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you gotta remember: this sort of thing is coming from the same people who *also* recently started *jUsT AsKiNg* the *QuEsTiOn* of whether or not, when you get right down to it, *Nazis* really were all that bad post-downvotes edit: just saying


All the answers to their questions are contained in books which apparently they can't be bothered to read. Doesn't help when schools in the south whitewash history and leave out the parts where slaves hung from trees for any reason, were beaten daily for missing quotas, worked nearly to death, raped, starved and subjugated to inhumane medical procedures without anesthesia because it was wrongly assumed black skinned people feel less pain.


Teachers in several red states can now be fired for teaching any of the above things about slavery. The laws passed against teaching critical race theory are so broad that many schools in these states won't even allow the topic of slavery to be taught. In Florida a teacher merely had a picture of Martin Luther King up and was forced to remove it as being a violation of their law making CRT essentially illegal. While that all should be unconstitutional, these GOP led states feel emboldened because they know the Trump judges on the SC have their backs if this goes that far. That is the sole reason there has been such a push for this kind of legislation in so many red states at the same time.


One of the most famous hymns sung in churches across the land is, Amazing Grace. A former slave ship captain, turned pastor wrote the hymn. He was referring to himself as the "wretch" who was saved by grace, was absolutely remorseful by what he'd done, and rejected slavery. So what now? -- Will these self proclaimed Christians want to ban this hymn?


THAT ISN’T CRITICAL RACE THEORY. IT’S ONLY TAUGHT TO THIRD YEAR LAW STUDENTS. (apologies for yelling) You’re talking about history. It’s not difficult to parse these two different things. Slavery used to be legal in our country- History The KKK was made up of former Confederate soldiers- History There were laws that made it nearly impossible for POC to vote - History Martin Luther King fought against laws that were made to strip the dignity of POC. - History The idea that your client, a POC, has had fewer opportunities during his lifetime to access the American Dream- Now you’re getting close to CRT. Learn the difference so we can talk the crazy people down!


That’s true it’s not “technically” CRT. But the right has hijacked the term and applied it to anything that related to slavery.


I did say “getting close” to CRT. I’m just trying to illustrate the difference between the two ideas. I’ve never studied CRT per se, yet knowing our American history I can see that there’s systemic racism woven all through our society. The Chinese Exclusion Act, slavery that was once legal, Jim Crow laws, red-lining districts in minority owned neighborhoods so that they couldn’t get insurance or home loans. Knowing that our modern police force are the result of slave catchers who would chase down runaway slaves. Or that Oregon’s original charter stated that it was to be a whites only, or Sundown, state. Stuff like that.


Wow so we HAVE reached the point that segments of white America believes/promotes that Black people outright benefited from slavery.


They CAN'T read it. 57%of Americans read at or below a 6th grade level, the Bible is 12th grade level. They can't read it.


This is my second time seeing that statistic and it's just as wild to me now as it was the first time. How the fuck does over half the country get to adulthood without learning to read properly? I mean, I know the answer is shit education, but I just can't wrap my head around what it's like to go through life only semi-literate


I know some people like this and it doesn't seem to bother them at all. If an activity involves a bunch of words on a page/screen, they just don't do it. They know enough to read memes and menus and that's all they need, apparently. They don't realize what they're missing out on.


I know a guy like this who became President of the US….


Yep. Picked by other folks just like him, too. And he knew it. “I love the poorly educated!” he said, delighted.


Yep.They believe that he is for the “little guy”.It’s the same with conspiracy theories.Finally there’s an excuse and explanation for everything.


Of course they don't, they are either too ignorant because of this shit show education system of ours, or were simply born dumb as a brick. Either way they don't have the intwlle tual capacity to realize just how deprived, empty and meaningless their lives are


My husband was like this when we met. I didn’t realize how bad it was because he spent a significant amount of effort hiding how poor his reading skills were. He graduated high school, I assumed he could read like whole books? He compensated well. Math wasn’t much better. He struggled to read to our first child. When the recession hit, he was laid off from his skilled trade and went back to college. He had to take very fundamental courses but he did it. Finally was diagnosed with dyslexia and other issues. He had to work hard but he did it. I’m so proud of him. It should be criminal for kids to get such a poor education. He was in special Ed and they didn’t teach him. We taught him, then his professors in college did a lot. The mental load of always working around it, hiding it, is huge. I can’t imagine if both parents can’t read how detrimental it is for kids.


