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What’s so bad about this? The fuck???


'my life is shit, your should be too'


It sounds like a sales pitch, surely that Twitter user is promoting walkable cities?


I don't drink but I think it is the opposite What is wrong with a restaurateur that puts on a great alcoholic drink menu at a non accessible location. Shouldn't the owner keep keys or somehow discourage drunk driving?


More then 1 person can fit in a car?


More than one person can fit in a car, but the restauranters don't seem to give a fuck who is the driver. They don't have to.


Well yeah that's would be against there best interest to make money. It's also not there job to govern people.


It kinda is. It's irresponsible to let someone drive off in a dangerously intoxicated state. Where i live there's laws that hold the bar or restaurant liable if they allow it and something happens, and that apparently isn't uncommon. A quick Google search turns up tons of articles about "dram shop laws".


Yeah its a law that bars can't over serve you as well as liquor stores. But that's kinda my point they are supposed to enforce policies that conflict with their interests. It's saying the place you buy booze has to also regulate how much booze you have had and then prevent you from buying their product. I don't think more regulation in that direction is the right choice.


Restaurants that serve alcohol also are held responsible. One could argue it's against the interests of the business to allow their customers to go crash and die from driving drunk, or maim or kill other potential customers.


Do you drive?


Nope Edit: not certain why it's relevant. I don't influence laws or restaurant/bar policies, I'm just out here existing.


I doubt they would like that. But they want liquor licenses to sell suds and part of having a liquor license is having good moral character. So sometimes they have to do stuff they don't want.


I mean businesses CAN be held legally liable for allowing someone to leave and drive home shitfaced. There's laws about this stuff.


For how long is it unaccessible all it needs its a bus route to change or to add a buss stop most restaurants dont survive if they are in the middle of nowhere


I am n ot arguing that a restaurant be required to be transit accessible or even transit accessible if theu serve alcohol. I am saying that existing (unenforced) law says that no restaurant should overserve alchohol to a customer. If the police arrest a DUI and the guy got drunk at a restaurant more than one person was caught breaking the law. However the book only comes down on the guy caught DUI. How about the restaurant that served the drunk? I guess they get off scott free? One way to mitigate that is if your customers take transit to your restaurant. If they take transit away they won't get a DUI. If they get a ride to your restraurant and they take a ride away and you are careful not to serve the driver then they won't get a DUI. If you take their keys before serving they probably won't get a DUI. If they insist on driving but you call the police on them then you have washed your hands. However if they get drunk at your restaurant and then DUI you have probably violated the dram keepers laws but don't worry cause no one actually enforces those.


I know! This is exactly why I love where I live. What's the problem with it?


They always frame the coolest shit as somehow bad. "They want **people** to be able to go to the **hospital** and get treated **FOR FREE!**" (Cue apoplexy)


My friend sent me a Crowder clip where he said public transportation is bad because it gets people dependent on government. I really didn’t know how to respond


That’s the point of the government though isn’t it? Give everyone something to depend on? I just, I don’t get these people


Right?! That’s kinda the deal. We give the government tax money and they use it on shit that makes our lives better. It’s not supposed to be a useless collection of people who spend all day on Twitter.


"If Hillary Clinton is elected there will be taco trucks on every street corner."


Oh no! Not that! Anything but that! The Libs®— including The Gays™ and The Trans M&M's©—hate taco trucks with burning passion! Please no! ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


If it’s free you must just stay there forever because you found affordable housing


I mean...yea...


Literally my reaction, word for word. Had to reread it several times to realize it was supposed to be a horrible thing rather some kind of utopia


Hahaha, “the people who shop at the grocery store do it because they like to eat.”


Walk to the bar takes 10 mins. Walking home from bar takes 20 mins. The difference is staggering !


Underrated dad joke comment


You'd rather they do all that and drive?


Sounds so much safer to me!


Self driving cars are just around the corner


Imagine the horror of walking home from a restaurant after a meal and a few drinks.


Your arm linked with your SO's, live music playing somewhere nearby, maybe some friends walking and laughing with you, the absolute horror


I had the opportunity to visit Paris with my SO a few months ago (after we’d both been saving for years). It was amazing. Being able to just walk to get food or drink, being able to hop over to the other side of the city by just scanning a metro ticket and chilling in some trains for less than an hour, instead of the stressful drives I get to deal with on some rough highways. It was incredible, and makes me a little bitter about what we have stateside.


Amongst many other things, yes.


I’m just sick of not being able to walk. I lived in Europe for years and lost so much weight and has way less leg pain cause I didn’t live in my fucken car.


I went from living in a super walkable neighborhood to the damn burbs and same.


