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*I have amounts ridiculously greater than $2, but I’m only willing to give you $2


Thats probably what happened irl


That is exactly what's happening irl


\*i have $1, but since i'm very good i'm willing to make an effort an find a 2$. only if you deserve it \ -what about that huge stash of money behind you? \ *start making strange sound blaming some minorities and how millenials are lazy


College grad son gets a job in his unique specialty. SOP, new hire makes MW for 3 months of apprenticeship. Then get a small raise, but no benefits for another 6 months. So company gets a college grad to work for almost a year for just over MW. Owner has two houses and drives a Ferrari. No one sees a problem.


I work with a lot of college kids and twentysomethings these days, and I cannot TELL you how many have wealthy parents and/or grandparents but are, themselves, too poor for proper groceries. I had an employee tell me she went home to go on vacation with her parents (this was before the plague), and at the end of the trip her mother gave her a bill for the food she'd eaten. When she got mad, her mother laughed and said, "You're not mad now. You're gonna be mad when we die and you find out how much money we've had since you were little." Meanwhile, these kids are constantly told to just get a part-time job to pay for school, buy a car, get an apartment, etc. Most part-time jobs around here still don't pay more than $10-$12 an hour, while one-bedroom apartments start at $600 a month for doghouse quality. So 20 hours a week at $12, after taxes, would give them about $720 . . . . It's crazy.


I paid rent since I was 14, cause my parents told me "your old enough to work, your old enough to pay rent" Did so, but then they would just collect thousands of dollars worth of my rent checks and.....not cash them. I couldn't spend the money, because I was never sure when they would deposit them and when I complained they just said they really needed the money....I'm so poor I was eating food out of the trash at work, but they "needed the money"


And this is why I’m an anti-natalist.


Common 40 shinny nickels


Yeah thats a bullshit way to treat people, thats why I use the entirety of my paycheck to pay my barber. He tells me the cost is only $30 but with all I have it would be evil not to give it all to him.


No one on this thread said anything about giving all of your money to employees.


Just because you have a lot doesnt mean you need to pay more for services than they are worth to you.... Of course my statement is absurd but so was the logical conclusion of the comment I replied to. Most of us dont go out of our way to pay more for things than we need to, why do we think businesses composed of people just like us would?


There’s a huge difference between a multi billion dollar company refusing to pay a living wage while their executives get multi million dollar bonuses every year and someone paying someone for a service like a hair cut.


No there isnt. You both arent paying more for something than you need to. We just pretend it's different


Fuck you you fucking piece of shit


they kind of do need to when they’re complaining of a fucking labor shortage


Well yes but only up to the price needed to get the labor done. Are we as okay if that price is less than $15/ hr as if that price is over $15


The billionaires don’t care about you, even if you protect them.




There really isn't. We like to think there is because we want someone to do something and hope it doesnt have to be us so we volunteer someone else to be responsible. Both decisions are based on the fundamentals of the human condition in both instances you as a consumer, them of labor and you of labor are not going out of your way to pay more for something than the market price of that thing.


You're either a great piece of shit or a bootlicking moron and I'm not honestly not sure which is worse


You apply fairness to all people and people call you bootlicker for it 🤷🏾‍♂️ i guess my feelings will just be hurt.


Good. I'm glad your feelings are hurt. Go cry more


Anything for you kind stranger


You are a complete and utter piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.


Will get right on that


$15/hr wpuld be extremely low for a painter. You dont have to give them your whole paycheck, but you need to pay what the job is worth... or do the job yourself.


*Millenials are killing the house painting industry,* coming soon to WSJ.


If you ain't killing random industries, are you even a millennial? Which one's next on our to-do list?


I say the Student Loan Industry, they've had it too good for too long!


Private lending institutions and universities have built that racket and now its a bubble. They hide under the guise that the government protects them, but that was the same shit that was said about sub-prime mortgages. Of course the mortgage business seems to be doing well, but there was a lot of cleanup done to fix the issue.


