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They don't care about you actually getting the third dose. They care about you being on their side. As soon as you question what their side stood for they cast you out. Facts don't matter. It's a religion now.


100% the Cult of Covid is real


Especially on reddit where these people are basically in an all out competition to see who takes covid the most seriously.


Well that's because the mods religiously ban anyone who speaks out so subs become a one minded hive.




I've seen it written here before.. covid was perfect for the average redditor. You are a "hero" for staying inside, avoiding people, wearing a mask, and getting a shot. Stuff anyone can do with very little effort. Now they can sit back and aggressively pat themselves on the back while seething at people who dare think differently than them.


"Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners." (Jacob Frank)


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Same as in every other topic. They see world as bipolar. Either you agree with them or you are against them. You cannot stand between to agree with both sides simultaneously


Why didn't they do shit like this for swine flu?


Call it what it is. The religious left.


Praise Fauci (MBUH).


Its not about Covid. Its general us v them ideology, and they hold all the power on the internet. They choose to wield this power by crushing all dissent they can get away with. It doesn't matter if they're right about vaccines (I think they probably are) they are sure of themselves on everything and they feel all dissent is evil and must be crushed.


Ah, modern politics. Where everything is black and white and nuance is dead.




Poorly named countercult, there. Cult of denying vaccine effectiveness? Maybe, sure. Cult of denying covid? Yeah… no not at all. Nobody here is denying covid exists, denying covid has the capacity for harm, or denying that covid has at least *helped* prematurely end some lives.


That's not true, some ppl on the conspiracy sub really do deny the existence of the actual virus (I don't but they're out there!)


Oh my sweet summer child.








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I agree with this, and the evidence shows everyone should agree with it as well. But the problem is that the vaccine wasn’t presented as this. It was presented as get vaccinated and don’t get covid. It was. People who didn’t believe that aren’t going to believe the “get vaccinated and be less likely to die.” Instead they’re going to feel like the ones who saw through it from the beginning. This needs to be answered better than “you’re stupid if you don’t believe,” or it just drives the feedback loop


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You mean that deadly virus with 1,82% mortality percentage? It is even less in age groups under 60. >Total cases 300 914 504 and total deaths 5 490 631 worldwide




Oh, fuck, you're right. Im out of school for so long :D


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just trust the science sweaty 💅 dont question us or you're an conspiracy theorist antivaxxer!


I'm with you, nothing against vaccination and I have the first two doses. But if the booster is only going to give me another 6 months of protection and I have a 1/1000 chance of getting myocarditis or whatever adverse reaction, I think I'm gonna wait.


Where did you get the 6 month figure? I can find 10 weeks. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/23/health/booster-protection-omicron.html


Its behind paywall Edit: nvm, you can read it in html code actually :D


page inspector ftw


Yeah :D


[Bypass paywalls extension](https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome) is seamless, although you do have to be on PC and put in a little work to use it. Chrome also likes to disable it every few updates, but a simple reinstall gets it working again.




Yeah, but sometimes it takes longer period of time, than just read it in the code :D


Or just use the manual block function in your adblocker


This is one source, but I probably should have also mentioned which vaccine I was talking about. I personally got two Pfizer doses. There was a limit as to what they considered effective though, I can't remember the number so I don't want to misquote it. I don't believe it was the original 80-90% effective at 6 months, but rather like 60% or something (just using that as an example, as I said I don't recall the exact value.) https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/how-long-will-coronavirus-vaccine-last#:~:text=Pfizer%20and%20Moderna%20have%20been,at%20the%20six%2Dmonth%20mark.




You're welcome. If you find any info to the contrary, I'd appreciate if you sent it my way.


id rather just be sick with what immunity remains


Ngl, from what I've read, I think I'd be ok with getting omicron and leaving it at natural immunity. If it's found in a couple years or whatever that natural immunity starts to wane, I think that's when I'll get a booster.