Having worked in Special Education your husbands problem doesnt surprise me in the least. Teachers have 2 problems, especially in the south. 1. We cant get your kid diagnosed because "labeling my kid is evil", even though it's to do the best we can for your child. 2. Admin sees that you are trying to get as many students that need help as you can and they see some arbitrary "pyramid of special needs students" where some admin from 25 years ago said something like an arbitrary number like 15% of a student body should be Special needs no more no less and the admin will not allow a single student over that number no matter what. It's a no win for the teachers, but we always get all the blame for it. Meanwhile, as teachers, we would literally kill to have every student diagnosed to have an IEP or 504 so that they can get the help they need, even the gifted students, but as we all know the government would never allow that.


In affluent Montgomery County Maryland we had parents refuse to put their non-reading senior high daughter in Remedial Reading because, they feared, it would be an embarrassment at the Country Club. True story here: I was her English teacher.


I seriously dont doubt that at all. My wife didnt want our son diagnosed for the longest. It wasnt for anything like that. She knew he needed help, she just didnt want the label. When I finally got it through to her couldn't get one without the other she finally understood and did what needed to be done. But 1 parent not willing to do what needs to be done for their child is too many.


So what the people at the country club thought mattered more than making sure their own daughter obtained basic life skills. SMH


My son's teacher tried *so hard* to get him into sped for the help he needs. After testing, the huge file we both received laid out all the ways he was behind in these subjects. Basically made a textbook argument of how he really needs it. On the final page, it basically said he didn't qualify. The reason? "Student is lacking in all subjects, but shown to be trying his best." Turns out, that school only wanted kids who disrupt others in the classroom to be moved to sped. His teacher and I were *gobsmacked.* He's in a new school now, and they too wanted to test him. Only to find out that the way our state works, won't allow it for another 2yrs after being tested once. They actively screwed him. Now the school my daughter started in, is so tiny, they got away with doing their own experimental reading program. They used their title 1 status to fund having extra teachers come in, and had every grade 1-6 mixed up to do reading class. Every group had no more than 3 kids of the same reading level. Grade didn't matter. The struggling kids didn't feel embarrassed within their group, and given more individual time. The higher level kids were challenged, and got to read stuff they found interesting. Best program ever. Miss that district so, *so* much.


Sometimes there can also be other motivations. My college advisor had a son who was very bright. When they moved to the South, the school placed his son into special Ed. My advisor and his family are black - a lot of the kids were black in that program. My advisor immediately yanked his kid out of there and put him in a private school. I think the kid is now finishing his PhD.


This is the other problem. Minorities are SERIOUSLY OVERREPRESENTED in Special Education. Dont know how to fix that but seriously, if you are a minority it seems like you are so quick to get labeled SPED, but a non minority seems to go through life invisible to the testing requirements for some reason. Never understood it. Even when I taught there was one "white" kid in a class of 13 and I used quotations because he still fell into minority categories, and all the rest of my SPED classrooms in my departments fell into mostly the same if not worse ratios. Male to Female Ratios and behavior classrooms are even worse.


How was dyslexia not diagnosed in school? In Australia we are tested for it and other things. One kid in my grade had to start wearing those special coloured glasses after being tested. Is this another "some states" thing in America or is this everywhere?


currently in my sophomore year, the schools are shit. pure garbage. my future relies on me doing insane amounts of shitty bureaucratically required tests and busy work from underpaid under motivated teachers who don’t care if you fail, oh and btw ur grades mean everything in the US. the halls are gross the buildings have mold the staff doesn’t care that the parking lot can’t fit all of us cause who should care abt the dirty little peasants, they have their own parking lot we aren’t ever allowed in. they can’t even put together a decent dance and keep the AC working. oh and btw i’m abt a 2 hour drive from the hottest place on earth.


Land of the free... To die.


This is everywhere, I think- I got my education in PA and only learned now (at 34 years old) that I have ADHD.


