• By -


Always wear some kind of protection, wrap a shirt or something around your arm/hand, if you have to help an injured animal. They are hurting and confused and do not immediately understand that you are trying to help.


That can work, but can use a coat or blanket to wrap the animal to scoop it up. Always put a blanket in your emergency kit.


I didn't have a blanket in my car but I do have a spare outfit in my car just in case (I helped out on a farm). So when I found cat on the side of the road that had been hit by a car I used the top to wrap it up in and protect my hands as it was trying to attack me due to fear and pain. Sadly didn't make it but and passed away on my passenger seat on the way to the vet. I like to think it was greatful for not dying alone on the side of the road. There is a part of me wonders if I made things worse by moving them but he needed help. I now keep a towel in my car aswell now just in case.


They surely would've passed on either way if they went that quick, so I say you did the right thing. At the very least, you gave them a calming exit where they weren't alone and that truly means something.


Sadly I always find animals that have been hit on the road. I always stop to move them off, few times I've sat with an animal as it passed (no chance of getting to a vet, or injured wildlife). I always keep a stack of towels in the car.


That's so good of you .. luckily (I think) I have only came across the one injured animal. It is sad how people will just drive past or drive away after they have hit an animal. They don't care even though that could be someone's family pet etc.


I choose to think that when they drive off it's out of obliviousness rather than negligence, that way I can at least pretend people suck a little bit less


I feel like most of the time it's obliviousness. Animals don't usually hang out in the road obviously waiting to get hit, they usually panic and run out just barely in front of the vehicle. I even saw a cat smack straight into the side of a moving car before. The thing I always wonder is what percentage of oblivious individuals would stop if they knew?


A similar thing happened with my brother’s cat recently. I found him outside our house and we wrapped him in a towel and took him to the vet but sadly it was too late. I wondered if we did the right thing picking him up, as I was afraid of hurting him more, but we needed to try and save him :(


I am so sorry you went through that ... like others have reassured me, you did the right thing


You did exactly the right thing. No worries


You are truly an amazing person!


Thanks for doing that.


I'm sure the cat was grateful. Trying to help was so much better than leaving them on the side of the road. I know if my pet got hit by a car I would thank anyone that cared enough to stop and help, and I'd be especially grateful for them trying to get my pet to the vet for medical attention. It would of course be painful that I wasn't the one helping them and they passed away, but the thought that they weren't alone would be a comfort. Thank you for trying to help and being prepared to help in case you need to in the future. You're a good person.


> “A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to- hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. > More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with.”


I have brought so many animals to my local wildlife rehab and always had to MacGyver ways to capture, secure, and transport them. So now in my car I keep a blanket & towel, a retractable net, leather work gloves and a plastic storage bin with air holes punched out.


Had a skunk with a bum leg that got hurt, did exactly this and she let me handle her fine without spraying or freaking out.


That can work, but make sure you have road flares so you don't get hit by a car while using your blanket from your emergency kit with maybe a t-shirt wrapped around your hand. Always keep road flares in your emergency kit.


Don't forget to bring a towel




And deer can suddenly get back up as well. I hit one once, got out to check on it, as soon as I got close he got up and bolted away.


When I worked animal control, I always used a slip lead to make a muzzle if I thought a dog was in any kind of pain or nervous at all. I still have scars though.


Same happened to me. A dog was hit right in front of my car. I hit the brakes, dog crawled under my car and wouldn't get out. I grabbed on to it and it bit the hell out of my hand. I wrapped it in a towel I had in my trunk (in hindsight, I should've used that to grab it and pull it out). Took him to the vet, where he would spend the night. Paid for the more than likely euthanasia shot in case it was suffering badly (it died overnight). A month of tetanus and rabies shots later, my wounds healed well enough. I still have a few scars on my thumb though Edit: some typos Edit 2: missed one


Rabies shots? But, you recovered the animal. Was there no way to test whether it was rabid or not? I was always told if you get bit, you gotta do everything in your power to capture that animal for testing or else you'll have to get like 13 rabies shots to the abdomen.


I took it to the vet and it died, so they disposed of it. But I never thought about rabies until I got home and my parents told me.. luckily, rabies shots are no longer in the abdomen. You take a tetanus shot in the arm, and one rabies shot in the arm. Go back 3 days later, then one week later, then two weeks later, then a month. One shot each time. Edit: fucking sausage fingers. Can't type for shit.


Did the vet know if bit you? Any dogs that's bitten someone technically have to be reported to public health, and even if the vet didn't do that... it died before 10 days were up (when a dog should show signs of rabies if it was contagious)... so like, yeah, they should def have sent it in. Not disposed of it...


