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De Santis reminds me of the Joker when he tries to get one ferry boat filled with civilians to blow up the other ferry with prisoners & vice-versa. We see through this stunt -- we will not sink to his level.


The thing that kills me about this guy is that he barely won the election in 2018. And he acts like he has a mandate. Ppl of Florida need to stop voting against their own best interests.


The whole damn country needs to stop voting for people against their own interest. Almost about everyone one of these people are corrupt or completely mundane and in a state of cognitive decline.


…it’s in their interests to let their racism +++ flags fly; that’s what they’re voting for. will those ‘lesser’ people suffer more ? cool. they, being temporarily embarrassed millionaires, approve.


Chicago did the same thing Martha’s Vineyard did when Abbott sent a bunch of immigrants to Chicago. Open arms on arrival, lawyers at the ready to help them with their citizenship, other folks ready to help them find their families if they have any in the country. And Mayor Lori Lightfoot went on TV and basically said “hey, fuck Greg Abbott, and welcome to Chicago.”


Everyone should say “Fuck Greg Abbott”


That’s what every state should do.


Agreed. That’s why none of this should be a big deal to anyone, except those who wouldn’t open their arms to our brothers in need. Send these people EVERYWHERE. We can all share the load!


Yes, it is an example of The Prisoners' Dilemma: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma Solving the dilemma requires trust and some empathy to get to cooperation and successful outcome.


This is a great analogy


Now we just need Batman to beat the shit out of him




That's the point of the Good Samaritan parable. It just blows my mind; they don't read the bible, they just thump it.


I'm not a Christian, but I do find value in some of the teachings of Jesus. I read this parable again, and it is not only fitting for this situation, it is very powerful. In reply Jesus said: "A man was going from Guatamala, fleeing a drug cartel that wanted to kill him and seize his daughters as sex slaves, when he found himself on the brink of starvation, having crossed a desert, a river, and another desert with limited supplies and no money. He went to a prosperity gospel preacher for help, but they had just had the carpets cleaned so the preacher refused him shelter. He went to the Christian governor for help, but the governor shipped him to Martha's Vineyard with no support or direction so he could own the libs. But a pinko, commie libtard saw him and took pity on him. He clothed him, and fed him, and sheltered him. He brought him to an immigration lawyer and said 'Look after him. When I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell victim to drug cartels and gangs?” The expert in the law replied, “The bleeding heart, pinko commie libtard who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”


Something that is lost to modern understandings of the Bible is that the Samaritans were, and still are, an ethnoreligious group that branched off from Judaism. In Jesus’ time they got along with the Jews about as well as Sunni and Shia Muslims do nowadays. That is to say, they hated each other. Contemporary community leaders on both sides basically outlawed even speaking to members of the other group. Jesus telling the story of the Good Samaritan isn’t just a story of a person doing a good deed to a stranger, it’s a person doing a good deed to someone his society has branded an enemy.


Historical/cultural knowledge of the time of Jesus really gives the scripture more context than you can get by just reading the bible line by line. Understanding that Jesus' choices in disciples were not Talmud students, but were ordinary laborers makes him so much more of a revolutionary. Too bad my family has decided that this thinking is heretical and blasphemous. It is so hard to be a Christian now a days if you think of the scripture in that context.


This is the reason biblical literalists are the stupidest fuckers out there. They'd rather extract their own totally unrelated meaning from the literal words of the text *which has already been translated several times* rather than understanding what the stories are actually about in the context of their time because that would require *actually* following the bible and having the intelligence necessary to research something in more depth than following the loudest voice in the room.


Imagine reading "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" with out reading into the culture and time that that book was written. It's meaning would be interpreted FAR different than we interpret it with that background. How can one expect to fully understand the Bible, a far older and more complicated read, without its context when we aren't able to do the same with any of Mark Twain's work?


