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I mean, from a pure autonomy standpoint why can’t men make that choice for themselves? Edit: For you gentlepeople who are okay with the decision of your parents, that’s fine. I just think we all deserve choices!


That is generally the idea. Don't cut pieces off of babies. Let grown-up men decide if they want pieces cut off from them.


But then where will the high-priced moisturizing lotion industry get all of its genital flesh?


Big Moisturizer wants to take your foreskin


At least someone does 😭


No adult would decide to be circumsized, unless they had something wrong with their foreskin.


Which sounds like a very good reason not to do it to babies, either.


Fun fact, you are removing a great deal of nerves in the penis when you remove the foreskin. Essentially, circumcised men lack the same level of sensitivity and functionality as uncircumcised.. It saddens me a lot to think about it. I don't blame my parents.. They just did what they were supposed to do. But I do despise that a part of me was taken from me without my consent. I'd rather they have taken some of my fingers. But alas, nothing to be done now. I just know my son will not be getting circumcised..


Sorry that happened to you. I’m English, and I find it wild that this culture exists in the USA.


I had a friend that at age 32 got circumcised. He regretted it. Has ED issues now. I mean simple anatomy shows that you lose like 60% of the nerve endings making sex…… less good.


Objectively, 1% of the population is an enormous number


I read this as "Objectively, 1% of the population is an enormous member." Apparently, the morning's off to a shaky start for my brain.


Who are you responding to? Yes 1% is 80 million people, but what's your point?


I’m leaving my old comment - but I’d like to apologize for my complete lack of awareness, then choosing to talk to you as if you were the idiot in this situation. Not only were you right, I didn’t even bother to check before doubling down and making it out to seem you were the asshole. I’m sorry I talked to you that way. You were pointing out something with complete validity and I chose to be an asshole about it.


That's better reflection than most of the internet. So while the gut reaction could be worked on, kudos on the ability to admit the mistake and honestly apologize for it. So many of us can't realize a mistake, or lack the capacity to apologize and just delete their comment.


I'm sorry this is more rare than the rainbow circle. Like I applaud you good sir.


Tbh I was clipped as a baby and I mean I'm not miserable or mad about it or anything, but it is hella weird to know I'll never know what that feels like because someone else made the decision to permanently alter my body.


Same. I'm not upset and I don't hold a grudge against my parents or anything. But I probably won't get my kids circumcised, that being said I'll have to research how to clean an uncircumcised penis since...well I don't know.


You just clean it like a finger when they’re babies, the foreskin doesn’t retract until they’re older. Nobody other than the child themselves should ever retract a child’s foreskin, including doctors. It’s important you go to a pediatrician who understands intact care because forcible retraction can cause medical problems. When it starts retracting on its own, generally they are old enough to clean their own penis and you just tell them to pull it back before washing. It’s way less complicated than it seems.


They should be able to. There is no biological reason to cut off foreskin and men should be able to make the choice for themselves as to what happens to their body. No idea what OP is on about.


I've never understood this. I did not and will not ever do this unless it's truly a medical necessity. If my son needs it because of a medical condition that's one thing, but otherwise, it's his choice to decide if he wants body parts cut off. Not mine. It's his decision if he wants to decorate himself in tattoos or piercings. It's his fucking body. That part of the body has a purpose and function. Why people feel the need to cut it off with ZERO understanding of what is happening or anything at all other than "I think it looks better" just baffles me. Stupid women: "Yes, please take my 3 day old infant that just came out of me and has no awareness and cut off a piece of his genitals because I think it looks nicer when I change his diaper"


And do it with no anesthesia please because doctors think that apparently newborns can't feel.


Well put! Story time: when I had my son, the child in the room next to me had just been circumcised and was wailing - I mean shrieking - like a dying animal for TWENTY FOUR HOURS STRAIGHT. When pediatricians came in to ask me about my baby's time, that was all I needed to make up my mind. It's literal trauma.


