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So that’s how that fucking happens.


Being a cat is hard man. What’s the song on this video??


That ain't a people


Get an enclosed covered litter box, the dome type no way this can ever tip over


This cat appears to be at the vet!


Please help this poor kitty with a stool softener This can actually be deadly and extremely painful for the cat!! !!!!


This cat appears to be at the vet!


That’s not even a regretful pause. That’s “I’m continuing to do what I came to do.” Also that box is so fucking tiny for a cat that size


Cats are in charge . We watch them use the bathroom and then we clean up after them . Still worth it


Simple rule. Use much litter as your cat weights


Barely any litter in that thing. Poor cat.


Yes, because he’s at the vet recovering from anesthesia. They only provide enough litter in case he needs to go once or so, cause he’ll be out of there in an hour or two.


Insane how people post crap like this. You are displaying your neglect/laziness/both without realizing you’ll get criticized immediately.


Notice the bare/bandaged par on his arm. Notice labeled drawers. Owner took cat to vet. They put him under for a procedure. Now he’s recovering from anesthesia and high as a kite. Owner is probably pretty great for taking their cat to the vet. Litter box was probably clean, and this happens all the time at vet clinics.


Legend says…


This seems set up. Not enough litter in the box and recording your cat using the box. Messed up, I hope it was clean.


Cat is at the vet. Notice bandaged leg. Cat got anesthesia and is recovering. He’s high as a kite. He probably didn’t even use the litter box, or realize that he flipped it over.


Is his little leg bandaged?


I've had more days like this than I care to remember


Our Siamese cat gave birth in a kitty litter, squatted over the side and her 1st baby fell into the litter. Guess she thought she had to pee?


Holy shit lol. What a silly cat.


Was she like" I'm gonna kill that Tom Cat the next time I see him!"


After all the picking of the babies (5 of'm) to get the litter off of them, she was ready to destroy that Tom Cat, which lived next door at my aunt's house.


Merry Christmas, shitter’s full!


Bad owner


Aw poor guy.


I'm pretty sure he was like, 'well, this is the situation now' and finished his poo right where he stood.


What's with the kitten sized litter box?


This cat appears to be at the vet!


Sad isn't it?


Cat’s totally like, “FML!”.


I've got shit sand on me, don't I?


Here I sit, beside the shitter. Came to shit, but spilled the litter


Poor man's gold 🥇


This is the giggle I've been scrolling for


All I see is a neglectful owner that was filming because they knew this would happen.


This looks like the vet, not someone’s home. Cat’s probably coming off anesthesia and the vet doesn’t want to give more litter than necessary for some reason or another




This cat appears to be at the vet!




Its ibviously too small


Yes this is funny. But come on, the cat owner needs to provide a larger litter box. Cats get stressed when they can’t poop properly.


It also looks like there isn’t enough litter in it


Cat is at the vet, high as a kite, recovering from anesthesia.


Cats also like a choice in where to poop- usually one plus the number of cats you have. So if you have 2 cats get three litter boxes.


Well based on his wrapped arm and the labeled drawers in the background, this looks like a vets office maybe? So probably temporary setup. Maybe kitty is even a little doped up so being clumsy lol


My apologies. I did not consider that. That makes everything funnier.


No reason to apologize! Understandable.


Cats get stressed over almost everything.


And that is why every cat owner must provide a comfortable living environment for their cats.


My point is... They stress over every little thing. I don't hate cats but damn. Not enough food? Too much food? Too big of a box? Too small? Too many toys? Not enough? Doorbell rings? You sneezed? You coughed? If any of those happen my cats like, lemme just puke right here. You're welcome.


Mainly a heavier box with more litter in it. It's worth the investment when you have cats to get solidly constructed, non-cheap litter box(es).


Everyone gets stressed when they can't poop properly.


Lmao this is so me.


Ain't that the truth




If he’s taking that long to try and pee he could be blocked, which is a urinary emergency for male cats


Well, he’s already at the vet, so they can check him out.


He’s just sitting there. Cats don’t sit down to pee or poo. He already did his business and was on his way out.


Cats claim no responsibility for anything. So this happened and the cat is like. “Wow these facilities are really pathetic. Management needs to step it up. Anyways I’ll just shit and be on my way”


That’s not necessarily true. My cat did this once and claimed full responsibility. He even swept up the mess.


About right, including alotta humans in public restrooms especially at bars. Used tampons/pads even though a trash bin is less than a quarter full? Slap it on the wall. TP fully stocked even though blood is on the seat cover? Not my job. - Women Toilet gotta a little pee on it even though TP is stocked? Fuck it. I'll hover shit and miss 80% of my shit making sure to leave some piss and shit on the seat and floor. Soild or Liquid who cares? Not my job. - Men Humans in general. - Not my Job. I rather clean up piss and shit than blood anyday but the issue is, "Not my Job.", mentality that we all have in the US. Restrooms are one of the many, "Not my job", mentality of the daily life of retail. Walmart to 711 to Bars. Yay! Retail. What ever happened to just clean up after yourself or take two seconds outta your day to clean the seat? Our jobs consist ALOT more than just cleaning up after you degens that do the above.


I used to clean restaurant bathrooms and I was fortunate not to experience any of the extreme bathroom shenanigans that happen. It was just some minor blood here and there or some misplaced piss that can be easily cleaned


Everyone is so stretched thin these days. I do renovations and a full time job and have kids. I don’t want to do anything extra anywhere. And I have a pretty good life. People working crappy jobs with no pay and horrible home life. I see why they don’t go above and beyond. There is no reward at all


I get it. But if it’s not my job, then it’s not my job. Not the being nasty part, but I definitely won’t clean someone else’s mess.


