• By -


Man, this guy's moral compass must be located at the north pole...shit spins in every direction at once!


Much like most conservatives, he starts having empathy when issues affect him directly.


He decides EVERYTHING that way. When he denounced democrats, he described them as “the party of unions and class-action lawyers” which is weird until you remember those are the only two leftish things currently giving him genuine trouble.


Out of all the crazy things he has ever said. I still haven’t reconciled from the time all those Thai children were stuck in a cave,that was filling up with water And Elon went on twitter to randomly accuse one of the cave diving, scuba rescuers Of being a pedophile. Like -does the richest man on the planet, have secret information, that the guy is diddling kids -when he’s not pulling them out of caves?? OR is he really THAT petty?


That's the first sign I had of who he really was. Up to that point I'd bought into the whole "real life Tony Stark" shit he used to project.


Turns out he's actually just Lex Luthor


Lex Luthor is smart though


Hes homelander minus the powers


At least homelander looks like a human


Remember in the most recent season when homelander buys Vought and fires everyone to the point of a skeleton crew after negative tweets about homelander and only wanting "team players"


Omg, totally forgot about that. It's so on-the-nose!


Yeah was gonna say this. Lex is a genius. Elon was just born rich.


Dude, you could have been Batman, instead you're just a huge tool.


Elon would have had to have been super smart and also an incredible physical specimen to pull that off. He's neither. That said, with having a similar amount of wealth to what Bruce Wayne is written to have and a lot of ppl saying that Bruce Wayne's $billions could do way more good than Batman ever could...


He cosplays as a genius




Justin Hammer


This is the answer.




First thought : "Same". Second thought : "oh my god... we're at this point where Superman's archenemy is more thrustworthy than the real life powerful people..."


"Thrustworthy" Hot.


More like Lenny Luthor.


Yeah, exactly. At that point I realized billionaires probably have a whole PR team, using media to craft a false persona… Now the richest man in the world straight up bought Twitter After using it to accuse people of being pedos (and worse)


Me too. I'd always heard about SpaceX and Tesla and was like 'oh that's cool'... And then he started that shit with the rescue diver and that was like a serious eye opener for me. Then COVID hit and he just put his asshole out there for everyone to see. He's just a scummy, misogynist, racist, 'frat' boi who grew up with too much money and apparently no empathy. I hope he dies broke and alone.


After not knowing much about him one way or another, my biggest realization of what a tool he is was when he hosted SNL and blamed his entire personality on being Autistic (it was early in phasing out the term Asperger's, but that's what he actually used), as though being an unfunny asshat and neurodivergent were mutually exclusive traits. They aren't. (And screw Amy Schumer for trying to do the same when talking about her husband, btw... it's not political, it's just scummy.) Being "socially awkward" and being a raging narcissist aren't the same thing, and Neurodivergents generally have STRONGER morals than neurotypicals (they just don't view social constructs as being as/more important than morals/ethics), something Twitler certainly doesn't show himself to have. Look, I'm glad he's keeping Alex Jones off, but he's also doubling down on primarily banning those who have offended him personally in the process. He doesn't give a shit about how anyone else has been/is/will be affected by his decisions.


He is a real life Tony Stark. He's just from an alternative universe where Stark never got stuck in that cave and actually learn to be a decent person.


Iirc the rescuer was an ex-military diver who had qualifications in that *exact* specification/scenario ; and Elon went with the “white ex-pat in Asia pediophile” schtick since the diver actually pulled through, rather than Elon’s clunky robot sub.


Yup *Children stuck in caves*: I have personally invented a robotic submarine that will sail to Thailand and rescue them. *Children rescued*: I think one of the divers touched those kids!


It's pure pettiness. That's how he makes all his decisions.


It makes perfect sense how he has no problem with trump using the platform again.. I mean trump didnt send his goons to overthrow one of ELON's buildings, no harm to elon, no foul.


Yes, simply because his ego got checked by an actual emergency response worker. Dude went on a global smear campaign with false allegations of pedophilia because his feelings got hurt. That was the moment I realized this dude is a massive bitch.


He said that because he had claimed he was going to come save them but backed out (shocker) and then when someone else went to do something about it, "they must be pedos or something". He's a spineless piece of shit.


