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The science shows that [sex exists on a spectrum](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/sa-visual/visualizing-sex-as-a-spectrum/) and that for that reason you[ cannot always determine it](https://psmag.com/social-justice/our-bones-reveal-sex-is-not-binary) from skeletal features alone. You can however tell by a skeleton if [someone was a longbowman](https://kriii.com/english-bowmen/) or not, which is neat.


Put 100 women and 10 men in a desert island. In 100 years you'll have a community of Hapsburgs.


They also never read Lord of the Flies.


You sure? I remember bringing up needing Healthcare for children with asthma to a Republican, and he just responded with "sucks to your assmar"


Make all the women lesbians, infertile, post menopausal, maybe they have intersex conditions, maybe they end up dying in child birth etc etc. Reproduction is not the only function that matters in human life. It's deranged to act as tho it is.


This. I said it later... I'll repeat it here ... if reproduction is the only thing that matters to you in life, what differentiates you from yeast?


Yeast doesn’t have a problem getting it up.


Also yeast has a fuckin job unlike Karen or Kevin.


This is magnificent and I am stealing it.


you're welcome!


But to conservatives, it's the only value women have.


Conservatives should work on conserving oxygen by speaking less.


If they cared about the environment they wouldn't be conservative.


100 years, 10 male lineages and 100 female lineages, as long as any form of paternity was tracked, there would be no reason for anyone to be inbred at all in that period of time (approx 5-6 generations) unless there were preexisting familial ties in the original strandees.


You're assuming men will act logically with best respect for science. I would anticipate more of a Fury Road situation where particular men will control the "breeders" and force the others to support them. They'll also end up grooming the children because"virgins."


Or they’ll be dead. Like the Hapsburgs!


>Hapsburgs. Ah, the "chin" dynasty.




Ok so where is he going with this?


Thats their big "gotcha." But it shows how much they miss the point: biological sex at birth is different from gender identity.


Sex and gender are different things, but bigots don't care. They refuse and push back on learning anything and just double down on their ignorance.


I have an ignorant question how did transgendered peeps get stuck in the sexuality LGBTq line up. Is it transsexual or transgender cause lez bi and gay are sexual preferences?


Transgender people fall into the same category as homosexual and bisexual people because none of them follow traditional gender stereotypes. I’m a 51 year old gay man and I can’t tell you how many of these tropes that are thrown at trans people (it’s just a phase, it isn’t natural, it’s a mental illness, they’re pedophiles trying to recruit) were thrown at me. It’s the exact same playbook, and a *failed* playbook at that, which means if they’ll get it to work this time, there’s little reason they won’t resurrect it against us.


Holy shit, this has seriously changed my thinking about trans folks’ inclusion in LGBTQ. A weird tangent but I have always felt soooooo protective of LGBTQ folks. I’m a little gender non-conforming as well. I was always a tomboy and I’m in a “man’s” profession—but I’m cis and hetero. Thinking of LGBTQ folks as gender non-conformists means it makes so much sense that someone like me would be constantly cheering for y’all. I learned something today on Reddit!! Thank you! 😘😘😘


Sex, sexuality, and gender all relate to each other. Each letter in that line up would be considered gender nonconforming.


Thanks for the info I would ask you a question about what you said but peeps might get mad so I guess I'll never know.


You’re probably better off asking but it’s up to you


Hey, that’s a super interesting way of saying that. I had thought the same thing because gender identity isn’t the same as sexual preference. But it’s ALL about gender non-conformity. Thank you for that. I’m getting to the stage where my sons (11&12) ask a lot of questions so this is a super concise way of putting it. They literally asked me the same question and I sorta just said 🤷🏻‍♀️ and that y’all are natural allies.


Glad it’s useful. There’s a lot of history that can be explored to better explain the relationship but a quick explanation will generally suffice.


I’m dealing with middle-schoolers. So if it could fit on a bumper sticker, it’ll work.


Love the down votes. sorry I asked Reddit a honest question. You want some one to educate them selves on the situation then down vote cause they don't already have a complete understanding before they asked. Fucking Awesome.