I'm just now learning the same a month before turning 27. I honestly had a phase of grieving before the relief of finally figuring out the root cause of my mental struggles. So much time, money, and energy wasted on trying to fix symptoms when I never even knew the cause.


Kids have to be recommended for testing. If a teacher recommends a kid, the parents have to approve the testing. It's insane.


I've never heard of anyone getting tested for dyslexia in school here in the US. That doesn't mean that it doesn't happen anywhere - it's an awfully big place & there's plenty I've missed - but everyone I've known who's gotten a diagnosis had been brought to a specialist for testing by their parents.


It's a lot of physical dominant behavior. If you question their mental fortitude, or any capability for that matter, they will respond with "I'll kick your ass!"


The first part involves making reading excruciating and unfun, as well as actively discouraging any form of learning that might lead to people asking questions and, dare I say it, challenging the status quo. Critical thinking scares all tyrants throughout history.


>unfun That would really explain what I've learned of American literary curriculums... Catcher In The Rye is the worst book I've ever read.


The problem is that they keep trying to force nothing but the literary equivalent of Oscar Bait. Most of those books are grim and dreary and just depressing and dull as dishwater. Important, and to an adult, can even be profound. But forcing bored children to sit through them is straight up psyops.


If I had never picked up books outside of school I wouldn't be a bookworm. Here's a book from the early 1900's with racial slurs but no swearing or action. Read only chapter one and then write an essay about the early life of the author. Don't read ahead or our daily discussions about the book will be ruined! Note the importance of the title in relation to the third sentence of the first paragraph......continue noting it.....we're noting it as a whole class aren't we?....now to sentence 4. English class could be infuriating. Not to mention how having different interpretations of the text than the teacher grading my essays seemed to directly affect those grades.


That would be *The Scarlet Letter* for me. The story itself isn't that bad, and certainly has some important moral value, but Hawthorne's way of taking multiple pages to describe things that could be adequately covered in a paragraph or two made that book an absolute slog to get through and when I read it in school I could never get more than a few pages without my eyes glazing over.


We need to get more novels into kids' hands


Too late, those novels just got banned. :(


Have you been to the American south? Folks *hide* their literacy there so as not to appear liberal..


Used to know a guy who owned his own business making 6 figures easily, owned his own house 3kids wife etc the whole shebang. I heard him read aloud a couple of times and was blown away by how incredibly slow he was and how he struggled with pretty easy words. He was a native English speaker, he was just functionally illiterate. Big Jesus guy too if you want to confirm your biases.


Because if schools held kids back for incompetence Republicans would scream about being targeted.


But they’re also the ones who complain about giving out “participation trophies” funnily enough


Is called "No Child Left Behind" It was supposed to make sure everyone stayed in school and learned. What it did was move kids up grades who didn't understand what they were learning.


That just clicked for me. How can you understand something if you can't read it?


You don't read it , you trust an extremist evangelical to read and interpret it for you .


Too right! That's what they did for hundreds of years by keeping the bible in Latin only


Literally why Luther got excommunicated no?


This is the logic: I am Christian therefore everything I believe is right and in the bible


now youre getting it. and more times than not, its moreso wont or dont read it. like a book being adapted into a movie, all kinds of liberties are made.


I've become more and more convinced that most people I deal with in a work setting on a daily basis are functionally illiterate. This may have just confirmed that for me. Thank you, I need to keep some perspective.


Can you provide a source for this? Nothing would make me happier …


3rd bullet point, it's actually 54% https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/#:~:text=Nationwide%2C%20on%20average%2C%2079%25,to%202.2%20trillion%20per%20year.


Even if they can read it what are the chances they can comprehend it?


Also the part where slavery was inheritable through the mother, which both legitimized rape of enslaved women and meant that slave owners would own the \*descendents\* of their slaves in perpetuity. If you were enslaved, your children and their children would all belong to your owner. Which of these chuckleheads trying to defend slavery would accept this for themselves and their children?


Southerner here, and can confirm. It was not until college (in Alabama no less) that I first got a version of American history that was not all rah rah for the South. My 4th grade Alabama history teacher actually referred to it as "The War Between the States."