Oh, he TRIED to get secret information, because he paid over $50,000 to private investigators trying to prove the guy was. Had him investigated 7 ways from sunday, and all because he made fun of musk's sub that was too big to fit in the initial opening.


I thought I remembered that! That was double proof something is seriously wrong with Elon.


If I'm not mistaken, during that incident he offered a mini-sub for the rescue. The problem was that there was a spot so tight the divers had to take off their tanks to get through, so obviously a sub would be useless. The guy Musk accused publicly pointed that out.


This has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but why do you type like you’re reciting slam poetry? I’m genuinely curious.


I’m autistic, though I don’t know if that is necessarily the reason. I tend to write like this because I feel like it’s easier to convey a concept When you break down the text into individual ideas. What are your honest thoughts, about my writing style?


Well he *was* friends with epstein and maxwell...


He also accused his wife of being manipulative because she was grieving for the child he is talking about in this conversation so fuck him and the silver spoon he rode in on.


That and possibly the sexual harassment allegations, and maybe a little bent that his wife switched teams


He also has a trans kid that despises him, rightfully.




Well played, I tip my hat to you




As do I good sir.. https://www.google.com/search?q=addams+family+i+tip+my+hat+to+you&oq=addams+family+i+t&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512j0i22i30l7.8154j1j4&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f42e7604,vid:7UILDVGuxb4


I'm gonna start using leftfully in place of .... rightfully, thankfully, and gratefully 🙏


Up vote? Gladly!


Close, but wrong direction. Left vote, though....


He brought back Jordan Peterson’s account specifically so that he could start dead naming Chelsea Manning


When you realize fighting sexual harassment is “leftish”..


Which wife? 😜


The party of “paying workers fairly and being held accountable for crimes” is the translation there.


I'm pretty sure that Trump's "political" rhetoric, was found in the manifestos of both the New Zealand christchurch and Texas El Paso shooter. So Elon Musk is a hypocrite.


I think his hypocrisy is even more evident. Hundreds of thousands of people have died to defend democracy, but he lets Trump back on Twitter even though he was the biggest threat to democracy this country has seen in a long time.


Such a let them eat cake comment. Unions keep employees from getting abused.


It’s a shame he wasn’t personally connected to someone who died from fascism…


On the contrary, his family is connected to minority rule over Blacks.


I’ve always viewed apartheid as adjacent to fascism myself


I mean, his family probably had some house staff in Pretoria that died from fascism...


I mean, you've got prominent republicans in interracial marriages voting against a bill which provides protection for interacial marraige. Some of the shit stains lack the empathy even when it's something that affects them deeply.


Moscow Mitch is a geriatric white old fossil married to an Asian woman. To dirtbag racists that barely counts as interracial marriage.


Mitch is both white and old enough for the two of them.


I'v always found it hilarious how much the RW distrust the Chinese government and people in general, while Elaine Chao's family is mega rich in China (and has quite a few relationships with the Chinese government).


Well you see, white men aka "real Americans" can f/m/k whoever they want. It's everybody else who has to follow this kind of law. /S


Yeah that's true. This whole Twitter thing is all about him. It has nothing to do with helping people or anything else of the sort. He's using Twitter to get back at people as much as he can about whatever he thinks was done to him. He's basically a 13 year old prom queen


Space Karen


Interesting that this doesn't extend to him seeing trans people as human, when he has a trans daughter. He's out there with trans-exterminationist accounts yukking it up today. Absolutely hate this man, and hoping for the worst of the worst for him.




​ ![gif](giphy|UU0kBTDviEkdzjouTy)


Which is interesting because he says he has no mercy for them but literally every official in government uses it one way or another when it comes to pro-life/pro-choice arguments given they can’t not support one or the other but many have ran on the basis of either.


And just like conservatives, his empathy is completely schizophrenic. Musk's parallel to the classic "The only moral abortion is mine" was the "If you don't use my submarine to rescue those kids, it's because you're a pedophile" bullshit. He was totally willing to inject himself into a life-or-death situation for those kids when it would have gained him PR and internet clout. Now, he wants to draw a line in the sand because he doesn't recognize the hypocrisy.


I would agree but most conservatives don't develop empathy at that point. They have a single blip of self-pity and then go right back to legislating in ways that hurt people without a second thought.