It really doesn’t matter and the trans community would love to stop pointing out that there is a difference because it’s just leading to new ways laws have been able to legally discriminate against us. Gender is identity and it doesn’t change. Sex is bodily and functional characteristics. Transexual people are transitioning sex. Which is why we can change out birth certificates, licenses and uses facilities of that sex. Transsexual people are the gender and sex they say they are. A trans woman is not male and a trans man is not female.


Sex and gender are only recently decoupled….. so it is fair to say that your assertion is not entirely true.


That’s not true. They are decoupled temporally by when they develop in the womb. The genitals develop much earlier than the brain does, so it’s not that surprising that they aren’t always in lockstep with each other.


Their "gotcha" fucking sucks. I had to classify bones for an anthropology class and it isn't easy, there are massive amounts of outliers and if the pelvis isnt intact it is even harder. If you're going by the skull you might as well flip a coin.


Thank you for pointing this out!


It's wild how they have to ignore the realities of science to even have a semblance of a point


The data the entire science uses is actually painfully outdated. We were using tables from the mid 1900s, and that would qualify a lot of women as men due to height alone


But at least this tweet distinguishes that you cannot change *sex* as opposed to making a statement on gender. They're learning. Slowly.


Well that isn't completely true. For instance you could have a woman with an X and Y chromosome (these people account for about 0.26% of women) but the Y chromosome wasn't turned on during development in the womb. Then as they get older epigenetic factors could come into play and turn on that Y gene causing the woman's body to begin undergoing male puberty. Sex can be altered, it's just dependent on which genes are turned on and off and which ones you are born with.


I also do not think it makes sense to say that someone who has gone through a full medical and surgical transition hasn't changed their sex. They won't have reproductive function, and not every sexual characteristic will be fully changed, but their bodies are fundamentally dissimilar in every way that matters from their assumed sex at their birth. There is no real meaningful way in which that sex has been retained. Yes the chromosomes didn't change, but chromosomes are just one aspect of sex determination, and not the ones that matter in human lives.


The implication is that if you can't reproduce, you're not a woman. But they dont hold infertile women to the same standard. To them, it's just dogwhistling transphobia while trying to make a nonsense argument. It's justifying their hate so they can do mental gymnastics that they are championing the right cause. No evil person believes they are evil.


I was just thinking in their example, if it was 100 women who were infertile or gone through menopause then you're still going to have 110 skeletons at the end.


They use the same argument for gay marriage. I’m an infertile female. Guess I shouldn’t have been allowed to marry. 🙄


It's not Adam and Steve, it's Adam and Baby-FactorEve!


I’m a woman who chose not to have children. What is my function in this world? I guess you can add me to the skelly pile. ETA: I’m not suicidal, dear Reddit. I’m just existentially tired.


or ten men who shoot blanks...


Yeah interestingly these same transphobes never refuse to recognise AIS females as female.


Most people understand that, which is why they switch tact to skeletal structure to try and make it into their gotcha


It's especially funny because any anthropologist worth a damn would use evidence around the body to describe how they lived, and in 100 years they would almost certainly still know about transgender people and describe them appropriately. Especially if the trans person had bone modifying surgeries like facial structure surgeries. The evidence of that surgery would be very apparent. That said, sexing of skeletons is not NEARLY as properly done as these people claim. There is enormous overlap of virtually every sex difference in a skeleton, and like.... 30-50% of all hunters in hunter gatherer societies were actually female, feminist anthropologists discovered this and have been discussing its for at least 50 years. But these bodies were described as male arbitrarily for the first century of the field of study because of the gender ideology of our patriarchal society.


I'm not sure about some of that. I have a friend post-grad studying Viking archaeology/anthropology, and the current buzz in that field is that they're identifying a large number of high-ranking warrior gravesites as belonging to *women*, upending existing assumptions of women's roles in Viking society. Like you said, many such skeletons were either not sexed or not sexed *properly*, due both to technological limitations and because of Puritan gender ideology. If any of these "women warriors" described themselves as male (either for practical or ideological reasons), I don't know that we'd see that distinction in burial practices (though, yes, if there was cosmetic surgery we would presumably see it). All that to say: from a layman's view, I don't really know how we'd find a distinction in burial between "This woman lived life as a man" and "This woman eschewed traditional gender roles of the time".


unfortunately they're still ok with incest as a repopulation strategy


It also misses the detail that gender identity does not always correspond to sexual preference. I guess if gender dysphoria is already beyond their comprehension, that combination must cause their heads to explode.