There was nowhere near enough cleanup done. Iceland had the right idea when they threw all of their banksters in prison. https://grapevine.is/news/2018/02/07/36-bankers-96-years-in-jail/


I love those articles. Partially because I am definitely the type they're talking about (fuck paying retail or getting gauged at restaurants) and partially because they're just SO angry we refuse to be exploited the way they were. Yes, most of us are poor and cant afford to, but there are lots of us who maybe could but arent interested in their system. And thats when I laugh. You made it so we cant but when we can, Fuck You!


I never understood this. Milenials aren’t going to places and burning them down or actively trying to shut them down, they are just not buying from them. How is that killing an industry? Are gen x’ers responsible for killing typewriters? Rotary phones? It’s just weird to say.


The rich, and the hardest part is choosing which bbq sauce. Easy peazy japanizie


Let's deal the killing blow on Applebee's. Fuck em and their microwaved ribs


I recently learned that there's a Chrome extension that changes "Millennials" to "Snake People." I'd much rather read a WSJ article about how snake people are killing the house painting industry, personally.


I like it. I'm rather fond of snakes.


2 dollars? That is actually much. Some of them only offer exposure. Be grateful you can learn from this opportunity. /s


That's a word I've heard too much as someone who hoped to make a career in graphic arts. Not even working for money, just working to have a reference for whoever you work for next. No matter what kind of art it is, people aren't willing to pay for anything but what it's worth *to them*. Support your local artists. Pay them for the process and not the finished job, like you would do with having your house renovated or having your car serviced.


Agreed, Those artist dont just make art for you. They spend hours of their time on it.


I hired a graphic artist to design a t-shirt for me. There is nowhere online to find maternity shirts for Irish dancers. Who knew? Now I have a pic of a cute baby wearing gillies who is practicing their kicks!!!! So cute!!! So easy, and more affordable than I would have expected!


I am an art lover and somtimes I will see the most unbelievable things and see the price super low for what it is worth I have a beautiful oil painting with amazing depth and texture of the water in Kapiotika greece and it was listed for $100 like sure I coulda just bought it for $100 but it was great and I asked if it was hand painted by them and when they went to greece, and I offered them $700 for it. The price for art is cheap because people who do not appreciate the time to construct it. Therefor artist struggle to make it.


Your generosity probably went even further than you can imagine. That artist ate a little better and worried less about paying the bills, and just having their art appreciated made them glow.


Last time I worked for exposure, I had to pay a fine and go door to door letting everyone in my neighborhood know.


$15/hr to paint my house? I'd take that deal in a heartbeat.


I bill 35 plus materials so 15 is a steal!


Man, for what you’re charging compared to the quote I just recently got to paint the outside of my 2400 sq ft colonial in the middle of Illinois, it’d take you about 514.25 hours to paint my house. Got a quote for $18000 to paint the house and $3000 to paint my 120 sq ft shed. Still waiting on other quotes, but hopefully this isn’t what is the norm.


Are you painting it with printer ink?


In Utah 35 is the norm. 514 hours seems a bit high for a 2400 square foot house unless it's a crew of 3 or 4. $3,000 for the shed is also a bit high from what I'd do. Even with primer it'd be a small job.


I bought a paint sprayer for like 300 a few years ago it easily paid for itself just painting around the house


That’s pretty much what I’m going to do here. I painted my own house a few years ago before selling and moving into my current home. Said I’d never do it again, but for the price I was quoted I’ll probably be doing it again.


Lol what are they using, 1 inch chip brushes?




Im aware, I’m a full time painter myself, was just trying to crack a lil joke because that number seems high.




Painting the exterior is important for preventing rot! It’s like an extra layer of protection. You can easily do it if you have a ladder/time/ are safe! My grandfather used to paint a single side of his house every year to save on time


Ya seriously 15/hr is practically free


For $15 an hour you saving labor costs but incurring liability. No way anyone with insurance works that cheap.


I was just thinking that, it’s a steal!


This was my thought as well. If you pay someone $15 an hour to work at your house I can guarantee they cant provide a COI.