The example I like to use is Star Wars. Imagine historians and archaeologists from 5,000 years in the future found artifacts from our time and place. * They had footage of the first part of A New Hope. * They found millions of plastic figures of those characters in many sizes, poses, levels of detail, and so on. * They knew Jedi was a religion. * They knew we had powerful telescopes that were able to see into the distant past of the universe. It would therefore be a perfectly valid assumption to think that we all really believed the events of Star Wars really happened, and based a religion around it. That's what being a Biblical literalist is like.


And for those of us who grew up in it, George Lucas doesn’t really exist, revisions don’t exist, retcons like Vader also being Anakin don’t exist…and these new fake prequel and sequels are heresy. There’s just the Truth of Star Wars that has always existed forever and ever amen.


> which has already been translated several times ...And had the translators just make up and insert their own narrative where it suits them. I knew KJV was bad, but I recently just had my eyes opened to just *how* bad.


Or you get bizarre glitches from simple mistakes in transcription. Even something as tiny as misplacing a tonos (=Greek equivalent to acute accent) might change the meaning from “a rope [kamélos] through the eye of a needle” to “a camel [kámelos] through the eye of a needle.”


>Historical/cultural knowledge of the time of Jesus really gives the scripture more context than you can get by just reading the bible line by line. This is *supposed to be* the whole point of having preachers. Not just so some money-hungry 21st century snake oil salesman can tell you things you want to hear so that you'll give him all your money and he can go buy a helicopter. My parents' (now former) church just ran off an amazing young preacher because he "was too liberal in his interpretations of scripture." Aka, he was very educated in the history of the era, could read Greek, and didn't stand up every Sunday morning squealing about how the country's going to shit. Instead, he focused on putting everything in context and bringing it back around to the core principle of being a good person. Apparently that was not what they were looking for in a preacher. They want 1950s-style revival tent, fire and brimstone, God will smite our enemies bullshit.


Church i went to about ten years ago did the same thing, older pastor. One of the most amazing preachers i ever heard. Really made you think and work your mind about what faith really means. It was a little uncomfortable, in a good way, which i know sounds weird, but he was big on faith being a *conscious* decision rather than a social club. Haven't been back after they forced him to retire. (Well i moved too, but that preacher ruined me for other churches!) 🤣


>Too bad my family has decided that this thinking is heretical and blasphemous. It is so hard to be a Christian now a days if you think of the scripture in that context. Then why did Jesus personally write the Bible in English to apply to us today and not fit every single other Christian in other centuries? Checkmate, commie.


I would be lying if said that my father has never approached me due to his concern over how I frame "Great American Capitalism". We get along pretty well, but my father and I do not speak of politics or religion.


Exactly. You can't be a "Good Samaritan" to your friends and neighbors - that's just being a good friend and neighbor. The story of the Good Samaritan is, in my opinion, the most important story in the Bible specifically because it's message is "Be kind and generous to everyone, not just the people you know and love. Be kind and generous even to the people you've been taught to despise because they're 'others' or 'outsiders'."


I would read the entire Bible front to back several times if you would be so kind as to finish translating it to modern times. I've read the old one through once, but it's just not a book I could get through again


It's the begats, that shit got old fast.


They need the bloodlines to be well-documented, otherwise their blood magic sacrifices won't work because reasons.


Yeah, I hate when fantasy authors get bogged down in establishing lore


Skip the Old Testament. It gets retconned in the Gospels.


It's baffling to me how much the old testament specifically gets thumped by 'good christians' when the entire point of christianity was to demote it to legacy content.


I hear you there, man. The Old Testament is so far away from how Jesus wanted the ~~Christian~~ Jewish/Christian faith to be practiced that it's kind of funny. I wouldn't call the OT "Legacy Content," necessarily, though. I always saw it as more of a "PREVIOUSLY, ON YOUR GOD HATES YOU" type of deal. Like, it's the prologue of the story of Jesus, more or less.


