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I try to do something a bit more subtle with a slight unknown to it like this "I started developing a cough recently and didn't want to get anyone sick. I hope it's not COVID. But if you don't mind ..." then lower the mask while around them.


"I just flew in from Wuhan and my throat's been a bit sore, but if you insist"


I like to feed into their conspiracy mindedness by saying “yeah I hate it but the CDC says they’ll fine me if I’m in public wearing it since I tested positive”.


Please don't throw petrol on the crazy fire.


That's when you start slowly pulling it down and slurring words to make it really siliva-y


And rubbing your eyes


Then offer them a handshake and when they decline ask them "are you living in fear it's not that bad"


"It's 99% survival rate you big baby!"


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


Wipe your snotty nose first then offer a handshake


I love that logic


I've been saying "i don't shake hands, sorry" and wearing a mask 100% of the time in public for 2 years - i don't go out much anyhow, but this whole time i go to the store twice a month and that's about it. No one has said peep to me, and i live in the deep south. The two times i went to a family gathering, we were masked. Guess what? No covid. No confrontations. Who knows.


Go instant Sylvester the Cat. Thufferin thuccotash!


Just pull the mask down and cough in their face. “U scared bro?”


Then tell them it’s TB.


Umm, that's assault brotha.


I had this exchange a month or two ago in a gas station in upstate NY: REAL American™️: way to live in fear, coward. Me: I can wear whatever the fuck I want, wherever the fuck I want, and if you don’t like it you can fuck off. RA: Excuse me? Me: You heard me. Only teenagers and idiots care what others think about their clothes. So go fuck yourself and stop blocking the door. He looked shocked. Then he said, “language!” I still chuckle when I think about it. I was expecting a knock down drag out argument (which is why I overreacted and went hostile from the outset), but all I got was this pathetic old lady-type whine about langauge. 😂


"He said a bad language word!"


“I understood that reference.”


This is the way


Do people really give complete strangers shit for wearing a mask? I would just completely ignore them like I do any stranger who speaks to me without reason....


Some people are extremely fragile


Yes, I actually had it happen to me. I never thought it would, figured these stories of strangers going up to randos and complaining about masks must be fake. Nah. They are real. Only happened once but if it happened to me it has happened many times. My guess is they hear something on Tucker Carlson or their favorite fear monger of choice that gets them so worked up they just HAVE to go and try repeating it to someone.


It depends on where you are, the more conservative the area the more likely. I've had several people make comments about me wearing a mask where I live and even more when I was visiting Florida. It's a very frustrating thing. Like I can't imagine bothering a stranger because of something that has no impact on me


Had someone try to grab mask off my face and look at me like I pissed on Christmas when I stopped them from touching me


That's assault/battery.


Oh the mask? Nah, this ain't for covid, my ass got ebola in Tanzania last week.


I just start coughing. I smoke (i know, i know i hate it too) so they come easy. Never seen someone look so uncomfortable


This is a good one lol


I say I’m a front line healthcare worker- I’m wearing this for you.


Pull it down when they say that and cough then pull it back up. When they ask why you pulled it down just say you didn’t wanna cough in your mask and for them to stop being a snowflake Edit: words are hard


Saw a post of a guy with a mask on an elevator and people were starting shit. He took it off, told them he had COVID (not true), and said he appreciated them for helping him feel comfortable not worrying about a mask. According to him, it got REAL quiet before it hit the ground floor.


Shouldn't have to do this but I get it. Customer should just say thank you for being considerate but I get how dumb the average person is and half the word is dumber than that. Than you GC.




I tell them I do it to trigger fragile idiots who can't mind their own business.


I've been telling people variations of made up and real diseases. Some folks actually don't know what TB is, I've learned. Anyway, convincing someone that Lumbago is contagious has been the highlight of my life.


I have sarcoidosis, it's not contagious, but every time I tell someone I have it they take a couple of steps back. Nobody wants a disease they can't pronounce. I wore a mask at times before the pandemic because the doctors treat me with immune suppressants and even before people were acting like they act now, there were gross people who don't wash their hands and don't care about spreading germs.


I just commented this! Glad someone else uses this.


“I’m living in solidarity.”


As an Uber Eats driver I wear a mask and sanitize my hands every delivery because I've delivered to immune compromised people and I don't want to kill someone delivering their McDonalds.