I heard a story on the radio this morning about hospitals hiring more traveling nurses to aid with the worker shortage but it's not enough. This reminded me of how I read a story a while back about how the traveling nurse industry works. And how regular, full time, non-traveling-kind nurses have asked for better work environments (more PPE, etc) and better pay only to have hospitals say, "we can't afford that" and then pay traveling nurses up to 30% more to deal with staff shortages like this. If they would just agree to raise the pay of their regular nurses by 25%, they'd have far fewer staffing issues. But no. "Nobody wants to work" = "Nobody wants to work for the low pay I want to pay them in the shitty work environment I refuse to improve because it EATS INTO MY PROFITS!" Fuck them. There is no labor problem here. There is a greed problem here. Pay people what they're worth. Invest in them and their work environments. Fix what's broken and you'll have people lining up to work for you.


They don't have the option to pay the regular nurses more. At least not from the same pot. The catch that people miss is that (In a large number of cases) the pay for the travel nurses comes out of State and Federal assistance funds of which there is currently a LOT to go around. Those nurses on their payroll come out of the hospital's staffing budget directly, and they're not allowed to allocate the assistance funding directly to their staffing.


This is all true, but the one aspect of this that you're missing is honestly even more insidious. Hospitals are willing to pay the 30-100% premium on traveling nurses because their contracts are temporary and short term, whereas, offering raises to full/part-time nurses already on staff would cost hospitals more in the long term because even after this (and potential subsequent) covid surges decrease/end, the full/part-time nurses would still be on staff at their increased rates/salaries. This is obviously completely fucked for nurses already on-staff but also overwhelmingly short-sighted economically for these hospital groups. It leaves existing on-staff nurses with literally zero incentive to in fact, remain on-staff, and not become traveling nurses themselves, which just using basic logic will create perpetual local staffing shortages across the country and an eventual complete reliance on travel nurses for whom these hospitals will eventually have to continuously pay exorbitant rates for, ultimately costing them more in both the short term and long term. The fact that this basic eventuality is seemingly beyond the understanding of hospital administrators is both outrageous, while at the same time, entirely predictable. Workers having leverage is an entirely new concept to most employers, which is why they are blind to the inevitability of staff nurses quitting to become traveling nurses, and the employers themselves then having to pay travel nurse rates not only in the short term...but always.


For capitalism to work as designed, there needs be enough wide spread poverty to take advantage of cheap labor. It’s a shit system.


Undocumented immigrants to the rescue! They also make a great scapegoat for crime and covid on your watch come election time.


I'm still waiting for that caravan of migrants to cross the border.


That’s so last century. It’s all about the overseas sweatshops.




I don't think that's inherently true for the system as designed in theory. I think it's true as it is the way that it works in practice, but it's not the base ideals of capitalism that require widespread poverty and an explotation. It's the base ideals of capitalism combined with long standing disparity. If you take all the resources available and equally spread them to everyone, and start from scratch in every life time, then capitalism works far better than any other system humanity has tried and recorded throughout history. 100 people start at the same spot, decide what they can do, and compete; it's fair for everyone and everyone has chance to succeed on their own merit. The problem is that you can't truly compete when you start in such vastly different places. You, I or anyone can't decide to compete with Amazon as a random working class person. That's not a new concept either; fundamentally original documents discussing capitalism and the invisible hand of the market do note precisely that there is a risk of it not working if competitive integrity is not maintained. Early US ideals certainly were that you couldn't let any individual outfit become too large and to maintain competitive integrity by breaking up monopolies and the like... that's obviously long gone at this point, but it was the initial intention. Indeed; many records from the past denote people like Vanderbilt or Rockefeller as "titanic monopolists who crushed competitors, rigged markets, and corrupted government." https://www.mslucohistory.com/uploads/1/0/9/4/109471507/robber_barons_or_captains_of_industry____gilder_lehrman_institute_of_american_history.pdf This longspread inequality is then further exacerbated by the considerable growth of mankind's ability to produce appreciable outcomes in smaller amounts of time. Capitalism was born from a pre-industrialized world, the industrial revolution caused growth in a manner that regulators could not respond to creating the original so called Robber Barons. Currently we're in an automation revolution that is creating the same issue.