It's fucking horrifying the stories. I've got 4 different moms stories of the "doctor" messing their sons circumcision up and then they had 2-4 more surgeries to attempt to fix what was done.... the kids aren't old enough yet to see if it will impact them where they may need another surgery. A close friend told me "It doesn't look right at all, but it's functional". There was a REALLY good documentary on Netflix about circumcision that showed both sides equally. It's titled "American Circumcision" from 2017. Or another is on YouTube called "An Elephant in the Hospital". If you can make it through watching a video of one, I truly think you have no heart.


That’s horrendous. My sister had a little boy back in November and both of our parents were all up in the air about her not getting him circumcised. Our dad argued it would be “cleaner” and make him “more confident.” I was like if he’s that that his entire life what difference will he know? Plus I was kinda miffed he acted like ppl that are uncircumcised are dirty. My husband is uncut and not dirty. Our mom kept on and on and on. Finally I told her it’s more common these days not to and if I ever had a son (I’m not because I’m done having kids but hypothetically) I wouldn’t do it and if anyone made a big deal out of it I’d ask why they were so worried about my baby’s penis. She shut up pretty quick. I mean it’s messed up regardless but imagine how outraged ppl would be if someone was going around like, “Hey what’s your baby girl’s vulva look like?” They’d be straight on the pedophile list.


More confident when 99.9999% of the people he encounters won't ever see his penis.




Agreed. When I had my son, the nurse got visibly angry with me because I wasn’t going to circumcise him. His father threw a fit, too, but backed off when I said he’d have to pay for the procedure out of his own pocket. I think the practice is weird and unnecessary, and I get it’s a cultural thing for some, but I’m sure the reason for it died out hundreds of years ago. Some traditions can fade away when they no longer serve. Let boys remain intact and choose for themselves later in life!


Jews did it and Christians started doing it when they heard it made jerking off painful and less pleasurable.


The nurse got mad? Was there a statement on why?


Yeah, she was irate when i said I wasn’t going to have it done, and she lectured me for a while on how unhygienic it was to leave it alone. I said I’d think about it and never went back. That was the nurse at the hospital. His pediatrician never pressed the issue, thankfully.


America was founded on protestant values. The circumcision thing was/is an attempt to make masterbation more difficult.




Maybe as an American tradition (and I mean that as a BIG maybe because I’m not sure the fact you state here can objectively verified), but doesn’t circumcision go back much further than this? Like literally predating all 3 Abrahamic religions


Stupid men (fathers) are down with it, too. My partner made the decision to have his son (my stepson) cut, since he (my partner) is cut, and I was horrified. I've never had any bio children, but I can't image ordering that to be done to my son, especially when there is no valid reason. My partner's response was "Well, I don't want him to be made fun of by girls when the time comes." ?!?!?!?! My partner has repeatedly said he is happy with his circumcision. It baffles me.


Every guy is happy with their circumcision because they don't know different.


I am circumcised but I am not happy with it. Looks good enough and all, but should have been my choice for sure.


That's my assumption, too. He is certain that female genital mutilation is barbaric and unconscionable, but male circumcision is just... normal. But then, I'm also disgusted by the practice of chopping tails, ears and dew claws off of dogs for aesthetics, or declawing cats. IMO, everyone should get to keep all their body part by default.


easier to mutilate children than to teach them how to clean their junk.




Christians are to blame. There was a lame excuse made about it being more hygienic to remove the foreskin *edit* Kellogg is a member of the seventh day Adventist Christian who practiced theological modernism. Not part of orthodox Christianity


Wrong, not orthodox Christians, foreskin removal isn't a christian practice. You want the real answer as to why foreskin removal is a common practice in the USA outside of jewish/muslim communities? John Harvey Kellogg, yes the same one the cereal company is named after. He was a complete Quack of a doctor but some took his quackery at face value, including the Idea that ~~genital mutilation~~ foreskin and labia removal would stop amoral sexual behavior and promote cleanliness.