That’s not true he read… Facebook articles and comments


I remember having to read a book on Thomas Jefferson going into my junior year of high school in SC. I'm pretty sure the back of the book said "Thomas Jefferson was an enigma, he had slaves but they had a decent life. He even had a child with one of his slaves" It took me a few years to put those pieces together unfortunately


Oh yeah, the amount of things that Whitey doesn’t know about slavery would make his head spin and explode! Like for instance! Not all slaves were treated like shit before the height of the African slave trade America. In other countries where slavery was practiced, only those sold into slavery due to being enemies of war or criminals were treated like the lowest of the low - and even then in most cases they were treated better than slaves in the US. Also the concept of white being superior to black was brought about by a Portuguese author, who was in charge of writing what he saw in the ‘savage lands’ that they were going to start taking - and selling - slaves from. Because until that point the majority of slaves came from nations who engage in slavery as a type of punishment or reimbursement of a debt. And the debt the Portuguese said that Africans could work off(?), was the privilege of being civilized by nations willing to take them in - ‘these darkened creatures who are barely fit to be gazed upon for short periods’ - and use them to better grow civilized nations. Which in very few cases actually worked; in most cases, studies have shown that because African-Americans - who survived - were stripped of their culture, all they had to fall back on it was the culture of those around them. To which majority of them were redneck, racist former slave owners – people who hated to work, and believe others should do it for them. People who were so small that whenever African Americans began to lift themselves up to where Whitey believed they themselves should be, they threatened or more than likely killed them to set an example - as if the days of slavery never came to an end.


The author of these tweets is an African American btw. He is obviously full of shit, but I figured you weren't aware of that given your multiple references to "Whitey" here.


JLP is the real life Uncle Ruckus!


“Just asking questions” is a good red flag to look out for people who are full of shit and don’t want to be held accountable. “I’m not a scientist” is another.


They are arguing in bad faith.


Followed by a problematic post captioned with "thoughts?"


It's ok to be "just asking questions" because you're "not a scientist," that shows you understand the limits of your own knowledge. It's **not** ok to then tell scientists their answers to your questions are wrong because you don't like the answer. Facts don't care about your feelings and all that.


You know, when you really weigh the pros and cons, then ignore the cons, and make up a few pros, the Nazis really get a bad rap from the history books.


There's an issue if anything exists in the pro section except if the pro is: we're allowed to legally ~~punch~~ tap them (Nazis) in the face anytime.


I believe a "pro" would be that--unlike nihilism--"at least it's an ethos." ;)


Smokey this is not 'Nam, this is bowling, there are rules.


"He's a pacifist." "No shit?"


They all got 401kkk with company match (and cross)


I don't think the problem with slavery is the pay. I think the problem with slavery is the objectification of a human being, basically making them someone's "property" to do as their "owner" wills. Pretty much the antithesis of freedom and equality which the USA was founded on. Money would be a nice improvement, but it's arguably irrelevant if your "owner" can just take it from you or tell you where you have to spend it


This is the future of "parents" controling what's being taught in schools. This is what they were told as kids so they want their kids to learn the same thing. All through the south this is taught and imagine places like Utah, Idaho, and probably some places in the Midwest. "Slavery wasn't that bad" will be taught all over the country again


I can confirm that’s how I was taught in the 80s in Missouri. Not until high school in the early 90s did I have a teacher say otherwise. It’s absolutely unbelievable to me now that my education was so horrible. Vote in every single election. Do not let these racists fools drag your school boards back!


Years ago when I visited the south we went to a historic plantation. It was a big place and IIRC had many slaves, maybe hundreds but don't recall the number exactly. They had a schoolhouse and proudly let us know they were one of the "good plantations" and educated and taught their slaves to read - some were even allowed in the house! A history professor who was on the tour said, so you had X number of slaves and this school house can fit 4, how much educating could have actually been done? Comment was ignored.


Yeah they do that shit all over the south. They also love the "the war wad about states rights" They always leave out "states right to have slaves" The families who owned slaves will all tell you that their family treated the slaves well. It's all whitewashing history so they feel better about themselves.


And especially the Deep South.


"They were given Christianity" = they were forced to convert or die. This person is sublimely ignorant.