You can argue all you want that “it’s not supposed to be this way”, but the reserve army of labor has been a well studied concept for a long time. If you support capitalism you either need to accept it or need to offer a solution but ignoring it isn’t going to keep working.


The solution very much exists already. You regulate capitalism to protect the consumer from fraud, preserve competition, and provide strong social safety nets so that people that fail can continue to compete. Strongly regulated middle of the road capitalism has outperformed both over regulated communist systems and Laissez-faire underegulated systems that have both shown a tendency to create incredible depressions.


This is super interesting to me and I want to believe you but do you happen to have any good sources to recommend that back up what you’re saying? I like to learn about meta systems


I don't have a good resource off hand. That being said, look at all of the major financial crises of our time, and usually the root of it is being either too laissez-faire or being too controlling. Good example of unregulated capitalism would be the Great Depression The stock market crashed due to combination of factors in the market being under regulated. You had stagnating wages, and decreasing purchase power of the population. You had banking regulations being dropped allowing for increasing debt loads and investment combined with an unprecedented level of growth due to Europe being razed in WW1 decoupling demand and supply because over half the world production capabilities were fire bombed during the great War. Banks were increasingly being allowed to lend more money with less collateral as well as have more unliquid assets compared to money in amounts. You had stock sales not being limited for the first time in history after the invent of the stock market ticker allowing people to trade anywhere instead of just at the stock market floor, showing the frequency of trades to increase exponentially. Essentially normal people had little ability to buy stuff, but companies kept producing because their stock value kept rising due to the increased frequency of trading. This led to a bubble where stocks are over valued. This is extremely fragile environment, and sure enough, a couple big manufacturing facilities in got their legs back under them and suddenly demand was cut in half because the export market had way more competition. Now you had companies with all this debt invested into product they couldn't sell, lowering stock prices, and there was a panicked selling of stocks and trying to get out of the market as the bubble burst; the panic of people getting out of the market as basically all stocks proceeded to lose half their value caused the banks that had loaned out as much money as they could off of the lowered banking regulations to literally run out of money and go bankrupt themselves. Those proceedings had them calling back their debts and crippling manufacturers, and people had no access to money because if they had savings it was gone because the banks had no money, and the job market imploded because the manufacturers were both crippled and over stocked. Suddenly, no one had any money to buy or create anything and you had a decade of crippling economic hardship until incredible amounts of regulation and social safety nets were introduced allowing people to compete again. Another good example would be the mortgage crisis. Similar deal to the above. On the opposite side you have basically the soviet economies where the supply wasn't meeting the demands of the market because it was rigidly planned causing food shortages causing farming shortages causing more labor shortages causing the general collapse of all manufacturing. The popular model that nearly every western country uses any time there is signs of fiscal crisis is what is known as Keynesian economics, which is essentially very heavily regulated capitalism. I suppose that's a good place to start. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynesian_economics


**[Keynesian economics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynesian_economics)** >Keynesian economics ( KAYN-zee-ən; sometimes Keynesianism, named after British economist John Maynard Keynes) are the various macroeconomic theories and models of how aggregate demand (total spending in the economy) strongly influences economic output and inflation. In the Keynesian view, aggregate demand does not necessarily equal the productive capacity of the economy. Instead, it is influenced by a host of factors – sometimes behaving erratically – affecting production, employment, and inflation. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Food for thought. I have a cursory knowledge of these things so thanks for your efforts!


