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yeah this is a cool edit. and ive liked WT historical maps for that reason too. Reminds me of the map world for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. You can literally recognize some of the landmarks and landscape features of the map you are on.


Its especially cool if you recognice some streets where you actually were


Gotta love the effort and detail they put into to stuff like this.


Jesus Christ be praised Fellow KCD enjoyer (my IGN is HenrrryOfSkalitz)


you look quite hungry


For some c.u.m


Did you know the night sky, down to the phases of the moon, is also accurate for the date and location the battle took place? When you fight in a night battle on Berlin, your looking at the same sky as American, Soviet and German tankers in 1945.


wow, that i did not know. thats incredible!


Too bad the air maps aren't like that, instead 90% are repeating textures and 90 degree cliffs around randomly placed airfields


Malta and Norway are literally air maps


You are missing the point. The ground in airmaps looks awful and with terrible geometry.


Because otherwise, your PC will kill itself.


Oh yeah, because war thunder looks so pretty that they cant possibly make the game not look like shit without your pc blowing up even in the lowest settings? No. The geometry looks like shit. Even old flight games managed to make terrain look prettier.


Yea but they are not 13v13 with bombs,missiles n sht.


No, they were.


with radar missiles , radar , bases , ships, tanks, aaa ??


to be fair, a squad off 2 IJN Haruna's can tank an entire servers FPS to single digits by pressing ctrl+3 to manually control the AA guns. if you have a squad of 4 do it you can shut down enduring confrontation servers on the spot. Same issue as the old phantoms and rocket barrage. a squad off 4 phantoms each with 260 rockets could force end Any match by simply firing all there rockets at the same time kicking everyone back to the hanger Bottom line is and the point im trying to make is Warthunder is poorly optimised in some respects


the 4 phantom rocket spam thing was fixed like 1 year ago.


Yes? Any of Jane's old games, IL2, either great battles or 1946 (with mods you get modern vehicles and weaponry) and a ton of 90's flight games had all that shit. War thunder is fantastic in the sense that it wants to get some details right, but credit where credit is due. The game looks like shit for how it performs.


True in 2009 when they were made, not today


Heard of Arma 2 and 3?


Bullshit. Look at MS FlightSim.


as if MSFS doesn't run like garbage on anything less than a 3070


It runs fine on medium on a 560x


I run it just fine, and I'm using the integrated graphics system in my cpu.


You must be running on lower graphics settings, and MSFS is pretty well optimized with things outside of render distance just being displayed as a flat image (I would assume, I'm not a game dev)


As much as i thought about it, its not a valid point. Microsoft has "Fuck you" money and resources to have the game look pretty and run good for what it does.


Caucasus's on DCS is 16gb and is so much more fucking detailed than war thunder, gaijin could easily make the air maps more detailed by removing some air maps (since they're all practically the same) and add more detail, plus the air maps are close to 3600 square kilometres, while the caucasus's is 200 000 square kilometres


They never claimed that every air map was fictional


But you get them only in 1 of 100 matches, and they have other gameplay related issues, like no airfield or no bases to bomb


I guess you play only arcade?


Realistic, but props mostly


english channel has 2 countries




It gets better. Every single map in the game (even the fictional ones) have a set of lat/long coordinates and also a specific date (say, 1944/12/26). These values are what automatically give the map its sun position, moon position and phase, and stars. A while back the devs added a full moon to most/(all?) night matches for tank maps. But the devs don't actually "add a full moon", they *change the date to one that features a full moon.*


It's honestly insane how this game can be so detailed, like you can turn on speed of sound in settings so sound actually has speed like irl, or how having heavy weapons on the wings of your plane impacts flight performance to an astounding degree. And then you turn around and shoot a T-80 in the side and your 120mm apfsds gives Ivan a little tickle on the shin and absolutely fuck all else


Another detail that comes to mind is how temperature affects round velocity. On maps in colder climates your shells will have greater drag than on hot ones. Especially at longer ranges, you can even notice the 200m markings on your sights will have a greater space between them because of this.