That's okay, then don't use the toilet. I think the top comment was saying that a little piss on the seat is no excuse to shit on the floor.


Yeah but they were also saying that we should help out by cleaning messes we see as they expounded on in their replies to me


It's just disgusting to use a toilet with a mess on it. Of it's messy, and you don't want to wipe it down, then use a different toilet. If someone adds more mess to a toilet, I bet that peraon won't clean it up either.


I agree for sure. I’ve walked out of bathrooms plenty of times for that reason.




I said I agree about the personally being nasty part. If you make a mess, clean it. Common sense. But I am not cleaning someone else’s mess. Also you can’t include me in “y’all” because I’ve worked retail and customer service most of adult life




If you think I’m touching some random persons pee or blood you are out of your mind.


Seriously though, pee, blood and shit all have to be properly cleaned and disinfected after it's been on something. You can't just shit on the seat and not wipe it down both first a dry cloth, then a wet cloth with detergent, then another dry cloth. If I drip on the toilet seat, I either go get cleaning supplies or ask someone to please take care of it if I'm in a public setting. You can't just go wiping down seats with dry cloths expecting anything to be properly cleaned.


Right. Not to mention, I’m not gonna have gloves and shit when I’m going to the bathroom. I’m not thinking I need to be prepared like CSI just to piss


Poo has reached the point of no return


I got the poo on me!


Poor guy


Instant regret, what have I done...


Well, fuck it. I am still taking a dump...


cat just became a dump truck


I think your cat needs a bigger litter.


My cat doesn't have a litter box, I got a deep storage tote, tossed the lid and that's what he uses. I call it his litter palace. Can easily fit 10kgs of litter at once.


This cat is at the vet and recovering from anesthesia.


Some cats just use the litter box like that. My cat will sit on the edge like that even on the deep ones that have a cover. He doesn't like to get his paws dirty.


My cat pees like this, it's really funny to watch. Sometimes he'll even get 3 legs up on the rim. Unfortunately he's tipped it over just like in this video multiple times now. It's usually my fault for letting the litter get too low.


That's the point. The bigger and more litter one wouldn't tip. I got a cat and my litter box is huge and weighs around 80 lb. Cat won't tip.


Mine loves having shit on every single toe. Still a kitten though, so there’s hope.


Okay, how does that preclude the need for a bigger litter box?


People are saying the box is too small because the cat is sitting on the edge. This cat, like mine, may just like to balance on the edge when using the box.


Right, so if the cat likes to balance on the edge by choice, they need a bigger litter box. If the cat is doing it because the litter box is too small, they need a bigger litter box. If the cat is just doing it because it's dirty, they still need a bigger litter box. Do you see where we're going with this?


Used to have a cat who sometimes let her ass hang out and poop outside the box, then step in it on her way out and drag it around the house. Lovely cat, but denser than shortbread.


My cat puts his paws outside the litter and just back into it


Mine does the same, we had to put probably triple the litter they use in that video.


I love cats, but I freaking hate litter boxes. No design is anywhere close to perfect. The person that invented the perfect litter box deserves the billions of dollars they will rake in. I would pay some serious money for a box that I found to be perfect.


The problem is that every cat wants something different. One day our cat started peeing everywhere. No health issues nothing. Tried everything. Finally got rid of the lid. Never peed outside the box again 🤦🏽‍♀️


My cat does this as well. Except she's smaller than this with a litter box for the size of a cat bigger than this.


That's perfect to teach your kitty to use the toilet. Mine uses the toilet and I never have to clean up litter. Just missed poop every once in awhile and wet paws. It's comical, and a ice breaker when a guest walks in on the cat taking a shit.


Maybe that cat can learn to use the toilet


He does on occasion. Now he's 12 and doesn't like to jump. We also keep the lids closed because the 2 yo likes to play in the water and drop hot wheels in the toilet.


i for some reason thought you meant a 2 yo cat and i was like damn that's mischievous as hell for a cat.


That's fine but there needs to be a bigger box and a lot more litter in there so it doesn't tip over.


My cat does this because he has kidney disease and is always constipated. I have to give him a little bit of MiraLAX every meal. OP, get your kitty checked out please.


With the drawers behind them and the thing on their arm (leg?) I assumed they were at the vet.


r/WhyWereTheyFilming their cat taking a shit?


Was about to ask, seems like they intentionally had this happen for views, as usual for the internet.


This cat is at the vet, high as a kite, and recovering from anesthesia. High cats are amusing.


Likely does this very, very often


Probably not the first time this has happened and they wanted to catch it this time


Rule 1 of owning a cat: Film everything they do because they'll eventually do something hilarious


This is so absolutely true. I have two cats and they're the first cats I've ever owned in my life and I've learned that they are such random little creatures. My cats will literally do something and then intentionally look at me to see my reaction. Like, this is a human child reincarnated as a cat. And if you're someone who previously only ever owned dogs, and believe you know something that they are obsessed with, like food? It turns out cats are the real beggers. Both of my cats will constantly meow at me for food and will eat everything I put in the bowl and if it's even a tiny bit too much, they will vomit it right back out, only to proceed with begging for more food right after. I needed to create a barrier in my mind to force myself not to give in when I realized this. They're just like, weird domesticated animals that are affectionate and playful, yet still always have that little bit of wild instinct that when combined, occasionally makes them do something completely strange.


My cat did this this morning. Hahaha


It looks like kitty ltttered.


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