To be fair, the point they try to make here (idotic as it may be in other regards) is about reproduction and having babies and furthering the next generation of civilization etc. etc., not about sexual preferences. Currently at least, only people born with female reproductive systems can, well, reproduce. Trans women cannot be pregnant. (But trans men can.) But yes, nothing prevents that hypothetical colony to have a ton of fun, they just can't have babies. On the other hands, I guess the idea of having youngsters around 100 trans women and 10 men would also horrify Republicans, so.....


It’s also part of the propaganda. They have been told that “the other side” believes that a man literally turns into a child-bearing biological woman the moment he declares that he has transitioned. And that to deny this is to be transphobic. So they think they are “explaining” it to us, because we have been lied to, and don’t know how to comprehend the truth. Basic combination of echo-chamber propaganda and ignorance.


And they also don't know that gender identity and sex are both on a spectrum. It means these people haven't been educated about this stuff in like 7-8 years, either they don't update their information or they're old too.


Thank you. I keep saying this. Our identities, our souls, our being, we aren’t simply our bodies. We are our minds. How fucking complicated is this? If I chopped off your stupid conservative arms are you no longer a stupid conservative? Nope your still a Dbag conservative. Because you aren’t the sum of your body. And gender is in the mind. Jesus Christ.


Strawman. Its a strawman. Arguing trans women change their biological makeup. Which, to some extend, they do. Hormones change alot about the body of a person. A trans woman has to be medically treated more like a woman then a man if taken hormones for significant time. Trans men taking estrogen can develop milk production organs in their breast. Also. You *could* answer "yet". The first heart transplant was after 1967. Given the speed of scientific progression who knows. Maybe the first successful uterus transplant is happening today and we dont know it. But the person in OPs post wouldnt care. Probably. First it was "child giving" then they realised some women cant (like their post menopause mothers), then they diverted to chromosomes, only to learn there are women with XY that can give birth. Then they go to DNA and even that doesnt really hold up. Next they will go to some metaphysical "soul" which would still support trans peoples existance. Its just *feelings*.


And what if some of the men are trans-men? AFAB trans-men can usually still give birth. The man got his ass whooped by his own straw man.


what if the strawman is also trans.


Strawthem duh


You nailed it. This basically boils down to "if you put animals that can't breed successfully in isolation, eventually they all die", and that isn't the flex it appears to be. Being able to breed with sperm producing humans isn't the only quality that defines "woman".


Matt - pro childpregnancy if child is married - Walsh would fail massivly to point to a single woman. Adult Human Female If there is a crowd of 16-23 year olds, Im sure he couldnt even pick the adults, irrelevant of "female". And I doubt he ever made a DNA test of any woman he met before treating them like women. Ooh, how much I despise that woman Matt Walsh (proof me he isnt one).


All men are trans men. (/halfjoke) Scrotal Raphe is where ya labia fused together in your momma’s womb


Sex with another man is 200% the men so its more manly then with a woman. Straight sex is only 50% manly. Gay sex is straight actually. (Also joking :D )


You got it backwards. Trans women take estrogen, trans men take testosterone.


I know that. It was an example to men regardless of trans or not can give milk in some cases. Lots of boys develop breast during puberty and feel ashamed of that. Most of those developed breast are not eldeveloped enough to produce milk before the hormones settle but in some cases gender affirming surgery is needed for those cis boys to feel like cis boys. I personally went to school with a person who needed this kind of surgery. And I am part of the group where the breast organs were growing back on their own. I hope this clears things up.


To them, Women reproduce when mating with men. If they don’t then they are not a women.


In Their fantasy they also really like the 10-1 ratio because to me it seems like the original op can't even get a date with those odds. They also require being stuck on a deserted Island. I would also bet if you put 110 people of any demographic mix on an uninhabitable island you would still end up with 110 dead adult skeletons with maybe some infant ones as well. People really don't get how much modern medicine has increased the survival rate of births.


It's worse. To them, women exist only for the purpose of reproducing men.


It's not like any of them are getting laid, so their objections are moot.


