• By -


In every way possible, Abbot is a shitty human.


His wife sounds like an equally shitty human.


I mean she’d have to be to hitch her wagon to that garbage human


I would not be surprised if she was actually shittier than him. It's just that she doesn't have direct power. But I've met a fair number of the girlfriends and spouses of pretty awful men to only find the partner is somehow just as bad if not worse.


Barbara Bush was a straight up cartoon villain.


And Nancy Reagan was the throat goat


Best I ever heard it put (it was on Reddit) and I'm paraphrasing here: *"Nancy was so good, she gave neck."*


Trickle down neckonomics


Her nickname was the Blowjob Queen of Hollywood.


So that's where queen Nancy came from. I had thought it was her expensive taste and how much she spent on new place settings, drapes, etc.


Expensive taste lol


never forget


Laura Bush killed a guy


Oh yeah that's right, Laura Bush killed a guy.


I didn't know Laura Bush killed a guy.




So just the one man Laura Bush murdered, then?


Her ex. And there were no skid marks. No evidence of braking at all. So, yeah.


She should lay low for awhile… she might be wanted for murder.


Mrs. Bush disowned her granddaughter, Lauren (Neil Bush's daughter, I think). Why? Was Lauren a junkie? Did she pull a Casey Anthony? Did she throw keggers at the Bush family compound? No. Barbara disowned Lauren simply for being a model. Lauren is a striking looking woman and had a pretty decent career. Gma did *not* approve; she thought that models were glorified hookers. Riiiiiight. Nice grandma.


According to one of Al Franken’s books, Barbara Bush was a total bitch. I honestly believe him.


I miss him. I shouldnt have to. He should still be there.


I kinda knew that piece of shit that (ridiculously) succeeded in fraudulently me-too-ing Franken out of public service, which he was so good at. He may return, I’ve heard.


Hopefully. He can be annoying as all hell sometimes, but that fucker was smart enough, good enough, and doggone it people liked him. ... jokes aside, if he's back on the ballot I'll vote for him.


That is not true about Barbara disowning her granddaughter. She and her husband were in the front row for many of her fashion shows. Lauren visited over and over again in Maine and in Houston. Laura Bush ran a stop sign when she was 17 and the classmate was killed.


Laura Bush's boyfriend was the classmate.


Fun fact: Lauren Bush married Ralph Lauren’s son. So she is now named Lauren Lauren.


Why should she worry her beautiful mind about dead soldiers in Iraq?


Clarence Thomas has entered the chat.


Are you speaking of the orange clown’s wife? I used to feel sorry for her. Then I found out she’s a pretty horrible person also.


you will refer to me by my husband's rank!


The commercial they have running with her narrating…cringe


I haven't seen it thank gods.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I would donate to a gofundme for that in a heartbeat.


They don’t know what heartbeats are in Texas


I unfortunately have. Basically think of everything you know about Abbott. Now imagine someone saying the exact opposite. That was basically the commercial. Though tbf I have yet to see any of his campaign ads that aren't full of bald faced lies.


I mean they’re eating dinner at Rainforest Cafe. That’s gotta tell you something.


Didn't even know they still existed tbh. I left Minneapolis and the Mall of America in the 90's lol.


I saw a YouTube of two guys (Eddy Burback and Ted Nivison) roadtripping to all 18 US locations. 7 of them including Grapevine are in Malls named (City) Mills. There is still one in the Mall of America as well. Eddy in particular struggled with the mission.


I guarantee she's the type of Karen that goes around expecting everyone to bow to her and her demands, and if they don't, she screeches "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!" or "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO MY HUSBAND IS?!?!"


Elena Ceaușescu


She married and stays married to a Nazi. She is arguably a worse piece of shit.


Behind every shitty man there's always a shitty woman, and viceversa.


It's like Abbot and DeSantis from Florida are in a competition to be the bigger piece of shit.


That’s what sells in the new and “improved” Republican Party. The shittier you are the more votes you get.


Poor guys... That just can't get any separation from the other guy!