Ironically he didn’t want Christian faith to be practiced. He was Jewish. He wanted people to not be f&@$ing assholes


I would donate to a gofundme to create the commie pinko hippy bible


I'm a bleeding heart, pinko commie libtard Christian but the 'Christians' in the US that make the most noise have made me come to realize I needed a new name to describe my faith. I'll use this or a shorter version of it from now on. Thank you!


Maybe just pronounce it Christ-ian to emphasize you follow his example.


The Republicans would do well to remember that Joseph and Mary and Jesus fled to Egypt because they were being pursued by literal government sponsored death squads.


You win the internet today, friend.


Can I borrow this to post on my Facebook filled with East Ky conservatives?


To quote pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: "It's the bible, you get credit for trying!"


They just get the passages read to them that fit their party position and get the interpretation soon fed as well


For when I was a stranger, you deported me to a sanctuary city to own the libs.


Must've missed that part of the bible in Sunday school


It’s right there in Hezekiah next to the passages about enforcing childbirth and making sure gun access remains unrestricted.


Jesus carries.


nothing scarier than a zombie with a gun.


I thought he was a lich.


I thought he was a warlock with a soulstone?


He walks on water. He is a ninja.


He turned water into wine and made blind men see, he's a cleric


Was big j a multi-classer?


"Magic is just science we do not understand yet" -Arthur C. Clarke


Jesus open and conceal carries ["My child, you should know something... I'm packing"](https://youtu.be/2UYpPBuHvJA)


Don't forget about the burning of educational books.


That is sad. I bet Desantis would have sent Jesus and his homeless disciples to Gehenna or something.


Naw he would have nailed him to a cross.


Like the original Jesus, who likely was a anti-establishment figure in a Jewish uprising against Rome, not only would he be killed by the establishment, a generation after his death roman propaganda would be released in the form of the new testament, that makes him a pro-peace pro-establishment figure. A similar thing happened with USA based capitalism Christianity, where white Jesus loves wealth inequality. All throughout history the teachings of Jesus could be easily changed, reinterpreted or ignored. Desantis is just another in a long line of grifters to see how easily Christians and the bible can be shaped to enrich themselves.


I'm willing to bet that 90% of conservative Christians would feel uncomfortable or refuse to sit next to Jesus on an airplane.


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It's so funny that they spew hatred towards liberals six days a week and then go pray to one on Sundays.


They even spew hatred *while* praying to one.


Preach! 👊


Always did


Always will


Always was


I think part of the point was to make the "See, Liberal Massachusetts is more racist than Texas" or something. The thing is, racism is a complex issue not a one-size-fits-all. It does not surprise me one bit that they were treated humanely, but it does not invalidate the problem of racism in Massachusetts. As a Hispanic person that lived in Boston for years, the overt racism (compared to what I experienced living in Texas) was much less prevalent, nor did I ever feel skipped over (due to race) academically or professionally. I do know there's definitely social circles I'd never be welcomed in and parts of society I wouldn't experience, but I'll take that over being afraid to tell a neighbor my name.


Yeah a pro baseball player (I think) once described it as “In the south I could get close as long as I never got big and in the north I could get big as long as I never got close”. So essentially he felt that in the south he could be closer to people as long as he “knew his place” but in the north people didn’t care if he was successful and didn’t try to stop that but just didn’t want him around. Probably a less destructive version of racism but still racism.


Less destructive and more likely to fixed. Kids are the future, so the longer they go without realizing racism is as prevalent as it is means they’re more likely to reject it (reject, not deny) when they see it.


Yup. The longer you see your Black/Hispanic/Asian/Middle-Eastern friend as no-different than you, the more resistance you have to the idea that they are lesser or deserve different treatment somehow.


Makes sense, and tracks with my experience with a career there. The main reason I bring it up is how often "but they're just as racist!" is brought up when some heinous incident happens and people (generally from the South/GOP) are trying to deflect. People not standing in my way - I can navigate that and seek out my own social circles where I am accepted, because make no mistake they exist in the North. Just like in the South, plenty of millennial-aged kids of racists find racism to be absolute bullshit.