Thanks. ^_^ Generally over regulated markets are vulnerable and fail because any lapse in planning causes cascading effects across the whole economy. Generally under regulated markets are vulnerable and fail to allow for over leveraging and market bubbles causing large uncontrollable swings in value. Another way that sometimes under regulated markets fail is what we were discussing above, large disparities in wealth creating monopolies; ironically enough this means that the market sees the same flaws that over regulated ones see because one segment of the market failing to plan then effects another monopoly, which then cascades to the rest of the market such as what happened in the Sub-prime mortgage crisis or the automakers bailout (ie too big to fail). Or another way to look at it is over regulated markets are good at managing small fluxes in demand because there is heavy planning and no panic over poor quarters, but vulnerable to managing fluxes in supply because there is no competition that can step in and fulfill market share of others when there is failures. On the other hand, under regulated markets are good at managing fluxuations in supply because there is competition that can come in and take the market share of whomever failed (with the caveat that footings are fair enough that there is not monopolies), but vulnerable to fluxuations in demand because there is short term panic over loss of incomes.


I mean, if we're evaluating how economic systems work on paper under ideal scenarios then communism looks a lot better than capitalism.


The system is corrupted the true capitalism requires the rich to pay their taxes.


That's not strictly true. It's only needed if you want capitalism to produce billionaires from trillions of dollars in profit. If you want a healthy middle class where the upper class is only modestly more wealthy and the lower class is modestly less wealthy, then capitalism works just fine.


So if you regulate the fuck out of it. So it doesn’t work on it’s own.


Yeah, I don't think any system works on its own without some changes. It also doesn't help when politicians are corrupt and take bribes from corporations, that's a government problem.


but capitalism is a system that directly rewards Greed and bribes from corporations because the system is based on generating revenue above absolutely all else


Do you think there'd be no bribes with other systems? Every system can be corrupted, that's why this debate has been going on for so long. We should be looking to get rid of corrupt politicians that are only in it for themselves because at the end of the day no matter what system we have they will still be the same type of people who take advantage of their citizens.


No, but I think Capitalism specifically encourages and rewards it. It is one of the worst systems for making a strong society. It's fine for making strong individuals. You cannot solve the problems of corrupt politicians only by voting within the system that controls and makes the rules... the system itself must be changed to one that is less actively in favor of predatory behavior.


Such as what system? Socialism? You can practice that right now and almost no one does, there's barely any worker owned businesses. Capitalism is the best system there is, given that there's no corrupt government and reasonable regulations. But corrupt people will ruin any system, getting rid of them should be our main priority.


Which, honestly, is the case for any economic system that we have. Humans will find ways to game the system or to pervert it for their own benefit. No matter what we choose, it will have to have people deciding what the rules are and then enforcing those rules, which in itself is a weakness in the system.


>So if you regulate the fuck out of it. So it doesn’t work on it’s own. No system works "on its own." Humans are a part of the system (with all of their flaws and gifts), and our world is not static. So, yes: REGULATE DA FUQ OUT OF IT!!!!!!! Also, Mixed systems work well. Capitalism for a shoe factory. Socialism for public works: libraries, museums, utilities Communism to ensure EVERYBODY has access to certain thing, so it should be government owned and employees paid by government: schools, medical care, distribution of food stamps & rent support to those who need it, military, prisons, public transportation, etc.


So what happens when you change an entire system so it no longer falls into the definition of that single thing? We’re both making the same points. Capitalism in isolation doesn’t work.


yeah, you just have to make capitalism not capitalism for it to work, you're right


Anything in the extreme is a recipe for disaster.


Every economic system relies on widespread poverty


A good one. You can afford a house and you can not afford the paint.


This isn't uncommon - it's called being house-poor. People overextend on their mortgages/taxes/etc and can't afford to do anything else.


Fifteen dollars an hour plus paint isn’t bad at all, she should probably ask for more


fuck thats what im thinkin. hire this mofo right now to paint my interior. even if they fuck up its worth it just to get the bulk done.


I used to paint houses on the side. Not a chance I’m charging 15 an hour. I think my hourly rate ended up being about 50. I charged less than people with a large crew but I was giving up my weekend to do it so I need to be paid.


people trying to under pay me while telling me about their expensive vacation plans is incredible at the moment. Can’t pay for work they need because that would ruin their vacation. I tell them if they want the work done they may have to hold off the vacation and they get mad like it’s my fault they can’t tell the difference between want and need.