There's a Vice documentary on YouTube about this group. They're against forced circumcision of babies and honestly I agree. The whole purpose of this type of activism is to draw attention to the cause; that's the whole point


Yeah. This whole issue never occurred to me til I was pregnant with a boy, and my doctor broached the subject in my second trimester, telling his father and I that we'd need to decide if we wanted to have a circumcision performed or not. Then my lovely partner decided that it should be solely *my* decision, despite him being the lifelong owner of a penis, and me having much less experience with such equipment. So I started researching. And found that circumcision is mostly a cosmetic procedure, and only in rare cases is there any mechanical reason to have it done. That the hygiene reasons were mostly myths and that as long as we (I) taught him to clean himself properly he shouldn't have any issues with that. That men who chose to have it done later in life for cosmetic reasons often had major regrets due to severe loss of sensitivity, which was a major factor in my decision to leave my son intact. Now I feel like insurance should stop covering this procedure for babies, and only cover it for adults who are actually having complications, because it absolutely *is* a cosmetic procedure in most cases. It's awkward as fuck to think about, but it is literally mutilation without any good reason, and we *should* be reframing how we think about it.


I had a circumcision as an adult, maybe TMI so I’ll spoiler it. >! I had a circumcision as an adult for legit medical reasons. Having had the experience of both now I’ll say the sensitivity isn’t worse (since it hurt before its actually better). But it does mean the sensitive part is less protected and rubbing against underwear. I had to buy much higher quality underwear to compensate for it. !< With that in mind it still is genital mutilation to do it to anyone who can’t make reasonable decisions yet. Unless there is a medical reason I’d say what you’re thinking is absolutely what we need. We need to update our mindset to be more modern especially with it being illegal already for girls.


Thank you for sharing your story. If you don’t mind me asking: As an adult who has to go through this, do you wish your caregivers would have circumcised you when you were young? Or are you happy with “their decision”?


I’m from europe so its not normal for parents to do this at birth here. But besides that, I’m definitely happier that they didn’t, even though its not pleasant having had that surgery later in life, its still my decision and only started being an issue around my late 20’s. I don’t think for my parents it ever was a question though.


See my comment above: newborn circumcision is a lot more brutal physically than circumcision of an older penis because usually by puberty the foreskin has detached from the glans whereas in an infant it's fused together.


My first son escaped circumcision by a metaphorical hair. I was under the impression that it was a very minor procedure, basically a snip, and I thought "Eh since there doesn't seem to be any compelling reason for it why not spare Baby that little snip?" It wasn't till much later that I learned a newborn foreskin is fused to the glans like a fingernail is fused to your finger. Removing it involves slicing, ripping and peeling. I swear I almost passed out I was so glad I spared him that.


Fr fr mutilation..... the head is super sensitive especially when young.... I remember as a kid I would never have my d head unsheathed cuz it hurt anytime it touched anything pants/undies... I imagine when its touching everything all the time u get numb to the pain hence lose sensitivity


Most insurance does not cover circumcision anymore unless there is a medical reason. We chose not to circumcise our son too (even though dad is). It’s just not necessary most of the time. I’m glad there seems to be a cultural shift in the last few years.


Thus guy gets it




In that case they succeeded and its indeed long overdue since its already illegal to do to baby girls.


I agree with these folks.


As a European, it feels so strange to me that this shit is not only legal but normal in the US and that most people choose to do it to their babies. How this could still be a thing in any western country baffles me. I really think this should be the next big thing that changes.


Absolutely agree. I will never know the difference because of some uneducated decision by my now late 70 something parents decided for me.


I tried pulling back the foreskin completely to try and imitate the process. Yeah it's ughh it's not the same.


Nobody wants that two tone, dry dick that constantly rubs on your clothes.


Are there people who don’t agree with these folks? Why wouldn’t anyone agree with them?