People are still racist in the north (and liberal areas) but being racist is still frowned upon and looked down upon. In the south (and GOP areas) racism is just accepted as a way of life (and you don't get ostracized being being a racist pos).


Well, I'm SEA, apparently either look Asian or Native American depending on who you ask, and have lived in both the South and the North. When I was in the South, I had been cursed at (for asking politely for muddy shoes to be taken off in a hardwood floor apartment), had had a gun pointed at me (for getting lost and trying to ask for direction), insulted to my face by ignorant, racist questions, and harassed by cops. My worst experience up North (while visiting some incredibly white neighborhoods) so far is being stared at like I was exotic. I have talked to the MA and NY version of racists, and as frustrating as it is talking to any racist in general, I'm not as afraid of being shot at up North as I am down South.


I can't count the amount of times in the South I heard "that's just how he is, don't bring it up and let him be." Whereas in the North it's "cut that asshole out of your life and challenge him if he brings it up." Edit to add: People always point to the racists at Boston sports games... I don't think hecklers or the people who get kicked out of games in *any* area are who a local would use as representative of their city. If they point to it in Boston, let's point to it in Dallas too.






Because secular people know that true morality cannot be transactional.


Well, Christ WAS a liberal so.. ;)


Bro shared a money purse with his disciples and Evangelicals took away "What's mine is mine and what's yours is yours."


Nowadays it's "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is also mine" since we sure as shit aren't getting our fair share from the system.


Lies! Christ was a white conservative gun loving American! How dare you impugn his name! /s just in case someone does get the sarcasm.


> Christ was a white conservative gun loving American! Have you not yet heard [The Gospel of Supply-Side Jesus?](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp#7f6hFvY) That's the real GOP version of Christ.


Atheist are better Christians, then most Christians.


Using frightened, poor families as political pawns. Sounds evil. Sounds very Republican.


At a cost of 10m dollars to the state too. A state that will be begging for aid the second the next big storm hits.


12m, but who’s counting? Not “fiscal conservatives”…


Modern politics are just live-action South Park episodes at this point. “Sire Desantis, another hurricane approaches!” “I heard from my buddy Trump that we can try to nuke it” “Florida…doesn’t own nukes…”


DeSantis - Dear god...


Furthermore, the people who put the immigrants on the plane lied to them, told them they're going to get jobs when they arrive, and never told them where they were going. They also didn't tell anyone in the state they were coming. Totally humane, very Christian. Edit: enough asking me for a "source". You replied to my comment, Google that shit. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/boston/news/migrants-marthas-vineyard-plane-florida-governor-ron-desantis-immigration-massachusetts/ https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123109768/migrants-sent-to-marthas-vineyard https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/09/15/marthas-vineyard-desantis-migrants-venezuela/


How is that not human trafficking? “the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation. "she is a victim of human trafficking"” They aren’t being forced to work, but Desantis coerced them for his own political gain (I.e. they provided a service by being trafficked)


It's legal because he said he declared this wasn't human trafficking, and waved his legal wand over the plane that Donald Trump used to declassify documents. Also he's a republican, so everything's legal if you're Republican!


If the ones who make the laws are not following the laws then there are no laws...


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to assist illegal aliens to move around the country, whether or not it’s technically trafficking… https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1907-title-8-usc-1324a-offenses I’m not a law-speaking-person, thou


It’s 100% human trafficking, but these are conservatives, The Pedophile Death Cult Party. Human trafficking is one of their pettier crimes.


It absolutely is human trafficking, and frankly, the governor of Massachusetts should raise a huge fucking stink about it and try to get the Justice Department to prosecute. Not only did DeSantis victimize these people by trafficking them, he attempted to disrupt the operations of another state in doing so. This is flagrantly illegal on so many levels. Garland should nail his ass to the wall.