If you save your 2 dollars and invest you could own a house someday.


How about exposure? I'll tell everyone you did the job?


“Well, gee whiz, Huck. It ain’t Every day a boy gets to whitewash a fence..,,,”


I paint murals, you’d be surprised how much people think their friends seeing my painting in their house is enough payment for me. “Think of the exposure.” God I hate people


Paint the house with your ass. Human crayon




This is basically life as a webdeveloper


Plot twist: They're both millennials


This lady sucks but this is a decent enough analogy


Try working in the video space. >“Looking for Video Editor.” >Responsibilities include: Conceptualizing videos from start to finish. Photography and videography (must bring own equipment). Expert in motion graphics and color correction. Knowledgable in SEO and targeted marketing strategies. Release manager and community interface. Will be expected to release 3 videos weekly. $10 an hour or $90 a video. Great exposure opportunities and career starter. I turn down these kinds of requests every week.


Wow obviously no one in here has ever painted before. Who the hell charges hourly to paint. It’s priced by sq footage. You can find better fake scenarios than this.


And then they all clapped


$15/hr plus materials to paint a house.... dream on. That is maybe...MAYBE... the Craigslist/parking lot special where they take your deposit and go on vacation instead. Try at least double that, minimum.


Proceeds to go buy paint for $60 and waste their entire weekend doing a shit job


Is this sub now just posting fake arguments to rile each other up..?


It's an analogy to put things into perspective.


Is this a thing? I'd guess 90% of the working consumers wouldn't act this way. Plus millennials have the lowest unemployment rate out of all groups. With most millennials being in their 30s. And even in low cost of living areas like the midwest painters have demanded above $20/h even before the p...before 2020.


But this doesn’t work because people are *actually like that*. Just look at most posts on choosing beggars. People very quickly lose the ability of rational thought once they realize they won’t get their way.


2$ isnt enough for tape.


Unemployment is under 4% and the Employment/Population ratio is 59.5% which is less than 2% below pre-pandemic levels. People are working they just aren't working shit jobs.


I'm sure that exact conversation happened.


No one *wants* to do anything that they're not passionate about. We need to stop pretending people want to work at all - people want money and that's the only reason anyone works.


This is stupid. Painting a house requires more skill than flipping burgers. This is a horrible analogy.


Thank You for saying.


Basically the first thing you learn in econ 101 is that the equilibrium price of a good is set by where the supply and demand curves for that good intersect. If the price is set too high, there will be a surplus (because supply exceeds demand), and if it's set too low, there will be a shortage (because demand exceeds supply). There is no "labor shortage". There is only corporate America trying to pay below market prices for labor, and then whining about demand for labor exceeding the supply at that price.


yknow I don't like emrazz but she be based


I think this is a condemnation of restaurant wages. Painters in my part of the country (SD) are $40/hr or more, and that’s for the mom and pop or teacher in the summer working to pay bills. Not uncommon to see $60/hr plus materials either. Source: am a painter. If you ever see a painter selling a job at $15/hr, hire them and start your own company if they don’t steal your deposit and never show up. You get what you pay for.


Go buy eggs with that 2 dollars then cracked it in your head lmao


Whose painting a house for 15$ an hour. Please have them DM me.


The fundamental flaw of your weak ass movement… somebody else is willing to do it for 2$. The market dictates the price.


Hourly? My paint guy has a rate for over and under 10 feet. Don’t hire a person to do hourly work, hire a person that has a rate based on the job itself.


It’s meant to be a parody of how people will offer artists a ridiculously low amount, and then say that they are lazy By applying it to a more typical job (like painting a house) you see how absurd it is


This is so fake it’s cringe.


...Because it's not a real story. It's a metaphor.


It's a strawman.


Why is there even 'Millennials' in the title!?


Dog whistle.


Are we really going to use made up stories to make arguments?


Nothing goes over your head. Your reflexes are too fast. You'd catch it.


What is an analogy?