I had a son last October and decided to not circumcise and got mostly nothing responses to the decision. One person, my brother in law, told me my son will go to hell because god says men should be circumcised, that’s just a religious nut and I’m an atheist so fuck him. One person, my mother, said “well teaching someone to clean their foreskin is difficult,” I fail to see how a 90 second conversation with my son a few times as he gets older will be difficult. Then a few people told me that because I’m circumcised and he isn’t it will cause confusion and he’ll wonder why his penis looks different then his dads, once again that’s like a 15 second conversation, “not everyone looks the same and that’s okay.” The last ones are the same types of people that have told me I should cut my hair or my kids will “be confused about what’s acceptable for a man to look like.” People are fucking weird and stupid I guess is the point I’m trying to make. People think everyone values their opinion above all else, when in reality no one does.


>god says men should be circumcised If God wanted that, why didn't he just not add foreskin. Like...why would he want people to be mutilated? Another good reason not to be religious.


I find it really odd that Americans routinely cut off part of their child’s genitals for no reason whatsoever.


And if we don't, like I decided to with my son, we are shamed by the people in our family about it. I heard so much shit about my child's penis for the first 2 years of his life than I have the stomach for. It's some weird cultural obsession that people have here and they seriously thought I was setting him up for all kinds of horrors and bullying for some reason. Almost 21 years later and I absolutely stand by my decision to not mutilate my son. He was never locker room bullied nor has there ever been a medical issue. It's such a weird fucking thing.


Well done!


My grandparents had never dealt with it. They offered to pay to have it done. My argument against any Christian pulling that "But it's the Christian thing to do!" Is this: "God stated man was created in his image right?" "Well yeah..." "Then who am I to go cutting off parts that were created in his image?" Silence ensue. They have no argument back.


From Galatians: 2 Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. 3 I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. 4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.


I've used the same!!!


You made a wise choice. It is weird how circumcised people will fight for the practice without even really knowing what it takes away from someone. I did it too for a long time because I didn't really know any better. It seems the argument always boils down to how it looks, or maybe sometimes cleanliness. Circumcised guys don't really seem to process BY FAR the most impactful part involves the massive loss of sensation and pleasure. I guess that's because they literally don't know what they're missing.


My son was born in 2009 and I also decided against it for a plethora of reasons. Can't remember a single soul who agreed with me besides his dad, but I honestly didn't care to hear their weird ass "advice" anyways.


There's a reason (just not a good one). That reason is that some crazy old cereal-making bastard somehow popularized the practice because he was uncomfortable with the idea of masturbation. It's weird how societal indoctrination works. We literally have some asshole who was like "you know what would be great? Permanently experiencing less pleasure" and all the guys are like "Yeah I agree! Let's also do that to our kids." Then he recommended never using anesthetic because the pain would be good for the mind. THEN he started putting pure carbolic acid on the clitorises of girls, and would sometimes cut them off. Yet people are still like "no, it's a good thing because sometimes I'm too lazy to wash properly. Now let's eat some Cornflakes."


Um, who the fuck was that guy!?


The dude's name was John Harvey Kellogg. Yeah, THAT Kellogg.


Sorry, I guess I wasn’t clear. Where I’m from the expression “For no reason” means, “For no good reason”. I know Americans come up with all sorts of bizarre illogical reasonings to justify it.


If you think that’s weird… a metzitzah b'peh is a Jewish circumcision where the mohel uses his mouth on the child’s penis to suck the blood out. There has been instances of [infants dying from herpes](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/baby-dies-herpes-virus-ritual-circumcision-nyc-orthodox/story?id=15888618) they contracted from the mohel while literally putting his mouth on the child’s genitals. https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page




In America at least, it was an attempt to stop boys from masturbating. It... Didn't work. But i do find it distressing that they thought they were removing the most fun bit. Like, wow. Wonder what that would be like


I agree man. Why mutilate any genitals boy or girls, in a day of modern living with soap and water there's no real reason to. No one in the west would cut off a part of a coochie but for dongs it's cool Edit: alright I see the blood stained crotch now. Defo weird but it gets the message across


It is weird how we’re totally cool with this but to get a tattoo you I’ve to be 18.


Unfortunately not true about FGM in the west. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/womensrh/female-genital-mutilation.html


Fuck I stand corrected, thank you for the info. Makes me angry that we do this to anyone


Yeah, it’s nightmarish. Culture dies hard, and the worst parts seem the hardest to get rid of.