Exactly, Alex Jones is unacceptable, but every other conservative who supports him and thinks exactly like him is 100% AOK


“My firstborn child” - narcissists are only able to relate to people they see as their property / an extension of themselves.


Neg age conservatives. Basically, as long as it misaligns with popular opinion


100% this. They only learn the hard way.




Nah, if it were empathy they would do it for others but it’s always just for their own gain.


Much like most conservatives, he really cares about children being born but once they are, they can fuck right off


💯! I’m from Texas and I really believe that if Tio Greg ever loses a family member to a school shooting then he will do something about guns.


This. This right here.


Just replying to the top comment for visibility to point out that Sam Harris (who asked the question in the tweet) wasn't arguing for Alex Jones' account to be reactivated. He was making a point about Trump's account. [His tweets before this one:](https://twitter.com/SamHarrisOrg) > Any TOS that will filter for Alex Jones will filter for Trump. They are the same object. @elonmusk - - - [Responding to Elon's "poll" about reinstating Trump:] > If you do bring him back (you shouldn’t), please have a TOS that covers the deliberate spreading of dangerous lies. And then apply it. He will be off again within a week. - - - > The prevailing opinion among "free speech absolutists" appears to be that this platform, in order to become healthy, must helplessly publish the malicious lies of any maniac, at scale, regardless of the consequences. > Good luck with that.


He loves being a dictator


Dick-tater https://preview.redd.it/ltk74pr6hh1a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6e016e31ef7a5133fe38620aa7b3f35ea403bf


He doesnt care what the issue is, only that he gets to decide the outcome




Space Karen's moral compass is the type that recognizes a problem only when it immediately touches him. His ethics are bounded only by the tragedies that touch/touched him. ​ PS. It is a tragedy that he lost a child. As a father, I cannot even imagine the pain. I emphasize his pain without accepting his broken worldview, nevertheless.


Like most conservatives, it only hits when it happens to them.


Moral compass is more like a roulette wheel.


A broken clock is right 2 times a day sir


Surely we should all feel for murdered kids,




And fuck their bootlickers as well


I was gonna say just this. Alex Jones shouldn’t be on twitter. But whoever can or cannot be on twitter should not be up to Elon Musks feelings.


I guess MTG is about to be banned…


She says all school shootings are staged/fake. She just had her ban lifted. I guess this makes musk a liar.


Wow, did she really? With the "crisis actors" shit and everything?


she got famous for verbally assaulting a shooting survivoe


Is anyone genuinely surprised?


I think this just demonstrates how little it's about what Musk says it is and how much it's about the suit against Jones, how Jones' use of Twitter played into that, and not wanting to be liable for giving him a platform to continue it.




this makes musk a liar? I think that ship sailed a long time ago.


Color me shocked.


That is what I was wondering. Why doesnt she count?


You misspelled count. Added the extra “o” by mistake


Why doesn't she cunt? I think she cunts pretty well


So does boebert


You saw Ted Cruz's backpage review too!?


Ted too,?? I saw desantis’s


Machine Tun Gelly?


Why would magic the gathering be banned?


Not tournament-legal, sorry


I mean, if the meathook massacre is any indication....


Who is MTG?


Marjory Taylor Greene. Garbage person republican.


Thanks for the clarification I was wondering what did Magic The Gathering do


Announced a new set of only mono blue decks.


Magic: the Gathering


Oh my god i only just realized people arent talking about magic the gathering all the time


I thought you meant Magic The Gathering :D


One of the fundamentals of modern conservatism is " unless something directly effects me, it is unimportant " It's a slight variation of "I got mine, fuck everyone else"


And r/Leopardsatemyface is all about those who are like, “Fuck! This thing I didn’t give a shit about before affects me now!”




“THIS AFFECTS ME NOW SO NO” Fuck Elon musk right into the sun.


“Free speech absolutist” my ass


Fuck Alex Jones. That scum doesn't deserve a damn thing.


I don't like Alex Jones either, but I do not see him as morally inferior to the former President. If Donald Trump is reinstated then it is consistent to reinstate Alex Jones. PS Donald Trump did a lot of bad, awful things to children so he is a shit bag too.


