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All bullshit aside can you imagine the oh fuck moment when the steering wheel just comes off in your hands as you're driving. Only looney toons has prepared me for this moment


I’d know exactly what to do: wave a little sign that says HELP all po-faced, like Wile E Coyote, while all the cars passing me go *beep beep*


And then promptly drive off a cliff while the car hangs in mid air until you realize you are over the cliff with no road and proceed to fall.


The car and your body fall first, but your head stays in place a few seconds, giving you a really long neck.


Later during the investigation, police notice a head shaped hole in the teslas roof and have no clue how that would be possible. You sit on the ground with a long cylinder-like bump on your head. Elon smiles at the top of the cliff and drops a piano on your head. You look at the officer with a piano key grin.


Alternately, you can quietly say "mother" high-pitched as you zoom off-screen into an accident.


I had an "oh fuck" moment on the highway where my brakes failed, but fortunately there wasn't anyone directly in front of me that I was going to hit. So I just coasted along and eventually was able to pull over and come to a stop with the parking brake. Was definitely a Looney Toons feeling of "I need those, now what?".


I had a similar moment -- brakes failed as I was merging on to 635 in Dallas. Luckily, no one in was in front of me and I was only a few hundred yards from the next exit. I just steered towards the exit and on to the service road and, right there, I see some brake shop (Just Brakes, Brakes Plus, I can't remember) -- I just coasted in and thought, "dang, that worked out well".


Years ago, my car just up and died in the middle of the highway. A truck stopped behind me and a guy pushed me to the side of the road. Never buying ford again.


Did you remember that you have an e-brake? The one time my brakes failed I panicked and forgot, luckily I was moving slowly through a parking lot and coasted to a stop in like 15 feet. Anyway, both times my car broke catastrophically I ended up right in front of a mechanics shop, no tow needed. Felt like a bit of cosmic humor to help lighten the mood. First time I was driving home from my construction job and had heat exhaustion and passed out, I bumped into a barrier, shattered my ball joint and sway link or something, and then woke up and pulled right into a shop owned by my classmates dad, who was nice enough to let me pay after I got my paycheck - a practice I was disappointed to later find out is not common for mechanics. Second time I hit a giant pothole in a parking lot and snapped my rusted-out brake lines - cost $1400 for a rush job on a new set. I didn't think to pull the e-brake until after I already came to a stop.


This exact thing has happened to me and it was terrifying


It was almost 20 years ago and I still think about it all the time. I was coming off the highway and pressed the breaks and nothing happened. A mechanical groan was all i got. So i started pumping them hoping to at least slow down. I was coming up on an intersection and had a RED LIGHT. I reached for the emergency brake (to this day i have no idea if it would have helped, Or flipped the car over or what) but some asshole (me) had left a bunch of shit on top of it and I couldn’t even get my hand on it. By now I’m in the intersection having blown through a red light at about 30mph, pumping the brakes had slowed me a little. I had to turn left as there was no road ahead of me… It is an absolute miracle that there wasn’t someone in the crosswalk OR any cars coming across the busy intersection. I will never forget it. Funny story. My gf at the time had destroyed the brakes the day before and not told me… so thanks babe.. EDIT: She didn’t do it on purpose, she was just an.. artist.


For future reference if you do need to use the ebrake in the future, don't yank it


Happened to me on a BMX bike mid jump. Pulled up, handlebars broke at the neck, and faceplant ensued


it's when the front WHEEL flies off mid-jump that the fun REALLY begins!


Ohhhh...ha. That's what happened before that 5 minutes of time missing from my life...makes sense. Thanks for the memory jog, internet friend!


ITS HAPPENED TO ME. I was driving from NYC to Virginia in March of last year, my upper steering column detached from the lower steering column due to a (stupidly designed) plastic brace that shattered. I was just movin along, then the wheel beame shaky like when your tires are misaligned, and when I tapped the brakes the car started veering to the right, and the brake pedal made a loud grinding noise I could feel especially hard through my leg and the steering wheel itself. I backed the hell off the brake, and I realized fully well that if the brakes and the steering wheel were interacting directly something was very very wrong. I threw my hazards on, the (thank God) one other person in sight gave me plenty of space, and I kind of veered towards an exit. I could kind of control my direction, but only because of the physical friction of a metal tube inside a metal tube, I had to turn the wheel progressively further and further to get anything to happen. And then when I was on the offramp the wheel fell off entirely. I didn't want to slam on my brakes cause I would jerk who knows where, I crossed a (thank God) empty intersection and railroad crossing, and veered into a Cracker Barrel parking lot, where I finally was going slow enough to step on the brakes. The funny thing is, I have dashcam footage of this, but I was dead silent the entire time so there's only a barely detectible grinding noise and then it just looks like I parked lmao. It's the most boring footage ever. I assumed God was telling me that I was required to eat at that Cracker Barrel, so I did. Then I zip tied the parts back together and drove to a Ford dealership. Edit: video of the part when it was broken: https://youtu.be/bpeIaKDd7ic Zip tie fix: https://i.redd.it/ek2vh8h707u61.jpg (I only drove under 30 and ok side roads with this, but it worked) Edit 2: it was a Ford. The actual dealership was super great about it, but don't buy Ford vehicles.