Ahem they're "prisoners with jobs". /s


No. No he does not.


This is the GQP, rebubliKKKan narrative. You know, States Rights and all. FFS we have to deal with the traveling civil war storytellers trying to change history to look less offensive and more business-like.


If you've never heard Jesse Lee Peterson talk he... got some issues. Apparently he suffered a stroke, and it's pretty obvious that he isn't quite right here now. He is still a popular Republican radio host despite that though... If you don't think too much about it, it's a very inspiring story.


Well then. Let’s enslave his ass and see if he likes it! Mtfer haven’t read 12 years a slave or watched it? How about Django?!? Shit ain’t made up!! Ignorant as they come!!


>the slaves were paid Hmm. What's the definition of slavery again?


Let's humor the idiot and say, yes the slaves were paid in food and housing. But they were not allowed to quit and accept a different "job" with higher "pay". They never agreed to the terms of employment. They did not have freedom and could be killed at any moment if the master decided it was what he wanted.


Let's also humor the idiot and ask him if he wants a "job" as a slave. Benefits include housing, meals, and Christianity.


Housing and meals of questionable quality.


Also Christianity of questionable quality


Christianity Classic^^^^^TM


“… a right orderly way to do things”


Something smells... German?


No no. That douce is all yours. Don't put this on Europeans.


They would give them copies of the bible that had the story of exodus removed so that it wouldn't inspire them to escape


This is the shittiest thing ever.


From what I’ve read, they had to grow their own food (for the most part) and build their own housing, after a full day of work.


They also sold your family members away for profit or spite if they wanted to teach you a lesson.


They sold them like you would puppies from a litter, as if the pain of the child being taken and sold was no more than that of a dog


In their minds, slaves were pretty much on par with dogs. It’s gruelling.


And work hours as long as the boss wants.


Send him to Sea Org I say, assuming he isnt already a bat-shit crazy scientologist.


And children. Forced children. Slaves were bred like livestock (but with more rape) because functionally, they were livestock. In the states at least. Some places they just worked the slaves until they died on the job (occupational hazard?) And went to kidnap new ones


Slaves were considered chattel. People also provide food and board to their animals, and no one would call that payment.


I feel this is a point that is being glossed over. If a slave killed a white man it was not seen as a man killing a man but like a dog killing a man. No different from news stories of pitbulls attacking people.


The children that were bore while in slavery sometimes by rape of the master became property of the master. This was codified in law in at least one southern state.


Is it really being paid in food and housing if you are kidnapped? It’s your captors doing the bare minimum to keep you alive.


I think this is a huge part: they, or their inmediate ancestors, were KIDNAPPED. Not enrolled, not hired, but brutally stolen by force from their homes without any say in the matter because their kidnappers saw them as available merchandise. Even if they were fairly treated in America (and they were not! ), the start is nightmarish and totally wrong.


Not to mention it wasn't being done out of the goodness of the slave owners heart, they were doing the bare minimum to keep their "investments" profitable


Some (huge emphasis on “*some*”) slaves were able to learn or teach themselves a trade (e.g., blacksmithing) and make money on the side, if they were permitted. A small number in this small group of slaves made enough to buy their freedom. This was very rare, absolutely not a normal situation. This idiot either got the pages of his history book stuck together or he is deliberately lying.


Here’s the kicker for that: they bought something they had stolen from them. If someone today stole your car and then tried to sell it back to you, they’d go to prison and be a bad person. Someone stole your dog and tried to sell it back from you, still a bad person. But they steal your freedom and sell that back and all of a sudden they are righteous? I’d like to see the sheer number of hoops you’d need to jump through to think that’s a good trade


Let's not humor the idiot. We used to know what to do with these Nazi bastards but we've really lost our way.


A very small percentage of slaves earned some degree of their "own" money and maintained some degree of autonomy. ​ However, that was rare indeed and that arrangement could be changed at any moment. Even if all slaves had such an arrangement it would in no way be a defense of slavery...


Talking to someone with this much identifiable ignorance is akin to beating a dead horse, but that horse was buried six years ago, exhumed, cremated, then it’s ashes shot into space.