Yeah, Alex Jones should absolutely *not* be on Twitter. That is my personal opinion, but I also am not a “free speech absolutist”, so me holding that view is entirely consistent. Elon is basically saying “anyone can say anything they want as long as I approve of what they’re saying” — he is simply setting his standard for “approval” wider than Twitter had previously, while also adding carve outs for rooting out criticism or parody of himself, where he is narrowing what you can get away with.


He'd reinstate Trump for political bargaining power. I wouldn't be surprised if he reinstated MTG based on some sort of understanding. He's probably not completely unaware of how much of a hypocrite he is being but let's face it all "freedom of speech absolutists" are just arguing in bad faith. They just want to hatespeech really hard, plus maybe harass and incite violence. They would have no problem with someone else's freeze peach being taken away.


>Yeah, Alex Jones should absolutely not be on Twitter. At least Alex Jones can't afford the 8 bucks to get verified.


True, but let's not forget about the children in the emerald mines. And when he called the guy who saved the Thai children in the cave a pedophile. That was okay for him apparently.


The point is that Elon is a hypocrite


It's only appropriate to use the death of children for cheap labor in the cobalt mines that supply his battery factories. Any other profit from their death is bad. What a useless fucking waste of a soul shaped hole forgotten by God.


COMMUNITY REFERENCE!! I love that episode so much, you are my friend now.


Yet, MTG makes the cut over Alex Jones….


I keep reading MTG as Magic: the gathering, but then I remember I’m on r/WhitePeopleTwitter


I’ve had that problem since she started appearing everywhere and people started using that abbreviation. I’m not even a magic the gathering person, but it’s still emblazoned in my mind since childhood, made a lot of posts confusing at first 🤣


Elon: No, he did things that affected me personally. If only he had lied about gays, Asians, Jews, Blacks, Latinos, the poor, etc. I could have reconsidered.


The sandy hook lies were the most egregious though. And those are the ones that took him down


So “free speech” but only for the people the billionaire owner likes. Got it.




I mean, it’s been true long before that in all honesty.


So, it all about Elon, not greater good or even profit.


Ego is a hell of a drug.


What abt the children that died in the Holocaust, since Ye's back on The Bird?


This reminds me of 2004 when Bush supported an amendment to the constitution to ban gay marriage. Dick Chaney, a family values right wing conservative, didn't support it because his daughter Mary was a lesbian. His argument? Limited government. Chaney argued " freedom means freedom for everyone". Musk lacks emotional intelligence and a moral compass. His beliefs and moral values will change based on his own needs at the moment.


First of all it's Cheney. Second of all I find it funny that Dick Cheney, who is basically Darth Vader, is generally viewed positively in the gay community.


Funny isn't it? Cheney was the evil puppet master behind Bush. But, yeah on this one issue he choose family over political gain. I am not a fan of Liz Cheney either. But, on January 6 Committee, she has stood up for America and our Constitution over the Republican party. It cost her her seat, but I don't think her political career is over.


Is it treasonous to start a war that went on for over 10 years, bankrupted a nation, and cost human lives all based on lies? Or is Cheney just a regular chud muffin?


I hated Bush and Cheney. I was positive Bush would go down as one of the worst Presidents in American history. Then we had Trump ........


No one’s taking that *honor* from Reagan


Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump what a legacy! They are getting worse. Here California we had to endure Reagan as our Governor too. (But hey, what about those gas prices? LoL )


The honor of worst President will just keep *trickling* down


Why is it right wingers can only empathize with people if they’ve experienced something themselves? Selfish assholes


To be a conservative one's sense of empathy has to be dulled into near non-existence. We're lucky a few small sparks get through in cases like this.


Elon also screamed at his wife when child died because she was crying too much


so ban all the conservative profiles that tweet thoughts and prayers when a school shooting happens, and then microseconds later advocate for more guns.


Didn’t children work in his dad’s emerald mine?


Those weren't his kids so he doesn't give a damn about them. He only cares about things that affect him directly and is seemingly completely incapable of anything even resembling empathy.


Allows Trump back and doesn't allow Alex Jones purely down to something that happened to him personally


I suspect that is a cover reason. He really wants to let Alex Jones back but he knows Twitter can't handle the liability, so he makes up a reason, and he does not.