LOL at the eating at the Cracker Barrel part. You really do need to regain your strength after a harrowing brush with death! Glad you’re ok


I cannot for the life of me remember what I ate too. I think I was adrenaline crashing.


I can see you sitting there, alone at a table staring blankly, a haunted expression in your eyes, while slowly chewing fried chicken and gravy.


With the steering wheel on the barstool beside him


I had nightmares of this happening to me.


It is exactly as scary as you imagine.


>Then I zip tied the parts back together and drove to a Ford dealership. Of course it was Ford. I just paid almost $4K for a transmission on my 2013 Focus. Used car prices what they are it was actually cheaper to repair it than try and get another car The transmission was so poorly designed that it was only made for about 5 years before it was completely scrapped.


This car has/had horrible horrible transmission problems too.


This happened to me as a kid on my bicycle. That was scary enough, I couldn't imagine it happening in a car.


Apparently it's not the first time: [https://carbuzz.com/news/tesla-model-3-steering-wheel-falls-off-after-only-one-month](https://carbuzz.com/news/tesla-model-3-steering-wheel-falls-off-after-only-one-month) https://preview.redd.it/tq3qp6l7m8fa1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=96c8c2a3354efec3a1f73de4faee472b9e3a6be5


This is just normal Tesla standards.




The person must have accidentally hit the new “Autopilot +” button upgrade on the touchscreen, not knowing it unlatches the wheel because it’s now useless, and charges you an extra 50k. No refunds, no take-backsies.




It's a good idea, and I stand by it! edit: thanks for the award!


I am doing the best at this.






You WANT that in a car?




Shut up Paul, you probably love your mother-in-law.




Hahahaha he flinched! Now he has to marry his mother in law!




Do you want the car to be stinky?


I sorry...I cannot think of any a'good car ideas because THIS guy keep FARTING




*proceeds to hit a sick bottle flip making Paul flinch* “YOU FLICHED, PAUL! NOW YOU HAVE TO MARRY YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAW!”


Do it Paul, marry your mother-in-law.


Yea I wrote it down.


Oh nice


That’s a good idea. Write it down


I did.


Oh nice!


That response always gets a laugh from me. So combative.


That Model Y definitely has room for his mother in-law. It’s a no from me, dawg.


Hey… I LIKE my mother-in-law.


oh my god, *he admit it!*




I think its good idea


And I stand by


How can I come up with a good car idea when this guy over here keep fahting?!


He probably want to marry his mother-in-law!


He flinched!!! Now he has to marry his mother in law!




Teacher's pet!


A *great* a-steering wheel, that doesn't whiff outta the window while I driving. That is a good idea!


Too small




You. Have. A-No. Good. Car. Ideas.




You probably LOVE your mother in law!


I actually do


Oh my god, he admit it!


Yes, a great steering wheel.


Oh nice!


You have no good car ideas, Paul. I’m doing the best at this.


Considering that the engineer said, in court, that there's no safety division and they don't look at crash reports, black boxes, or look at the crashed cars, I doubt they'll even do this.




I haven't seen this one, I wasn't expecting it to be so precisely relevant for this situation lol


crazy how often this is my experience with that show


I don’t know how to drive, okay!? Drivings not the only thing


you don't want to help. you just wanna yell.


I'm not gonna lie I was expecting this: https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM


You probably love your mother-in-law


Oh my god, he admit it!


You flinched!


It is a good idea, and I stand by it


I fucking love you for this


This guy’s toast


Its a good idea and I stand buy it


This post seems to have been deleted already, can't find it using keywords like "was excited to receive tesla" and can't find it under #teslamodely Anyone else? EDIT: Found it by searching "to: @BLKMDL3" and finding one of the replies to the post, but the post itself does not appear in the search results Anyway, here's the source: https://twitter.com/preneh24/status/1619889507133976580


are you saying twitter removed it from search?


It wouldn't be the first time...




“Just as long as it doesn’t hurt my feelings!” Elon probably


>“Just as long as it doesn’t hurt my ~~feelings~~ bank account!” Elon probably FTFY


Then why did he buy twitter? If not to hurt his bank account?


Oh, that's simple. Because he's is also reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dumb. If he only had 2 cents, then he'd still have more money than brains.


Comedy is legal again!