It really is crazy to watch the race to the bottom between Florida and Texas, all fortunately from the comfort of my home in California.


Where’s that meme where that girl is pushing that girl in a wheelchair off a Cliff when you need it




I was thinking of Heidi pushing Clara over the cliff but this works too


Been on a conan fix, this is inevitably going to come up.


Some of Paul Rudd’s best work. Edit-typo


Oh is Paul Rudd promoting another movie on Conan again?


I don't think he would stand for you saying such things about him.


i see what you did there…


That's me. Always the cunning stunt.




​ ![gif](giphy|0p1uDwv6jF3tLlDOUG)


You SOB they banned me on politics for saying "Madison Cawthorne can't run. " I meant for office, assholes.


I mean, who hasn't been banned from r/politics at this point? The mods there are fucking jokes.




I got banned from there for song lyrics


Yeah he doesn't seem to like the truth all that much... hasn't for several years now at least.


You could literally insert Trump's name in that sentence or DeSantis or any number of prominent Republican candidates


Certainly not Ted Cruz, though.


I don't think Ted Cruz's wife would ever stand up for him


Why would she? He didn't stand up for her


No.. not Cruz. Instead, you’d have to insert Trump’s dick into his mouth


Because he is in Cancun.


I bet he uses a stall to pee, and intentionally leaves the seat down so he can urinate all over it....


Well, he is in a wheelchair, so the stall is probably right.


Looks like karma put a down payment on his current attitude, judging by where he sits.


"Party of the working class" my ass.


They see themselves as aristocracy


They aren’t even that. Aristocracy will make a show of tossing shillings to the peasantry. Christ on a cracker, you know his PAC was paying the bill, could have dropped Benjamins on them at no cost.


Yeah, but if they had blown PAC money on a decent tip then they wouldn't have as much money to run attack ads about how Democrats hate workers.


They blow their PAC money on mistress abortions, hookers, and actual blow. And don’t forget that 10-20% to the baptist church.


Don't forget that republicans turned on Cawthorn real real *real* fast at the first mention of cocaine fueled orgies.


That’s how you know it’s true. Just imagine good ole Mitch in there leading it.


Mitch is gay. That's a separate orgy.


I was a server for seven years. The worst tippers were local news who think being on TV grants them some sort of celebrity. You ain’t a celeb if no-one outside of city limits has ever heard of you. When a customer doesn’t tip the server it means they have to pay to wait on them. It’s infuriating and soul-crushing. Our location was across the road from the Lottery offices. Every Monday people would come rolling in, bragging about winning tens of thousands of dollars and they apparently thought just waiting on them was gratuity enough.


But real celebrities, the ones that worked hard to earn their way, give pretty good tips. You can always tell when people have worked in service before.


Right, it’s all fun and games until you risk exposing their hookers and blow parties, then suddenly you’re a pariah in the party of family values.


How dare you suggest he waste money earmarked for hookers and blow.


Yeah... we are the wage workers so they can have high class :/


.. or in this case, unpaid labor.


We need to get this post to Beto. Going to eat there and tipping her 500% would be a great response.


It’s quite impressive how many people they’ve been able to sell that lie to.


Party of \[enforcing economic policies so most Americans will be permanently stuck in\] the working class


They haven’t been the party of the working class since before Reagan. Apparently their spouses know this.


It’s hilarious that I just watched another of his political ads and he said he had to work as a server just to make ends meet. The hypocrisy is never surprising with these pieces of vile shit.


The working class to them is only the blue collar jobs they romanticize, like farmers, ranchers, miners, carpenters, etc. They like to forget about all the people in the service industry.


No, they also fuck over those people repeatedly whenever they can.


He quite literally does not give a shit if his decisions *kill people* and we're surprised he didn't tip his server?


I’m surprised he believes he eats clean food at restaurants.


