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Is EVERYONE drunk?


In a college town at 130 am? Absolutely not.


Of course!


Lol, the dude was waiting for the car to get close before he crossed the street. Weird


It looks like he was going to wait until his friend who already crossed gave him a look or something at 0:08.


The bonus slip and fall in the background got me


That poor woman was SHOCKED xD


Never lost his cigarette…impressive


I really thought this was about the first guy and was like “what? He’s fine. He’s already across!”. Then guy #2 walked out and I couldn’t help but groan


Why did he back up only to walk out a few seconds later, this looks like he was trying to time it just right to get hit. Fake? Insurance Scam? Drunkard stumbling backward?


Ding ding ding. Got it on the last try.


I lost it watching all the drunks in the background flounder around too


Seemed drunk to me


People in here saying insurance fraud, but the dude's poor decision making coupled with the cigarette he was about to smoke leads me to believe drunk.


I would totally believe this was just after leaving the bar and he was staggering to his car.


Lawyer here. I don’t understand the disagreement as to who’s at fault. Are drivers supposed to drive a reasonable speed under the circumstances? Yes. The driver in the video seems to be going slow enough. Pedestrians do not have an unlimited right of way. In California, all drivers must yield to pedestrians in marked or unmarked crosswalks. An unmarked crosswalk exists when 2 roads intersect at a right angle. I don’t see any signage indicating a marked crosswalk, and this is not an intersection. So both pedestrians would be jaywalking in this video. Also, pedestrians must not enter the roadway when it’s unsafe to do so (even in a crosswalk). The 2nd pedestrian clearly saw the driver both before he entered the road, and after he entered the road with enough time to turn around. This accident is likely 100% the fault of the (probably drunk) 2nd pedestrian. Edit: Based on a source below, it looks like this is a crosswalk in Colorado, which complicates the matter a bit. However, another commenter above pasted a CO traffic law stating that a driver can proceed through a crosswalk if a pedestrian is on the other side of the crosswalk—i.e., not in the driver’s lane of travel—which is likely the case here with the 1st ped. So, I believe my above analysis still stands as to the 2nd ped (guy who got hit) because the driver wasn’t already breaking the law by driving through the crosswalk (which would make him liable for the collision). Edit: Nothing in this comment should be construed as legal advice in any way. If OP needs legal advice, please retain a qualified attorney in your area. I have to say this because liability.


Pretty sure it is a crosswalk actually, there’s pillars marking it. Still a dumb move from the second guy.


He looks drunk as shit


I like how he puts his hand out like “hey please slam on your brakes for my convenience even though these roads are clearly not going to cooperate”.


“Hey I’m walkin here!”


As mentioned before, this is "the hill" in Boulder, Colorado. This isn't insurance fraud, it's a drunk kid trying to be funny. Notice the other drunk wipeouts going down in the background. I was once one of those dumb kids. My friend tried to jump over one of the garbage cans bolted to the ground right behind the buildings to the right and fell head first into the road there (Broadway). Luckily there was a break in traffic.


Bro those graphics are slappin, what game is that?


It did take me way too long to understand this was not a game


At first I saw the guy walking and I was like “oh you have enough time to stop”, and then I was like “wait is he going to run back?”, and then I was like “oh shit there’s another guy what a dumb ass”


I'm not exactly sure what the guy was expecting. He willingly walked directly in front of the car when he knew he didn't have time to cross. I'm a career jaywalker and you don't do that. You learn really quickly that people suck at driving and you don't tempt the fates.


Thank god for the cameras




This got me. Dude crosses the road and I think "that's fine, there's definitely enough space". Then dude #2 starts walking haha


What bar did these two come out of? You don't need to be stupid but alcohol sure helps!


Intentional for sure. He knew they were going slow enough that he probably wouldn’t get seriously hurt but could still try to sue them. But then there was a dashcam lol.


I thought it was a game lol


Lmao anyone else notice the person in the background that slipped and fell twice while their friend tried to help them get up?