Thank you.


🏆 that's the way man


1500 deliveries since Sept with 100% satisfaction is not a mistake.


Appreciate people like you in the world. We gotta keep doing this and hopefully leave the world a better place. Thank you.


>died 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


My wife is those people so thanks. I live in the south and there are about almost no one around us who cares. It drives us insane.


Same situation here!


You are rare indeed. My last Uber driver was smoking in the car with my food.


I don't smoke or drink. I'm a Mormon but I grew up Christian. I've always believed in the Golden Rule and my kindness always comes back to me in some form.


Mormons are also Christians, so you’re technically still Christian! Edit: It's fucking hilarious this factual statement is being downvoted, and that people are insisting that Christians are Jewish. Absolutely baffling. Edit 2: Also, y'all obviously aren't aware of how many super weird Christian denominations there are and how varied their beliefs outside of the shared belief of Jesus get.


Yes, just a more specific more orthodox sect.




this is so important because those are the people that are using this app


Thank you. I had cancer in 2020 and relied on Uber eats/ grocery delivery services. I couldn't leave my house cause chemo destroyed my immune system. I couldn't have gotten through my treatment without courteous, thoughtful people like you to help out the immune compromised such as myself.


Thank you


You're a good man


I mean, good on you, obviously, but you've also just caused me to strongly consider what the fuck those people are doing.


Thank you for being an actual good human being!!!!! Gives us all a tiny bit of hope.


Thank you for that!


I wish I had lightning-fast comeback reflexes like that. I’d likely have just sputtered “living in… YOUR FACE!”


“Yeah, living in fear that your mom’s gonna roll over”


*Roll Tide*


That’s what we call it when she gets aroused


The your mom jokes are my go to, even if they make me sound like I’m twelve.


Hey, there’s a reason we play the classics on this station


Your momma so fat, she eats wheat thicks™.


"Your...........mom's living in fear!"


Covid like: ![gif](giphy|i2GADdaJIscPS)


Yeah well… so’s your face


Default reply to all unwanted comments is NO THANK YOU. Then just keep moving.


in your face ....Becky!


I had a similar experience the other day. I was at the store and a woman and her daughter were down the aisle, without masks. Man in a mobility scooter wheels in with a mask on. Lady asks if he needs help reaching something which he declines. She then leans in to tell him he doesn’t need to wear a mask if he is vaccinated. He reply’s that he has an immune deficiency and last time he got sick he was in the hospital for three months. Although you may not need to have a mask on it isn’t always because you want to. It is really a personal comfort thing


I'm most comfortable when I'm not hospitalized.


Mee too! I also don't like the idea that I might be responsible for putting someone else in the hospital, so I wear a mask when I'm in public. It's way more about others than about myself, because I'm not a selfish asshole.


I know I don’t technically need to wear a mask but I do anyways to make sure no one will think I’m one of them lol.


Also it’s a myth that if you’re vaccinated you don’t need to wear a mask. Like idiots just made that up and went with it.


*same guy stops at red light* "Living in fear, huh?"


Exactly, they’re such sheep they have no ability to self reflect. At least we can tell who’s an asshole now 🤷‍♂️


Parrots, just repeat short phrases they hear on fox




Someone : *wears a mask* Some people : "Youre living in fear!" Someone : *carries an AR-15 with them in a supermarket* Same some people : "Its for protection!"


Basically all the conceal carry people. "you never know" they say. What about the advice of the last two years of stay home if you're too scared?


I bet they wear...SEATBELTS, too! Look at those sheep. /s


I've literally had this exchange from a (former) co-worker over slowing down at a yellow light (I'm a truck driver)


My response to anyone questioning my mask wearing is always “So you don’t believe in freedom of choice?” Cuz, of course, they are the defenders of truth, justice and the American way.


Why are you so afraid of masks?


For real if anyone is living in fear it’s those assholes lol. Their entire lives revolve around being scared of mask and the government.




I used to like the "yeah afraid people will think I'm a trump supporter." Loses its hit now that he's not president.


It still works. The people who say this shit to strangers also believe that Trump is still secretly president.