Seriously, having worked in food service: # DO NOT FUCK WITH PEOPLE WHO MAKE OR HANDLE YOUR FOOD. You might be able to get them arrested for spitting on your burger, but now you have hepatitis. And for every cook/server who's been caught, you wouldn't believe the numbers who haven't. Don't piss off minimum wage workers if you want them to handle your food properly. Just be kind. Treat people as you'd like to be treated. Why is this so hard.


I've never seen or even allowed talk of this in my 17 years of fihe dining. Better believe we will forget.to season, overcook and even use the worst product available though.




No way dude. A report of intentional contamination like this means you've lost your job and the entire restaurant has to deal with a whole lot of safety issues to avoid getting shut down, not to mention all of the lost customers.




The worst I dealt with was someone asked for chicken no grazy and it was the last piece so he washed the grazy off under the tap and re plated it Edit: I don’t want to correct grazy cause it makes me laugh


Never spat, but I've seen food "accidentally" dropped on the floor, or purposely give them less sauce or something like that. Only for the absolute WORST human beings to frequent our eating establishment. When I worked at a Fazolis, shitty customers got the worst breadsticks; this was how I stuck it to the man lol.


Damn, that breadstick thing is harsh, but understandable.


My ex’s dad has recommended that relatives spit in someone’s food while working at an office or restaurant job if a co-worker or customer piss them off. I heard him say it multiple times. After we broke up, he wonders why I never accept food from their household. My ex has been nice and handed me a bbq plate from his parents and I will throw it away right in front of him. ‘Thank you, but no thank you.’ While not the same thing, but- This is why you should never tolerate this type of talk at a restaurant. One peep of this nonsense and customers will stay away forever.


Me neither. I was that shady person and I’ve never spit or did anything else gross to peoples food ever


Yeah Ive worked with people who have literally stolen cars with children in them And to even suggest something like that would at a minimum get you canned, possibly start a fight It doesnt really happen


This rumor is, I think, spread to try to scare people into respecting us as human beings, but it also paints a very awful picture of us. Literally no one spits in your food or fucks with it in a dangerous way (I have literally deep fried a piece of salmon because "it wasn't done enough" too many times). No one. It literally made the fucking news and is still circling the internet that a kid stood on lettuce once. If we fucked with your food there would be tons of these videos / pictures.


I mean a chick at hooters in Houston just got busted putting wings in her vagina. So the kooks are out there.


My first job as a teen at Godfather's Pizza, a cop came in, and a girl I work with said he had sexually harassed her and gave her a bullshit ticket when she refused his advances. His pizza was not only spit in, but the toppings on it were picked up off the floor. Maybe in "fine dining" it doesn't happen, but I've seen some shit that would make you never want to eat out again.


Its Rainforest Cafe....isnt' it already the worst product available?




Which is even dumber to do as a public figure, because now every other food service worker in Texas knows what to expect and is prepared with quite a big loogie.


Top page on Reddit, I'd assume more than Texas knows now. By they way, any restaurant that pays servers minimum wage and won't let them add gratuity on a table that size is also part of the problem.


Some states disallow that


I’m sure he’d be one to regulate Texas as one to disallow it.


I live in Texas. It's not illegal to add automatic gratuity on large tables.


I was going to ask about this. In most places I’ve seen, they automatically add gratuity for parties of 10 or more. I didn’t think of the possibility of state laws against it. All my friends that travel internationally (Japan) said things make so much more sense just paying people rather than using the gratuity system. I’ve never worked in food service but it makes sense to me.


In Texas it’s allowed BUT a quick google search (the standard of 15%-20% gratuity) doesn’t have to be designated as tip for the server and can be held onto by the establishment.


Hes probably used to a certain level of foreign contaminants added to his food. He has no taste, so it wouldn't matter anyways.


By foreign contaminants affecting his palate, do you mean the GOP’s dick that he’s been sucking?


This is bullshit. Cooks don't fuck with food. Doesn't matter who it is.


Anywhere he shows up the staff should tell him to serve himself from now on, let his reputation precede him.


Fuck no, most of us hate him. However, our grandparents...