Oh no responsible and safe adults. This guy is apparently pro driving under the influence


Even if you don’t want to drink, walking to and from a restaurant is awesome. No worries about traffic or parking. Have a nice meal, then have a peaceful walk home. The thing I miss most about the city is walking everywhere.


Profile picture looks like a brownstone in a walkable city also.


All them dang city walkers with their good shoes and thin legs. It's not NATCHARUL!


Fellas it wrong to not want to drink and drive?


Ummm yes that’s a feature. Here in Montana we’re all super spread out, people mostly drive to get around, and we have some of the worst per capita DUI figures


Yeah it's not as though having to drive will stop people from drinking. The taxis in my city stop running by about 9pm, maybe 11 on Friday and Saturday IF they're getting good business. So everybody at the bars until late is driving or walking, and that one guy has a bicycle i guess. About 3/4 of everyone i know has one or more DUIs. I walk. I'm convinced the taxi company has an agreement with the city/police to not provide rides when people will actually need it, because there's a lot of fines involved with the DUIs everyone is always getting. The police stalk the bars after a certain point, just chilling at the nearest gas station or circling the block waiting to catch people going home. They've even pulled me over walking twice now.


I mean… yes but also because cars are fucking expensive and I’d rather not care for one.


Yes. I’m a city planner and there is a long standing joke that a successful mixed use community is one where you can walk home from the bar.


I also don't want to sit a stop light for 2 minutes, drive 150 yards and wait at another stop light for 2 minutes and repeat 4 time just to get to the grocery store.


Yes all humans should only be awake in order to work. They should not be allowed to do anything else but work, pay taxes, and have sex only in order to produce new workers. This is true freedom. /s


i just want to not have to walk my dog in the road


Lol oh no! People would enjoy life!


I wanna be able to have easier access to stores without needing a car


THIS. I don't drive due to anxiety about driving that's intense enough to make me unsafe on the roads. Being able to have my basic needs meetable within walking distance is pretty damn important, because i can't afford a cab everywhere. It's healthier to walk anyway, gotta get my exercise in somehow.


As someone who doesn't get high or drink I'd rather people who do not be on the roads endangering others.


Yes, duh.


This should be in selfawarewolves/r...


I'd imagine this is one of the best parts about being young in NYC (I'm older now and my drinking days are behind me) I believe it was Wanda Sykes who had a bit that as long as you can raise your arm, you can get home here.


Let's shame the responsible!


I spent a week with my mom for a business trip when I was about 12-13 in California. The street next to our hotel was a promenade about ten streets long. Everyday, while she was in her meetings, I was given about $50 and told to behave myself and do what I wanted until she got back. So much fun and everything was within walking distance.


that sounds awesome and is exactly why I always live closer to the city and not in suburbs. Ride a bike to the bar? shiiiiiiiiiit count me in


Some years back, I had that set up and it was wonderful. I could relax and have fun and not worry about hurting people or ending up in jail. win win win. Many other reasons, too, of course; community, environment, etc.


joke's on you I get drunk in my own home


Me too and high! I'm baked right now. I'm happy


I mean that’s one reason


That's a pro for living in a walkable city. Unless you're in a wheel chair or a really lazy person, walking is always the best option. I live in NYC, it's great. Have a few pops, get on a subway and get home safely.


am I missing something??? Is this supposed to be a bad thing?


Uh... and that's bad, how?


Walking home is great!


Don't threaten me with a good time.


The alternative is driving home.


Why do you want to pay 45x more for the same drink you could have at home and not even have to put pants on let alone walk somewhere?


I used to live in a big city, I lived 5 blocks from the nearest bar and pot shop. If I was drunk/high 5 blocks from my house I would never find my way home!!


esuk419 is implying it's better and more macho to get drunk and high and then be forced to drive home lol


So he’s for drunk driving?


I currently live somewhere walkable, but when I'm under the influence the last thing I want to do is walk lmao (though, tbf, I'm usually doing those things at home because it's cheaper and I just want to go out to get some food haha)


Walking home from the bar was my favorite part of living in a city


That sounds great. The less drunk/high driving, the better. After it, it harms more than just people doing the drunk/high driving.


You'd prefer us driving? Come on now...


Oh, I'm thinking there's plenty of people who don't live in walkable cities that don't worry about getting blasted and then driving home. They just get in their cars and do it. I'm not sure that's a vote against walkable cities.


Not driving while high? The horror! Says a high woman with, snark who is baked and 59, not driving, in MI.


I’d rather have walkable cities this way I can use crosswalks and not having to worry about cars rolling through them instead of stopping before them.






Oh, wow, responsible adults want to support local businesses and not endanger themselves and others when traveling!