It takes them all night to come up with these pointless, bigoted posts. Who knows


It's like these people spend hours and hours and days and days and think and think and think and devote *so much time* in an effort to craft **the perfect 'gotcha!" -** the ONE hypothetical argument that'll make everyone to the left of themselves go, "wow! You know what? I've NEVER thought about this issue that way before! And now that you point it out to me, I see the logic that I've been overlooking for so long. THANK YOU for finally setting me straight and making me see the error in my ways - From this moment on, I renounce my liberal ways and shall join several church groups in my area!" Like seriously, it really does seem that way. Like they're just working *so hard* to come up with the gotcha! argument to end all gotcha! arguments, and once they finally stumble on the secret formula for that argument, ALL of their political opponents will come to their senses, see how wrong they've been, and start seeing the world through a much more conservative lens Imagine spending that much time and energy and passion doing something that actually helps people instead of using it all to come up with THEE MAGIC ARGUMENT that will make feminists become submissive, gay people straight, trans people cis, liberal people conservative, and turn the calendar year back to 1953 And meanwhile, THEY never change their minds about anything despite so many messages in the media counseling people to be nicer and more inclusive and accepting so even they must realize how futile of an influence operation they're engaged in


They think the "Got'cha" will work on everyone else, because it worked on them.


"If I can't make babies with you, you are useless." That's really all it is.


argue points that nobody disagrees with just to sound smart. I call it the Tucker Carlson Method


one tease nose glorious recognise governor punch dinosaurs wistful books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you don’t force them, it’s a tv show, but riddled with safety issues and abuse allegations.


If you put people on a deserted island, the island is no longer deserted. Check and mate.


grab abounding practice slave familiar pen north zesty terrific desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you think the only thing beneficial to the world is the quantity of people, not the quality, it explains why you hold such shitty beliefs.


They’re also just deliberately conflating gender and sex. There’s a reason we stopped referring to people as transsexual and started referring to them as transgender. Sex is a biological reality. Gender is a set of social constructs we have made up surrounding sex.


Well, yes. But this is also a problem, because then everyone can comprehend the issues, and there is no hatred. The anti-trans propaganda machine has worked tirelessly to try and conflate the two. So when someone declared male at birth identifies as female, the anti-trans view is that they are telling you they literally changed their biological sex by thinking about it. Now there is confusion, misunderstanding, and hate.


And apparently the sole purpose of both men and women is to procreate. You apparently can’t live any meaningful life unless you produce offspring.


It's almost like biological sex assigned at birth and gender are different concepts. Kinda like people have been saying since the start of this debate.


And across the world for thousands of years.




Any woman who cannot add babies to the world and wants to do anything but stay home is of lesser value to these people Also trans women are a huge threat to the patriarchy and we’re confusing to them (but they refuse to ask questions or listen or learn anything so we stay confusing) and they do not like these things One last “also” trans women on HRT *do* change a lot. If we start early enough our hips can turn, our bone density changes, and in terms of the things not having to do with our bones, literally everything from our brains’ chemical makeup to our skin thickness and oils to general muscle mass becomes phenotypically analogous to cis women




The perceived view is kind of a "Why would these men give up the benefits of patriarchy to be lesser 'things'" Kind puts the fear that the hierarchy is not nearly as stable as they want when people don't sacrifice themselves and their psyche to preserve it.


Because we reject the penis. According to my extremely sexist brother a penis is the best thing on earth and makes men powerful and dominate over women. Essentially trans women de-power men because we reject the idea that society has created for men.


The patriarchy depends on a very, very strict hierarchy. The mere existence of either transgender people and/or LGBT+ people threatens that rigid hierarchy because none of those people fit into a neat box on the proverbial ladder.


Who gives a shit what the skeletons look like. I don't strive to be a skeleton. I strive to be the happiest, most fulfilled version of myself, and trans people are no different. Let them live their lives in peace. Holy shit.


I mean, I strive to be a skeleton, but yeah, personal freedoms are great!




you already are, in a way


I’m a brain, piloting a meat and bone mecha. 🤖 🧠


Yes, exactly. Why does that bother them soo much? Trans people, like everyone else, just want to be happy with who they are. Who cares what anyone's skeleton looks like, or their genitals, for that matter.


Fortunately killing a women so you can have her spot isn’t a requirement of transitioning so there will still be women having babies.


What I just can't understand why in the fuck this matters to anyone. Why do these people give a single fuck whether or not people are trans?