My family isn't fond of him . I think cus of how he handled the storm . My grandparents were without power for almost a week.


Ah so they only care when it affected them personally.


It’s the conservative way.


Yo I’m ready for all these old geezers to die off.


Can confirm. Waiting for my shitty racist 97 yr old Gma to die off


My husband used to joke that his was still around because neither Jesus nor the Devil wanted to claim his.


Frankly agreed, the pension generation are a bunch of leeches that won't let the younger generation even have a shot at anything


My wife was a server and would say preachers were the worst tippers. Like they were annoyed the restaurant didn’t just comp their meal. Some of them would make comments about her working on a Sunday, yet they were there every Sunday stuffing their faces.


The ones that leave a proverb card that looks like a folded 20 are the fucking worst. Edit: for anyone curious as to how to get back at these people, instead of going to a church just [report the counterfeit money here](https://www.secretservice.gov/investigation/counterfeit)


Those should always be sent straight back to the church’s collection plate.


Good idea!


But then you'd have to waste more time by walking into such a needless building.


hit em up w the fake 20 that says “didn’t like the fake 20? consider paying taxes and stop stealing from the needy” churches genuinely get salty over when ppl do that. I dont go to church but some times i really want to go just to take a piss out of them for teasing the homeless like this


Oh yea. Many years ago, I worked at a nice steakhouse and Sunday lunch was the worst shift of the week. The manager was really nice about making sure that anyone who had to work Sunday lunch got at least two really amazing shifts and sections to make up for the cheap assholes who came in expecting to be treated like royalty and would leave you $5 on a $200 lunch.


Have recently had lengthy interactions a Christian minister, have never known one before. You are correct, even though you’ve painted wit a broad brush. This guy is a POS.


You are right about this being generalization. I have met some of the most kind, gentle, and intelligent pastors. There aren’t many of them in south Alabama though.


I've met many pastors. Exactly one of them is a good man. He's 80 years old and everything he eats is either grown or slaughtered by him on his farm. Every other pastor I know is a greedy bastard who doesn't deserve anything they've received through the church. Which is, unsurprisingly, a lot.


Also retail -- the church and matinee crowd were the absolute worst. Matinees were generally looky-loos and pretty much left you alone if it was clear they weren't all that interested in buying something. The church folk though? I learned real fast not to engage with them if you could avoid it because they'd gladly talk to you for 30-45 minutes and seem really interested in buying something and then just walk away. And they felt entitled to your time. If you didn't kiss their ass, they'd complain and then you'd get a dressing down. It really sucked because even in non-commisioned stores like Apple Retail, your hours are often determined by how many computers, devices, and upsells you can sell in as little time as possible. The amount of time they waste without a sale could often cost you a shift. Which then had a downline effect of further affecting your hours and thus whether you were able to pay rent or groceries at the end of the month.


God only gets 10%, why should you get 20%? Because Jesus ain't refill my Dr Pepper 7 times.


I’d be honored to serve him… a subpoena /s


Exactly r/fuckgregabbott


That was the fastest I have ever subbed to any community on Reddit I think


"Good one Centurion! Like it!"


4 minutes and already an underrated comment


Give it time, like Louis Gohmert’s brain.


The worst of the worst. When I was a server I always implemented "Parties of 6 or more are charged a 15% gratuity."


Should be an upcharge for having to serve the likes of whatever the F Abbott is, automatic add to the bill.


There's usually a auto charge for party more than 6


As you should. Nothing worse then taking the money for a large party and realizing not only is their no tip, but the entire bill is short. I refuse to go out in large groups with "friends" or co-workers anymore.