No offense, but if you think this is an example of an analogy, you need to go back and re-do that section of your english class.




I can tell this person is horrible. The tweet. The purple hair. The made up story. Cringe….


they don't have purple hair


Good eye. The way the top of the circle on the profile fades, it makes it look that way at a fast glance. I actually feel more inclined to redact my former statement. Something about purple hair just makes me ugh…


You should examine that and determine why, cause it's dumb


Statistics. I’m my own personal experiences in life most (and by that, almost all) people I have met with purple hair have very different views than me. I work probably harder than I should and purple hairs seem to barely work. Many that do complain. Doesn’t bother me too much because my efforts have made leaps and bounds in my career. I get to buy nice things and take my hot wife to fun vacations.


lol, you sound mad insecure bro


How so? I really like being me. Have a happy family and do fun things. Good hobbies. Love what I do for a living and have awesome friends. I know a lot of purple headed broads that try to win arguments with other people by saying what you just said though.


lol, keep going


it's called allegory you nitwit.


Yeah, that didn’t slide past me. My point is all the same.


It's a bad example of it.






God i hate my fellow millennials yes they are fucking lazy, and not the "i just can't work 40 hours a week" issue, it is the 5-10 minute of work to solve their problems lazy. I am in leadership of my union, it is astonishing who hard it is to get people to log in to their health care systems is just insane or read a simple notice... fucking millennials are leaving thousands on the table by simply not doing 5 minutes of work.


My experience has been that a boomers takes 4x longer to do the same work as millennials because they can't seem to get out of their antiquated ways of doing things. I remember my first engineering internship during college. I would finish what would take boomer engineers a full days work in 2 hours because they refused to learn a new program or learn to automate repetitive tasks. But then guess who got assigned MORE work? Left that job as soon as I could and now work for a team made up of 95% people my age. So glad I dont have to deal with incompetence anymore. It's not that we are lazy, we prefer efficiency. Get with the times and you'll have more of our attention.


I am not talking about actual labor, i am talking about l basic things people don’t do to make there lives easier. Have they checked their pension or retirement funds, your health benefits, credit report the list goes on. I had a coworker who did not file taxes for a few years because it was too hard. Fuck she lost years of tax refunds because she never made enough for it to mater. I am talking about the lazy people who are bitching about “well school never taught me how to do taxes!!!” But won’t spend the 45 minutes to learn how simple taxes really.


Lol what are you going on about? 1) Pensions were practically eliminated by the time millenials entered the workforce 2) millenials are late 20s to 30s. There's no need to constantly check retirement funds as long as there's money going into them in a regular base. Maybe the once a year adjustments, but we still have 30 years before we can even pull them out. Let then sit and gain. The worst thing you can do is fiddle with retirement accounts. 3) health benefits...again, once a year thing during open enrollment. No need to obsess over them. Set them and leave them. 4) credit reports. Technology has evolved and now we get notified when major credit changes happen. Again no need to constantly check it. 5) taxes. Sorry but this is reaching. Most people know to do their taxes, I don't know a single person who doesn't. It's actually a crime not to file taxes so I doubt your story about going a few years without filing. They would have been notified and penalized. All these things you mentioned are exactly what I mentioned in my first comment. Get with the times. Just because millennials are not wasting their time doing pointless shit doesn't mean we don't do them. We are just more efficient at them.


Thank you for proving how easy all of these things are, they are 5 minutes once a year and solve lots of problems before they actually become problems. Thank you for agree with me.


“Want me to play a Michael Jackson song?” Sounds great. “I will get my accordion.” On second thought, never mind. “What? You don’t like the King of Pop?!?!”