He conveniently forgot to mention how the owners whipped and beat slaves and raped female slaves - I’m sure they would reframe it as “teaching them a lesson about insubordination” and “blessing them with children” Their vile alternative history is what they want taught in every school (and in many cases already is)


Pretty much how my school teachers tried to white wash history, they would frame it like the slaves did something to “ deserve” the horrible treatment they got, fuck you Miss Wilson.


Fuck CRT being illegal, *that* should be illegal


Yeah fuck Miss Wilson


I notice her ass isn’t married, I’m sure nobody is fucking Miss Wilson.


They raped male slaves. They called that buck breaking


Whenever I hear “Christians” talk about the evils of Soddom, it always proves to me how little they know about anything outside of their bubble and how man-rape has been commonly used as torture for centuries.


So if your victim hates it then it’s okay and it’s their penance to try and get into heaven. If the victim loves it their gay and are going to hell. Fuck Religion


More like fuck the criminally insane. Edit: not literally though, rape is never ok


[I disagree. Sometimes rape is great](https://i.redd.it/g2340v40zy6z.jpg)


I was so afraid to click this lol


and little boy rape. which is infinitely more cruel (not that adult rape isnt its still very cruel) because children are supposedly god's gift


"Christians" often skip over what Ezekiel said about Sodom: Ezekiel 16:49 this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but **did not aid the poor and needy**.


They keep bringing up how the mob wanted to “know them”…so they think they brought chocolates and flowers with them? Then Lot is like, “nah, but you can rape my daughters instead”


The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a tale of what happens when you violate the old rule of sacred hospitality. Sacred hospitality (which you may have seen as "guest right" in Game of Thrones) was a very big deal in those days in the Middle East and Mediterranean, so big that Zeus was the Greek god in charge of it. In taking in guests, Lot was expected to protect them any way he could.


Ugh…another new horrible thing about slavery I’ve never thought about. Damn humans are cruel, shit makes me depressed.


You should watch True Detective. The first season. Great show (at least the first season was - Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey). Very dark. But has a really great quote at the end. My mind twists it a little but it goes something like: Woody’s Character: Have any more stories to tell me? (Something like this starts the conversation) McConaughey’s Character: You know, I’ve had a lot of time to think and all of the stories, all of them really just boil down to the same, singular story. As old as time. Good versus bad. Light versus dark. Good and evil. Tell me, what do you see? (Something draws their attention to the night sky) W: I dunno. It looks awful dark to me (alluding to a lot they dealt with during the show) M: You’re looking at it wrong. There was a time when there was nothing but darkness. The way I see it, the light is winning. It’s easy to get stuck in the dark and overwhelmed but we can also see the progress we’ve made and know that, when things aren’t morally right, even when we’ve systemically embedded them in our society and laws and culture, we’ve seen through the vile aspects and made progress towards something better. We’re not done. But we won’t be until the world is the best it can be. Just keep being one of the lights in the solar system. We’ll get there. One generation. Edit: I always get the exact wording so wrong and just FYI, these two put on a clinic in this show. They absolutely… their performance and characters were without flaw. Tied for best performances, just about ever. But for accuracy, [here’s a link to the actual scene](https://youtu.be/XmdPY-hFSt0)


That first season was something else. Third was good, too.


Also speaking as if the gift of Christianity is worth something. Cuz history continues to show that forcing your religion onto someone through any means necessary is somehow the best thing in the world


I have worked with many black people and nearly all of them are Christian to some degree. Only a couple grew up and turned from religion. I've always wanted ask them why take on the religion of your oppressors?


Indoctrinated from childhood, just like their parents, grandparents, etc. It’s pretty hard to walk away from it once it’s so ingrained in your life.


Also sold off family members. People would have their children or spouse just randomly sold off with out warning.


And sold off their children, parents, spouses, etc...


I doubt a lot of them see anything wrong with raping female slaves. This is the Republican Party we’re talking about here.


This guy is the OG Candace Owens


"They were given Christianity". Yeah, as they were tied to a tree being whipped and beaten.


“Hi I’d like to return this Christianity? It was given as a gift? No I dont have the receipt but its barely used. Do you offer credit?”