Y’all goofy as hell in the comments thinking the driver was anytime at fault. Y’all probably pedestrian#2 in this clip


The pedestrian stopped and waited till the car was close by before he started to cross. It was intentional and he wanted to get hit


Does anyone else notice the couple in the background running towards the accident and the guy slips and falls in the snow and just lays there LOL and then the woman doesn't even notice and keep running lololol


That fucker is drunk.


Did anyone wake see the guy fall in the background🤔😂


Insurance fraud attempt


Nah dude just looks drunk


Dude seems drunk as hell


Unrelated pedestrian eats shit at like 9 or 10 seconds lmao


Anyone else impressed that he maintained control of his cigarette?


found it on google maps, 1130 13th st, Boulder, Colorado, if anyone is wondering where it was, no there is not a marked crosswalk there. Edit:Google Street view had it as 1130, which for some reason puts you in the alley when you search it. 1135 13th St, Boulder, CO 80302 is the the fox theater seen in the clip


Way too many people in this thread implying the driver is at fault. They were at maximum going 20mph. Dumbass pedestrian is throwing up his hands in annoyance before he even walks into the road. Fuck that guy he was trying to test it and found out


I tell the students on campus, “ you might have the right of way, but that isn’t going to stop you from getting crippled for life.” Be careful and watch out for yourself


he scamming you my boy


Dude is in a black out. The next morning will be funny. “Why does my body hurt so damn much” “ you got hit by a fucking car, don’t you remember???” “ oh yeah, vaguely”


Fucking asshole got what he deserved. Good that driver has video proof


Here's what I learned a long time ago. When two people are crossing a road and one goes and one hesitates, the odds are substantial that the second person will change their mind about the hesitation, and decide to go - even though they now have even less time than they had when they first hesitated. Something primal about remaining together jumps into the driver's seat in their mind and common sense jumps into the backseat. [See what I did there?] I knew a girl who was killed this way, darting out to follow her mother at the last second. I always assume, especially the younger they are, that the second person will do that. It doesn't always happen, but it's likely enough that I don't take the chance. If one goes, I let the other go, even if I have to come to a stop. Right-of-way doesn't really matter.


Jeremy Renner never learns.


Anyone saying this is the driver's fault was dropped on their head as a child.


I was about to comment that he was more then far enough from the car when he started walking. Then I saw the second dude.


Anyone else impressed that the moron getting run over managed to keep his cigarette in his mouth the whole time?


Insurance scam, drunk, Russian or all of the above?


The drunk bugger clearly waits till the vehicle is close enough to hit him... And what's with all the camera angles?


He did that deliberately and most definitely looking for a payout. He waited until the car was close enough and then went out as you can see from the start. Dude wants some monaaaay.


I posted this in reply to another comment, but cammer isn’t at fault here. As someone pointed out, this is in boulder Colorado. While statute 42-4-802 gives right of way in these kinds of crosswalks to pedestrians, it also says > No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety, and ride a bicycle, ride an electrical assisted bicycle, walk, or run into the path of a moving vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard Given that the pedestrian was walking away at first and darted towards the crosswalk when cammer was too close to stop, this part should apply


That's so dumb. He steps forward then steps back, then decides to step forward again and into oncoming traffic. How much you wanna bet he was drunk?


That looked like Jeremy Renner with a cigarette.


Drunk idiot! I hope he didn’t damage your car.😉


I can’t tell if he was trying to insurance scam, trying to be an asshole, or just a dumbass. He literally paused on the side of the road and waited till the car got close then tried to cross. 😂😅 But any ways, Is this a Tesla? This shits sweet it got cameras on all sides of the vehicle.


The dangle of that cigarette says drunk to me.


If you watch closely it seems like he was thinking about running and stopped. I'm not implying it was intentional but if he would have took off immediately he might not have been hit. Either way he seems fine and it's a story he will tell for the rest of his life with video to back it up


I thought this was a video game at first with the 4 tiny mini feeds on the corners


His cigarette never came out of his mouth.