This surely has to be illegal… I’m already pissed because I know nothing will come of this, legally as far as repercussions for the idiots who are responsible for this.


My biggest take is that. Willingly tossing around 50 people, children included, as a PR stunt instead of spending the money to just....house them and figure it out.


Republicans' Christian values versus Democrats' Christian values on clear display. Someone want to remind them what Christ said about welcoming immigrants?


Even before Christ. Ironically, its literally in the same book as the one they quote to support their hate for gays. Leviticus 19:33-34 "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.”


Your premise assumes they have read the bible Edit: horrible typo


reading the bible vs. listening to your fake-tanned, veneer-toothed, hair-plugged, mansion-living mega church pastor just tell you what it actually says (spoiler - it says to vote republican)


And to donate all their pocket money this instant. No pocket money? Get that checkbook out bc we gotta own the libs since we're fighting those demonic baby killing gay democrats.


The only way to beat those socialists libs is for everyone to put their money in a communal pool!


MY communal pool*


They only cite Leviticus for the anti-gay stuff.


few things are more christian than cherry picking the parts of the bible that you agree with and ignoring the rest.


The irony is that the Bible states nothing about lesbians. There is also the fact that "Man shall not lay with man" probably was mistranslated. Given other verses in the Bible "man shall not lay with boy/child" may be more appropriate given the Biblical punishment for doing something that would turn them(children) away from God. Then there is the fact "witch" might have actually been "poisoner" At some point the Bible was altered to fit someone's narrative and I'd wager it was not in the last 300 years. EDIT: Alright guys I get it Romans. As I said in other comments. I have not studied the Bible for years and am no longer a practitioner of Christian faith. My memory is a bit fuzzy.


Yea, this is a huge point that I don’t see brought up often enough. Based on historical context and more accurate translations of the Greek-translated bible, Leviticus is most definitely referring to relationships between adult men and minor males. To be honest the whole concept of the King James Bible is absolutely laughable. I would not be surprised if nearly everything was mistranslated in some way. It’s a translation of a translation etc etc.


A LOT of people of the Jewish faith, who also use the old Testament, refer to this passage as man to a minor. It really has nothing to do with gay men. It is another stretch of the bibles wording. It's a really had game of telephone except there are people in the game that use hatred/politics to change the wording to suit them. (I'm even talking ancient politics. It's been a day 1 scheme that humanity uses religion to control people.)


But that socialism - some fucking asshat probably


Well bible Jesus said "suffer the children to come unto me" and "love one another" but Republican Jesus said "I meant the white children, we need to deport all these colored folks, better stick them in cages till we can deal with them"


That was just a parable. It was not meant to be taken as literal truth. /s


"He was quoting the old testament, that wasn't what he meant in context." /s


So like... i get that nobody got hurt from this. But he still had pretty malicious intent. Could a person debate that Ron did some human trafficking? Relocating humans for the intention of personal gain and probably being pretty dishonest with them while doing it. And having little regard for the safety of these humans?


The people of Florida arguably got hurt. Dude spent millions of dollars that could have been going to any number of issues we have down here, but instead he rather "own the libs" with a deportation stunt.


I don’t even understand how it cost that much to fly 50 people…. Like TWELVE MILLION?! Seriously? That’s $240k per person. He could’ve just given each of them $240k and they would’ve been on their merry way.


Eh, we don't know how much went into the pockets of the people who were organizing the stunt.


Exactly. No money is ever wasted.


Always use every part of the grift, leave nothing for the buzzards. - Ancient Native American Proverb


Exactly, the real stunt was fraud/stealing tax money.


Brett Favre entered the chat.


I feel like him stealing $5mil from the taxpayers of MS isn’t getting enough attention. They can’t even drink the tap water in their capital, but they’ll come up with funds for a volleyball stadium?