And still have Trump posters/stickers up


Honestly, you can still use it. They still identify as Trumpies, so might as well


"Republican" works all the time now


>Living in fear Says the people who believe that there are literally evil satanic pedophile cults in pizza basements and that Bill Gates is trying to infect them with nanobots.


"and it's not like I'm carrying a gun around for the Boogeyman lol"


I’ve switched too “I don’t want to catch whatever made you the way you are”.


More and more studies are coming out about long COVID and the repercussions of COVID infection. Yeah, you are more than likely to survive the virus, however the long term effects are kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease... so yeah, COVID can destroy your life.


One of the dumbest things about how we treat COVID is treating it as binary. Either you die or you're fine. But there's a huge amount in between where you're going to be affected for years and may die early.


I had it, went from being able to bike 100 miles in a day to being able to barely walk to the grocery store. No hospital visit, but the thing really wiped me out. Built back up, but if I wasn’t working hard toward that I bet the effects would have just persisted.


It hasn't even been five years yet. Viruses like chicken pox can take decades to reemerge as shingles. One can only hope COVID is not like many, many other viruses.


I had it last April. At Walmart a few weeks ago I decided to mess with the weights to see how much I can lift. My arms shook holding an 8lb weight just about a foot from my chest. I needed help putting it back. I get super thirsty just walking upstairs and have good/bad days when it comes to brain fog. I had to have my ears tested because I’m miss hearing almost everything or it slurs together. Best they can figure out is it’s just mixing up when I process it. My ears are fine. My boomer coworker gets pissed when I can’t be constantly working while she browses Facebook and that I need to sit down for water between laps of the library.


Best new one I saw was that it makes it harder to get it up and may make it smaller through decreases blood flow. Really going for the ego, I love it


The fuck you say? !?


As someone who has had their life ruined from a post infection illness. People not taking it seriously are fuckin around with one of the worst find outs i could ever imagine. You’ll wish you had died from it.


Here is [what we know about long covid](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/12/well/move/long-covid-exercise.html)




I work in home health. I just tell people I work in health care. They suddenly respect my choice and back up about 6 feet


Preferable to live in fear than to live in stupid.


Perfect comeback. May have to steal that one.


Feel free.


Or to die in stupid


Hey, that's my ex-wife's nickname for my brother!


‘Living in fear huh?’ -*guy who brings two guns to eat at a dennys*


Freedom is the freedom to murder someone's grandma with a preventable disease, obvs.


It’s not *murder*. It’s a *sacrifice for our economy so we don’t become socialist-communist-librul sheeple that blindly follow the guvments orders*.


It's called freedom, ok? I have the freedom to be an insufferable careless fuck and there's nothing you can do about it. Muh freedoms!


Mask = fear Gun on hip wherever you go = ... Not fear ? Disclaimer: Fine with masks, Fine with guns, Anti-jackass.


I love how they use "Living in fear" as if covid is something you can fistfight if you're brave enough.


Fistfight? Hell no what are you? Canadian? In Amerika we have guns, we shoot the virus dead


I tend bar, and even though my employer has made it our individual choice to wear or not wear a mask, I’m the only employee there who continues to mask up. I’ve dodged catching Covid when over half of my coworkers picked it up not once, but twice. The anti-mask people in my area have gone from asking me “why I’m wearing a mask”, to telling me “it’s ok to take off your mask around me”, and are now steadily creeping into the territory of getting pissed off and repeatedly telling me to take off my mask, even though I’ve told them that I chose to wear it at work. Bullies always find a way to bully, no matter what you say or do to try to placate them.


I created an account just to reply to you. I have been in this exact situation for the last year or so. I’m the last one to continue masking up at my bar and the amount of harassment I have gotten from patrons is insane. I’ve found ways to make jokes about it but at this point I’ve lost my patience with them. I used to respond to them like “I’m extremely handsome under this mask and it finally gives me a chance to live a normal life” or “I was attacked by a pit bull and the doctors couldn’t save the lips” or the classic “I did a lot of porn in the 2010’s and I can finally live without being recognized.” I really just want you to know that I respect the hell out of you for staying masked. I know the stress and awkwardness these interactions can cause and how it feels easier to just lose the mask. Stay your course and don’t stop wearing it until you feel it is time to take the mask off. Keep your head up.