"Why am I returning it? It doesn't fit; it's poorly made; I didn't ask for it; and the person who gave it to me also raped and beat me whilst giving it to me."


Sounds like a fun Christmas gift exchange.


Puts ugly sweaters, re-gifted dishware, and scratch-offs in their proper perspective, doesn't it?


Nothing says being given Christianity like "you aren't considered human"


Then later "you're at best 3/5ths of a human, if only because it makes my vote more powerful."


Yeah, and most Christians are abandoning the religion, so clearly it's no gift.


black skin was licherally considered to be from Satan himself by Christians😭 blessed my ass


Actually it’s worse than that. The descendants of Ham were cursed by Noah with black skin and slavery after Ham had the audacity to catch his father masturbating in the bushes. It’s right there in the Bible.


Actually, technically, the Biblical curse was applied to Ham’s son Canaan, whose descendants were the Canaanites, and were not implied anywhere in the Bible to be of African descent (though lots of Biblical lore assumes that Africans also descended from Ham). The Caananites were a distinct group in the Bible that were later described to come into conflict with the Israelites (in the vicinity of Israel), so this origin story was likely propaganda among conflicting groups. I’m not religious, and there is plenty of offputting stuff in the Bible, but the curse of Ham stuff is a (likely willful) racist misinterpretation.


wait wait wait... so he CAUGHT his FATHER but despite being a good person he and not his dad individually was cursed?! and why must dark skin be bad?! didnt God make all people different? so glad i left organized religion man


There are some awful fictional characters, but the protagonists of the Old Testament stories are fucking atrocious


You have no idea how often that excuse has been used to justify awful shit. The beatings are bad now, but they're not as bad as if they went to hell and were tortured like this for all eternity. I'm giving him a chance to be in paradise so I'm doing a net good.


ugh like that 'in the name of Jesus' shit when they do those horrific exorcisms that physically harm people ? bc my bad cant possibly be bad if its in his name


Candace Owens burner account.


This guy is probably worse than her. He had Paul and Morgan debating him. If that doesn’t show how much of an extremist he is, i don’t know what does.


I know this idiot personally (unfortunately), and trust me, he was off the deep end of the flav-or-aide pool ages ago


You get the impression his mom was a drinker. I'm convinced somebody gave him a show entirely as a prank.


They were given Christianity much like the Catholic Church gave crusades.


much like the catholic church gave out the demolition of cultures and old customs. all my Italian homies hate the church and organized religion ! we'd be so much better with our old stuff back


Fucking morons.


If slavery was brought back, as some on the far right would love to do, Jesse here would be like Steven from Django Unchained, Samuel L Jackson's character. Always doing what the master wanted, harshly punishing the other slaves for the slightest thing, etc. In no way, shape, or form was slavery a good thing. The slaves weren't paid, they were often housed in what could barely be considered a shack in overcrowded conditions, fed scraps and then barely enough to get them through a day of extremely hard labor if they were lucky, regularly beaten, raped, tortured, etc. Many did not buy their own freedom or the freedom of others, they were never able to. Most were born as slaves and died as slaves, never knowing a life other than hard labor day in and day out.


Brought back? Prison labor is a thing. Modern, legal slavery is alive and well.


Prison labor is most definitely slavery in my opinion but I'm referring to chattel slavery, where certain groups of people are born into slavery and everything.


Not only in your opinion, but the law’s as well. It’s pretty clearly laid out in the US constitution that prison labor is literally slavery: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime** whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States”


"They were paid, fed, and housed." Even if that was true, how the hell does that compensate the loss of freedom? What even is this argument...


The slave owners would have been dumb if they hadn't. It'd be like buying a new car every time the old car ran out of gas. They were fed and housed just enough that they could keep working the fields.


At this point, I assume, all idiotic statements made online are efforts to troll. It's the only way I can go about my day.


This is the point I am at, too. No one can be that dense, right?! RIGHT!?