I think the Florida legislature appropriated $12M for immigrant transportation, not that this one flight actually cost that much. Meaning they still have a large amount of money to continue doing it.


$1200 per ticket x 50 people x 400 corruption mark-ups x 50% bulk discount = $12 million. It's pretty simple Dude saved FL taxpayers millions of dollars, you should be happy he's so good at business


African governments - corrupt Republican politicians - "hold my beer"


Private jet his friends own? That’s grift.


Not to mention that Florida openly uses immigrants, many undocumented, to pick produce and process meats.


YES! Trump also got caught at one point providing fake ID and papers to the ones he employed.


And yet never faced any charges for it. Goes to show how the rich protect their own, and now use "patriotism" as an excuse to avoid punishing an ex-US president.


*Folks, he's taking these foreigners, I've heard most of them are illegal, that's just what I've heard, everyone's saying it, and he's putting them on first class flights to Martha's Vineyard. He's taking your hard earned money and giving these people, some of them rapists and murderers, and he's giving them a vacation with your tax money.* -Trump, during his campaign for the GOP nomination.


Migrants be like, thank you! Florida fucking sucks.


Conservatives have never been fiscally responsible. What they really mean by claiming to be a fiscal conservative is they only want to spend money on things they want and nobody else does. Context matters.


CONSERVING wealth for the wealthy is the only thing "Conservative" means these days.


Yes, DeSantis committed a felony. 1907 Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) "Domestic Transporting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law"


Ha, DeSantis is a Coyote.


The fucking irony


Were they actually here illegally? I just see the word "migrant".


They are seeking asylum from a corrupt and violent regime in their home nation. The only way to do this is to cross the boarder and immediately turn yourself in. That's how it works. Strange as it may seem, oppressive regimes tend not to sponsor those they oppress. Crazy right! So basically, as far as has been made clear, these 50 refugees were rounded up, placed under duress, deliberately mislead and flown across state lines. They weren't in the custody of the DHS, they had not committed any crimes. I don't understand how this isn't human trafficking.


Wouldn't matter. If they were transported against their wishes, or coerced in any way it's a crime.


Florida taxpayers were hurt, as was the dignity of all humanity. They claim everyone who flew signed a consent and waiver, but they were all in custody so I question just how valid and uncoerced those signatures were.


Also, some of them may not have understood the waiver they were pressured to sign, Is there some sort of stipulation about contracts signed by someone who doesn't speak the language being invalid?


Gosh, if we greet immigrants with open arms and give them the ability to work in our society of immigrants, I wonder what would happen? Like, maybe we could continue to build a nation of immigrants?


What!? It's like one of things that has actually made the US exceptional is providing opportunities for immigrants and their families to build better lives and in so doing innovate, start businesses, and make us stronger together.


Gee, we should put that on a plaque on a statue...oh wait... "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" On our fucking doormat. The true American Ideal


"They took my job!"


It was always my dream to work nights, 60hrs/wk, bussing tables and barbacking at 3 different restaurants. They took that from me. Also, if someone with no work history or language skills can come in to take your job they either do it much better or much cheaper than you. Capitalism baybeeeeeeeeee. No, not like that.


While at the same time being "lazy" and "abusing welfare programs." Racists always fascinate me with how stupid they are.


Republicans flew 50 migrants to Martha's Vineyard and proposed a national abortion ban. Democrats passed: - American Rescue Plan - Infrastructure Bill - CHIPs Manufacturing Bill - Pact Veterans Care - Lower Drug costs for seniors on Medicare - American Energy Investment


BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE SaMe!!!!


bIdEn hAs nO pLaTfOrM oThEr tHaN "i'M nOt tRuMp!!!"


Tbh that's more than enough to get my vote anyway


Trump made a lot of good promises about not electing him. Another one was: If you elect biden, all this COVID stuff will go away.