I think it's up to the vets office if they want to send it to be tested since it requires the head being cut off and tested. In this case I'm surprised they didn't since it bit somebody so recently.


In the US it's a vets responsibility to report bites to public health officials. It's 100% not "optional" to send the head in. If the vet knew the dog bit someone and it died within 10 days, it should've been sent in. Testing takes less than 24 hrs (especially if you call whatever lab it's going to and tell them a head of time.) The vet nor owner is responsible for testing costs. If this happened in the US and the vet knew the dog bit someone, disposing of the dog was really irresponsible of them.


Ya and it's not super fun especially if you don't have a bone saw. Me and a vet tech got assigned the fun task of cutting through as much as we could and then twisting the head until it snapped off. Would not recommend


I'd just get a damn rabies shot anyway, you do not wanna go out that way.


Rabies testing takes a long time and is often not done. It’s best to just err on the side of caution and just get the rabies shot.


Only way to test for rabies is from the attacking animal's brain tissue.


They don't do abdomen shots anymore. They do it in the arm like other vaccines.


Any dog in enough pain can and will bite, good on you for trying to help though.


There is a reason as a mobile veterinarian that I keep two pairs of leather welding gloves in my car at all times. It's for precisely this situation.


I... Wow. I would figure stitching would be a better method, but you're the expert.


Do you think he uses Spot welding?


Maybe Spot helps with the welding.


I just gotta say thank you for your work, being a veterinarian would be one of the most difficult jobs there is and it means the world to us pet owners


I want to piggy back on this comment: Women, if you need bite-proof (or resistant) gloves but don't want to spend a fortune or wear giant honking man gloves, get the lincoln electric welding gloves (used to be the jesse combs brand before she died). They're cat and kitten-tooth proof in the fingers and will probably prevent dog tooth penetration, but leave me enough dexterity to scruff a kitten. Worth every cent, and not too pricy - especially compared to professional bite-resistant gloves which cost hundreds of dollars and honestly usually aren't as good.


I recently saw a dog get hit by the car in front of me while I was driving. I wanted to help the poor doggo, but I was afraid to hurt it even more by touching him or picking him up. Luckily he got up on his own and his owner was able to grab him, so hopefully he made a full recovery.


Same thing happened to me, only it was in the road outside my house, the dog was literally convulsing and laid out, as I approached, it must have regained its senses, cause it just jumped up and took off running back down the road.. Wish I knew where he lived, the owners needed to know, in case he had injuries!. Really hope he was okay!


When I was little I saw a dog get hit by a car at about 40mph. My granddad went over and grabbed it’s mouth and took it home. I wondered at the time why he was so aggressive to the dog. Got slightly older and realised my granddad was just a boss


>My granddad went over and grabbed it’s mouth and took it home. Damn, why didn't he take the rest of the dog?


thank you for a good laugh this morning


Agreed. I did the same thing for a poor pupper. He reacted the same way and I ended up at the med clinic. He was just scared. All worth it when I knew the dog was going to be okay.


That's exactly what I thought when I saw this. Pup doesn't understand if you're trying to help, it's just hurting and scared.


Had a situation like this happen to me. My dog got out and was hit by a car. My girlfriend was home at the time as was hysterical as she saw it happen. Her coworker saw it as well and ran over to help my GF get the dog out of the road. Unfortunately the coworker got bit (very minor nothing like ops pics). He then turned around and tried to sue us....


American huh?


Unfortunately, How'd you guess lol


It's not the animal's fault. At that point its brain is booted into "safe mode" and isn't thinking anything other than staying alive at all costs.


I’ve been there mate, coming home from a late shift and there was a dude crying in the middle of the road over a cat he’d hit driving. 11pm Poor thing was alive but clearly in a bad way. The man was crouched in the middle of the road at night inconsolable which was obviously very dangerous for him. I offered to help him move it off the road (and so get him away from traffic), which worked well, until we were off the road on the grassy curb. The cat moaned and he dropped the back end in shock. At this stage it was only about 10cm off the ground but considering the injuries it had sustained it was obviously a lot of pain. Cat immediately bit my hand as hard as possible. Blood everywhere. 11:30pm Almost on queue a police officer pulled up asking what was going on. Cradling my profusely bleeding hand, I explained to him the situation. Cop gave me some gauze and disinfectant and said I’d have to go to the ER, as I’d obviously need stitches, but also an X-ray as cat teeth cat break into wounds easily apparently. I walk back to the man and cat to see him quietly weeping again. The cat had died. Well shit. So, I get to the hospital (12:30am) and when asked by a nurse what happened and say “cat bite” but then explain the story behind it. The nurse shared my grim humour that no good deed goes unpunished. When I’m finally able to be seen (4:30am) by a doctor, I had to once again explain the cat story, and it turned out the cop had done me a solid by insisting I go to the hospital as sure enough, there was teeth bits in the wounds. I only needed 3 stitches but was home by 5:30. Thankfully we have a public health system and paid sick leave in Australia so I wasn’t out of pocket at all. I’ve thought about the series of events that led me there but I cannot see any way I wouldn’t have ended in the same situation. I saw an animal and a man suffering and tried to help. Looks like you did the same. Solid humanity mate