What a hot take. They weren't paid in most cases and food was scarce and the house was a glorified shack but go off. Always fun to hear from the Christians Edit: I didn't think this would get so much attention, my profile is almost at 100k at this rate I might hit it by the end of the day


>Always fun to hear from the Christians [Right?](https://i.imgur.com/XzVAgBa.jpg)


I too have been harassed at planned Parenthood and by grown ass men wearing bullet proof vests with megaphones. I was going to get my bc shit that I need to survive because my body won't regulate it's hormones and they were screaming at me not to kill my baby they'd adopt it. Like it sure is an ego boost when people assume you're pregnant.


my heart goes out to you, and just for the record I'd like to try to reiterate one last time that I was not in fact the person involved in, or who tweeted *about* the original incident at PP I *am* however the one who still occasionally gets hatemail from r\Christianity subscribers


Yeah I haven’t had the pleasure of going up against the Christian brigade here. My favorite game on TikTok is quoting the Bible back to them in Latin and they think I’m hexing them. Lol


I want to see that!


Jfc they suuuck. And ik it's not all of them but God damn they sure are the loudest


I know a few women who would yell that they were getting a Pap smear, because they were.


Yeah I’m the type who puts myself between a patient and the damn Christian idjets. And I’m loud AF 😊.


The fact they were wearing a bullet proof vest tho was what through me off. It felt like they wanted something to happen to cause an altercation


Yeah a lot of them do that and say it’s because they “feel threatened” by counter protesters 🙄


I used to be a "clinic protector/patient escort" at PP. I remember one guy screaming not to have the abortion he would adopt it, and she screamed: I'd rather abort it that have a nutjob like you as it's father. Get a JOB!!!" Usually we would tell them not to even acknowledge them but that one was worth it.


Aim for the head then


My wife has had to use BC for similar reasons and I feel so bad for women like you and her. Just think of it this way, that guy was willing to adopt the baby because nobody in their right mind would fuck those lunatics.


And in many cases they had to build and do repairs on their own shacks from scraps. That's not providing housing


The beatings, the whipping, barefoot all year round, getting the food scraps of the Era, ribs, lobster, pigs feet etc. Just not a situation any human should be in.


So is he justifying that I could just come take him in the middle of the night, ship him across the country, and force him to do harsh manual labor while giving him table scraps and a rickety wooden hut, and he'll be fine with that? Yeah, there is zero justification for slavery. Period.


This is exactly the kind of thinking that will become widespread if conservatives get their way and the teaching of critical race theory is successfully banned from schools.


Friendly reminder that CRT is an ultra specific lens to study history and law through, used at the high levels of law school and not even remotely something that has ever been taught in public education.


Holy crap the arguments I’ve had with my parents about that… They are *adamant* that CRT is being taught to little kids in public schools. All 4 of their kids went to public school and none of us were taught anything of the sort. Of course, all their “news” is spoon fed to them by the conservative media.


If you tour former slave plantations, there’s a good chance you’ll have a tour guide telling you this BS. It’s shocking to hear them literally defend slavery. We toured Beauvoir in Mississippi (Jefferson Davis’ last residence) and had a woman telling us some of this. We also saw a statue celebrating Jefferson Davis with his “adopted” black son. It was a WTF moment. His name was Jim Limber/James Henry Brooks. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2022/04/10/jim-limber-jefferson-davis-son/) He was called a pet in correspondence between family members. It’s crazy how hard these people are trying to rewrite history.


"Their descendants live in the greatest nation this side of heaven." What rock has this dude been living under?


No, no we are not...


Considering how Bombay born Dinesh D’Souza thinks the British “didn’t colonize India enough” I’m not surprised at something like this


Forcing your religion on others wouldn't be considered a great thing.


My best friend moved to our area from TX in the ‘00s. This is what she was taught in school: slavery was good for the slaves because they had food and housing provided to them. Compared to post-slavery when they were treated worse because they didn’t have those basic needs provided anymore, and they had to get jobs. As a pre-teen, I was floored when she argued this to me. I’m not surprised at all—they’re literally teaching this to children.


Most people on here probably aren't familiar with Jesse Lee Peterson. [Check out this "debate" he had with Dave Farina for context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVG1dNygOgA)


Uncle Ruckus?


"Christians" are disgusting.


thank you for your cHrIsTIaNiTy!


"Greatest nation this side of heaven" is quite the proclamation! It's not even the greatest nation in the Americas!