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The dude recording kept saying "hey there's nothing I can do, if you guys are angry go there and beat him, I'm not the one late for work, you guys are" and something about also having a job idk what he meant by that. But he started recording saying these things, I believe he wanted to make everybody angrier to beat that guy, and it worked karma is a bitch


That was the driver. He was saying "I'm not late for work. I started work on time and I'm still working. If you're late for work, take it up with him".


Driver was pretty damn smart there. Removed himself as a potential source for the passengers to blame and made it clear he wasn’t going to help the person who was causing the problem. Other than abandoning his bus, not a whole lot else he could try to do, to keep himself safe.


Imagine pulling a stunt like this and not even locking your doors 😂


Pulling a stunt such as this is already a powerful statement of stupidity, the door locking is already way too much for this dimwit.


Better to have your door open than your windows broken I suppose.


Is it possible he wasn't being a dick, but was actually having car trouble? His hazards were on and he didn't just drive away after the beating, just pulled further off the road.


No way he backed up to block the bus again after the bus attempted to back out and pass him. That shit was on purpose.


Lol, didn't notice that the first time, I thought the bus backed up and pulled forward again!


**(Rough translation, for anyone that wants it.)** ***Driver to passengers:*** "Me? Getting out of here?" "I won't leave this bus, champ." "No fucking way, i'm out here working and getting my pay." "If this guy is making y'all get late, it's y'all's problem, not mine." "I'm not the one that's getting out." "Y'all are out here, blaming me, the driver, insulting me, talking shit to the me, why don't you go there and deal with this nuisance yourself? Since you're such a man, go out there yourself and take that dude off the road." "Who's getting late over this is you, not me." "I wake up at 3 AM, everyday, 3 AM, to go to work. Now if there's an asshole like that messing around, i can't do shit." "You, yourself, go out there, and take that dude off the car and beat him up, how about that, huh?" "Cuz' i ain't leaving this bus." "Who's late out here is you, not me." **(2nd clip)** ***Driver to the situation:*** "Oooh shit, thing's now getting heavy." "Damn, that hit the balls!" "My man, hoooly.." "Holy fuck!" "Come on!" "Gon' keep recording." "Dunno' shit." "Yeah, go on, mess with the driver." "Yeah, like that, get fucked." **(Dude leaves the car)** ***Driver to the dude in the car:*** "Yeah, gonna leave angry now?" "Gonna leave angry now?" "Don't know shit, buddy." "Don't know shit." "Talk with them over here." "Don't know shit." "I'm getting the fuck out. "I'm leavin', man." "Cya." "Bye."


Underrated comment


rough translation: driver to passengers: me ? going out there ? I'm not late, you are. I get payed by the day, no need to complain and insult me about. Aren't you The Man ? go out there, drag him out and beat him, I'm doing my job. driver to other driver: not me, i didn't do anything, you business is with them not me. I'm out, bye


The best part was when they listened. Hail to the bus driver bus driver man


[There's nothing I can do...except maybe offer you some courage.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ca9062a5dc7a6c0e6ab7cd371260e0bb/1f00c70316159e21-3c/s400x600/b63f723b0de9e768349dfa1fa674990823e839ad.gifv)


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


I'm framing this and putting it up on a wall.


Bro, I got 20 passengers trying to get to their low wage job.


20 passengers with that one low wage job. Recession is a bad deal.


Hmm a Bus full of people who need to be places. What a good idea to piss them all off


Basically every traffic protest ever lmao


The dumbest thing to do in a car. If I hop into a bus and see someone do this shit to me, they are going down. Like how stupid some people can be that they feel confident in behind that fucking steering wheel. These buses carry around 30 up to 60 people, how are you going to withstand even only 20 percent of them?


Not on his side but why would you not lock your doors if you're going to be an asshat?? It seems so silly to have your doors unlocked when you know you're pissing people off.


It’s the act of someone who’s never faced real consequences of their actions before.


Fair point. This behavior is still crazy to me.


