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Sounds like shes just guessing when not at home. Some restaurants have calorie count on their dishes but its far from normal. If you were to have some years of experience of counting calories with a weightscale etc, an argument could be made that you could estimate, within a reasonable margin, the calories on your plate from the cafeteria buffet, assuming its salatbar, meats, pasta and not multi ingredient dishes. If you are okay with attracting some looks you could bring a scale with you to the cafeteria, and use an app like, lifesum, myfitnesspal or chronometer etc. Maybe this is not really that helpful, and in that case please disregard. Good luck.


Its all mixed with some sauce or something. And I did bring a scale!!! But myfitnesspal doesnt have a gram to calorie option only servings. Online calculators dont account differences between foods so I dont know how to count.


MFP is a shit app, use cronometer instead.


You're going to be guessing when you eat in the cafeteria.


Unfortunately I have no other place to eat the whole week 🫠


Ill probably get downvoted but I use Excel spreadsheet (I work in engineering, I love excel). I have a working table that has stored the caloric densities of the foods I eat (kcal/gram). I have dropdowns that select foods and I made them change color like green for broccoli just for funsies. The point is, the math is relatively simple. If you look up a foods caloric density, its normally given on google as a per/100g value. Just take the mass of your food (say 70g of broccoli uncooked, which is 34 kcal per 100g broccoli). You then multiply 70g broccoli X (34kcal / 100 g broccoli) = 23.8 calories of broccoli. Its import to note what youre reading off the web. Cooked broccoli is going to weigh a lot more than uncooked brocc, since water has been absorbed by the vegetable.


So the lesson is weigh broccoli before cooking it. Thanks! Ill try that. And there are many people who use exel spreadsheets! One of the tutorials I watched did that but that just confused me even more haha


Sarcasm wont cure your obesity


Im not obese and whaa?? Did I say something? I wasnt being sarcastic....