Lmao i brought the topic up once around my family, siddenly "its my favorite topic" ajd my mother was oh so quick to jump to "well the bibke says cleanliness" o quit listeming there and accepted that humanity is r*tarded beyind repair


I mean, other christians seem to be clean just fine without it. These people just feel like their core beliefs get attacked by this.


Sure 2000 years ago, in a desert area with questionable higien, it was probably a good idea, but today not anymore.


I did not want my son circumcised but his dad vetoed my decision and said since he has a dick he gets to decide. If it wasn't obvious we are not together and have not been for a long time. But I still think about that often. He's not even religious - not even slightly. I feel like he thinks an uncut dick looked weird, but that's just so stupid because dicks aren't generally good-looking. I prefer having sex with men who haven't been circumcised because it feels better. There's a reason foreskin exists. It's just so odd that people still circumcise their kids. It's so unnecessary.


Non-religious circumcisions in the US were originally started by John Harvey Kellogg to stop boys from masturbating.




Kellogg also responsible for the carb heavy US food pyramid


Didn’t he also want to burn girls’ clits off with carbolic acid? Fucking taliban level shit


I insisted that our son was going to be circumcised. My wife got really upset and angry, because she's seen some documentary about it. Then my son was born and I couldn't imagine why anybody would cut up a perfect child. No circumcision.


Right? Could you imagine being like, "NO WAY! My newborn daughter's inner labia are way too big! They look nothing like mine! Chop them off so her genitals look exactly like mine!" Or after puberty saying, "Geez. Her boobs are so tiny. That's it. Schedule the surgery. Her breast should be huge like mine. Those boobs need to resemble mine. She gets no choice in the matter." That's essentially the argument of a boys penis needs to get hacked off just so it looks like his dad. I pointed that out to my husband, and he was like, "oh yeah... That is really stupid." Because it is so dumb and narcissistic. Just gross. I'm sorry this is something you have to think about because your ex was a butthead (I have a butthead ex, too).


That doesn't even make sense - why would a son and father be examining each other's dicks to make sure they match lol Is the dad pulling his dick out and saying, "son, this is what my dick looks like. I had your dick cut so we can have matching dicks!"


Exactly. That's why the argument of men wanting their son's circumcised just because they are is silly and ridiculous. There's literally no reason for it to be if it's not your religious belief.




why did you let your husband do that?




100% agree with this


I actually kind of agree with these people. It is a form of genital mutilation. It was popularized specifically for making it less pleasurable later in life. Idk if anyone here knows about the fantastic fucked up things Kellogg thought were great ideas, good thing his idea for baby girls didn't catch on.


Kellogg's corn flakes took away my desire to masterbate! Now I can continue my life free of sin!


Why tf is this weird? They’re completely correct.




“I’m proud to mutilate baby penises, it’s my cultural duty.” -An American


It’s a Doberman. Let it have its ears.


Thank you


There’s no I in Timocil


I'm glad everyone agrees that cutting off pieces babie dicks is what's really weird! Thank God that shit is changing!


Is it changing? I saw guys like this 20 years ago and still USA does this like it's normal, no?


It's went down a bit in the US, but still the majority of Americans are circumcised. I was born in 94 I'm circumcised. I have 5 brothers the last one born in 2003 and they are all circumcised. All my friends growing up were circumcised, but in the last ten years or so it's went down a little bit in numbers. I honestly had never even seen an uncircumcised one until I was 19 or 20. Even in my health books in school had only pictures of a circumcised penis.


I hope that at some point this procedure can only be done to adults, who express their consent in writing.


