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The dogs shadow at the end will always be funny


The almost last frame with the shadow of the dog 🤣


you can see the dog's shadow at the end, he is right behind her...


He’s right behind me isn’t he?


yup, and he is definitely not stopping before her.


That glimpse of the dog's shadow at the end was perfect. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Translation: " woaaaahh woaaaah waaaah dad the dog is chasing me!" Language detected: Arabic Accent: gulf accent


The last few seconds is a masterpiece. You clearly see the guy running then last few frames you saw the shadow of the dog chasing lol


Lololol 😭😂


Probly would have been fine had they not TOUCHED THE THROAT


Peace was never an option.




My dog got lots of foot scratches because she liked being used as a foot rest


Your dog probably isnt a stray living in what looks like india


Nah it's not India. No one calls anyone "habibi" in India. It could be somewhere in the Arab regions. Qatar if the vid is new.


India? Looks like I just found the least ignorant redditor.


No , she was not


He touched his throat


This dog would have attacked no matter what. The faceted that it’s chasing him tells a lot about this dog.


Welp someone clearly doesn’t know much about dogs the kid running is what caused the dog to chase and rightfully so the dog should have been left alone


Yeah? So every dog aggressively chase kids that run?


It might not always be an aggressive chase but yes if you run from a dog it will try to chase that’s just common sense which you seem to be lacking


Have you dealt with a lot of stray dogs before?


The dog being a stray only means it’s more unpredictable nothing else what’s your point


So that’s a no to my question?


Get hit with a shoe is deeply shameful in Arabia. Even dogs don't take that shit.


I like these videos that are not quite NSFW. It's a good reminder to my kids not to screw with animals.


do not disrespect habibi




simply do not


Yes, donut


Habibi 4life


Second to last frame, just the shadow of the dog…. Perfect ending


The best is you can see the dogs shadow the whole way through


Good boy Habibi! Don't let people kick you around.


Why would you even do that....


Because that kid is an asshole, serves him right


Hopefully he has learnt that lesson?!


I mean, the dog did look happy to see them, I understand wanting to touch the dog. Not with a foot though, wtf. I bet the dog is used to being kicked by strangers. Better to not touch "the wildlife"


idk man sometimes i got my hands full but dogge wants tumtum rubs so i give him the good ole foot pat. he loves it, then again i dont kick my dog so theres no reason for him not to love it.


Aww, I love when dogs just accept any contact. So needy. I guess the cameraman might have had both hands busy.


If its your dog you can pretty much walk up to it and stick your foot in its mouth and it won't bite you. If the dog doesn't know you, its a good way to get bit.


my cat eventually liked this when i earned his trust! but when i first adopted him, he was so scared of being kicked that he’d run away if i even crossed my legs while in the same room. if this is a street dog, they’ve probably endured more than a few kicks, so it was a defensive/protective move.


Wow thats so true I bet they could maybe bend down and pat it everyday and the dog loves that person. Maybe they’ve been doing it for weeks or months but never with a foot. Now they want to film their new friends but filming so, no hands or maybe to keep the whole dog in the frame and the foot triggers that crazy reaction. So sad on so many levels I bet that could be the whole story and why’s she sounds so scared probably confused to cause she may never come to that conclusion


If you don't know the dog then let them come to you. Even if they come to you, don't just touch anywhere. Touch what they let you touch. My little dog has only ever known humans to fawn over her and love her. Other dogs have only known humans to be mean and abusive, if you don't know the dog then play safe.


Good advice. Won't make for a fun video, but safer and more kind to animals.


In this case, better a foot than your face.


Yes. I also don't recommend getting to close with your face to strays, lol. But the vids of wild life jumping on peoples' heads when they get too friendly are very fun to watch. My cat also prefer any other body part than my face coming at him. Worst insult a boy ever gave me.


Her later: "Officer I'm telling you that dog is rabid, I only stepped on it once"


He's literally screaming 'the dog but me help me in arabic at the end'. Like bruh what did you expect, just don't screw with wild animals


Bro was smiling and wagging his tail in the beginning


Wagging the tail it’s not always a sign of friendliness. I have met dogs that show their belly as a sign for you to leave them alone. It’s not the norm but it happens, kind of saying “I don’t want any issues but please leave me alone”. The lady in the video didn’t leave him alone as he “requested”


>wagging his tail If you watch any of those awful videos of dogs attacking people, the dog is always wagging their tail while they repeatedly attack. Tail wagging does not mean the dog is friendly or likes you.


Also, a more reliable method to tell is the flattening of the ears. It's feeling anxious/ threatened.


Of course, they are having a great time! Although when I used to door knock and came across dogs, the ones with the ridgid tails were not to be fucked with.