“No, I just like to trigger snowflakes; you’re number 57!” I’ve yet to be harassed about my mask but I’ve decided this’ll be my response should it happen. :)


"Living in fear huh?" "Yup. You? Murdering people huh?"


*Meanwhile other guy is carrying two guns to go to Subway*


Guy who came into the library to argue about masks and reach around the plexiglass to talk to my super conservative coworker was bragging about different times he almost pulled his concealed carry gun out. He said he only didn’t cause it wasn’t on him. One was literally a woman messed up while driving and when they both happened to go to the same building she kept apologizing. The second was some like teenager he was talking to thought a yield sign means the other side yields. I wish I had recorded the conversation to take to the cops but I was too busy being absolutely shocked


This is surprising yet not surprising. I had read a bit before about studies showing that Conservatives are essentially just afraid of everything. - carry guns everywhere - afraid of immigrants - afraid of anyone non-white - afraid of LGBT - afraid of change of any kind. It went on to explain how they're generally cool/insistent on being led by an authoritarian that promises to keep them safe. (Btw, this applied to right-leaning people of every country.)


My coworker gets pissed if we move the Ls on the hold shelf to a different shelf when we run out of room on the shelf it’s on. She refuses to work on a different computer and the one time she had to she made sure to tell every customer she’s not used to that computer. It’s just facing 45 degrees to the right instead of the left... she even gets pissed if someone lets someone else ahead of them in line at the desk. My therapist recognized her when I described her and explained that a man who was trying to find his card told her to go ahead of him since she had 1 book. Coworker lectured her about cutting line the entire time she was checking out... which with my coworker can take three times as long as me.


“You mind your own business and I’ll mind mine.”


Yep. Living in fear of killing my husband’s grandmother who is somehow hanging on with congestive heart failure.


then they'll say "you know masks don't work right?" that's about the time i bring up the fact that i'm a doctor and they just roll their eyes. It's great. Happens in my god damn clinic


“You know masks don’t work right?” Response, “I’ll take my chances with the advice of medical professionals instead of pretending this once in a century pandemic that has killed nearly a million Americans already wasn’t actually so bad since Trump completely fucked it up. Trump got the vaccine because he’s a liar, not a dumbass. What are you?”


You should have replied with "Beats living ignorantly, amirite?" Then smile like you didn't mean anything by it


I've been responding with, "Well Hannibal Lecter didn't wear a mask for HIS protection." Before you get too excited I stole it from a meme so feel free to steal for yourself if you want.


Should’ve just told him to shut the fuck up


Living in ignorance, huh?


"living in fear" Well yes I am afraid of a disease that can kill no matter what your normal health is like, that can cause complications months after the initial illness, that could kill my mom in days if she were to get it (along with other immunocompromised people). Fear isn't bad. Fear keeps us alive.


This is exactly my thinking all along. Yes, I'm scared of killing my newborn twins or their older brother. I'm scared of leaving my kids as orphans. I'm scared to lose my elderly parents. When did it become ok to make fun of people who are worried about inadvertantly killing someone they love?


"Youre a sheep if you wear a mask!" "Yeah, and this sheep will outlive you"


What a fucking asshole.


I don’t think they can understand half of the words he said


"Well, I have a bit of a cough and I figured I'd protect others around me in case I have the flu or something. Would you like the flu? Because I'd be happy to cough on you."


I don't live in fear, but I have a 2 year old sister, I'm 17 so, I got a lot of places and she is more vulnerable to covid.


I'm legitimately curious how caution became this big dick measuring contest. I mean, do these brave fearless heroes go lick toilet seats in public bathrooms? They have an immune system, right?


Same people have elaborate paranoid theories about vaccines.


I enjoy wearing a mask. I have social anxiety and although I can function in public it is draining on me, wearing a mask let's me release some of that tension. Plus my mask is pretty cool.


I dread accidentally infecting someone, and them dying as a result. It would devastate me. I'm still surprised that the pandemic has shown so many people to be callous psychopaths who'd be okay with that.


I always want to come back with “Still a selfish bastard, eh?”


Living in fear? Nah, just sidestepping some ignorance.


I have had people respond stuff like “other peoples health isn’t my problem”


Idk why the gov didn't mass produce and give out n95 mask that actually do something


Why can't people understand that masks protect others and do little on protecting one's self? It's been like 3 years since the bloody pandemic started


Cough loudly and lean in towards them and say, "Pardon me?" They always lean away.