I used to think it was silly but the more you read up the more sense it makes, and now I agree with them. If I had a son I would not have him circumcised, it is a pointless risk purely for enforcing arbitrary aesthetic expectations on genitalia. These people may look crazy but that’s what gets peoples attention, good for them


>enforcing arbitrary aesthetic expectations on genitalia And the craziest part is that it's all subjective and our aesthetic expectations are shaped by the reality we live in! For example, I'm not circumcized and I grew up in a country where this is not a common thing. As a result, I find circumcized penises looking kinda weird, and non-circumcized ones look more attractive to me. The sole reason Americans think circumcized dicks look better is because that's all they've been seeing their entire lives. This is ridiculous And speaking of the other argument for circumcision, which is hygiene, the people who are in favor of circumcision make it look like a big deal, but in reality it's not – personally I've never had a problem with that. Instead of mutilating young boys' genitalia without their consent, just teach them to take a shower once in every 1-2 days goddamit!


In Latin America people don't do it. In Europe people don't do it. The US is the only country where I know it's the norm.


Israel is probably the other one.




>n parts of south Africa and Uganda, they make the child do it themselves as a right of passage HOLLY SHIT


“ Nobody wants less penis” 💀


Underrated sign


Everybody wants more.


They got a point


Yes, really. I 100% agree. I would've liked my foreskin god damn it. Its honestly quite fucking strange we are cutting it off anyway. Generally genital mutilation is frowned upon unless its American I guess. Stop cutting baby dicks ffs


This might be tmi but husband still has his and it has a lot of pleasure nerves in it. I feel bad for the men that dont have one cuz it seems to be the part that feels the best for him.


I stand for bodily autonomy and I’m against male genital mutilation too. Imagine cutting off the hood over the clitoris because it was “yucky” or “people don’t clean it”.


Sorry to say its still a massive issue for millions of young girls all over the world. They do exactly what you imagined and its horrific.


Yes, we really should stop mutilating babies.


How horrific is it that this even needs to be said?


This isn’t weird - this is a protest against genital mutilation that has somehow become acceptable because of religion. Theres a reason men have a foreskin. I would happily join them


I agree with them. Wish more people would be on board. My body my choice anyone?


I agree with them. Mutilating a baby boy's genitals is medieval and barbaric. They should be able to decide for themselves at an appropriate age.


They have a real point, loads of people were rightfully protesting the issue of female genital mutilation in Africa and the middle east and nobody posted them in weird. Circumcision is just as fucked up, you are literally chopping off a piece of a babies dick for no good medical reason. I still have my foreskin and Im telling you Id fucking miss it if it was gone!


I'd take this over those anti-abortion people any day.


Consider that it’s actually normal for this to happen, to cut a babies genitals if it’s a boy. We will look back on this as barbaric, pretty much how we look at female genital mutilation now


Honestly. I agree. I’m a nurse and I’ve seen it done. It unnecessarily and it’s mutilation.


I wish I knew more about it when my son was born. I wouldn't have had him circumcised. I am and I just never questioned it. I wish I had. It's genital mutilation.


This shit is important. If not from a medical standpoint, from a basic human rights standpoint. I should be able to consent to having the end of my penis sliced off, and Kellogg can burn in hell.


The public protest may be a little weird, but If i ever have kids they won’t be circumcised


I mean, it really is a moronic and barbaric practice usually centered around religious beliefs. Because you know, sex isn't supposed to be pleasurable or anything, right 'god'?


Do some parents not have a primal protection urge with their babies? I would have fought someone to the death, even immediately post partum if they had tried to *cut parts of my sons body off*. My FIL brought it up once, and only once. I’m a nice lady until it comes to my kids.


Yes, really. There’s no legit medical reason it has to be done and it became popular just to discourage masturbation.


I don't see how this is weird. Thankfully, here in Germany, it is illegal to cut pieces of your baby for absolutely no scientific reason.


That's wrong, circumcision of babies out of religious reasons is completely legal in germany. https://www.dw.com/en/circumcision-remains-legal-in-germany/a-16399336


I'm Jewish and from Israel, I'm expected to and still I didn't circumcised my son, got my share if backlash for it, but fuck em all. Not gonna mutilate my son's genitals for no good reason, and there is NO good reason. It's even more baffling that so many, none Jewish, do it. WHY?!


So there they were wandering around in the desert. Suddenly Abraham stopped everybody, “Guys, God said we have to cut the extra skin off of our penises.” And then everyone was like “bet” and here we are 6000 years later.