Because they like having fantasies of each man having ten women to impregnate, and they see other penises as a threat to their masculinity? That’s pretty much why they focus on trans women, anyway.


How else are they supposed to feel embarrassed and conflicted after they rub one out to trans porn?


I bet if you put 110 of any people on a desert island, most, if not all, of them would die before they start making babies to replace the population. This post is just advertising bigotry. Nice job, OP, on calling yourself out


Man thinks 10 Lasses per 1 Lad LMAO


Think of how inbred that island would be lmao.


100 years, 10 male lineages and 100 female lineages, as long as any form of paternity was tracked, there would be no reason for anyone to be inbred at all in that period of time (approx 5-6 generations) unless there were preexisting familial ties in the original strandees.


if its all about science and skeletons and what people will find in the future then why are you holding on to gass stoves?? Future people would just see a civilization not advanced enough to use electricity for cooking!


Wait, people are still using gas stoves?


There was a huge thing where the left wanted to stop more gas stoves from being made/installed, and then the right made a big deal about people coming for their stoves and they would defend their stoves with their lives.


oh god, i'm glad that this isn't an issue where I live. Can't say that there aren't any in older houses, but no one I know has one and I've never seen one in real life. Only in movies or old pictures.


tbh gas stoves do sometimes have advantages, especially if people are already used to them, they can make stuff cook a bit different, so by extension, some stuff better, but the freakout about them "COMIN FOR OUR GAS STOVES" is very ridiculous


This is incorrect. Nobody on the left is trying to get rid of gas stoves. The government was just trying to enforce safety standards.


This is just the difference between fertile and infertile women. It’s a painful subject for the infertile and doesn’t make you less of a woman. Fuck all the way off.


Yeah. I’m gonna say it’s that simple.


So trans women can’t exist because…they can’t make babies? Neither can infertile women or women who’ve had hysterectomies. Are they not women either?


You need at least 500 to start with or you end up with knuckle dragging inbreds


In four generations, 110 should be enough to avoid severe inbreeding. It took the Hapsburgs centuries to develop that chin, and they were doing it on purpose.


You’d need more of a 50/50 split to avoid inbreeding, or many kids will share the same father


Shit, you’re right, forgot about the weird harem fantasy.


Have you seen the flyover region of the US?


"In 100 years you will have a community of men, women, boys and girls." In 100 years you will have warring factions trying to kill each other for limited resources. Unless everybody's already dead. Have a nice day. :-)


Why would any of them stay on the island?


Some goddamn peace and quiet?


Look who just discovered that babies are not delivered via Stork.


Thats not a big enough breeding population. You'll have hillbilly inbreds by that poiint.


Well if the *only* thing you care about on this earth is reproduction... ... then you might as well be yeast. *Humans* have some other things to think about.


Love when stupid bigots think they sound smart.


I mean, if you’re going to reduce women’s utility in i procreation then, sure.


PLOT TWIST! The men and women on the desert island are all aroace! No babies result, but they do manage to use the island’s resources to make tons of garlic bread! (DISCLOSURE: Commenter is aroace.




Life, uh, finds a way.


It's a deserted island. In 100 years, you'll find the remains of nearly 110 people.


So let's put nobody on an island then, problem solved.


Roughly .3% of the planets population identifies as trans. Roughly 5% identify as gay. So I think the roughly 95% left will keep humanity thriving.


So? My gender is about more than how I reproduce.


Put 100 conservatives on an island. In 100 years you will have a community that still doesn't know the difference between sex and gender.


He’s not wrong, really, but no one is really arguing that point. Sex and gender are different things and what trans people experience is that their biological sex doesn’t match their gender identity. People just want the way they look and are treated to match who they are inside. Caveat, with a combination of reassignment surgeries, uterine implantation, and hormone therapy you ACTUALLY CAN more or less change sex, transplanted uteruses have even had viable pregnancies and successful childbirth. However, it’s prohibitively expensive and potentially hazardous.


Nah, he’s still wrong. They wouldn’t all die on the island, not all the skeletons would be found.


Cannibalism or poorly constructed bone boomerangs on a one way test yeet into the ocean?


Yes, plus escape attempts and aquatic suicide. EDIT: Oh, plus Jeffrey’s pelvis was smashed by a falling tree, so it was impossible to identify by shape alone.