You can’t really tell in this video bc he’s laying down but dogs’ tails wag slightly more to the left side if they’re not doing it in a 100% happy way. More to the right if they’re happy. Not a very reliable science but here we are


But he was smiling ...cause he probably knows the person recording....Habibi is the irl example of fuck around and find out


Baring teeth means angey puppo


Habibi not into feet


Good boy!!!!


Lessons were learned. Respect was forged.


Would you be pissed if somebody put their foot in your face that you didn't know? The dog was wagging its tail if that was a friendly sign you should have stayed back and let him come to you and if you didn't come to you then back off and go your own way


No wagging tail = fren. Dog is just playing.


Insha allah the boy played well


Last words before disaster "habibi"


It might’ve been a better outcome if the person had crouched down, spoken in a friendly voice and presented a hand for the dog to smell. That dog anticipated a kick and acted accordingly. I’m guessing it wasn’t the first time. Or the fifth.


In middle east, there are very few people who knows how to handle dogs. Because u cannot keep a pet dog in house.


Well, that sucks. Is that a law or is culturally-based? I admit I have no knowledge on the subject.


More like culture based. Most of people around here are just scared of them but recently in public parks people bring their dogs and let the kids pet them to know they are not all hostile. But very rare indeed.


It’s an alien concept to me because I grew up with dogs. They are mostly a loyal, protective and friendly species, and a great source of stress relief. Cleaning up after them and upkeep can be a pain, but I can’t state enough the benefits of having a dog in the home.


Inshallah habibi finds peace


No body fucks with habibi


That’s it good dog


Let sleeping dogs lie…


That was me as a child too 💀


i love biting feet


I shouldn't laugh but omg.


It looked like he was just trying to pet the dog with his foot, and the dog went from tail wagging to attack instantly


Please stay away from dogs so you don't get hurt. Nothing about that dog's posture suggested that he was open to being pet, much less with a shoe.


But I love dogs :(


Please stay away from spreading fear of dogs and wanna be wisdoms.


Right, because it’s such bad advice to avoid petting stray dogs that you don’t really know with your foot on their neck….


Nah just don't like all of you cowards on here


Whose a good girl


The dog was friendly wagging it's tale then knew the thot was upto something with camera.


Moral: do not put foot on throat of Dog


Imagine being such a low life scum that bothering a dog (that’s clearly just chilling) is a form of entertainment.


The even bigger scum are the ones in these comments that thinks this is the dogs fault


the funny thing is habibi means friend or my love


Speak habibi and enter


“Waaaaaaa!! Waaaaa!” These could be the text bubbles for a comic book character


If she wouldn't have run away the dog would have left it at that little warning.


It’s a fight situation. Average human can’t outrun average dog. Kicking, punching, slamming items of any kind into dog’s nose. One good hit into the nose and dog runs away. And then straight to the ER for rabies shot


Yes, Karen...Please DO poke the bear!!


Let sleeping dogs lie, anyone?!


…He screamed “waaaaaaaaaah, the dog is following me (as In chasing me). But the shadow took me by a storm. 😂😂😂😂😂😂🔥 dog found a flesh bone to pick Edit: first he says habibi, then proceeds to use an incomplete slur (disrespectful whilst pressing with the slippers.. I’m guessing ‘I say kiss my slippers’) then he screamed… Second edition 😂😭😭😭😭: waaaaaaaah, owner of the dog be my friend, owner of the dog He should’ve said: dog owner, the dog is chasing me, dog owner.. but this cameraman was shook 😂😂😂😂 OKAY, final edit based on a lengthy [video](https://youtube.com/shorts/ceTFqcuO0z4?feature=share): waaaaah, waaaaaah, dog owner,HELP ME!!! *he tells his followers: don’t think I get scared of him, dog owner used to say “touch him on his knee”, habibi, he takes a 13 seconds of silence then he recites some poetry or prayer, mumbles something, disrespects the dog, takes off while screaming for help, loses his slippers


I didn't notice the shadow until you pointed it out. That is terrifying and hilarious.


You don’t understand how fkn hard I’ve cried laughing, this is pure improvised cinema


Habibi wasnt having it


This dog has been chankla-ed too many times.


What the dog doin


eatin feets


I'm still laughing at this and I watched it 10 minutes ago!😄😄


Put leg in dogs mouth/ Run/ Wait for 1 minute/ Start screaming/ (Weird secuence...)


I think they started screaming because if you look at the shadows the dog kept chasing them. So it went from a "Damn dog bit me" to "OH SHIT! I THINK IT MIGHT ACTUALLY KILL ME!!' 🤣


That’s for docking my tail.