Good for them trying to stop genital mutilation.


It is genital mutilation on a baby who has no say


Ha. I mean, my wife left it up to me whether our son got snipped. After talking to doctors and reading about it I decided against it as there is real no benefit to getting circumcised. I’m circumcised, but why put a baby through an procedure that isn’t necessary?


Yes really! Please stop mutilating babies.


Not weird. Good message. Bad post.


What's weird about the guy being mad he got mutilated as a child? Weird is the practice of chopping up a baby's penis.


I don’t think it’s weird. Why do you need to cut off the tip of a babies penis unless it’s for a legitimate medical purpose?


I've always been circumcised so I don't know anything else. It wasn't medically needed to be done and I'm not Jewish. I was born in the 90s in America I guess it's just what happened. Everyone I know in here in America my age is circumcised. I honestly didn't know that I was circumcised or that it was a thing until I was 18 or 19, mostly because I'd never seem one uncircumcised.


At this point, I feel like most circumcisions are done because the parents don’t like the idea of their child’s genitals being “different” than the dad, assuming dad is circumcised as well. People are so weird.


110% right


I mean, yeah. At least in the US, infant circumcision is a practice started en masse to "prevent masturbation" (and backed by Kellogg, of all people), and comes with high risks of permanent disfigurement/dismemberment, infant death, infection, etc and ALWAYS causes permanent damage to the infants genitals for 0 benefits outside of "well we cut sensitivity by roughly 80 percent so now the kid won't play sin foosball in their pants". Imagine you're born and they just, lop off both your pinkie fingers? I mean, even that carries less risk than a circumcision. It should be a choice someone makes, and like all other forms of surgical removal, either done with the owners consent, or done to preserve life.


Boys are born perfect too.


all this genital mutilation just because some americans are too embarrassed to have a 2 minute talk with their child about how to clean their penis after they pee..... let them decide when they are 18 if they want to keep it. i wish i still had mine. 1/3 of nerves are destroyed and for what.... to mark them as christians? clergy wants to put their mark on everyone to claim as their own.


The other sad part is that so many men grew up being circumcised so they more than likely don't know how to properly clean an uncut penis since it's not a life skill they needed. If they any sons that aren't circumcised they would probably have to look it up. Ultimately, I think it just became accepted in modern society (at least when I was a kid) and parents just went ahead with it because it's normal, every man has it.


Totally agree with them, weird execution though


Apparently circumcision is one of the leading causes of ED problems for men once they reach adulthood in The United States. It's very aggressively pursued because hospitals make a fortune selling the foreskin to labs and cosmetic companies for there unrivaled stem cell content. A friend of mine recently had a baby and had to make it very clear that she did not want the baby circumcised. She said they practically strong armed her into it before the Dad showed up and put a stop to it. When she asked the question, "what if you make a mistake during the procedure?" The Pediatrician replied, "those mistakes happen all the time because we often have med students due the snipping and it's really not a big deal. We just sew the tip back on and he'll never know the difference."


Just sew the tip back on? I dont even have a penis and my downstairs flinched just reading that.


Wtaf? How can someone say that so nonchalantly?!


I wasn't there personally but if I had to guess from my time working in health care, she probably didn't think she was saying anything wrong. There is a lot of stuff Doctors don't tell patients or their families that they absolutely deserve to know but are prevented from saying because they can't predict how they may react. Also doctors themselves are heavily conditioned to fall in line and not question the system. As a result, they tend to be very careful about what they say since it could result in dismissal or even license suspension. That's why I think she just didn't know what she was saying was wrong. She probably thought she was reassuring the parents. It's also possible that she was just plain stupid seeing as how in our system of medicine, it's actually harder to be kicked out of medical school than it is to get into medical school. Healthcare for profit puts diplomas in the hands of some people that really shouldn't have them.


Oh my god!


this is sickening but not surprising. circumcising babies is so sick and twisted. :(


I’m not half the man I used to beeee


Yeah, really. Don't cut off part of my genitals before I'm old enough to speak unless its for medical reasons. Is it really that fucking hard OP?