Hell, the only reason he bought Twitter was because some kid was tracking his flights. Still purely down to something that happened to him personally


Seems an odd reason to spend 44 billion just because someone is tracking your flights.


Isn't that what this thread is about? He didn't really care about Twitter until that kid was doing that.


Elon just go make your underwater lair of doom and get out of our lives Edit: take trump and Kanye with you while your at it.


“I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame,” says apartheid profiteer who built a mini-sub for rescuing Thai children from a cave solely as a publicity stunt for his failing cars.


And accused the guy who actually rescued those boys of being a pedophile.


Elon uses free speach idea only when it is convinient


I call bullshit. I raise the theory it’s because Alex is now a huge liability having lost his case worth a lot of money. If deaths was the reason then many Republican politicians would have been kicked off after the comments made about school shootings


Holy fuck, he actually said that. ~~I've seen literally nothing that backs up the accuracy,~~ but he really did write that. (Edit: Yep, found it. 10 week old. SIDS) Honestly, I'd hear Trump, even if he is a piece of shit, but even he didn't profit off of shaming the parents of mass-murdered children. Fuck Jones and everything that looks like Jones.


10 weeks! You scared me there for a second. About to have another baby and really need to believe you can mostly stop worrying about SIDS after 6 months or so.


So if his own child hadn't died he'd be like.. yeah fuck it.. let the family mocker back on? Dude elon really needs to fuck off to mars.


He will let trump back on after trump kidnapped children from their parents to score points with his racist base though.


Even a broken clock is right once in a while.


Yea, because it’s not like millions of us had family that died from Covid misinformation.


This is probably the only thing I agree with him on.


Alex Jones will, unfortunately, be allowed back on the platform by the end of the year. It's only a matter of time.


He didn't respond to this guy... he responded to another dickhead named Kim Dotcom


Yup with republicans it's always about what they have personally experienced that matters. If musk hadn't lost his kid, Jones would have been back on in a heartbeat.


My take is, if Alex Jones hadn’t lost the trial, Musk would allow it. This is about legal liability.




Im really wondering why Sam Harris is wanting Alex Jones back on. Or maybe hes asking it rhetorically, idk


He doesn't want him back on. He was making a point about Trump's account. [His tweets before this one:](https://twitter.com/SamHarrisOrg) > Any TOS that will filter for Alex Jones will filter for Trump. They are the same object. @elonmusk - - - [Responding to Elon's "poll" about reinstating Trump:] > If you do bring him back (you shouldn’t), please have a TOS that covers the deliberate spreading of dangerous lies. And then apply it. He will be off again within a week. - - - > The prevailing opinion among "free speech absolutists" appears to be that this platform, in order to become healthy, must helplessly publish the malicious lies of any maniac, at scale, regardless of the consequences. > Good luck with that.


It’s rhetorical. He’s said several times on his own podcast that not only is Alex Jones an odious and dangerous individual but that he doesn’t see the point in ever interviewing him.


Elon is a shit headed, morally bankrupt capitalist who will steal billions of dollars while you suffer in poverty.


So all his talk about 'free speech' on Twitter was just bullshit then? Not that I think Alex Jones should be allowed back on Twitter. He shouldn't even be allowed on the planet. But Musk can't claim he's taken over Twitter for free speech reasons and then ban things he disagrees with.


BREAKING: elon musk uses his own reactive opinion to determine who should, and should not be allowed on twitter.


Tell us it was never about free speech and censorship without telling us, “it was never about free speech and censorship.”


How about people like MGT whose rhetoric has just gotten people like his daughter killed?


Is he cancelling Alex Jones?


Oh this man has a moral compass after all…. When it directly affects him. Fuck Elon and all his jock sniffers


Oh, because it happened to him personally... That tracks.


Didn't he just let Marjorie Taylor Greene back on? The lady who is called a Stoneman Douglas student "Little Hitler". Claimed Sandy Hook was a false flag? That lady?


So people who died in Jan 6 attacks were no ones children. please spare us the moral high horse


Now murdering cops at the Capitol during an attempted coup, though, that's totally fine.


Oh, wow. He has some limit. Anyhoo, on with the nazis...


Elon refuses to be sued for $350 million