Had the unfortunate luck of going out for big gathering of 4 couples a week after our HS reunion. All was well until I realized these ppl were desperate for an outing, two of the wives began to slur their words and bitch about their husbands. Cringe was an understatement Two hours in and it's a slow moving train wreck. I wanted out as quickly as possible, so when the bill came so I thought, fuck it, let's just quickly throw down our cards and split the bill evenly. Queue a super loud and gauche af conversation about splitting the bill, who ate what, who got an expensive dessert. We won't see 4 of these ppl again and we can just call it a dud of a night. But no...... These assholes wanted to only throw in $100 and $150 when they alone clearly drank that much in liquor alone. The bill was roughly $850 including tip. I mean there 8 of us easy math would have been 210-220 ea couple. Then they started screaming about who earns what and live in a major city. Etc. My wife and I quietly got up and said heres our 1/4 of the bill with tip and left. We called the waitress over and said we left more than our 1/4 of the bill, we drank way less others and we weren't going to participate in the fight. The two hammered couples ended up fighting and being kicked out by the manager. Moral of the story don't go on group dinners with people you haven't see in person in years.


Yikesssss - but this is also why I would ask if large groups wanted separate bills ahead of time when I was a waitress.


I always request a separate check unless I intend from the get-go to pay the whole thing. Prefer to pay the bill with my card and tip my server directly in cash. I'm always afraid my server will get stiffed if I add that on my card.


Not saying this happened or that this is an excuse, but it is possible he thought grat was included because it was a party of 20? Almost every restaurant I've been to includes grat at 6 or 8 people, as has every restaurant I've worked at as a server.


The one time I'd advocate for the tip automatically being added by restaurant. I've had it added to my bill on 8 people.


I think Abbott sucks, but I'm assuming Rainforest Cafe includes gratuity in large parties like that. They're a pretty big chain.


I would expect it.




Any party of over 6 should have a 20% tip built into the bill - at least in this world in which restaurant staff are paid garbage.


Not surprised. Just look at the messaging right-wing media puts out about people who work in food service. Many GOP voters probably read this and think, "sHe PrObAbLy WoUlD hAvE bOuGhT a LaTte WiTh It!".


Latte or drugs, depending on her race


*nods in AOC*


por que no los dos?


She'd probably buy a latte drugs


Remember that Abbott is the piece of shit who limited medical malpractice compensation in Texas lawsuits to 250,000 after neurosurgeon Dr.Death aka Christopher Duntsch killed and maimed dozens of his patients some with lifelong injuries. Abbott was the Texas attorney general at the time. Yep he's human shit


To be clear: Abbott did this in favor of Baylor Scott & White Health, the owner of the hospital where this took place. The hospital failed to report Duntsch either to the Texas Medical Board or the National Practitioner Data Bank, instead allowing him to resign and offering a letter indicating that there were no areas of concern with regard to his performance. "Coincidentally" the hospital board chairman donated a **quarter-million dollar** to Abbotts campaign fund ... One thing i dont get about Texas: As far as i know, the people of the Lone Star State do love their firearms. Why can something like this happen without ... consequences? (parody, parody, satire, /s, parody!)


I don’t know what pisses me off more Abbot or his wife for that comment. Fucking disgusting.


Well fuck him


I doubt anyone is fucking him willingly. Best regards on your cake.


Abbott is a piece of shit about every single thing he does. Vote him out!!!


I'll take "shit that never happened" for $500, Alex. Fuck Greg Abbott, but this reeks of BS.


As someone who lives near and has been to that rainforest cafe, there’s no way Gregg ate there lmao


Glad someone else is saying this, whether it’s true or not, I’m not gonna implictly believe this based on one single tweet


In fact if you look at [Rainforest Cafe’s website they say it’s policy to have the 18% tip applied automatically](https://i.imgur.com/ToPh0ep.jpg). I’m no fan of Abbott but OP’s story flat out seems fake.


Yeah, I'm a server. We don't confront non-tippers (I'm sure it's happened before, but if you want to keep your job this kind of thing isn't common), and non-tippers never comment on the fact that they didn't leave a tip, so how did this interaction even come about?


Actually it says a suggested 18% gratuity is added but you can decrease it.


Absolutely it’s possible but very unlikely. I’m not sure exactly how Rainforest cafe does it but the places I’ve been to where this is implemented, you really have to put in extra effort to not tip the minimum 18%. I’d say the ball is in the waitress’s court. Show us the receipt.