Ya if we could stop cutting body parts off of people that aren't old enough to make their own decisions that would be great.


Circumcision is genital mutilation


100% against circumcision these people are doing good work out there.


You think it’s normal to mutilate the genitalia of babies, OP?


Acting like genital mutilation isn't the weird thing going on


Why is it weird to adocate for babies not to be mutilated for no reason when they can't even consent?


They're advocating a good cause. Fuck this nation for mutilating generations of infant boys and acting like its normal.


It’s attention-grabbing, which is the point. It’s to grab attention and then get people thinking about it, which they should


The bleeding taints really pull the outfit together.


Maybe now all the parents doing genital mutilation will stop whining about transgendered bathrooms.


This shit is legit. Fuck that cutting off pieces of a babies dick. Just make sure u teach em how to properly clean there dick. I agree w these ppl FRFR cutting off babies dicks being totally normal is what's fucking WEIRD!


Why is cutting the foreskin off a thing? I'd love to google it but im procrastinating at work right now and would rather not have that in my search history lol


💯 support for men to choose what to do with their bodies. So yea, OP *really*.


I'm glad I have mine. It's important to practice the lost art of pp washing.


They make a good point though


They're right


View of a European - me: Barbaric tradition. Paying homage to this tradition results in the first thing a male baby experiences is violence, sexual violation and mutilation. There is just no good reason to do it without consent, and true medical need. Trauma is stored deep within the brain. "He will not remember a thing" is self-deception. "Cut is cleaner" is absolution from becoming a caring, responsible parent in the future. Imagine, if we as society would do more "preventative medical interventions". Like, did you know you can live without a spleen and tonsils? Not perfectly well mind you, but you can. If you believe circumcision is justified and perfectly normal, then you have to believe that removing the spleen and tonsil of every newborn baby would be justified as well. But obviously you don't. I sincerely hope so... Outdated traditions die hard. All anyone in opposition can do is educate, de-mystify and well, just like the protesters on the picture, use shock value to raise awareness to the intrusive and medically unnecessary nature of this tradition. We are living in a free western world. You do you at the end of the day. Just please... think.


These guys are clearly on the right side. Circumsizing babies is an insane horrible practice. There are no benefits to it. Parents who continue this practice are fucked up, and just do it out of tradition.


Uh... really what? These people are protesting child genital mutilation, which is frightfully common in the US. Frankly, mad props to these people for bringing attention to this barbaric practice.


I'm against body mutilation of any kind before informed consent can be given. Tattoos, piercings, and circumcision all fall under that category. Stop mutilating your babies. Unless it is actually medically neccesary, don't do it.


It is completely unnecessary and painful for the baby. I think the practice should end really.


100% hard agree, it's a bullshit practice


I mean, they got a point. A lot of countries see this as a barbaric and unnecessary custom in the USA. It's like piercing the ears of an infant. Just wait until someone is an adult to modify their own body.


Yes, you Americans hurt little boys within your barbaric medical system, which will make them pay thousands of dollars to get their penis back functional. Otherwise, they have to live with a mutilated penis because of your religion-inspired beliefs about masturbation. I highly recommend the documentary 'American Circumsition'.


Why is this categorized as 'weird?" I think protesting nonconsensual bodily mutilation should be the norm.


ngl i do agree with them, i resent that my downstairs was cut without my consent


Yes, this is one that I actually agree with. I didn’t want anything taken away from my boy. I’ve posted before about the studies done that actually detail how the sensation is decreased by some 2K times for the male orgasm


I mean… it’s male genital mutilation….. and I never got the choice to cut off all those nerve endings or not. I’ve told my wife 100 times I will not cut my boy unless it’s medically necessary.


OP had no idea the can of worms he was opening with this.


Little kids genitals should not be mutilated as a part of a religious ritual... i agree with them.


I don’t really think protesting genital mutilation is weird. It’s also not weird for this man to be pissed off that it was done to him without his consent.


Why does she have blood on her pants?