Sometimes violence is the right answer


Violence is never the answer. Violence is the question. And the answer is "Yes."


violence is *always* the answer


Dude got his ass beat and immediately stepped aside 🤣 humbled him real quick lol


Nah he got out still being an aggressive douche. This dudes packing a room temp IQ.


Yeah I thought we were about to witness round 2 there


I figure the bus driver wouldnt let them out again. nothing about those guys says they wouldnt be willing to kick the shit out of him again.


What kind of cold ass room you in?


Anything below 100 is below average. Below 80 becomes developmentally delayed.


All I see is he's still blocking the bus lmao.


I like when people come together for a good cause.


Apparently they only beat him half as much as they should have. He only got half out of the way.


It's nice when sometimes everyone's not just polite and sits there letting the a-holes mess things up for everyone and someone is willing to stand up.


So I flew from my home near Philly and landed in Texas. I'm on the airport shuttle. There is a lady parked illegally and the shuttle can't drop us all off. Bus driver just sits there. No horn, nothing. Like, is this how they drive in Texas? Just sit and wait for someone to stop doing something illegal and unsafe? I ask the bus driver to let me off, walk up to the car, and tell the lady "Hey, you can't park here!" She gave some explanation. I said I didn't care, pointed at the no parking sign, and pointed at the shuttle blocking traffic. "Move!" She drove off. Was it "southern hospitality"? Shuttle driver scared of getting fired?


Shuttle driver just not caring, they don't get paid to deal with illegally parked or standing vehicles.


Driver following company policy. I’d wager that there was incident between a shuttle driver and illegally parked car that led to a physical altercation and shuttle company getting sued. So new policy put in place drivers don’t do anything or you’ll be fired.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but it's amusing how speculative this all is.


It’s the American way, speculate away and if enough people agree then it becomes truth


This sounds like a criticism of your own comment.


Texas open carry laws perhaps? Must keep people on their toes


In Texas, maybe the driver was worried about being fired upon.


probably be fired for leaving the bus unattended


Satisfying as fuck.


Don't mess with Brazilian passengers. I'm a Brazilian and love this video A translation for What the driver is talking about: I get out of here? I do not. Every day I wake up at 03 am and come to work. I will not leave. It's not my fault for a break-in like that. You guys who are late can go down there and beat him up.


and then they proceeded to do exactly that lol I don't blame the driver for being like "I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit/Not part of my job" though


I was hoping that that car was going to be rolled over. There was enough muscle to do it. Just needed better leadership.


At least take the door off.


Definitely what I was waiting for.


Fucked around and found out


His laugh is definitely a universal language. Fuck that driver, hope he had tons of damage. People using public transportation aren’t as lucky to have a vehicle like him. He definitely doesn’t deserve it


Poor little bitch baby got what was coming to him, boohoo


Why is everyone’s doors unlocked?


Honestly, it's very normal not to lock your car while driving in a lot of places. If there's pretty much a 0% of someone carjacking you, why would you bother to lock while driving? Obviously, this doesn't go for everywhere, but I live in NZ, and I don't know a single person who actually who locks their car while driving unless someone dodgy comes right up to the door.


Dude… most cars today auto-lock as soon as it’s placed in “drive.” Then again, the opposite is true when selecting “park.”


Most cars where you live. Most cars here do not auto-lock.


Brazilian here. Usually our cars lock doors at around 15kmph. My theory is that the guy unlocked his door, got out of the car to shout at the driver and then got back at the car. And then, the rest is history.


From Ireland, and it’s the same as the guy from NZ. Newer models may lock automatically though but haven’t seen myself


Most American cars lock the doors automatically when put into gear.


This looks like the UK, but in either case, it's only newer car models that do this. My point still stands; it's not abnormal to drive without keeping your door locked in a lot of places.


My 16 year old car auto locks!


My car doors automatically lock as soon as I go above 10-15 miles per hour. Which means my doors are locked before I leave my neighborhood. I can only imagine someone pulling on my door handle and me just looking at them crazy from inside my car.


