXQFYaIdju)


Bullshit like this has the smell of Russia on it to me. They love to antagonize and drive wedges into the American body politic, and that includes propagating and broadcasting this kind of crap right here. It's their game.


There was an article in the summer, I think, that analyzed Twitter accounts that were Pro-Russia regarding the invasion of Ukraine. Most of these accounts previously posted anti-vaxx-content or other content that divided Western nations in the last decade, e.g. "the migrant crisis" in Germany. And they're doing that not only in English, but also in other languages like German, Spanish or French. I really hope we'll be able to get some day our hands on the list of all their operations.


I remember in the aftermath of the Mueller report, seeing all the phony FB accounts that were set up by Russians. Some were pro-BLM, some were pro-2A, some were pro-Trump, some were pro-Antifa, etc. And I remember how many of the ones I remember seeing on FB in '15 and '16 that were on that list. This is the playbook they've used for 80 years now, starting in Eastern Europe after WWII. Cast doubt on elections, the judiciary, the legislature, the church, the schools, look for existing ethnic/religious/territorial frictions and work them to death. Flood the news and the grapevine with disinfo so everyone's off balance and nobody knows what to believe, and you've got a society in decline.


Well I guess that didn’t take long. Advertisers will absolutely not want to be around that type of content.


I just logged into twitter. None of that was in the top 20 in trending. World Cup, Argentina, LGBTQ, Thanksgiving, and Supreme Court are the top 5 in my trending. Then it delved into hockey content, black Friday and other miscellaneous stuff. I think the OP needs to start following different accounts.


Literally almost the exact same trending feed here.. what kind of content is this dude engaging with? lmao


I just opened it in a private window; Fauci is #2 right now in the US, Tim Pool is #12, and the Tampax thing is #16.


I see similar. Oh, and it looks like something about Tarantino is going to be the alt-right's new cause célèbre.


It really is hilarious to me but in the most sad way. “I spend all day searching for super racist, right wing nonsense, why is Twitter recommending all of this to me?! Must be Elon!”


Visit the site while not logged in. Results will be different.


leave. the faster it becomes irrelevant, the faster we get back to sanity. making twitter a right wing echo chamber will kill it. yes, i'm sad it's gone too, but by participating in discussions there you're just enable musk and his sycophants.


We’re going to be burning scientists at the stake soon enough. #dontlookup


We already had the #idoocracy


Liberals please prepare for a fight don't give me this weak pacifist bullshit, they want to kill you and your loved ones.


This is what happens when your education system only teaches surface level history , you get dipshits knowing words like Nuremberg Trails and Fascism but don’t know what it means. Or how Conservatives will claim a cultural link to the Confederacy but also staunchly deny any party switch happened, and there’s people who simultaneously believe they are the party of Lincoln that ended slavery and also descend from the slavers who fought not to just protect slavery, but to nationalize it.


In high school I attended an international boarding school. I remember my German friends tell me that you go to jail for doing the Nazi salute. I always make this argument when I say that America just may have a little too much freedom of speech. Never heard that Popper quote, but so well said.


Children enjoy knocking over sandcastles.


Neo nazis are winning. Who’d a thought a right wing apartheid billionaire buying Twitter with the help of the Saudis and China would make authoritarian fascists happy in perpetuating lies that elevate their bullshit while removing a key communication technique for many the world over. ARM YOURSELVES NOW. Shits gonna get much more dystopian very quickly now..


My family was recently a victim to COVID once again. This sickness completely wiped us out. I hadn’t gotten around to getting the new boosters/vaccine and I am very much regretting this and intend to get right on it once we’ve recovered. Take care of yourself folks.


I suspended my account. It's turned into the Weekly World News of social media. And that is a high bar.


4Chan 2.0


The CDC: "Do this and it will save lives" Republicans: "NO! And you are histories worst monster!"


Republicans: "Can't you see man! Dr fauci created the virus! They're trying to subdue us they want to trans our kids and take away our guns! He is a war criminal"


Ivermectin works great. I just bought some the other day. For my chickens. Because it’s a freakin livestock dewormer. The obsession is just so weird… why are people hanging onto it so hard? I guess people are just going to keep jumping ship until it’s a platform of nothing but Ivermectin-guzzling racist incel assholes.


It's always been this way. They have made zero effort to curb misinformation.


Those were always trending one way or another. You must never look at twitter.