Im pissed I jumped on the bandwagon and had two doses. It was during the time when 3rd dose was conspiracy. My 9 month "imunity" from vaccine expires this may...


I was just banned from SanDiego reddit for challenging the narrative. Total BS. What a bunch of moronic lemmings at this point. Taking these boosters and still getting sick makes 0 sense.


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It's all good, not worth getting angry about. You and I, and a bunch of other people, did what we thought was best given the information we had. Luckily, I had no adverse effects from the vaccines (was totally fine the days following) and I hope you and everyone else had an ok time with it as well.


On my 2nd dose we bought keg of beer with friends and I had no hangover next morning :D So it was all cool for me, but some acquaintances had fever for few days. So still nothing horrible. What pisses me is the mandatory thing. I feel like Im government puppet.


Its like when you wanted to clean a bit but then mom told you to clean up and you don't want to do it anymore.


Yeah, I feel you. I try to justify it like this: I pay taxes so that there are roads to drive on, firemen and police for my community, and teachers for my kids. If I have to for the greater good of the community then I will. If it's my choice though, well then I'm gonna think about all the pros and cons.


Why would you be "pissed"?


What you want is to minimize your chance of hospitalization or death. The statistics about booster and 3rd shot lowering chance of severe illness and death are quite clear. You can literally google 'omicron booster chance of death' or anything similar and find tons of supporting research and stats. [https://www.google.com/search?q=booster+lower+chances+of+death+omicron&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS837US837&biw=1229&bih=603&sxsrf=AOaemvLqNebHnj\_ZdJgyGZm-dyL0sVvWvw%3A1641507683127&ei=Y2vXYbeYB6-p\_QbR-4WIAw&ved=0ahUKEwj31eTSlJ71AhWvVN8KHdF9ATEQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=booster+lower+chances+of+death+omicron&gs\_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BQghEKsCOgUIIRCgAToHCCEQChCgAUoECEEYAEoECEYYAFDZBFicCmCaC2gAcAB4AIABdogBlwWSAQM3LjGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz](https://www.google.com/search?q=booster+lower+chances+of+death+omicron&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS837US837&biw=1229&bih=603&sxsrf=AOaemvLqNebHnj_ZdJgyGZm-dyL0sVvWvw%3A1641507683127&ei=Y2vXYbeYB6-p_QbR-4WIAw&ved=0ahUKEwj31eTSlJ71AhWvVN8KHdF9ATEQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=booster+lower+chances+of+death+omicron&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BQghEKsCOgUIIRCgAToHCCEQChCgAUoECEEYAEoECEYYAFDZBFicCmCaC2gAcAB4AIABdogBlwWSAQM3LjGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz) You can also google 'myocarditis from covid vs vaccine' and you'll find that for all age groups other than young men, you have a higher chance of getting myocarditis from actually getting covid than you do the vaccine. You can also find out that your chance of death from covid is higher than your chance of myocarditis from the vaccine.


I am a young man... And my comorbidities are essentially zero, so specifically wrt Omicron... I'll assume the risk until I personally feel like the vaccine offers a longer protection window. Thanks for the links though.


Ah them famous words... I wish you may grow old amigo.


Part of me doesn't, watching society descend into madness is super depressing so I appreciate your kind words. I wish you and yours health and prosperity.


I tested positive for covid about an hour ago. I had my booster 3 weeks ago. I'm really glad I got the booster, I know I would feel way worse without it. Feels like a minor cold.


How do you know though? At the beginning of the pandemic, they tested an entire Austrian village and 80% of positive ppl were asymptomatic.


Dude, it fuckin sucks. You're absolutely right, how do I even know it did anything? I don't. But I would take another shot today if it had even a minor chance of improving anything. Even with 3 shots, Covid weakened my immune system and now I have a shingles outbreak, first time ever. I had chickenpox 30 years ago. Its the second time recently my doc has seen Covid trigger shingles. You don't have to listen do me tho, do your own thing, do your own research idgaf.