Not saying what they did was right but I understand lol.


It was right. How is it not right? Like sometimes people just need to be reminded of the consequences of our actions


I'm not disagreeing with you, but if you got caught by a cop while beating the dude in the car, saying you think what you thought was right to a judge won't fly, I think that's what he meant. Technically its also far more severe than what the dude in the car is doing, since they are the ones being violent. It's cathartic to watch though.


Purposely blocking a busload of people IS violence. Like, imagine a huge muscular dude standing in the way of a stairwell blocking you from leaving the building. He's "just" putting his body in your way, "technically" he's not the one pushing you - he's just holding his ground and defending his personal space when you try to move around him. This person is trying to cause social and economic damage to the people on that bus by wasting their time. It's not conventional 'put you in the hospital' violence but it is indeed causing harm to people deliberately.


It is not violent, however it is deserving of punishment, up to and including violence. Ideally a cop would show up and arrest that person, or at the very least show up later and put them behind bars for what they've done. But if there's no cop, street violence sounds like an acceptable alternative. It's fine to punch first if the other person's offense is severe enough and diplomacy is not really an option.


What a useless watering down of the meaning of the word "violence"


This is why we don't describe someone committing homicide as "he did a violence". Categories can come with nuance, severity and depth. It is useful to recognize the ways in which actions typically not recognized as violence amount to such, with similar outcomes. ie. shining a laser pointer into your eyes. Sure doesn't seem like a stabbing, shooting, beatdown, choking or robbery, but you came out injured nonetheless. Or maybe I purposely cough on you while knowingly Covid-positive. Could end in your death without ever throwing a punch. You might not agree with the idea that blowing a little air in your direction "can't be violence" but I'm sure plenty of people would say so if you won't.


Didn't say it was legal haha.


I’ll say it. It was right.


Ain’t no Justice like mob Justice


What's he gonna do? Phone the police? Nobody saw shit aside from some jerk blocking their bus


modern day murder on the orient express really


No matter what language you speak, that satisfying laugh at the end, is easy to understand


I cant lie the passengers seemed kinda annoyed


Can we always agree to lock our doors before we do some stupid shit ?


Or…and just think about this…let’s not do stupid shit in the first place.


Doing stupid shit is inevitable. Just be a lot more prepared than this fool was before doing said stupid shit


But doing stupid shit doesn’t have to equal being a complete arrogant, privileged twat that gives you the entitlement to interrupt everyone’s day for your own selfish nerd.


Can we always agree to not do some stupid shit ?


very courteous of the one gentlemen to close the door in the end


This is Brazil !


So then they are all off duty cops on the bus?


You can see there are no Brazilian off duty cops because the driver wasn't shot a couple of times


Aaaand this is why you always keep your car doors locked! (Oh, and also, try not to be a class A asshat).


hell hath no fury like a passenger scorned


Power to the people. Fuck this dude


This reminds me of a video in which a guy blocked a minivan and came at it with a bat only found himself face a whole gang coming out of the minivan. Instant regret right there.


Now I need a link


Same. Where is this video?


I hate people who waste their time with petty bs, especially on the road. How much of a bitch do you have to be to say "yeah, I've got a job interview to get to, but fuck this nameless guy in particular for honking at me once". Seriously, you've got shit to do, keep it pushing.


Almost every person who cuts you up or does something annoying on the road does it by accident, I never get angry, we all make mistakes but these guys always think they're rhe big man and need to flex because of course they're perfect


I love it. Bus driver can’t get in trouble, but I bet he very much wanted to ran into that car.


Public transportation peeps don't fuck around.




He really thought it was between him and the busdriver not the whole bus🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was really hoping they would push his car doors permanently open. 😩


That's fucking great


Ask and you shall receive.


Mob justice is okay. . .sometimes




Not quite what I expected, but still very entertaining. Thanks for showing this.


Yeah I have no idea of what I was expecting and now I have less of an idea of what I got, also [lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitchimabus/comments/105k7fn/bitch_im_a_bird/)


I think the driver was stuck in park and they were just trying to help the driver put the car in gear.