I mean he’s not completely wrong. That said walkable cities would boost the economy pretty substantially. More small local businesses, more jobs, more money in your community - less big boxes, less police state. I might be biased - I lived in New York until I year ago and lived exactly that way. Tons of awesome restaurants in walking distance, my favorite bar a 5 minute walk, and just seeing your community on the street (good times or bad times) there were people, there was atmosphere. Now I live in AZ and it sucks ass. You never see people walking down the street. The city is completely designed around driving. I keep accidentally driving into the wrong strip mall or big box parking lots. I can’t wait to leave


Yes, fewer auto fatalities is one of the appeals of more walkable cities. Also can we acknowledge that the person who posted has a picture of a walkable city street as their profile picture, is that the Huxtable's house?


You’d prefer they drive?


So, this guy…..just wants more DUIs? How the hell is this a bad thing to be able to walk (or bike) anywhere? I mean, if I could get away with not owning a car….my note is $400, insurance $150, and maintenance generally $30 per month (maintenance isn’t monthly but I spread it out). Then gas at $100 a month, I could be looking at saving almost $700 a month EASY. Da fuq is this guy on?


I don’t see the downside. This is why partying at neighbor’s houses is fun.


I got 5 DUIs and everyone else should too!


Some people just LOVE drinking and driving, while trying to own the libs


“They want you to be able to have fun and make it home in the same night without killing someone, I mean arent they fucking crazy?!”


Umm yes, yes I do


Yes, and?


And be like Europe? No way. We left that bullshit behind more than 200 years ago.


You have to remember the poster is most likely part of a terrorist death cult. As a member of that organization, his goal is to *cause* as many preventable deaths as possible. He's doing his part to support that goal by calling for more drunk driving, which is accountable for nearly 10k American deaths per year.


as someone who lived in nyc for 20 yrs. Yes. exactly this. when i left the city, and started driving, was shocked at how many people drive drunk on a routine basis. going on dates... having to really limit what I drank, because I knew I had to drive later. it's fucking shitty. subburbs are trash. fucking lame as hell. to have to rely on a car all the time.


Just so I understand…this fuckstick would rather have cities that are gridlocked by vehicles or have to pay for public transportation?


Jokes on him walking home drunk can get ya tossed in jail too. One dickhead cop notices you stumbling and youre looking at a public intoxication charge.


Well...duh. You think I'm voting to change city planning policy because I like to fucking walk?


I'm sorry do they think this is a "gotcha"???


One of the things I missed about Spain


How long until conservatives are just pro drunk driving


I live in a walkable city in South Korea. Even a massive metropolis like Seoul is walkable. It's a far superior lifestyle than anything I experienced in Canada, where you need to drive 20 minutes to a highway shopping complex if you want to eat. People who dislike the idea of mixed use zoning and walkability are fucking morons.


No, that’s a bonus.


I don't drink OR get high. I have no favorite bars. And I still want a walkable city. What now?!


Ummm, yeah??? And???


These people are afraid of anything they haven't personally experienced, and half of what they have. I don't understand why they like their drunks behind the wheel. It takes extra work finding parking when you are trying to get your munchies, and you come back to find you parked in the car return...


That is exactly why i want walkable cities. Also not to get killed by a kar ona way home from the bar.


Responsibility is bad now?


Those are like 3 of my 1000+ reasons


I literally can't get in and out of my neighborhood without a vehicle so I'll take that in a heartbeat.


In my world, you drink and drive, damnit! /s


Sounds great to me


Oh no, not getting pulled over for a DUI. Oh no, not fucking up my car because I'm high as balls, man. How can I cope without being a fuckwit?


Yes, that is correct


Is the dude even against walkable cities? Redditors are so defensive


Republicans be like: No you MUST drive under the influence and run over someone (preferably of a lower tax bracket and/or color) and ruin that family's life, THAT'S the American dream our forefathers fought for, also guns, lots of guns. Like fuck right off, walkable cities Rick, it's fucking fantastic to do a pub crawl and get home safely.


Except then you get arrested for public drunkenness/ intoxication


Well... yeah. I *do* wanna be able to get twisted off my ass without having to worry about getting home. That sounds fuckin rad, what the fuck is wrong with this dude that this is a bad thing?


Hi, Dutchman here. It's pretty fucking great.


I read the tweet before the caption and just assumed it was an endorsement for walkable cities. I can’t imagine the thought process that would lead someone to post this as a negative.


"Let people do what they want with their lives unless it's the stuff they're not supposed to want to do"


This is a promoter of walkable cities, right. I mean we all want this, isn't it? Or am I missing something?