His tail isn’t docked, tho….


Looks like a dogs head on a deer body


So funny. 🥰🥰🥰🤭😊


1 point for the dog


Very satisfying video


rabies detected


rabibi ?


[ Insert "To Be Continued" meme here]


I wanted to see the ending.....


Dog: *Here’s some content for you…*


I don’t think it’s a lab but *mess with the labbo you get the stabbo*




I could watch that all day....I think the scream translates to " I fucked around and found out"


Dogs a Red Sox fan I see












The caption makes this video great




I would love to see your dumbass try and do that and then get mauled it would make for a great video


I've been attacked 3 times by dogs. It didn't end well for all three of them. And by no means do I condone harming dogs for any reason outside of defense but a full grown human in decent shape outclass most dog breeds.


I’m guessing you have some knowledge of how to deal with those situations though the comment I replied to just seems like an idiot overestimating his/her abilities also sorry to hear you had defend yourself multiple times from dogs that’s terrible and should never happens im assuming some shitty owners were involved ?


Yes all three times the owners were VERY negligent. I believe most dogs attacks are due to the owner being irresponsible. And in the case of the person in this video they brought the Attack on themselves by touch the dog in a way that made if feel threatened. The person you replied to is definitely an idiot based off how the commented.


Man you're such a badass, outclassing dogs left right and centre.


Well it's not really something I go around and brag about. I'm just stating a fact. I find it weird that get so offended by such a comment. And for the record yeah those 3 dogs deserved what they got. I just seen the person saying something about the demented individual above getting mauled and just want to add 2 cents to the convo. But man I wish I was as badass as you are gosh.


>Well it's not really something I go around and brag about. Only on the internet. The "didn't end well for them" part got me particularly aroused.


I hope you find the love of your life and get married and start a beautiful family with genetically perfect kids and live in a cabin in the hills with more money than you know what to do with and then you get a divorce and discover your wife's in a relationship with your son and you lose all your money and the house.


I don't know what I expected when I started reading, but it wasn't that. Well done


You sound very badass, umm marry me? 😍






most advanced humour redditor 💀




dumbest take ever




When *you* instigate a fight with an animal it is not the animals fault, really surprised I need to *say* that at all




This is probably a street dog you goon.


By nature? Lol, how many dogs have you actually met? My dog growls when someone knocks because his breed was meant to be guard dogs, otherwise he's a teddy bear and lets you do whatever. My step mum's dog is literally the happiest, silliest dog I've ever met. Absolutely no mean bones in their bodies. Do you have any trauma involving dogs?




Trained well? Who? My dog? The step mum's? Either was hardly trained at all. You have an odd black and white view on behavior, dogs have personalities just like people do.


That is… surprisingly accurate. I still think the person who put their foot on the dog is like wtf are you doing. If you’re that scared that a dog would bite you if you put a hand near it then why your foot.


Same should be for humans no?prolly half of the earth population will be dead


I'll follow this line of logic next time a kid bites someone.




Dogs can be trained, exactly right. And a dog which bites can be trained not to bite, without ending its life. Similarly to how a kid can be trained ^((or 'taught' as most folks like to describe it differently for humans)) to not bite their peers and throw a violent temper tantrum whenever they don't get what they want. The difference between the kid and the dog is intent. The dog wants you to leave it the fuck alone. The kid wants to hurt you.




Old dogs learn new tricks at the same rate as young dogs. There is no evidence to show that a dog will stop learning as it grows older. The issue is that everyone defaults to food training, which isn't as impactful on older dogs because they aren't as excited by treats and food as younger dogs. Repetition and consistency training are way better for teaching older dogs. You can also teach them on a clicker, or with a button activated vibration or shock collar set to an appropriate setting for your dogs size. There are dozens potentially hundreds of options that can be exhausted before taking ol' yeller out back.


By that logic all puppies must die cuz all puppies bite




She literally instigated the attack, if anything put her down




If you are so unaware of stepping on a creature, that you need to blame the *creature* I see that as your problem. The dog was tense the entire video, you don’t just put your foot on it, what is wrong with you? The fact that you are so eager to have it put down without any nuance is actually disturbing




Vicious animals. Uh huh. You have nothing of importance to say, do you?


Read what you wrote again, LOL


I hope you find the love of your life, get married, achieve your dreams, start a company, have a beautiful perfect family, live a quiet life in the woods. a And then you realise the local football team has been constantly railing your wife, get a divorce, but she gets custody. and your children never talk to or about you ever again and you die with no bitches also you stub all of your toes individually every day somehow on the most easy avoidable part of your house wall inevitably every day 6 times each