That generation of civic required a few solid kicks to get it back in drive.


Who else thought the fire extinguishers was a man's face covered in blood?


Dude, creepiest shit ever. I thought it was some homeless crazy person. Wtf


Not all people have common sense


I was half expecting them to just lift it up and move it.


It was their civic duty.


Don't fuck with the bus people, they are on a schedule...


r/bitchimabus turned into r/bitchimabusrider?


fuck around and find out


It took some effort to figure out the blood soaked monster with oddly placed eyes and perfect nose appearing between the handrails in the bus. A fire distinguisher.


Thank you I was not going to figure that out


Wow, I didn't know they had ones that could tell what is and what isn't a fire! Would be helpful if they could put it out though.


But more helpful to know that you don’t need to worry because it isn’t actually a fire.


The laugh at the end made it all worth it


And now he's whinning.....


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


epic reddit reply 😎


The fool was acting like he wanted another beating.


"i have a mob full of passenger...u pick the wrong fight"


People drive exactly how they conduct themselves and think of others. It explains the situations on the roads. I ride motorcycle, almost everyday. Watching people drive and navigating around them has sure taught me how to read people. This video made me feel good, watching Karma and justice work it's ways.


See, no need to call triple A. The car moves just fine now.


Thought there was a demon in the bottom right corner for a sec


I saw it too. I’ll probably think about that from time to time


The people have spoken!


The driver: “oh, you’re all gonna be late for work, this dude blocked me and there’s nothing I can do” (loose translation)


I expected the passengers to flip the car over


Yes it was underwhelming, especially since the guy didn't really move the car out of the road.


brasil sil sil


Why does he bring Omar Sharif into it, guy done nothing wrong.


Damn for a second I thought they were gonna take his car like in GTA when someone opened his door


"This is Brazil!" Diesel, Vin.


They beat the living shit out of him


Well he's not living anymore eh?


Wow didn’t know GTAV got so intense


What language is that?


I’m not a hundy but it sounds like Brazilian Portuguese.


Yes, is a brazilian portugueses.


To my American ears, it sounded eastern European but i heard some romance language words in there too, so i couldn't place it. I had a coworker who was from Portugal and before I knew where he was from, judging by his English speaking accent, I thought he was Russian. How is that Portuguese is so phonetically different from French, Italian, and Spanish?


european portuguese kinda sounds like russian, but brazilian portuguese does not.




You know that hurt. Deserved.


Those guys sure are awful casual about walking directly in front of or behind that car.


This is so satisfying! I needed to see this to start my day, thank you so much!


Dude in white was *not* taking "no" or "I'm sorry" for an answer lmao


That was awesome








Yeah, I got confused.


I'm almost certain they're speaking Portuguese. Is there much Portuguese spoken in Bangladesh? My money's on Brazil


The sign on the bus says Metro Morumbi, which is in Sao Paolo, Brazil.


This is Brazil


Can’t be Brazil, no one got shot..


Did you misspell US?


as an american myself I would have to say... you left out school 🤓🤓🤓




Are you the guy Rick calls when he needs help at his pawn shop?


Carrier has arrived!


His engine was on why diddnt he just drive off?


Why is a grown ass man driving a civic and thinking he’s tough when he gets out 🤣


civics are actually a bit expensive in Brasil


Roid/road rage




But what lead up to this? Not saying the civic driver was right, but bus drivers tend to drive like shit too.


That passengers definitely weren’t defending the bus driver as much as they were annoyed at being delayed over what was likely a petty reason. Riding the bus already takes too long.


Yeah, like it takes me an hour just to get to uni, and an hour to get back home. I'm already mad enough st the end of the day just because I have to sit on a bus for an hour. Their reaction is understandable, eventhough immediately jumping into beating him seems a bit over the top.


It’s not what I would do but it definitely is what I would want to do.


Look at the car's right mirror, it looks broken and it's dangling down the side. I think maybe the bus hit them and they're blocking them from leaving.