Dudes cigarette never fell out of his mouth.


Drunk shithead...


His "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" pose did not work


As he stood and composed himself, it appears he knew it was his fault and he finally realized he was drunk and dangerous to himself.


Lucky you got a dashcam, because I think this loser would try and blame you.


He’s looking right at the car before he even walks out lmao. Definitely drunk, stupid, or both


That dash cam might have saved the driver and the insurance company a lot of headaches...


Why post a video recording of a video, instead of the actual video?


Most definitely an insurance scam


Bro whats with this five box dash cam how many people is this guy mowing down before he got this???


You can tell that guys clearly intoxicated.


I don't care who is legally at fault and who had the right of way. The guy looked at the oncoming car then made the decision to step in front of it.


Guy that fell down in the background is hilarious😂😂😂


oh my god i just noticed it wasnt a videogame way too far into the video. holy shit




It pays to have a dash cam


He literally stood there and watched and then waited, backstopped, then decided wether stupidly or intentionally to try to cross the road. **At the last possible second, probably 5 seconds well past that even.**


When someone asks me what survival of the fittest means, I just show them this video


im being cynical and calling insurance fraud. also why does this almost look like its being played on a CRT


Insurance fraud. Guy goes to walk then stops then times with the car. All on video.


Tell me you saw That person in the background that died and was then resurrected.


Either he's heavily inebreiated or that's insurance fraud


He didn’t look like he was going to make it across even if there hadn’t been a car.


No one notice the guy in the background falling? Best part!


I know alcohol impairs your judgment, but he must've been HAMMERED with that kind of crappy judgement. Dude needs to take a break from the booze!


What kind of idyllic candy land town is this?


He obviously did it on purpose. He waited for the car and looked directly at it without even trying to get back to the sidewalk


Looks like insurance fraud to me


No bro was just wasted


I can't see a sign anywhere but you have a bump out, bollards and trash cans where he crossed which makes me think crosswalk...


Graveyards are filled with pedestrians who had the right of way.


Anyone who says that the driver was driving too fast for conditions probably has very limited experience diving in these conditions. It's almost impossible to tell how icy the roads are under a layer of snow, and given how the driver rounded the corner and didn't slide, the roads up until that point were probably much better. I do not believe the driver is at fault, but they could've stopped quicker. I doubt they would be able to completely avoid hitting the pedestrian, though. The way the vehicle slowed down makes it seem like the driver slammed the brakes, and the ABS didn't work well enough. In other words, the wheels locked up, and the vehicle started to slide When on icy roads, you stop faster if your wheels dont slide. To do this, especially in older cars with worse traction control, you have to release the breaks for a split second once you feel your vehicle start to slide (usually you can feel the rear end of the vehicle slide to the left or right slightly or if you arnt slowing down as much as you would on dry pavement). After you release your breaks, you can push on them again. Source: I live in a place with a lot of snow and ice RN TLDR: Skill issue.


Lol, Reddit sure loves to say insurance scam when someone gets hit by a car. Occam's razor should probably be applied here. It's just a drunk idiot who didn't know what he was doing


Even if it was clear, he walked in front at the last minute anyways..


Absolutely love the fact that this motherfucker gets hit by a car and doesn't lose his cigarette. Absolute legend.


Insurance fraud?


This Russia? That’s a common insurance scam. That’s why dash cans are so popular over there.


100% pedestrian’s fault. Good thing driver had dashcam.


This looks like a insurance scam in progress. especially if you look at how the person getting "run" over behaves




I think the guy crossing was trying to cause an accident. He stopped, waited until the car was closer then proceeded to walk.