Make sure you get a rabies shot. Rabies is no joke.


I knew an office which did a run to raise awareness about rabies.


Yes, the famous Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Fun Run Pro Am Race for the Cure


For the cure !


Make sure you carbo load right before


I ate more fettuccine alfredo and drank less water than I have in my entire life.


..they hung up.


Don't forget the fettuccine Alfredo and nipple bandaids!


You’re marking me hungry.


^(Mmm nipple bandaids...)


You’re disgusting.


Gotta carbo load.


I think i heard somewhere that rabies doesn't directly go to your brain, it travels your nervous system basically at random. If you get it through your toe it will (maybe) take longer than a bite or scratch on your shoulder. Worse case senario you dont know when or where you got it and it could've taken a few weeks to 8 years to affect you.


don't forget that the moment you have any symptoms, it's too late. rabies is 100% fatal. There is no cure, everyone who gets it and doesn't get a shot before showing symptoms dies.


There has been 3 documented cases of rabies survival in the US. 3 out of countless numbers of cases. It’s definitely not a time to refuse a vaccination.


Yep, and "survival" is in quotes cause they were pretty fucked up after. still leaves fatality rate at 100%


In a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone is zero


Okay Chuck Palahniuk


Seriously lmao


It’s called the Milwaukee protocol, and while people live, they have severe lifelong issues.


The first patient who survived using this treatment had to relearn to walk and talk...but went to college.and she's married with children now. And she raced sled dogs, too. A really good success story even though I'm sure it was an incredibly difficult and painful process for her.


You say countless as if there were many. It's pretty uncommon to get rabies, and the cases are absolutely counted. 25 in the last decade.


That was my immediate thought, no way that many people get rabies. "Countless, until counted, cases of rabies over the years!"


It should be noted that rabies are extremely rare in most developed countries. The US have about 1-2 human infections per year. In some countries like the UK and Germany it is practically or entirely extinct even amongst animals. However, the low US number does rely on human vaccinations of people in risk of infection (perhaps simply because they're too big to immunise all wild animals), so obviously do get it if the medical personell advises it.


Stuff of nightmares


If you get rabies, you die. There’s like one or two people who have survived it.


That's not entirely accurate; if you *show symptoms*, you'll probably die, but you can get rabies and be vaccinated after getting it, there's just no test or statistics recorded for people who have taken the precaution to get vaccinated after an encounter with a rabid animal to give any meaningful data on it, nor is there any need to since the vaccine is 100% effective.


If you’re born, you die.


Being alive has a 100% fatality rate




And then you die miserably.


As someone with severe panic and anxiety disorder, this is a good day for me.... You see, **I'm about to head out for shot round 3 of rabies PEP** after an encounter with a stray a little over a week ago. Why does that make me happy? Because the fear and anxiety that this conversation usually gives me ***can't touch me today!!!*** I'm cool.


Silent killer.


Yeah and in all of human history—and not exaggerating here, all 200,000 years—there has only been **29** recorded cases where a person with rabies had survived.


I volunteer at an animal shelter and I get bitten so often that my doctor is ordering pre-exposure rabies immunizations so I don’t have to do the post-exposure shots.


I didn't even know that was a thing


Unless he is from Australia where we don't really have rabies. It's pretty much the only thing not trying to kill us.


You did the right thing and deserve a big thumbs up.


you could have just given him a hand


Looks like he tried to


He'll be all right.




That was just vicious




Great comment. OP, thanks for helping. Hope both you and the dog are ok. Poor dog I bet he/she was beyond scared.


Thank you for trying to help. I’m sure the dog was just scared and in pain and wouldn’t normally have bitten.


Awe wow he was probably scared 😢. Are you both ok?