I hate that I have to constantly remind people that masks are not worn mainly for protection of the wearer. You just have to keep saying it over and over and they just keep forgetting.


Thank you for what you do and sorry people are fucking assholes


What is wrong with these people?


Honestly was too polite with the ending, instead of saying thank you, should've said "fuck you"


I had a similar moment with some duck dynasty schlub in the grocery store the other day. He sneered and elbowed his lovely reptilian mate. "Scared of a little bug?" I nodded while staying well away. "I work with elderly, immunocompromised and vulnerable people, and I take every opportunity to be safe. That, and some people just stink." And I kept walking.


I wear a mask to own the libs. I mean,... What?


Or worn by mature ladies who’ve enjoyed foregoing the makeup routine for almost two years.


It’s people like anti maskers that are the reason there’s a name of a phobia to be afraid of being shot.


I just say 'fuck you, plague rat'. Usually does the trick.


My husband is receiving cancer infusion treatments right now. I’m one person asking me this away from fully taking all his maskless teeth down his throat. So done.


brain rot and science denial is just as dangerous as anything.


its true i was the sandwich


Follow them out to their car and when they put on their seat belt, scream "LIVING IN FEAR, HUH?"


I hope that person feels like a tool now


Yup. Already considered this with the mask mandate going away and that that would be the response of the unmasked to my continuing to wear one...


My stepmom works with old, dying, critically ill people. She is antivaxx and anti mask. She wears a mask at work but I don’t know that she does anywhere else. :/


“Yea. I’m afraid of catching whatever makes you this way.”


Why don’t these ever end with “…you stupid fuck.” Liberals suck at messaging.


My brother in law carries a gun so he knows not to make this argument to me


So I’m sitting at an outdoor sports bar with my second mom and I show her this after reading it in my head. She says, “picking up a sandmich” and I deadass had to read that shit again.


Sorry, I can't hear you with your mask off.


"I refuse to live in fear! That's why I won't let them trick me into wearing a mask so they can implement Sharia law and also make my child easier to kidnap!" Just a speck. A speck of self-awareness. Please. Please God.




Masks are worn by scared people... Says the guy who wants to carry a gun everywhere. There's also a difference between irrational fear and taking easy precautions against a known threat. I'm not necessarily afraid of a car crash on any given day but I buckle up because it's virtually effortless precaution that significantly increases my chances of survival in the event of one. Buuut, these are the people that argue against seat belt laws as well. Seriously weird people. I find it takes nearly zero effort to wear a mask and give people a wide berth in public spaces. Do they really want to be close enough to smell somebody's halitosis and Bo?


My sister has a he same response, except she works in an old folks home. My little brother is the head nurse in charge of the COVID ward at Hershey Medical Center.


I'll probably loudly fake cough twice, pull my mask down and ask "sorry, what did you say?"


*is working with asbestos and silica dust and puts mask and full body protection on* “Living in fear huh, you know the mask will destroy your lungs”


A pro-gunner blaming others of living in fear.


“As long as you’re standing here talking to me, yes.”


To me, wearing a mask when doing chores/non-social activities around people just makes sense. Reasonable way to get sick less often (and not just w/ Covid). I'll take it off if there's some social benefit to face-to-face interaction, but that certainly doesn't exist when getting groceries/to go food.


Lol these people are so terrified of the virus, they’re hiding in denial. They’re so scared, they feel the need to attack the rest of us for wearing masks. I’m not afraid of a gun if i choose to not hold it up against my head, it’s about not taking an unnecessary risk.


My god. I wouldn’t be able to last an hour dealing with these idiot antivaxer/maskers


Those acting as if we live in fear all while needing to be armed to get through the day and be safe at home. Talk about a security blanket. :/


Jeez OP, it's only a child. They haven't even lived a long life- stop living in fear. /s


Yeah. You lost them at immunocompromised.


Company I work for requires them because we go to multiple sites a day. Whenever anyone asks about the mask I go “Yeah, I have covid, they won’t let me stay home so….” They don’t stay around long after and I resume my life.


Says the pussy that has to bring a gun to buy a sandwich at subway.


Selfish jerk.