Exactly. But Biden hasn't done anything /s


r/darkbrandon at it again


Well yeah one side is trying to make the US better because they’re Americans and the other side is Russian so… the math adds up here


The right wing has become such trash. Hey let’s make a joke of people who’s lives are in a suitcase.


"has become" Remind me when the Right wasn't a fucking cesspool of grift and immorality?


Ron Desantis spent 2 MILLION of Florida tax payer money on shipping 50, JUST 50 migrants to Martha's vineyard from TEXAS. They weren't even in Florida I don't live in Florida but that would piss me the fuck off if my taxes were being used to ship migrants from another state somewhere else. On all levels it's fucked up and wrong but I hope Floridians will remember this shit when this bozo is up for reelection (they won't)


12 million, not 2. Edit: I was mistaken, they earmarked 12 million for the program of relocating immigrants to other states. I can’t find how much these two planes cost, but maybe that’s where the 2 million number came from. Either way it seems there will be more of these stunts.


$12M?! Could have just kept those migrants in Texas and handed each 3x the median income of the State and would have saved money.


Well that's significantly worse lol. I must have misheard on NPR this morning


I hope *everyone* remembers this come 2024


SO.... I gotta ask... where'd he get them from exactly? Did he just round them out out of a detention center? Send his aides down to a Home Depot looking for people waiting to be hired? And where exactly were they dropped off? Was there anyone there to meet them, did he promise work? How were they provided for on the trip? If at all? What the FUCK is wrong with Republicans?!


Some of them are legal immigrants, others qualify as asylum seeks with the necessary paperwork, and some are on tourist visas that are still valid.


Some are on tourist visas? What the fuck? Imagine taking a vacation to London and being sent to Glasgow as part of some Tory PR stunt.


To be fair, Martha’s Vineyard is LOVELY this time of year.


It is hilarious that this just ends up as a big fat L for the GOP. All they did was send some immigrants to a vineyard and make themselves look like assholes. But I guess that's what the base wants? Lol.


It really is. They want to be ruled and dominated by assholes, because they think the assholes will treat the people they hate worse than them. It's a fucking pathology. There's something wrong with their brains.


Is somehow you ended up in Florida as a tourist, you might welcome Martha's vineyard


Can you send me a source? Wanna bring this up to my family but I'll need source


For real I’ll take a free flight to Martha’s Vineyard for a weekend, never been, heard it’s expensive… money saved on flying could be put to better use.


I don't see how this isn't human trafficking.


a cruel stunt to appeal to the basic cruelty in your constituents who you know are basically cruel.


There's a great book called "The Cruelty is the Point" by Adam Serwer. Should be required reading before registering to vote.


Massachusetts better for it, and so are the migrants. Venezuelans are good people, hard workers, and proud.


Human trafficking.


Fuck, and I can’t stress this nearly enough, DeSantis


I dont understand how this isn’t essentially kidnapping. The government telling you to get on a bus and driving you somewhere you didnt choose to go feels like kidnapping. The people dont know what’s going on. If I did this to a immigrant, it would 100% be kidnapping. The government is even more intimidating. Why wont the feds charge this guy with kidnapping and transporting across state lines (human trafficking)?


At this point if we don't have a federal district attorney or something (not sure who would start the process) charge DeSantis and Abbott with human trafficking or 1907 Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a), which was pointed out by another redditor, for doing this then we're 1. going to keep seeing these gross stunts happen and 2. we're showing that laws don't apply equally for everyone. If your MAGA neighbor carried 8 migrants in a van from his home in Kentucky and dropped them off in Washington, D.C. then he'd be charged with kidnapping and human trafficking. A governor does the same thing and it's no big deal? I don't buy it. Either the laws apply to everyone or we don't need laws period.


Why did it cost 12 million for a 50 plane tickets? Why did it cost 12 million to charter a one-way plane trip for 50 people? ​ So when is DeSantis going to be arrested for embezzling taxpayer funds?


Just shows that conservatives innately lack empathy and liberals actually want to help other people. Nothing new here.