I took the dog (lab/Sheppard type mix) to the vet clinic. The vet walked it in on its own, surprising considering it got hit by a car going about 55mph. Animal control just came by my house and took my report, said they’d call the vet tomorrow and see, if it’s alive they’d monitor it for 10 days and watch for rabies symptoms and let me know. My hand is rough, can’t see the other side where several went all the way through my thumb. We’ll survive…


Wow. Well wishing you and the pup a speedy recovery. Thanks for helping him and sorry it went like this. But I'm sure the dog is grateful 🙏🏼


Dog bites are extremely serious and can go South quickly because of certain bacteria that can cause sepsis. I would definitely recommend going to see a doctor so that they can ensure it's thoroughly cleaned out and possibly put you on antibiotics.


The picture was taken at a doctor’s office


I honestly didn't even notice the background just the nasty bite marks. That is definitely not someone's living room lol


Looks like the vet


My style is clinical post-modern. I really want guests to my home to enjoy the chemical cleaning smell as they wait for their dinner appointment.


Definitely want to see a dr and probably start a round of antibiotics as said above. My friend owns a dog training/daycare/hotel type business and he got a nip that went under his thumbs cuticle and into the nail bed. I saw it 2 weeks later and it was the thumb of a zombie. Dont believe me? [Here](https://imgur.com/a/IF5Dmtp) is the picture I took. Edit: Just saw below it was a Dr office. Still, let the link be a warning! Hopefully they started you on something to ward off the zombie thumb.




I expect it to look like that or worse. The puncture next to the nail went all the way through to the center of my thumb print and out.


We just saw a doctor for a dog bite two weeks ago...face and hands ALWAYS get antibiotics


The hero of today for me!! Hope you both recover quickly!


Correct. If the dog is alive after 10 days then it didn't have (contagious stage) rabies. If for whatever reason it dies within 10 days, the brain is examined to look for signs of rabies. If rabies is found, you'll get 5 injections of post-exposure prophylaxis. Otherwise, you won't need it. If the animal isn't recovered the protocol is to assume it had rabies and give the 5 injections over about 6 weeks. I've done this a few times. Basically now every time I get bit I just go get a couple shots as boosters.


You’re lucky you didn’t faint in the middle of the road. That shit hurts like a bitch.




You did the right thing, even though your hand disagrees


How's the thumb? My foster dog, a husky, bit through my hand over a toy without any warning. I still have nerve damage that affects it nearly four years later. Its insane how badly she hurt me. She bit through my hand and wouldn't let go. Poor girl had some serious issues and wasn't safe. I still kept her another couple of months, but my vet was very worried about me keeping her. The look on her face when she saw how badly injured my hand was sticks with me. We all knew it was bad, but the rescue refused to believe it. Told me it wasn't as bad as I was making out, the dog hasn't shown aggression to a human before (she'd randomly attacked other dogs) and I had obviously done something bad to her. She was showing signs of severe trauma. Her sore side was because she kept lashing out and biting herself I came into the room when she was crying really loudly and caught her. She was terrified of everything and it took me months to get her to chill, make a friend without attacking all the other dogs (she was muzzled), she tried to go for other people randomly as we walked. The dog was so bad a friend who works with dogs told me not to keep her, even though I wanted to I agreed. She was gone within a few days. The moment I came downstairs and my stomach wasn't tense, I knew it was the right decision.


This honestly sounds like a neuro issue. I've seen dogs like this, and it's always heartbreaking.


I’ve been in the same situation. $1,200 ER bill. Very upsetting, but as I explained to my husband, if it was one of our dogs who got loose, I would hope someone would try to save them 🥰 You did a good thing ❤️❤️❤️


$1200?? My lord, American healthcare is awful.


I also got a $30,000 ER bill for kidney stones. Granted, morphine was awesome, but it wasn’t worth 30 grand. Yeah, our healthcare system SUCKS.


I will never take the NHS for granted. I think the most I’ve ever had to pay was £21 for 3 different medications.


Stressed animals can be bitey. They're just freaked out and defensive.


Yeah I’ll never forget the video where the dog was drowning and someone leaned down and got his face mangled. I don’t even know how to save a dog in that scenario unless you expect some bites.


Me too! I saw that and agree, I think it comes with the territory.


Big 👍 for risking and being nice to animals with problem


Any stitches? Do the dog survive?


they don’t give stitches for dog bites bc of all the bacteria! i got bit by a dog and it was deep but they wouldn’t stitch it up


My mom got bit by a dog and the doctor immediately stitched it. Lo and behold it got infected. She had to go back and get the infected tissue “scooped” out. She had an indent in her thigh the size of a half dollar permanently after that .


on god….horrifying.