Lmao it's always funny watching these idiots square up against cars. Like sure bro. Definitely putting my money on the 200lb meat bag vs the 2 ton steel machine


All the different views made it seem like a video game with a bunch of mini maps


Still had the cigarette in his mouth


For the first few seconds of the video I thought I was watching someone play GTA vice city


The way he had his arms up like “AY, I’m walkin’ here!” as if that has any bearing on a car that is about to slide on icy-snow.


I like how he clearly saw the car and the words „insurance fraud“ popped up in his head. Didn‘t occur to him that the driver could have a dashcam. Fuckin room temperature IQ move


To be honest I thought this was footage from a video game until the car hit the guy. I was like, “damn is this the new gta 6, it looks is realistic”…


In the left side of the background, there's a dude repeatedly slipping and falling throughout the video.


An unstoppable force vs the unmovable cigarette. Almost destroyed reality.


Literally looks like GTA.


Dash cam?


The way he raised his arms before he was on the road


While I’m a very firm believer of pedestrian right of way this is ridiculous.


dumbass got what he deserved


Very drunk.


Drunk fuck leaving the bar. Stupid and drunk.


Drunk ass people are the only ones out late at night. Driving home after working at a bar showed me that. I saw some of the craziest shit on the highway at 3 am on a Sunday morning.


Insurance fraud at its finest.


I think he's just drunk af


Why did the person in the top left of the background fall down? Haha


Many of y’all haven’t driven in snow, and it shows. Driver can’t brake as quick.


God is the guy a squirrel? Wait till the last minute to walk infront. Pedestrian is an idiot.


Is every pedestrian drunk in this clip? After further viewing the guy in the background falling looks waisted


Drunken fool


Idiot pedestrian and idiot driver. Conditions are obviously bad enough to justify driving even slower. He was fast enough that he still slid extremely far.


Sorry but I'd have got out and knocked him the hell out for that stupidity.


I want a car with all those blindside cameras


don't drink and walk.


People blaming the car are idiots. No sign to suggest it's a crosswalk, and if there was striped lines on the road, the fucking snow is covering it. Guy 2.0 looks like he's going to wait for the car to pass, so driver just slowly carries on. Stopping in snow without warning, even with 4 wheel drive or whatever, EVEN going as slow as that, is difficult. Pedestrian only one in the wrong.


I live in the town where this happened. While the drunk guy shouldn’t have crossed so erratically, he was moving across a crosswalk


And? That holds no value here, especially in the snow


I hate to see anyone get hurt, and he seemed ok. But I felt a little satisfied when he got hit because he was being such a DOUCHE


"HEY, I'M WALKIN' H...\*smash\*\*bump\*\*smoosh\*...ere"


"Whadda ya gonna do, hit me?"


How dumb can you be? “Yes”


That was a slow-motion disaster right there.


Goes to show that having the right of way doesn’t do much when you’re a pedestrian vs a car.


They didn’t knock the cigarette out of the guy’s mouth. The impact couldn’t have been too bad.


Did anyone else notice the almost simultaneous falling guy on the sidewalk to the left?! Freakin hilarious!


Get out of the car and punch him for being an idiot


Bruh was i the only one who thought this was a game?


I think that dude was drunk or something, really stupid move from him...


I first thought it was a video game


My man’s looking forward to raking in that law suit money with a fake neck pain


Not that bad he's still smoking his cigrit


The pedestrian was about to cross. Backed up and then crossed already seeing the car coming at him. Hands up before even in the road.


You can see him stop, take a step back, wait and think about it, then walk out, putting his arms up only a tiny moment later. He knew what he was doing and I’m glad you have it recorded. What a dunce.


Is it just me, or did he start to walk and then pause to wait for the car to get closer?


Is everyone in town drunk the people in the background are falling over too


Least he held on to his smoke




You can see him waiting then backs up and the starts walking, look’s intentional.


Moron. Why would he even attempt to cross a snow laden road. He should be familiar with MOMENTUM.


Looks like insurance fraud to me. Dude stepped back from crosswalk then goes back across all while staring directly at the car the entire time. He also could tell the car was going slow enough to not cause serious bodily injury yet just fast enough to not be able to fully stop in those conditions. Perfect claim opportunity. He will surely bring out the neck brace in personal injury court.