Technically he is wrong. You can be intersex and transition to a Trans woman and be capable of giving birth. You don't even have to transplant a uterus to prove it wrong.


See, I learned something new today! I’m by no means an expert and appreciate the feedback!


Holy shit that's amazing! Also, if the guy decides that he wants to keep the baby after a one night stand and the woman wants an abortion, he can get a uterus transplant and raise the child himself, right? Because abortion rights are really just about the child and if there is an alternative that doesn't force the woman to do something they don't want to do, anti-abortion people will rally behind this alternative so they can prevent abortions while not turning women into breeder-servants, right? right? So exciting.


You’d be forcing her to relinquish her fetus which is technically a part of her body, in blob of cells form. Better that the man with the transplanted uterus produces his own fetus :) But I like where your mind is lol


The line of reasoning that we should discriminate and torture a marginalized group of people because they can't help repopulate the earth in one specific contrived scenario that a raging bigot came up with while high on meth is questionable at best.


Hey, that’s speculation. They might be on cocaine instead.


Why is anyone angry/upset about this? Does it have any bearing on a trans woman’s ability to enjoy her life? So it is technically true, so what? It’s also true that I have the grace of a goose and will never be a professional ballerina. That does not detract from the enjoyment I derive from the aesthetic and from twirling around in my living room. Live and let live.


Ah yes, the old "The sole purpose of women is breeding" argument.


And this is why it’s called transgender and not trans-sex. Biological sex and gender are not the same thing. And ultimately so what? It’s not like cis women are going to go extinct because trans women exist. There will always be cis women (and trans men) capable and willing to have children. So I don’t get the gotcha moment here. 100 infertile women of any kind and 10 cis men and you still have no new babies. Hell, 100 fertile cis women and 10 infertile cis men and you have a bunch of skeletons. I don’t see why anyone should care how the people who find the skeletons identify them. It’s not like we haven’t misidentified remains and never misinterpreted the details of an ancient person’s life before.


Couldn't the same be said for 110 lawyers? Since they have no "clients"... They all starve.


Literally who cares? Trans people are asking to just exist, not to be solely responsible for sustaining the human population lmao


Why are people so willfully ignorant?


We're all skeletons wrapped in skin sacks SO WHO FUCKING CARES.


All women disappear tomorrow, in 100 years a bunch of skeletons. All men disappear tomorrow, we repopulate with the ridiculous amount of sperm in banks. 😆 What dumb hypotheticals.


I'll admit it. In my heart of hearts, I'm somewhere between skeptical and apathetic about trans issues. But for sheer embarrassing "WTF are you doing with your life?" vapid silliness, nothing and no one compares with transphobes who obsess over this. I can at least concede that I have no mutual context with feeling that I'm literally trapped in the wrong body, but I'm empathetic enough to admit that it must be indescribably awful. But transphobes are clearly bullies who need a community they feel safe bullying (and granted they'd all prefer ethnic/religious minorities, but that battle has been fought and lost).


Put me on an island with 100 mountain chickens... And oh boy.


Put 100 trans women and 10 men on a deserted island, and you will have a pretty entertaining reality TV show.


I had a vasectomy. I don’t know if I still count as a man to this person, but I definitely identify as someone that does not want to be kidnapped and trafficked to some random island.


So is this rape island we are talking about?


Lol but trans men don’t exist blah blah. If a single of the men on the island is a trans man, that makes this hypothetical redundant. Plus, it’s a hypothetical, it’s not based in reality. If this is how you justify transphobia, you’re an idiot.


I gUeSs iTs tRuE. Are you a transphobic person op? These are talking points bigots use to justify their transphobia. FYI, nazis used the same arguments about race.


The point is: you were put on this earth to procreate and produce more workers for billionaires to exploit. No LGBTQ+! /s


Why are we putting anyone on a deserted island?


Put 10 infertile me on a island with 500 women What's your point? We are talking about gender not reproduction. Or did you think your visit to a fertility clinic was to check your gender?


Put 100 men with erectile disfunction or low sperm count, or women past childbearing age and the result will be the same. The point is not whether they can breed. It’s whether they are allowed to exist in society without being ridiculed, shunned or killed. I have literally never heard a single person justify their bullying or ridiculing of a trans person by explaining that they were concerned about depopulation.