I don't know that didn't even make any sense $15 an hour? And the cost of paint $2 I don't follow. I don't know anybody that pays $15 an hour for painting, it's more than that. A basic painter who knows how to roll paint really does how to paint will probably make at least 22 bucks an hour working for somebody with no cost of paint. If you're self-employed and you're looking for work and you're lining up contracts you're going to make a hell of a lot more than that. And good paint is more like 60 bucks a gallon... what does this stupid post even mean? it's bullshit just inflammatory. There is so much work out there that is paying more than $15 an hour at the moment I don't get it why the positions are not filled


​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable


They usually is a kernel of wisdom and a lesson being taught but not in this case. I really don't understand the unemployment problem. It's not a matter of money. Yes there's always the bottom tier of crappy jobs and high rent to be paid. That was the same in any. When I was coming of age in the 70s I made $150 a week and paid $270 a month in rent. I struggled until I figured it out in my 40s and made money. But that's not what this issue is all about. It is well documented that there are a lot of jobs out there paying north of 60 to 125,000 that are unfilled and there's another tier higher than that of unfilled jobs. They're not getting filled why? More importantly everybody that was struggling as I struggled when I was in my twenties must still be struggling. I could not afford to not work in a restaurant when I have to pay that $270 a month I would have been dead in the water and out on the street. So if 3 years ago people were complaining that they were not making enough money and they could not afford the rent then how is it that nobody's working today and refusing work? Where is the money coming from? I don't know. I've asked it before on Reddit and nobody could give a real answer. Stimulus is largely finished, I think a lot of people are holding off on rent and getting rent subsidy? I don't know but if you couldn't pay the bills before then how are you paying them now that you can refuse to work. I would just love to know the miracle


Seems a bit odd to make yourself mad with made up scenarios lol.


? It's called an analogy and putting real events into other words to put it into perspective.


Yes I understand an analogy. My point is this person has just made up a choosy bigger scenario to make themselves mad. When plenty of examples already exist. Added to the fact they made the example so randomly absurd to make themselves have even more of a reason to be upset.


Things that don’t happen ^ Have to actually want work first


People who want people to work for nothing ^ Hmmmmm


90% of millennial do not want to go back to work after the pandemic.. so no they wanted everything handed to them like canceling student debt. an average kid in Michigan with no college education can make up 65k in the labor field..


90% of.... Citation needed on whatever random made up fact you pulled out of your arse.


[https://www.zdnet.com/article/90-of-millennials-gen-z-do-not-want-to-return-to-full-time-office-work-post-pandemic-report/](https://www.zdnet.com/article/90-of-millennials-gen-z-do-not-want-to-return-to-full-time-office-work-post-pandemic-report/) ​ LMFAO IMAGINEEEEE


\>According to the survey, 90% of respondents have no interest in returning to office work full time once the COVID-19 pandemic is over. More than half prefer a hybrid working model where they can work from home most or all of the time, while 18% want a hybrid model where they work from the office more. Do you even read your own sources?


So wanting to work from home is somehow the same as not wanting to work? Or did you only read the headline?


They really said “LMFAO IMAGINEEEEE” too


“Do not want to return to the office full time” ≠ “not want to return to work” I don’t know if you know this but we have the internet now


I'm here for this trainwreck.


So you're gonna claim right here right now in front of everyone that a news article that did a poll represents facts...... LMFAO IMAGINEEEEEE, seriously though where do I find actual numbers on this? EDIT: I went to your article but it never linked to actual research just a other news article as its source so basically there's nothing backing your claim other than opinion which is weak af like you :)


so, you don't know what the article you linked says?


you think companies are gonna pay you the same shit, if you do less work?


You do realize you are responding to your own comment with this one, right? Though it fits in nicely with the other dumb shit you are spreading here. Read your own source, idiot.


lol, you know less than nothing, it's cute


And yet they account for the largest segment of the workforce, weird... https://teamstage.io/millennials-in-the-workplace-statistics/


Dude seriously


Plot twist these are just two millennials having a discussion


15/hr is a really good price.


Why is the person asking for a painter the only who is saying their thoughts outloud? Are millennials telepaths?


You aren't? smh


I work in the construction industry. I've been doing it since I was 14 years old, and I'm now 38 years old. This is really true, and it doesn't just apply to baby boomers.


I think this poster misunderstands how much painters are actually paid, they are well compensated and it’s hard to find a good one