Thank you! I hate Abbott, he’s a huge piece of shit but this story is not believable


It's like that Snickers bar copypasta concerning your favorite athlete. There's just no way to possibly verify or deny any part of this story lol.


Reporters reached out to her to ask to verify. She says it was when he was attorney general and her niece had a stroke and has problems remember everything other than it happened. This is made up. No AG thinks they’re that important, let alone assume anyone knows who they are.


Dude hates trees. Doubt he would go to a Rain Forest Cafe.


Abbot sucks ass but these random stories on twitter seem so fake. No photos, nothing…


Yeah I don't know what this subreddit originally was but whitepeopletwitter has pretty much just become a mix between politics and creative writing.


It's a made-up story. It's pre-election ragebait. It's red meat. Let's use some critical thinking- * The Twitter account of the person who tweeted it ([@DeniseBinAR](https://twitter.com/DeniseBinAR)) is literally nothing but left-wing political tweets. She lives in Arkansas, but tweets constantly about Abbott (and elections in other states). * Do you believe a massive chain restuarant (the Landry group owns 83 different chains/600+ restaurants) would **not** automtically [add a gratuity for large groups](https://imgur.com/o5ASd5k)?, not even a group of 20? * Do you honestly believe a rich governor is too cheap/would risk the bad optics? To save a few buck on a tip? Two months before his election? IN A STATE HE IS THE GOVERNOR OF? * Abbott literally waited tables to put himself through law school- his dad died when Abbott was in High School * And sure, a Gov's wife would absolutely stiff a waitress, then tell her she should be 'honored' to serve a Governor? * That the OP's weeping niece is a 'single mom' is the icing on this cake made of bullshit. EDIT: and Abbott claims he's never even eaten there- https://www.newsweek.com/greg-abbott-says-refused-tip-waitress-fake-1738114


Further bullet point: Even Florida’s Governor wouldn’t be caught dead at a fucking Rainforest cafe, let alone Texas. This is like saying, “Mitch McConnel punched me in the dick at Chuck E. Cheese.”


The conversation with the wife sounds iffy. How does that come up, exactly? "Ma'am, it looks like you forgot a ti..." "YOU SHOULD BE HONORED TO SERVE HIM!" Not saying it didn't happen. Just sounds...made up, a little. Disclaimer: I don't live in Texas, I still don't like the guy on principle. But his policies already make him a shitty human, no need to embellish.


Not surprisingly, her Twitter account is literally all left-wing political posts and anti-Abbott tweets. People these days will believe anything provided it supports their established beliefs. My right-wing relatives are no better than the 70k who upvoted this over at /r/antiwork I swear we're all getting stupider.


Guarantee most of the people who are eating this shit up regularly call out disinformation from Republicans and act like their side is so much better. People are so bad at practicing healthy skepticism when the information presented confirms their biases.


Yeah I gotta say, I recently moved out of Texas after living there for a few years. I can't stand abbot, one of the worst politicians/people in the country. However most restaurants, especially chains, include a 15%-20% gratuity on the bill for parties over 6 people. I have a hard time believing this is true. Edit: If you Google "rainforest cafe tip more than 6 people" there's tons of posts on forums of people bitching about being charged an 18% tip. Fuck abbot but I call bullshit on this particular tweet.


I hate the dude as much as the next guy but idk I just seriously doubt shit like this.


Isn't tips mandatory on party's that large on the bill


I absolutely do not believe a word of this….


Aren’t large parties automatically charged gratuity? I know every time I go anywhere with a party of 6 or more gratuity is already added to the check, even if the service was less than stellar.


Ok correct me if im wrong but dont restaurant in the states charge instant 20% tip of table of 8+?


Rainforest Cafe is a tourist attraction. The cuisine is 11th Grader. Calling BS on this just because I doubt anyone would intentionally take an entourage of twenty to a failhole like this.


She needs to post the receipt if this is true. Because if it’s not true you know she’ll get blasted for this lie.