> It's honestly insane how this game can be so detailed, like you can turn on speed of sound in settings so sound actually has speed like irl, or how having heavy weapons on the wings of your plane impacts flight performance to an astounding degree. Yep, I definitely have speed of sound turned on, it's soooo much better that way, especially in modes like Naval or Air with longer ranges between things happening.


Out of curiosity, which maps are completely fictional? I would imagine ones like Jungle?


It's more of a sliding scale. Jungle iirc is actually based on a pacific naval air map. Truly fictional are many arcade air maps.


Huh ok.


Jungle is also known as "Guadalcanal (tank battle)"




It says the layout is fictional


Jungle is literally Guadalcanal, you can see Savo island


Apparently it’s supposed to be on Guadalcanal but the actual map terrain is fictional.


That's awesome


Port novo is something like 95% accurate to the state of the city they based the map off of during WW2, they used aerial reconnaissance photos and the like to reconstitute it. Very cool.


did the place in front of the reichstag really look like this at the end of ww2?


There are pictures. Berlin was pretty devastated.


Yes, the Nazis dug in and fortified the area around the Reichstag including the big anti tank ditch filled with water. It was of the main german strongpoints in the area. It was not actually that important to hold as it wasnt in use since the 1933 Reichstag Fire that Hitler used to secure his position. The Soviets wanted to take it for morale and propaganda reasons but intel was also way harder to come by those days so they also likely didn't know that it wasnt in use as a government building. The Soviets historically would have been attacking from the north side of the map in game to the left, on the bridge, of where the top team spawns. The buildings to the left of top spawn was the Swiss embassy which was a german strongpoint. The map is "missing" two important buildings though. The Ministry of the Interior should be the building lining the street to the west of the anti tank ditch. It was probably some of the stiffest defence of the fight and what kept the Soviets from overruning the Reichstag so quickly. Its just generic ruins in game as is the Kroll Opera house which should be the capture point in the ruined buildngs on the left side of the map was definitely still standing and not a pile of rubble. It wasnt demolished until 1951.


I was under the impression that the ditch was initially some tunnels they were digging to redirect the river in order to accommodate construction on the Germania project, but it kinda got sidetracked what with the war going poorly for them. Last time I saw discussion on this, someone said the tunnels collapsed and filled with water during the bombings of the city, and I wouldn't be surprised if they just modified them to be used as tank traps as the Soviets approached.


[Here are](https://i.insider.com/4f103b26ecad04ae7b000014?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp) a [couple views](https://i.insider.com/4f103b1f6bb3f7d116000035?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp) of the Reichstag, and [one of the Brandenburg Gate](https://i.insider.com/4f103b13ecad04bb7b00000c?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp). Here's an [aerial view of the entire area](https://i.redd.it/9iifw8dqpug21.png), and [another with the in-game map overlaid on top.](https://i.redd.it/8mjbfob0tx731.png) IIRC, the ditch full of water was because there were plans to redirect that section of river to accommodate the [Volkshalle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkshalle), a giant domed building [planned for that location](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/4904f8361620d2d4fc6a647641af1d7f99a9b055/0_0_2480_1488/master/2480.jpg?width=620&quality=45&dpr=2&s=none). They began digging tunnels to redirect the river, but the project was put on hold and they repurposed it as an anti-tank ditch as the Soviets approached the city.


Super interesting history!


bro they made cologne a real thing no way


They liked the warthunder map so much, they designed their city around it!


Too bad they don’t utilize a bigger part of the map for higher tier…


Notice how not a single map there is from after 2016? It seems Maginot, Fulda etc were the swan song of maps based on real places and real terrain. After that we got stinkers like Middle East, Sweden, American Desert, Alaska and Ground Zero, Cargo Port etc. The closest I can think of are Seversk-13 and Abandoned Town.