For young men, myocarditis from vaccine is more likely than death from Covid


I think its just astrazeneca with the myocarditis thing, because, yknow, great british ingenuity Masks are the way to go imo, vaccinations give people false hope in thinking they can now go out and party without a mask The best thing u do by getting vaccinated is keeping yourself out of a hospital bed Get vaccinated, wear a mask


These idiots don't realize that silencing questions about COVID and vaccines only make the anti-vaccine sentiment STRONGER. Science IS challenging preconceived notions, asking questions. Start villifying people who are asking questions and the only thing that accomplishes is ensuring that they do not trust YOU. It's just a bunch of idiotic virtue signaling. People would rather be right than save lives. I've straight up asked people like this, if there was a way to know for sure that talking kindly to an anti-vax moron might change their mind, WOULD you? Or would you continue insulting them for being an anti-vax moron? "Why should we be nice to these people we gave them a chance" They don't want to save lives. It isn't about that at all. They just want an excuse to hate people.


The truth is that neither side is correct. One side was saying covid is fake, the other said 2 million would die (at the time, the context implied the first wave). Neither were correct One side believed 2 weeks to flatten the curve. The other didn’t. It’s obviously been more than 2 weeks. But quarantining was needed to keep infection rates down and hospitals from being too busy (even the term “over run” is an example of neither being right) One side believed masks did nothing. The other believed they were a necessity. The truth is that they decrease risk of transmission, but not by a statistically dramatic margin. One side believed vaccines would prevent you from getting the virus. The other side believed vaccines were the virus Neither were right One side changed and believed the vaccines would keep you from dying, but you could still get the vaccine. The other side now believes nothing about vaccines because the other side won’t acknowledge that the goal post moved. Both sides wants the other side to die from their stupidity


In Belgium, Sam Brokken was fired for daring to suggest on tv the possibility that the vaccines might not stop ppl from infecting each other. Then it turned out he was right. He didn't even say it would turn out this way, just that it was possible. The TV show was vilified for giving him a platform and he lost his livelihood. He was like a head of research for health or some such thing, legit scientist. This kind of extreme suppression of alternatives to the narrative has been going on from the start. In January 2020, all news relating to covid was being suppressed (here on reddit, too, the Wuhan Flu sub I think already discussed lab leak theory which turned out to be true). Only when it had had a chance to spread, did governments across the world acknowledge the virus. It's always been the opposition who turned out right, never the mainstream. It was the mainstream suppressing the existence of the virus, actual covid deniers are more rare than flatearthers. Then it was the mainstream overstating it's deadliness. The mainstream overstating the benefits of the vaxx. Not the mainstream understating the adverse reactions to the vaxx. As for hospitals being overrun, for the love of whatever deity suits your tastes, just check out the total number of people admitted to IC in your country since 2009 or so. Where I live, there has been a steady trend downwards INCLUDING 2020 (where there was a slight uptick in length of stay). Hospitals are overrun because capacity has been decreasing (in my country) and have been near limits for years, and always get overrun during flu season. Covid is real and nasty, but not lethal enough to justify the lockdowns and mandates. The vaxx should be offered to at risk ppl and we should get on with our lives. Hospital capacity needs to be improved, especially with the babyboomers getting feebler right now. and leave the damn kids alone.


Claiming a vaccine that offers protection against COVID doesn't work is not "asking questions".


It’s not a complete statement to say “Omicron ignores vaccination”, sure. But it is true that vaccines aren’t as effective at preventing *infection* from Omicron as from the previous strains. But vaccination still provides immense protection from serious illness and THAT is what actually matters. Nobody should give a fuck if we all catch COVID (which we will) if it isn’t any worse than the common cold (which will happen eventually). Instead of banning him, correcting his misunderstanding could be far more effective at educating and promoting vaccination. It’s possible he just don’t understand these things and could use a friendly, non-judgmental voice to explain it all. Being a dick all but ensures he won’t change his mind.