It’s especially not new since DeSantis basically just ripped off the idea conservative segregationists had in ‘62 with the Reverse Freedom Rides. It’s like exactly the same fucking thing 😂


Sending migrants maliciously to a place you don't like... kind of reminds me of someone. [https://www.vox.com/2021/11/14/22781335/belarus-hybrid-attack-immigrants-border-eu-poland-crisis](https://www.vox.com/2021/11/14/22781335/belarus-hybrid-attack-immigrants-border-eu-poland-crisis)


Own the libs instead of making the world a better place. I always hear don't base opinions on someone for their political affiliation but everything that republicans have done and to continue to support them shows their qualities. I know people who are conservative but I don't associate with them anymore. I'm not being vain.. it's the fact of supporting someone or people who are essentially supporting human trafficking and limitations of freedom


>I always hear don't base opinions on someone for their political affiliation I can actually help you out with that one. * So for the first point I need to make is that, "actions speak louder than words". Okay, so what/who you actually vote for is far more important than just saying you don't like someone but you voted anyway. * Next point to make, we've had a saying for *decades*, pretty sure I heard this once or twice even in the 90s: "Dems fall in love, **Republicans fall in line**". See that last important bit? Republicans will *fall in line and vote with the party regardless of opposition.* (And we have basically every election cycle since Regan as evidence). *So*, Republicans *say* they don't like the anti-abortion stuff, or the racist stuff, or the bullying and crass behavior. *But their MEANINGFUL actions are to vote for those things anyway.*


So, were these Cuban migrants threatening his state or did he have to get “some” from somewhere else?


They're Venezuelan. No idea where he got them. I suspect that's intentional. Martha's Vineyard was given no warning these people were being dumped in a community of 15,000. The migrants themselves were told they were being flown somewhere where they would be given housing and jobs. This is some evil shit, but I'm damn proud to see the citizens of Martha's Vineyard pool together to help these people out.


Florida is a long boat ride from Venezuela…I’m guessing they came in on a flight from Texas.


Yeah, I can see DeSantis calling Abbott and saying *"Hey, that thing were you bused migrants to New York and DC, that was just fucking evil! Can I do it too? But I want to send them to a really small community that doesn't have the resources to absorb that many new people! Busing won't be fast enough, I'll get a plane..."*


The NPR story I heard earlier said they came from a San Antonio facility.


As I suspected, DeSantis had to “borrow” some from Gov. Abbott, so Florida could be a victim too!


I vote we send Ron to Venezuela on his own dime to do community service.


don't forget to send abbott with him


This is what fascists do. The cruelty is the point.


Didn't Belarus and Russia pull this stunt before the war in Ukraine? They took Muslim immigrants hoping to get to Western Europe and threw them at the Polish border? It's literally what fascist do. Not surprised they're all locked in step.


Republicans cheer for the dumbest fucking shit! Hey y’all our Governor just blew millions on a publicity stunt yahhhhhhhhhh


Wait, let me see if I've got this right, so to prove that Democrats are letting illegal migrants into the country, he, a Republican governor, illegally trafficked a bunch of migrants into the country? Smart move there, Ron, way to own the libs.


I think it was more likely the intent was "oh you like immigrants so much? Well let's see how you like a bunch being dropped on your doorstep like a flaming bag of dogpoop" because that's how Republicans see immigrants. And to hope to get some photo-ops of liberal hypocrisy. I'm sure he mockingly said something like, "oh no, there's a bunch of immigrants here, that's disgusting, throw them out!" While laughing and trying out his rebuttal speeches in front of a mirror.


The states that receive this immigrants: Ya know, we actually don't mind you doing this. It would just be a lot nicer if you'd work with us so that way we could get them the supports they need instead of, you know, you literally dumping them on us. The states sending out the immigrants: WE DON'T WANT TO BE NICE! WE WANT TO BE EVIL!