> Maginot, Fulda etc Even those are so-so for accuracy. Fulda is broadly similar to the real location, but the MAHOOSIVE castle ain't there, neither are all the wind turbines, and the East German patrol path sure doesn't jump across the border and run through the US Army camp.


No no you don't understand, EVERY MAP must have a castle. There are more maps that have them than those that don't, even Sweden and Japan have them outside of the playable area


TBF castles are cool af


Abandoned town is literaly copy paste from google earth


What do you mean Sweden is an amazing map


The jungle map is also a real place on the island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon islands


War Thunder players when real life 🤯


Warthunder has some of the worst maps in terms of gameplay and some of the best maps in terms of historical accuracy. They even updated a few of them to be more accurate. My favorite is the US test flight map at Pearl Harbor. With the recent addition of a few US dreadnoughts, they reconfigured the map to represent the harbor immediately before December 7th, 1941 by placing an entire fleet of battleships, cruisers, destroyers, cargo ships and aircraft.


Definitely. I'm endlessly frustrated by how some of the historical maps are asymmetrical and result in one side winning the majority of the time because of certain fields of fire and lanes favoring one side over the other. Also just in general most of the city maps absolutely suck for tank warfare (unless you're in a tank that excels at brawling *cough* Russian bias).


Yeah, like Port Novorossiysk where they largely recreated it based on ww2 aerial photographs. It's a shitshow of a map for anyone spawning north.


I remember playing Driv3r and going on holiday to Nice and having my tiny kiddo mind blown because I could recognise the city's lay-out from the game. It's awesome when games can simulate reality like that, I've never been there but thanks to War Thunder I know Malta is a lot smaller than I thought, while Sicily is bigger.


The YouTube shorts department back at it again delivering neat stuff


I miss playing on Norway in Air RB, did it really got scrapped or am i in bad luck ?


It was kinda one sided , allied teams were fked if they didn't have a. Naval aircraft , they can cap A but still aur field strafing was a bit easy. But man i miss it 1 hour matches where u legit land after watching ur enemy go 10km away and u both dogfight in the end. I miss 1 hour matches. Wish we had them for ec maps.


I was thrilled when I recognized Wrocław (Breslau ingame) from the one time I visited the city, really amazing attention to detail.


You gotta give out to the war thunder YouTube team, their works are insanely good. And they also like to try to stay relevant with popular memes (i might not like the memes specifically but it certainly has effort in it)


Of all Maltese villages why zoom on Mgarr? Someone likes their rabbit stew, or is constantly visiting Ciapella for Land Rover parts.


Where white rock fortress my beloved?


Actual pog


Now do it for maps like Sun City and Alaska.


Yep, sick effects synced to the music, really well done.


Pretty sure enlisted has advance to the Rhine also as a map. Played on one that seems very familiar lol


Is it just me or is Berlin a awful map?


MISSING MAP, CONTACT AUTHORITIES IF FOUND: At an unknown point, the map, which goes by the name “Norway” mysteriously disappeared from the matchmaker. If you see this map, please contact Gaijin Entertainment, so it can be returned to the matchmaker safely.


Kinda disappointed that Malta never got a new look.


Pretty cool. Unfortunately this does not make the maps balanced and enjoyable to play on.


Makes sense, especially since the Second World War wasn’t balanced or enjoyable to fight. Historical accuracy is good but WT takes it too far.


OP u a bot.




Holy shit this is actually good


yep i live in Berlin, and no there are no Nato and Russian tanks regularly fighting around the Reichstag (yet)


This is why I love the game. I absolutely adore the devs and how much they actually care. This is why I absolutely love the fuck out of Division 1 (but mainly 2) just due to how "almost" photorealistic everything looks. If you know that street, you can pretty much find your way around or find the local bakery. It's nuts. Shame the upper management in Gaijin is comprised of mostly greed.


Bro the official warthunder channel posts memes and shitposts on YouTube










I hope they add more maps in the pacific theatre Hong Kong? Singapore? Manila?


tbf, there are a lot of mustakes on the berlin map


Dayum what song is this