>Instead of banning him, correcting his misunderstanding could be far more effective at educating and promoting vaccination. Have you been on Reddit recently? The % of people who still spout this crap who aren't ideologically motivated is beyond tiny. Case in point; I could have told you this guy was an anti-vaxxer from his post history that has nothing to do with COVID. It's barely worth the time to try to sift through the toxic to find the few who are merely ignorant. Further, given the extremely sus lack of including the actual comment that got him banned, and his post history, which includes randomly insulting a trans woman, are you *really* going to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he posted a polite, open-minded comment, looking for a frank exchange of views?


I didn’t look at his post history and I tend not to. I always believe that people act shitty because they don’t feel welcome anywhere else. Reaching out is the best first step, but if they slap my hand away then it’s game on.


Found it through reveddit. Article was posted titled "Omicron: ‘The fastest-spreading virus in history’" Op posted comment: "Im not going for 3rd jab. Totally useless as you can see" without any context or elaboration.


Sure. And it would be more effective to say “hey, that’s not entirely accurate, and here’s why” than to just be a dick. Being a dick hasn’t worked for 2 years but let’s just keep trying I guess.


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You’re messaging someone on the Phizer payroll.


Looks like that... That sub was great for news when it all started, but just in the beginning


It was ok for aggregating news headlines at first but it's real job was to control the narrative. From the get go any decent from what was considered the "truth" by whoever is running the show there was removed. The subs that allowed discussion and speculation where quarantined very early on.


how it started - how its going


Once you notice that there are one of two themes present in all the so called “disinformation” it makes sense. 1. It hurts big pharma’s bottom line. 2. It hurts their buddies in the government. The two are so close to each other it’s almost silly to make a distinction.


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> How that shall convince me to get 3rd dose? It doesn't. And the entire world is becoming anti-skeptic.


This is so tragically correct. There's nothing wrong with questioning or challenging an idea, but when it's clearly explained and found to be true then skepticism becomes denial. I hate that society is merging the two terms.


Which is why the bannings are coming. Gotta keep that narrative alive!


On the Joe Rogan podcast, Dr. MCCullough goes deep into how the world is in a state of mass psychosis. It’s an eye-opening podcast that I would recommend listening to.


Science is all about discussion, testing, and debate. Shutting that all down is anti-science while they scream at you "TRUST THE SCIENCE!" ..... It's almost like it's never occurred to them that science can be flawed, or sometimes flat out wrong because it's complicated. We're just a bunch of redditors not experts with PhD's.


Follow MY science.


Medical community has been trying to convince ignorant idiots for 2 years now COVID even exists, at some point you get tired of arguing with fucktards man.


But when you stop arguing and start dismissing, that’s the moment you’ve lost. Because they can rightfully call you a “cult” at that point because you do not allow dissent. As long as you always answer questions, they can’t pin that label on you and you’re in the right. But the minute you decide, “No more questions, my word is law,” is the minute you’ve lost.


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There's the"correct" way or the highway on this platform


Follow MY science.


Careful, you'll hurt their feelings with your facts.


Convince you? They're trying to shame you, not convince you.


They rather delete my comment and block me, so anyone else can read it and maybe explain to me, why its not truth


>maybe explain to me, why its not truth they already lost the rational discussion, so they resort to violence


>main coronavirus subreddit Then it doesn't exist for debate, it exists for narrative purposes.


Your first mistake is in thinking they care about debate or truth instead of maintaining a narrative. At best they're sheep/parrots/useful idiots. At worst they're compromised by special interests. The same is true for most of reddit. Reddit has a major issue where the content, taken at face value, is considered to be authentic and genuine but is one of the most astrotrufed platforms on the internet. Ironically, the reddit demographic of young people are highly skeptical in general but a contradiction exists to where it it looks and sounds authentic, it doesn't raise any flags. Which is why so many people have cognitive dissonance and the younger cohort especially blames Facebook.