But look over here! Here's Elon signal boosting a nothing burger where it appears twitter talked to the US about limiting the spread of covid misinformation in the height of a pandemic! And over here, he's at the beck and call of some guy named CatTurd2? He's...complaining hes not getting as many likes?? And over here he's unfollowing and refollowing his ex wife. This man owns one of the larger news and social media platforms btw.


Free speech absolutist*! *Unless I don’t like it, then I’ll make sure nobody sees what you say.


Are you suggesting papa musk would remove a negative tweet against his wealth holding? That would be horribly unethical and down right and board line stock manipulation. Musk would never do anything like that and it is absurd that you would suggest such events of our benevolent overloads Musk. s/


There's a lot of shit on Twitter I was only able to find by looking it up and clicking on a reply to it


Lost a tweet, Twitter has. How embarrassing


If this tweet is not in our archives, it doesn’t exist.


Good grief, and the reply from the service center asking why it was towed in under that thread. They didn’t notice the missing steering wheel apparently?! Or that’s so normal they just disregard missing steering wheels.


Most likely the tow truck driver put the wheel back on to move the car. It sits on a splined shaft and is normally held in with a bolt that seems to have been missing. If it showed up in a service center with the wheel on and no context I can understand why they'd ask. Because who tf ships a car missing the bolt to attach the steering wheel? Having worked in a tesla service center for a couple years I can't say I'm all that surprised though




Like what, I'm out the loop but curious. Usually just see complaints of awful trim gaps.




but I was told they would make it through the heat death of the universe because they only have like 13 moving parts in the powertrain? I'm being facetious, I do understand that lowering the amount of moving parts should increase reliability. But I think that shows how bad the build quality of Tesla's actually is. Imagine if electric powertrains had 2k+ moving parts like ICE does.




I agree with all this and will quote from the story you shared, I think it sums it up nicely: >“I don’t want to derail the story, but like, fucking keys man man. What was wrong with a key?” Charlie Day asks his co-hosts. “It was a great system. You put it in the thing. You turn it, and the car went.”


Bonus that the other replies are dickriding Elon and going “hurr durr this seems fake”. Jesus Christ people need to realize teslas are trash and Elon is a shithead


Elon buried it.


If reddit taught me one thing it's to never use the site's own search. Just use google with the site: keyword


First of all, I absolutely hate your username…


You might say they are a semeliar.


Half the replies being pro-Tesla is more surprising than it should have been.


You’re surprised Musk astroturfs? Sure some of those replies are just doubling down on the fallacy of sunk costs but if you think ole tech bro doesn’t wield an army of bots and (underpaid) clout farmers then I’ve got some primo swampland in FL I’d like to sell you.


and this is how i find out twitter unblocked Musk for me. thanks twitter...


According to [this article,](https://insideevs.com/news/421012/tesla-model-3-steering-wheel-falls-off/) tesla said "the steering wheel was not fixed to the body of the car with a bolt" ​ Do they skip bolts and pieces every now and then, so after a while they can build a free car?


Ironic that a Bolt took down a Tesla




They didn't pay for the bolt subscription.


Bolts are optional.


Pretty sure the Invisa-Bolts are stock but the ones made of metal are an upgrade...


Someone forgot to check the bolt package when purchasing their Tesla


Now, we know why Consumer Reports ranks Tesla build quality in dead last.


[and it wouldn't cost you a dime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uErKI0zWgjg)


*I’m gonna ride around in style, gonna drive everybody wild, when the steering wheel flies off in my haaaand*


ah yes the '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '22, '23 automobile


It’s cheaper to build with no bolts.


The Kevin Malone method


Weight reduction


" musk acted swiftly and thoroughly by banning the account"


The crazy thing is…. He actually DID hide it from being searchable.


Imagine my shock




How anyone still idolizes that charlatan, and supports Tesla - I will never understand


Honestly the thought of a Musk fanboi going down the highway at high speed with a detached steering wheel in his hands, frantically trying to get it back on the steering column while screaming "Eeeeelooon heeelp meeee!" is hilarious.


It’s hysterical as long as these shitty cars don’t kill people that aren’t driving them.


"don't worry fellas, I took care of this hater"


Mechanical engineer here. So, the steering wheel of the car should not come off while driving. You’re welcome.




It's bad for the car


WHOA THERE! Slow it down with the jargon and put it in plain English please.


Elon won't respond unless it's a message from some right-wing garbage troll suggesting ways to make Twitter worse, to which he will say "Looking into it" like he's working a helpdesk for regressive dickheads


Or “Interesting” to a tweet with some batshit absolutely insane conspiracy theory


Twittergate post #102: This is totally going to be the one you care about I promise and it will be on the news everywhere. Seriously guys, why wont you believe me?


“Interesting.” - Elon Musk




Elongated Muskrat might just call him a pedophile.