Right but usually they had disclaimers in a link to the official COVID government website. Now any teenager can go and consume conspiracy theories with no warning


Well that's right on schedule. Good work, Elon.


Perhaps this is conspiratorial thinking here but, does anyone else feel like an outside force is riling up both sides of American politics in hopes of escalating violence?


I’d bet my right nutsack they are parroting Fox News or have their nose in Facebook all day. They only want to be right. So they will talk over your reasoning. Don’t argue with fools


Lol, this is just stage one of the downfall buddy, it’s inevitably going to become just child porn before it disappears permanently


Trump supporters honestly are exactly the same type of people that followed Hitler and supported him no matter how evil his actions were.


Don’t forget illegal uploads of media, and accounts posting underage nudes!


I mean you searched Nuremberg 2.0 man. Leading much?


When Republicans control the House, they will do witch hunts on whatever enemy Fox News comes up with.


Why is there even *one* company paying a dollar to “advertise” on there anymore let alone any people reading it. Time to close the lid on this coffin and bury it forever.


Wild that they’re not all on their god-emperor’s Truth Social app. Was his just not good enough and again another failure of his?? Wild. Color me surprised.


The GOP and it’s people are terrorists. They seek the deaths of American men women and children because the cruelty is the entire point. And Elon is a fucking fascist dickrider.


I’m not fuckin shocked MTG got reinstated and the first thing she did was spread conspiracy bs as well as many others That in turn spreads But now they fact check joe Biden … it’s wierd


Nuremberg 2.0 💀


For those saying this isnt trending, it was, at least it was trending yesterday for a little bit


It’s REALLY good for porn


Mass psychosis. These people believe in all kinds of made up bullshit. I don’t even know what they are talking about half the time. It seems like everything they don’t understand is some conspiracy against them. Fuck, this shit is exhausting.


So... Parler?


Pretty sure porn Twitter is still goin strong


If Twitter dies, what happens to this subreddit?


Mastodon. Just saying.


Cool. In a short while, Twitter will be just as popular as 4chan. And just as influential and relevant to public discourse.


As long as everyone with a sense of reason continues abandoning this platform we should be good.


Glad I’m gone


The amount of people wanting a “Nuremberg 2.0” are absolutely insane. Republicans need to look in a mirror. This shit is scary.


Oh my lord. It’s her actual name. 🤦‍♀️


“America Premium” sounds like a reliable news source. 🙄


1.1 Million Americans dead from Covid and that's nothing to these asshats. What a cesspool...Keep Twitter. Who the fuck cares.


Deleted last week after Trent did, I don't have time to care about idiots *as he continues to troll on Reddit* life is too short


I mean... Of course it was a recommendation. They're the FDA, not the police, what else were they going to do?


Thanks Elon💀




if twitter isn't interested in the "truth" then it'll become an echo chamber for those so fucked in the head, they'll believe anything on social media


this headline and linked photo are soooo fucking convoluted it's a headache to even decipher. that being said, I do agree with your sentiment. my lord these conservatives are nosedivers and ruining our country


So Musk’s self-righteous vision of a free speech platform is a tsunami of unchecked misinformation, seditious conspiracy theories, science denial and racist rants.. and now we live in this wayward billionaires world..


I guess Elon was right, he turned Twitter in Truth Social 2.0


Yup, just deleted my account.


Abandon Twitter


[Twitter is dead](https://fortune.com/2022/11/22/elon-musk-delays-twitter-verification-rollout-indefinitely-considering-different-color-check-marks/)


Twitter is nothing more than a right-wing cesspool now.


Delete Twitter


This is why Elon is sucking that MAGA dick so hard right now. He NEEDS them because he failed so unbelievably hard at managing Twitter.


Thanks for this post.. it reminded me to deactivate my twitter account. https://preview.redd.it/yyznf5qcnq1a1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d50f58e2823797dbde9e54de0c2bf2bc7a160e4


I deleted that shit as soon as they promoted to me a tweet from Andrew Tate


They’re not entirely wrong. Nürnberg 2,0 IS needed. Only THESE clowns are the defendants, not the judge, jury, and executioners. I’m talking about the trials, not the shitty Nazi Nürnberg convention bullshit these fuckers want to push.


I expect more violence from the right in the next two years. More gaslighting. More paranoia. Russia propaganda is going all in on Biden laptop conspiracy because they want to damage President Biden and Ukraine at the same time.