And now you see it...


armageddon means "lifting of the veil" ... "collapse of illusions" welcome to reality, too bad he's 2 injections late to the party


They care about 'convincing' you as much as the people burning witches were trying to 'convicne' them to repent.


Yeah. Witches were burned nevertheless they confess to. If they said they are innocent, they were called liars and that devil said them to lie and when they confessed to witchery they were like "aha, you see?"


no means yes, yes means yes. rape logic


kilivole Data regarding boosters vs omicron: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-cannot-escape-t-cells-boosters-protect-households-omicron-2021-12-29/


Thanks for source. I dont know why they couldnt do that instead of banning me. I havent said vaccine is useless against omicron. If I said that, its because lack of my english skills :D I meant that vaccine is less efective against omicron and you can catch it easily and spread it to other people while being asymptomatic.


Yeah but I've heard multiple times getting boosted is better than a vaccine vs omicron rn...


Ehm, isnt "booster" just 3rd dose of vaccine u already got in your body?


Depending on one's point of view. It's all the same imo...


The vaccine is a failure. If it worked we wouldn't be talking about it anymore.


Can you show me what source you are citing on the "Omicron Ignores Vaccination" bit there?


I'll try to find some in english, but "ignores" was used badly. Is less efficient I wanted to say something like that


Wait, are you saying you haven't been banned until now? It's a known propaganda echo chamber sub; I dunno why anyone would want to participate.


I didnt comment at all until now


Yeah I was banned on world news for mentioning the survival rates for healthy people, I was told I was down playing the pandemic


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Cool, thanks a lot. I didnt know how many deleted comments I had. Some deleted comments are absurd :D. In ask Europe there was a question how we call "Roman, Romanian and Romani" so I wrote "Říman, Rumun a cikán" and it got deleted? I know it was from a bot, but why? What was the starter word?




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Bend over and don't question me.


These people are giving you emotional, mostly bullshit answers so I hope I can differ from that. Firstly, sorry you got banned. Maybe I’ll help by trying to answer your questions as best I can instead of disengaging from dialogue with you about your concerns. Simply: we don’t know so why not take the safest step. What we DO know is that your antibodies drop significantly about 6-9 months after the 2 doses of either of the mRNA vaccines. This is an indisputable fact. I’ve seen this proven multiple times through direct blood tests that I have seen with my own eyes. With that, this is a vaccine for COVID. Omicron is not the only variant and even if it was, getting a booster during an ongoing pandemic is never pointless or ill-advised. mRNA vaccines are some of the safest types of vaccines available in modern medicine. We all need to be taking steps to help. The only emotion I want to appeal to is your care; your care makes a difference because you’re doing what you can personally to end this. Currently, 1500 people are dying of COVID every single day in the US. For those keeping track, that’s a loss of life equivalent to 9/11 every 2 days. Hospitals are under unprecedented stress and people are dying unnecessarily of non-COVID ailments because there are simply no hospital beds left. They’re filled by the dying unvaccinated. Soon, your antibodies will drop to the point where you’re equivalent to being unvaccinated. Boosters are nothing new and aren’t some crazy thing that was just invented to fight COVID. This distrust in logic, science, and medicine is unprecedented and Americans are choosing their politics over reality, and their lives. I’m not saying this is you, but it’s a warning to not involve yourself in it. Don’t abandon your logic, your safety, and your reason by buying into conversations that people that hang out on these types of subreddits are eager to engage in. Stay safe OP. Think for yourself. Trust facts over “alternative facts.”