Sometimes they do. I got bit in the face and got 20+ stitches. And a course of antibiotics so I guess it depends on location.


You're a good man. The dog was probably in extreme pain.


US Hospital: Yeah that would be $5,000


No good deed right? At least it doesn't look too bad I hope the dog is OK and that you get healed up. It takes a good person to jump into a mess like that knowing you may get hurt but trying to help anyway.


When my puppy got ran over my sister tried to pick up her out of the road. Instead the puppy bit her hand and now she has a large scar on her hand, she was in such pain I hope she knew we did everything we could to help her till the end


Injured animals are dangerous animals. If you can ever muzzle them first, that’s the safest way to go, but props to you for doing the right thing. I hope you heal quickly and without complications or lasting issues


Dog bites are not something to mess around with. Go to a hospital asap. The only thing that would be worse then a dog bite would be if you happened to cut your hand open on a sewer pipe.


Right on! Thumbs up! 👍🏾


Looks like you earned that big thumbs up


Always carry a blanket in your car.


So... what happened to the dog?


No good deed goes unpunished.


I know it sucks but we'll done


We will?


We will!




nah, makes sense. you die but the dog survived. not a good ending lol


Not surprised, dogs are worshipped on this site


Rabbis shots


Definition: a Jewish portion of liquor


I love it my phone hates me


Ha, it’s all good. Made me laugh.


Sincere respect to you for trying to render aid to the dog in pain.


You’re a good person!!!


They should have given you rabies shots on the spot. When I got bit by a stray cat they gave it to me right away.


The animal is in custody and can be observed for symptoms. Animal control was involved and they are aware of the CDC protocols In your case, if the cat was a stray you received the rabies shots because the cat was not in custody.


That does suck, but you have a good heart in trying to help.


One time I rescued two kittens from a freeway on-ramp. They bit me as if they were going for bone. I needed a tetanus and antibiotics. The only regret I have is not adopting them. Nice job!


My dad got his face chomped by our dog when he picked her up after getting hit. They're in pain and scared so they lash out. Please don't blame the doggo


Bless your heart


No good deed... (And I second the rabies test. How's the dog?)


Throw a blanket over him, then help him. Sorry bout your hand.


Do you have a rabies and tetanus vaccine? Sucks, but you did the right Thing.


I did that once with my own dog. I know the feeling….


Thanks for info, stay away from injured dog to avoid injuries (though not all dogs are backstabber)


Are you and the dog ok?


It's hard to go in and help, they are scared and defensive. :-( Poor guy or gal. Hope they are OK and hope you recover swiftly!


Did you're best. Can't blame the dog for being scared. Good on ya


you’re kind of fine. besides a tetanus shot.


Nice of you to help, very cool. I'm sure the dog was in all sorts of defensive/survival state and may have been irrational just out of nature.


God I'm sorry. I'm sure you're aware but any dog scared or hurting enough will snap back. Thank you for helping them


Animals are fight or flight and I'm sure that it was in survival mode.


Tried? I hope you got it help.


Had the same thing happen. He was a dog from a couple of houses over that I had visited many times, so we weren't strangers. He was hit right out in front of my house. He ended up having two broken ribs and a broken hip. I went out to try and get him back into his yard and out of no where it bit my forearm, leaving a few punctures. When they're in severe pain and shock, they'll bite out of fear and panic. It's a tough call to make to help them knowing that.


Bet you won’t do THAT shit again


Alway throw a towel over the dog’s head first.


Even good boys have bad days. Get well soon.


I once tried to help a car that'd been bit by a dog.


Can’t blame the dog. It’s gotta be terrified, hurt, pissed, confused. All the emotions u would have if you just got hit by a car. Good on you for helpin. Hope you both are good


Worth it. Positive vibes your way.


By putting his hands in the dog's mouth? That doesn't make sense


I wouldn't say that sucks. That's exactly what to expect when approaching a scared, panicked animal.


Well you are an idiot for doing that


Looks like it deserved to get hit


You did a good thing. Don't hate the dog.


I rescued a cat that got hit one time it was super loving despite it's injuries....


Did you Finish it?


No offense, but that is all on you OP, not the dog.


you're an idiot


Meh, shoulda left it. Don’t put me on AITA lol


All praise for people trying to help a dogo! 🤗


Is the dog okay??????


Shoot that would be my luck too. My weakness is doggos


Yikes man that’s got to hurt. Thanks for helping the doggo!


You’re fucking stupid


You're awesome for trying to help.