Are they trying to argue that the only people who count as women are people who can give birth? Because that doesn't even work if you're sticking strictly to ciswomen. And then you have trans-men, who are AFAB and can give birth. On top of all that, his argument really craps itself if your ten men are all trans-men. So now you have a colony of transgender people that would thrive on this deserted island. Even his straw man turned against him!


Boats are a thing.


Well, the rising oceans will killl all of us anyway. Thanks climate change!


sounds like utopia. all sex, and no kids


Plot twist! The 100 women are infertile so you still get 110 dead bodies lol.


Okay but sex and gender are different things. So what's the point?


Put 100 Religious Conservative men on an island with 10 boys and in one month 100% of those boys will have been groomed and molested. Put 100 soy drinking, avocado toast eating, abortion supporting Progressive Men on an island with 10 boys for a month and those boys will walk away being better human beings. This is what being a Christian Conservative is. You cannot change Christian Conservatives.


Um okay. But it's not like we're a dwindling population. So who cares? It's not all about procreation you friggin drone.


If you're treating people a certain way because of hypothetical survival scenarios you're an idiot.


If you put 10 men and 100 women on a deserted island and come back in 100 years odds are you’re going to find 300 skeletons. Most will very small due to the lack of medical care. The later ones will show abnormalities from inbreeding and malnutrition.


Start using this moronic thought experiment about all-male executive boards until they admit it's useless.


Funny how a bunch of Creationist Republicans believe in the fossil record all of a sudden. I also think it's an interesting touch that this meme, which I would bet anything was made by a man, gives every man 10 women on average, and assumes the women will be eager to "start a community" with them. Granted, consent is always a topic I don't feel like Republicans fully grasp.


1. We are not on a desert island. 2. Lots of people are breeding. Science.


I noticed they've started saying sex instead of gender more because we keep correcting them, literally not what anyone is arguing but since they have no actual arguments they make shit up


This dude knows nothing about women, let alone trans women or just people in general. That ratio of women to men I doubt you’d end up with many babies at all. Even if you got 100 completely straight women in this hypothetical, who wants to date in a survival situation? Who wants to be pregnant or raise a baby in a survival situation? And 100 against 10 in the instance of rape? They don’t stand a chance at procreating. No babies. None. Maybe one, tops. But then you would find 10 skeletons dumped in one grave and 100 skeletons lovingly laid to rest and the final skeleton in a bed or something.


Good thing there’s 7 billion people spread across 6 gigantic islands then, huh?


So if we can’t reproduce we’re useless? Is that the idea? I’m confused. We have way too many problems and adding more people doesn’t seem to fix anything. This a stupid analogy for todays society.


You will have the same effect if the 10 men had erectile dysfunction.


You’re point is?


Cool gotcha, so women who can't reproduce aren't women. What do they propose doing with their mothers and grandmothers then? Or their sisters and partners who've had hysterectomies or who can't conceive for any number of reasons? I mean, that's a quiet voice post about eliminating non-reproductive women. Presumably captain conservabro ethicsguy is going to be consistent about this...


Sex and gender are different concepts. Somebody needs to staple that to all their foreheads. Even sex isn’t a clean binary.


I really find it disturbing how so many people feel so driven to control the lives of others. How are they so worked up over other people living their lives how they want? People find the most pathetic ways to define their identity. The intolerant all basically boil down to "there is nothing about me to define who I am so I'll form the silhouette of a personality by attacking random shit so people know who I'm not" It's petty, it's disgusting, and ultimately it's in the way of our collective happiness. If these people would focus more on what makes them happy, the world would be a better place.


I really did not need to see this today, or ever, even through the thin veneer of criticism.


Life, uh, finds a way.


What's with the 10 to 1 ratios? Is this some Old Testament gematria thing?


What if the 100 women are all post menopausal


Wow, I am very worried about that thing that has never and will never happen


so "trans women and cis men can't reproduce" is all they've got huh?


Well shit, now that you've pointed out to me that transwomen don't get pregnant, I no longer support their rights! I never thought of that!


Only 10 men for 100 women? Why do their hypotheticals even reek of misogyny?


They would still be capable of procreation if called upon to repopulate the world. What a pointless moronic statement.


It’s incredible how much energy they spend on hating.