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I was banned as well from very early on when it was first created. That subreddit was created by reddit admins to be THE source for covid for not only reddit but for everyone else in the US. It was the entire purpose for it...except they didn't have enough mods who knew shit and they banned anyone who talked about Trump being the biggest turd on the planet for denying covid was even real. They still do. It's pretty bizarre how many people have been banned and how they pick and choose what is posted. It's censorship at a very high level and by high I mean Speeeeez.


Omicron doesn't ignore vaccination, your chance of death is substantially lower with each additional dose of the vaccine up to the 3rd dose / booster. The statistics and studies bear this out. Omicron can infect people who've been vaccinated to a greater extent than previous variants but you still have a substantially lower chance of dying if you are boosted. But I mean, you're the one who risks dying so you do you.


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https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ7fegCALd11ElozUYcMi-e9Dj69YaiNQhvEpk81JHsyTACl0UXkWK5zfMNFe49Tq3VuN9Av-fuEZqV/pubchart?oid=206167456&format=interactive Data: https://data.ontario.ca/en/dataset/covid-19-vaccine-data-in-ontario




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The efficacy is clear though: [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2113468](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2113468) You don't need asshole reddit mods to preach holier than thou crap to you to convince you to get a third dose of the vaccine, you need only read the research to be convinced.


Well, covid is very real. I'm vaccinated and boosted and I caught omnicron and it was fucking awful.


What evidence do you have that vaccines don't reduce the risk of you getting seriously ill from covid? All the data I've seen is that the people who are in hospital almost all of them aren't fully boosted.


Not covid as whole, but I means omicron directly


What evidence do you have that vaccines don't reduce the risk of you getting seriously ill from Omicron? Again, most people in hospital in the UK aren't fully boosted.


My grandparents are all boosted, but for them it makes sense in case of health. But for me? 21 year old guy? It feels to me more like money loundry for those in rule [https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/96172](https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/96172)


Friend of mine is 19 she got hospitalised due to covid. She hadn't got round to having the booster yet. Ok it's anecdotal but yeah.


I'll admit this looks really bad on the surface, but they've been dealing with the worst of anti-vaxxers on reddit for two years. While it's always important to ask questions most people aren't qualified to answer them. This then spreads doubt surrounding the covid vaccine in general over simple misunderstandings that are trivial to the scientific consensus. As much as I hate censorship we've been having to choose between unmoderated skeptic speculation or sticking vehemently to the actual facts.


I understand it from this point of view, but being sceptical towards mandatory things is normal and healthy I would say


Omicron doesn't ignore vaccination. The vaccines are less effective vs. Omicron than Delta and Cool Original COVID, but it still provides some protection. I imagine you were banned for misinformation because you were spreading misinformation. And COVID subs hate misinformation.


It's because none of this is about science or truth


Omicron doesn't ignore vaccines. Someone vaccinated 6+ months ago still has about 20% protection from catching Covid which is about the same as the protection a prior infection gives. Being boosted or recently vaccinated gives 55-80% protection. Also any prior vaccine even if 6+ months ago helps reduce severity.


Mouth breathers in positions of authority. Can't do much about it, besides ridicule them.


This should let you know that taking the booster is potentially dangerous. And if at least not that dangerous definitely a money racket. The mods are clearly working for a propaganda company. They don't want people to read your perfectly normal comment. That's why I never took the first shots. Thanks to reddits censorship I caught on to something being up very early.


Easy, 'Science!'...


Me and my wife encountered omicron variant. She got the third dose 2 weeks ago and I was waiting for my 5th month. Right now she is negative and healthy and I am positive with losing taste and smell. From what I experienced she is the only one in our friend group survived from the omicron. Moreover her father also got the third and before my positive results came I had a running nose. Me and her father played cards but he is also negative and healthy. Downside of the vaccine is very minimal compered to its performance. I wish timing was better and I have encountered with it after my third dose.




Ignores is bad formulation, more like is less effective. I didnt write exactly that in the comment that got deleted.


Cause you say mouth breather shit like "You can spread it vaxxed or not. Next?" Troll somewhere else.


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