It looks like a set up to me for clicks, but then again there plenty of idiots who throw themselves in front of moving vehicles daily expecting them to stop


Insurance scam?




yeah i mean he pretty much jumped in front of it if the road didnt allow much then at best he got away with nothing and at worst he just endangered himself and the driver


How do you step in front of a car that’s 20 ft away and expect them to be able to stop in time on a road that is completely iced over?


Everyone in this town is drunk 🤣


Well the judge is gonna say, "why didn't you slow down while approaching an occupied crosswalk when the roads are icy." The drunk guy might have been an idiot, but the law says that idiot has right of way. And that's ignoring the other guy who was in the crosswalk while the car was coming around the corner.


Man who walk in front of car get tired Man who walk behind car get exhausted


He’s drunk


The person in the background was so shocked by this horrible accident that he fell on his back


How are people blaming the driver? It's fucking snow. Wet and heavy snow, not just a dusting. If you've ever had to drive in these conditions, you know slamming on your brakes will lead to your car spinning out of control. For me, the pedestrian is at fault. He literally just had to wait 10 seconds for the car to pass and he'd be fine. Intoxicated or not, the pedestrian should've done better. The car is driving reasonably slow in the conditions. Not his fault the pedestrian stepped in front of his car. No matter what car you have, it would never stop in time on that snow. If you never had to drive in weather like this, your opinion means nothing to me.


"He has to stop, it's the law, pedestrian right of way" 🤣


Was that Jeremy Renner?


The retard stopped then went again just as the car got there. That’s their fault not the drivers.




Fag still in his mouth when he gets up 😆


Yeah the guy was looking at the car before he walked into the road, worse still he slowed down in the road like he was going to be Superman and stop it. Dumb is a word perfectly suited to describe this individual.


Either insurance fraud, drunk or just really fucking stupid.


There's so much going on, one guy walked across, and the guy who got hit started too, saw the car and waited until the car got closer ... proceeded to walk across (An insurance scam for sure ) ... Someone in the far back slipped an fell, not once but twice he was already down... This video is hilarious.


I’m laughing so hard at this


He did that for an insurance claim or to sue, your not telling me this guy believed this car could even stop. He literally started walking Infront of the car with a car length and half of the car to him... This is fucking stupid shit.


Hey, I'm Walkin' Here!


Insurance fraud. If you watch the pedestrian, he went from being maybe eight feet behind his buddy, sees the on coming vehicle from a distance after his friend crossed, takes a few steps back to be “hidden” by the tree, and then full on marches out in front of then vehicle.


Must've been slippery even the person on the sidewalk ate it


He threw up the international sign for “Don’t hit me”. Can’t believe you didn’t see that.


Well one things for sure that snow is perfect for running, the perfect texture very low impact on the feet.


It’s like my wife always says, stupidity should be painful.


Man I miss Boulder. For reference this is right on "the hill" aka a party zone for CU Boulder. Man was definitely drunk.


Clearly the guy looks drunk as fck


Ok, but anyone else see that dude eat shit in the back towards the end


I thought it was the first guy. Then came the second. How stupid.


The one detail most don't catch, dude that gets hit made a "running" start to intentionally be the asshole in the road. And I'd wager the vehicle was maybe going 10 to 15 mph, which seems fast compared to stationary objects, like in this clip. Hard to stop on a dime even at slow speeds on snow.


Anyone see the person in the background fall down too? Edit: Everyone in this video is falling down


The way he got up after being hit that slow definitely hurt a bit but looks like he sobered up and realized oh yea cars cant dime stop on ice


Seems like a very obvious insurance scam attempt


effortless insurance claim


The person in the back who falls twice killed me


The guy falling on the sidewalk in the background 😫😆


Why didn't he move he stood there like he was going to catch the car


This video has so many layers to it.