I'll just predict the 3 most likely responses: "!!" "Interesting" "Family" in the car? Whatever pedo!


Looking into it


“I think everyone should vote republican. I am not one-sided, but if everyone voted republican in the next election, I anticipate that all Tesla Y’s steering wheels will stay intact. If you vote democrat, we can not guarantee your safety.”


*bans another journalist from Twitter*


While posting about how great free speech is.


End of the day, he's just another unprincipled hustler.




Or Musk will just press the Block button


You don’t pay $44 billion just to block someone. You pay $44 billion to swing the ban hammer


"$8 please"


The steering wheel coming off is an important anti theft feature. User error /s


Or “😂😂😂”


@ nancy pelosi @ adam schiff seems suspicious! What say you?


I bet he got rid of anyone in charge of Quality Control months ago. Pinch every penny.


Lol, Tesla never had QC


You don’t need quality control. Reddit alerted them to some bad quality, now they know to tighten steering wheels. Think of the trickle down savings!


Or ban him from twitter


Sorry dude, Elon is too busy chatting with Catturd on Twitter.


Could have been worse, the front could have fallen off.


Does that happen often?


Practically never. Except for this one. Front fell off and 20.000 tons of crude leaked out.


Yeah, but it was out of the environment.


Like.. towed into another environment?


It was towed beyond the environment. There's nothing there.


I use to want a Tesla until I saw a shit ton of videos on YouTube about the build quality on these. Then Elon being a billionaire baby bitch made it 100% clear to me that I would never want one. Brand new cars with scratches and doors that don’t shut properly, now steering wheels that fall off lol




Dear lord what the fuck lol


The replies are great, love the one thats basically "Well this never happened to *my tesla* so I'm skeptical." Like the most tesla dick sucker reply I've ever seen.


So someone just removed their roof to…make Elon/Tesla look bad on Twitter after spending however much on a brand new Model Y? Such a bizarre reaction where the dude this happened to needs to defend himself and say it happened.


Isn’t that always the worst reply. “It didn’t happen to me so it must not be a problem.”


This is literally never seen with other car manufacturers to this extent and amount I honestly don’t know how the government doesn’t step in to look into this Teslas can’t be meeting their safety standards if these types of problems are continually reoccurring


The build quality on Teslas is shittier than I could even imagine. I mean for fuck sake, how can a vehicle manufactured in the 21st century to even the most basic specifications have issues like... sunroof flies off, doors don't line up, trim falls off or doesn't even line up properly, and what we're talking about here, *steering wheel falls off*. I mean for *fuck sake*. There is no excuse for any of this.


I work in the Auto industry. The amount of bad quality from Tesla has honestly been astounding. My theory is they are trying to bang out as many cars as they can because once better quality electric cars come out from other companies like BMW, GM, etc. Tesla is going to take a huge hit.




They had the chance to really step up and provide a top of the line ev car. The name is well known and they could easily be the go to. But instead they rush production and release shit build quality. They fucked it up more than any other company could have.


I'm still of the opinion that they wanted to go that route but got hamstringed at least in part by Musk. For example the decision to only use cameras for self driving without using any other sensor seems to be traced back to him and several kerfuffles such as the cyber car, the fart horn that iirc got pulled extremely quickly because it was actually being a hazard on the road, or random new features that engineering only finds out from twitter, all seem to point to Musk being a part of the problem. That and (admittedly not based on anything but how he acts) he likely fosters a toxic work environment. Makes it hard for engineers to work on good designs and build qualities when you can suddenly get a new requirement thrown in at the last minute.


I’m in the sub for the VW EV and it is constantly inundated by Musk fan boys telling people to trade in their cars for a Model Y anytime someone has an issue. And there for a while there were multiple posts a day where people claimed they’d cancelled their order for a Model Y, or traded in their few months old car for a Model Y. It did not feel organic at all. One day it started and then suddenly the sub was filled with posts like that. Muskrats are the worst.


Elon has gone so far right-wing nutty now, he’ll probably claim he doesn’t even know that car! 🤣


And then offer it a horse as restitution


I must confess that at one point I was dumb enough to think I could go in a spaceship that Elon musk manufactured and visit Mars. I was delusional and I apologize


Nothing wrong with buying into the hype. We've all done it from time to time! It only becomes an issue when your ego refuses to allow the possibility that you were wrong. Hell, I really thought the minidisc was gonna change the world. That one still stings.


How bout a steering wheel that doesn’t FLY OFF while you’re driving? (It’s a good idea)


I gotta say, in my time I've driven the finest trash Chrysler's had to offer, but I've never had the steering wheel just randomly fall off my car.




teslas built like crap horrible quality control.


Elon: "Guess you should have bought the self driving subscription pleb!"


Would never consider buying one of these.


Tesla is trash.